Grass head fairy's breaking evil

Chapter 22 The Whereabouts of the Corpse

I found something climbing up the legs of the white horse sculpture opposite.

Brother Wu said, let's go and have a look.We both got out of the car and ran over.Before he ran close, he startled the black shadow.I saw the black shadow "swish" and got into the belly of the white horse.

Brother Wu and I looked at each other, then slowed down and walked over slowly.When I came to the white horse, I lay down on the base and looked up at the horse's belly. There was a gap in the middle of the belly, and the widest part was more than two fingers. It was obviously hollow, otherwise the black shadow wouldn't go inside. drill.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a flashlight." Fifth Brother said regretfully.

"That... I brought it..." As I said that, I took out my knockoff phone, pressed a button on it, and a light bulb on the top of the phone lit up.

"Tsk tsk, your phone is good and has many functions!"

"If you look good, trade your Samsung with me!" Who wouldn't know how to tease!Even though he is my boss, I am familiar with him, and I dare to joke with him.

The fifth brother laughed and said, "My mobile phone was last year, I'll buy you a new one tomorrow!"

"No, I'm just joking. Besides, I'll just answer the phone and send a text message, as long as it's useful." As I spoke, I shone my mobile phone's small flashlight into the gap, "Let's see what's going on inside first. "

It's a pity that the gap is too small, even if you know there is something in it, you can't see it.The two of us put our heads up and studied there for a long time, but we didn't see what was going on inside.

"Okay, let's go back." Fifth Brother stood up first, "Just tell the traffic-police team and let them change to another town."

Indeed, even if there is nothing in the horse's belly, it should be replaced just by washing that pile of filth.

We both gave up and continued our research and drove away.

A few days later, Fifth Brother learned the news from there.The horse's belly was filled with rats, and the black shadow we saw that night was a big rat.In addition, because the base of the sculpture is more than one meter high, many pedestrians would run to the side facing the street when they are in a hurry.No matter how brilliant something is, it will lose its effect if it is washed by such filth.

It is estimated that the sculpture will be dismantled soon, and after it is cleaned up, an expert will be asked to look at it again, and then something will be erected.

Brother Wu said that the traffic policeman who contacted him asked him a question—why not get rid of all the ghosts on the street?

I also wanted to know the answer, so I asked him how he answered.

He said: After death, the soul leaves the body and becomes a ghost.Ghosts have their own world, but some ghosts are unwilling to leave the human world for some reason. As long as they do not harm people, they should not be deprived of their right to exist.

I thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Both Brother Wu and I's parents passed away early, and when I think of my parents having turned into ghosts and wandering somewhere, I feel very sad in my heart.

Comparing your heart to your heart, how can you get rid of the souls of other people's relatives just because of your own self-interest?


That evening, just after we finished our meal, Fifth Brother received a call, and then he took me out in a hurry.We rushed to the river, and saw from a long distance ahead that the police had cordoned off.

Fifth Brother stopped the car, took out his phone and called back. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.After a while, a policeman came over and asked us who Wei Qingfeng was, Fifth Brother said he was.The policeman asked him to follow him.

Brother Wu asked me to stay in the car and wait for his call, and then followed the policeman.

I stayed in the car and looked out. Although I couldn't see anything, there were a lot of onlookers, and their chatting words quickly reached my ears.

The general meaning is-someone killed someone and threw the body into the river.Now the murderer was arrested and confessed, but he sent people down to salvage several times but did not find the body.

I thought about it for a while, and felt that they must have come here to find the corpse.How can Brother Wu help?

It was getting dark quickly, and when I was bored waiting, the phone rang suddenly, I picked it up and saw that it was Brother Wu calling, and quickly pressed to answer.

"Little Kai, come here."

Seeing Brother Wu let me go, I quickly got out of the car and walked over.Just as the policeman guarding the cordon was about to stop me, the policeman who was looking for us in the distance shouted at me: "This way!" I waved to him, looked at the one beside me, and saw him Nodding my head, I got into the cordon and walked towards Fifth Brother.

"I'm going to summon the soul in a while, and then I'll ask the soul where his body is." He paused, looked at me and said, "It might be scary, don't be afraid when the time comes, I'll let you know in advance."

"It's okay, which ghost we met before is not scary? I'm used to it."

He nodded and said: "The crowd is still there. We can't do this in public, so we will do it in the car later. You are responsible for checking whether there are people around. If unrelated people are bumped into, it will not be good. .”

I nodded.Ordinary people will have a mild fever when they see ghosts. If they become unconscious and frighten their souls out, they will be in trouble.Besides, this is for the police, so you have to pay attention to the impact, so you must hide it.

After approval from above, we went to a police car.The rear half of the police car is used to pull prisoners. There are benches on both sides of the car, and the middle is quite spacious.

I looked around to see if anyone was following me, while Fifth Brother started to prepare for the summoning of the soul.

The last time he invited Zhang Xin to come, he drew a soul-calling talisman in advance.But today, we didn't know about it before we came, so we didn't prepare for it. Fifth brother had no choice but to let them ask for a piece of white paper and draw a temporary talisman.

I didn't bring pen, ink, paper and inkstone, danzhu, or seal, so the only way was to draw amulets with essence and blood.

Brother Wu slashed the middle finger of his right hand on the blade of the Shenlong cone on the back of his waist, blood was immediately seen.With the help of the blood that flowed out, he chanted words while drawing symbols on the paper.

After drawing, he breathed a sigh of relief, and put the middle finger in his mouth.


Although I knew he was doing it to stop the bleeding, it made me feel funny when he did this.How should I put it, I feel like I'm being cute...

Pfft - I couldn't help laughing on such a serious occasion.

He smiled suddenly when he saw me, and looked up at me puzzled.Those eyes, coupled with the movement of holding fingers, are even more cute, and I can't help laughing even more.

He blinked his eyes, and asked seriously: "What's funny, tell me, and I will follow Lele."

can not say!I forced myself to hold back my smile, and pretended to be casual and said, "It's nothing, really, let's get started."

He took a deep look at me, said nothing, and began to prepare for the soul call.

The procedure was the same as the last summoning, after the fifth brother finished chanting the incantation, he shouted: "Xu Fei, come quickly!"

The carriage was quiet, and I was a little nervous. I didn't know where the ghost would suddenly appear, and I didn't know what he looked like, whether it was extremely scary.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, no ghosts came.

My fifth brother and I looked at each other, and fifth brother said: "I will recruit again, look outside, is he standing outside the car?"

I nodded and began to pay attention to any movement inside and outside the car.

Fifth Brother chanted the mantra again to call out the soul, but still no soul came.

"Is it trapped in the body?" I asked him.

Fifth Brother shook his head and said, "If he is trapped, even if he doesn't come, there will still be a reaction on the talisman, but this talisman has no response at all."

If there is no response from the paper talisman, it means that there is no contact.

Fifth Brother thought for a while, took out his phone and called the policeman, and asked him how long this person had been dead, and the answer he got was——almost two months since he died.

After the fifth brother hung up the phone, he sighed and said, "No wonder he couldn't be recruited. It would be fine if he stayed in the yang world, but if he couldn't be contacted, he must have gone to the underworld. Maybe he was reincarnated."

After a person dies, the first seven will return home, and before Qiqi will go to the underworld to report.Unless you are unwilling or unable to leave the yang world, you will go to the underworld.

"Then what should I do?" In my impression, there is no job that the fifth brother takes over that can't be done.Especially this time, I don't want him to miss it, because we are not doing things for ordinary people.

"It's okay, I have a solution!"

Hearing that he has a way, I am secretly happy.As expected of Fifth Brother, nothing can trouble him!

Fifth Brother's right middle finger had already stopped bleeding, but he lightly bit the wound and squeezed the blood out again.

"Fifth brother, you are..."

"Shhh—" He gestured for me to keep quiet, so I had to shut up obediently.

He drew a soul-calling talisman again, and after reciting the incantation, he shouted: "Zhang Xin, come quickly!"

Just as I was about to say "Fifth Brother, did you call the wrong name", I felt the temperature drop suddenly, and then Zhang Xin suddenly appeared beside me holding her black cat.

I was startled by her, and I jumped up, hitting my head because of it. "Ah—it hurts!"

Zhang Xin smiled lightly and said in a low voice, "Scared you? I didn't mean it."

Fifth Brother also smiled and said to me, "Come and sit by my side."

After all, it was a bit cold to be too close to the ghost, so I sat next to Fifth Brother.

Brother Wu said to Zhang Xin: "Xiao Zhang, I want to ask you for a favor."

Zhang Xin nodded in agreement and asked him what was the matter.

"Go down there and find someone for me." Fifth Brother told her about the situation of the deceased one by one.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Zhang Xin readily agreed.

"Well, go, I will guide you and make sure you can come back."

As soon as Zhang Xin turned around, he disappeared.

Seeing that Zhang Xin was gone, the fifth brother told me that he would always keep in touch with Zhang Xin, so he would consume more energy, and told me to pay attention to the movement outside so that no one would disturb him.

I nodded in agreement, pulled myself together, and paid attention to the movement around me.

Brother Wu's eyes were closed tightly, his right hand was held in front of his chest, and the talisman between his fingers was always shining slightly, maintaining the connection with Zhang Xin, and his forehead was already sweating.Soon, the sweat trickled down his cheeks one by one like beads, gathered and dripped down his chin.As time went by, his sweat dripped more and more, his face began to turn pale, and even his lips gradually lost their color. I couldn't help but worry.

But I could only sit quietly, not even daring to wipe off his sweat, for fear of disturbing him.At this time, he was concentrating on manipulating the Dao Talisman. If he was influenced by the outside world, he didn't know what would happen.

Finally, he opened his eyes suddenly, and said softly, "Zhang Xin, hurry back!"

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