It started raining in the middle of the night and didn't stop until morning.

Originally, Fifth Brother planned to go to the grave in the morning, but he had to wait outside until the rain stopped.Fortunately, the rain stopped in the afternoon, so we went to the Wei family's cemetery immediately.

The Wei family's cemetery is in a small mountain depression, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, it is probably a place with good Fengshui.Fifth brother's business is going smoothly, not only because of his own luck, but also because of his ancestral grave.

The ancestral graves of each family are arranged down one level at a time, and the seniority is important, so those with lower seniority must be below the slope, and the graves cannot be higher than those of the ancestors.

The Wei family's cemetery is well-organized, except for a few weeds, there is basically no need to clean it up.Seeing Brother Wu weeding weeds proficiently, one can imagine that he would do this every year when he came back to worship his ancestors.

After cleaning up the weeds, the fifth brother respectfully offered incense and burning paper to his ancestors.

I had nothing to do, so I looked around.When I saw the top of the mountain to the north, I found a large piece of thin black smoke there, and my first reaction was that it was on fire!

"Fifth brother, it seems to be on fire in the north, and there is black smoke!" I hurriedly told the situation to fifth brother, thinking that it was unclear who burned the paper when he went to the grave and caused the fire.

Fifth Brother was taken aback, and asked back, "How could there be a fire if it has been raining for the past few days?"

Yes!I was also a little puzzled, and I looked over there again, and the black air was still there.

Fifth Brother's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Give me the talisman paper!"

I immediately handed him the messenger bag I was carrying, and he took out a paper talisman from it and opened his eyes, then looked in the direction I pointed.

"Not good!" He exclaimed, "That's black mist, it's probably because some evil spirit has appeared!"

"Then... what should I do?" I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to us in the last grave.

He looked through his messenger bag, touched the Shenlong cone on his back, and said: "The things we brought are probably enough. If we come tomorrow, the things may not be here, so I decided to go and have a look. If it is evil Just get rid of it."

"I listen to you." I immediately expressed my attitude.

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Look at this black mist, I guess this thing is not simple..."

I know that he is afraid that something will happen to me, I just had an accident not long ago, it's not been a few days, and I'm very unlucky, maybe something will happen again.

"Let's take a look first, and withdraw if it doesn't work." I suggested this to dispel his worries.

He nodded and said: "Okay, let's go and have a look first!" Then, he glanced at Hu Changhe and said sincerely to it: "Xiao Kai will leave it to you, if there is any danger, you should take him away first! "

Hu Changhe raised his eyelids and glanced at him. Although he didn't speak, his ears moved slightly, which probably meant he agreed.

Brother Wu broke off a thick wicker from a big willow tree nearby and handed it to me, saying that it was for me just in case, if it was a ghost, I would hold it to make the ghost dare not forward.

After everything was ready, my fifth brother and I climbed to the north hillside.

The hillside is neither high nor steep, and there are many trees. Although the ground is wet and slippery, it is smooth to walk forward while holding the tree trunks.

After finally reaching the top of the mountain, I looked forward and saw that this side of the mountain was still a mountain, but there was a small bag of soil between the two mountains.It is said that it is a small soil bag, but it is not small compared with the big mountain, it looks like a small mountain.The vegetation on the hill is not considered dense, except for a few sparse trees, there is a large open space with weeds.

The black mist we saw before hangs over this hill.The hill is lower than the hill where we are. We can see a little bit of the grave when we go up the hillside. If we are at the foot of the hill, we can’t see it.

Since there is black mist, there must be something evil on the hill... The two of us looked around, our eyes constantly searching the hill.

Suddenly, we found a dark shadow flashing past in a bush, and then heard an animal scream.

My fifth brother and I looked at each other, and my fifth brother said: "Go, go and have a look!"

The two of us walked lightly towards the hill.The closer I get to my destination, the more nervous I get.I don't know if the scream came from the thing or from the animal it attacked.If it's the former, it means it's a wild fairy, and it's an evil fairy; if it's the latter, it means it preys on living things, and it's very likely to attack humans.

In short, no matter which one it is, it means that this thing is not easy to deal with!

We walked along the route we saw just now, and saw a bush shaking slightly from a distance, no doubt there was something moving inside.

Fifth Brother asked me to take two steps back, then he held the Shenlong Cone in his hand, and shouted at the grass: "What is it? Come out!"

There was a rustling sound in the grass, and then a human-like thing stood up, holding a bloody thing in its hand.

After seeing what that thing looked like, I couldn't help but let out a low cry, took a step back, and almost fell down.

Oh My God!What is that? It's scary!

The shape of that thing is similar to that of a human being, without hair, the skin of the whole body is dark, skinny and skinny.Its face is even more terrifying!There are yellow eyeballs in a pair of eyes, there are only two small holes in the nose, no lips, and two rows of yellow teeth are exposed... At this time, it is holding a small roe deer and gnawing at random, the corners of its mouth and teeth It's full of blood...

It turned out that the scream just now came from this roe, and within a short while, the roe's head was gone...

Looking at the black thing, my palms broke out in cold sweat.I've been following Brother Wu for almost a year, and I've never seen this kind of thing, obviously it's neither an animal nor a ghost.

"Fifth brother, what is this?" I asked in a low voice, afraid of being surprised by it.

Fifth Brother replied in a low voice: "It's the first time I've seen it too, but I guess it's a living corpse..."

Living, living corpse?Just hearing the name can scare people to pee!

"Xiao Kai, we are in big trouble..." His expression became serious, "Run back immediately, I'll stay and deal with it!"

"What about you?" I heard that his tone was wrong, and asked quickly.

"Leave me alone, or neither of us will be able to run away!" He looked back at me, although his tone was harsh, but his eyes were complicated, "Be obedient, run back quickly!"

"Listen to him, let's go!" Hu Changhe had already stood up, and at this moment he agreed with Fifth Brother to urge me to go quickly.

I hesitated for a moment, but turned around and ran back.I think I'm probably going to be a burden if I stay, so why don't I just run away so that Fifth Brother doesn't have to worry about me and can concentrate all his energy on dealing with that damn thing.

But I didn't expect that as soon as I left, the living corpse would throw the things in its hand and chase after me.Fifth Brother stopped it behind me and fought it instantly.

I stopped, wanting to go up and help, but couldn't.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go!" Hu Changhe urged.

But I can't just leave Fifth Brother alone...

"You can't help, that thing is very powerful!" Hu Changhe said again.

I knew I was useless and couldn't help, but when I heard that it was powerful, I became even more worried about Fifth Brother's safety.

Fifth Brother's Shenlong Awl was really sharp, it cut the ghost with wounds all over his body, and the black liquid kept dripping out.However, the living corpse was not affected at all, and it grabbed Brother Wu without saying a word, and tried to chase me in my direction.

I suddenly understood that it was interested in me!Could it be that my meat smells delicious?

What can I do, even if I run far away, this thing will still chase me in my direction.You know, if I go back the same way, and Fifth Brother misses it and doesn't stop it, letting it chase to the other side of the mountain, those people who go up the mountain to burn paper will be in danger!

"Hurry up!" Hu Changhe growled.

The more it urges me, the more I feel something is wrong...

Fifth Brother fought hard with the living corpse, and he didn't know how the corpse was so dexterous.Just as I was sweating for Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother seized the opportunity and chopped off the living corpse's left hand with one knife.Before I had time to be happy for him, I saw that living corpse directly poked Fifth Brother's heart with the rest of his wrist.The fifth brother was caught off guard, and was pushed back several steps and fell down.

Fifth Brother sat on the ground clutching his chest, seemingly unable to move for a moment.Seeing that the living corpse was about to pounce on him, I immediately yelled at the living corpse: "Damn it, I'm here!"

I don't know whether it was heard or sensed by that thing, Huang Chengcheng's eyeballs slowly turned to my side, and then slowly turned around.I waved at him and ran away.

I couldn't go back the same way, so I ran directly down the slope of the small hill.As I was running, I looked back at the behavior of the living corpse, and thought anxiously: Come and chase me, come and chase me!As long as it comes to chase me, the fifth brother can take a breather.I'm sure he'll figure out a way to save me!

"You're courting death!" Hu Changhe patted the back of my head with his paw angrily.

But I can't just watch Fifth Brother get hurt by this living corpse!

"Run, that thing is catching up!" Hu Changhe turned his back directly, making preparations for defense.

God bless, don't let me be eaten alive by that thing!

I ran as hard as I could, but my foot slipped and I fell straight forward.After rolling a few times, I got up and continued running regardless of the pain.

"You go first!" After Hu Changhe dropped these words, he jumped off my shoulder.

I looked back, and sure enough the living corpse was right in front of me. Hu Changhe turned into a human and stopped it.

Looking at Hu Changhe's back, I felt very guilty.Every time I was wayward, it silently accommodated me.In order to save Brother Wu but put it in danger, this is not what I want to see.They are both very important to me and I don't want anything to happen to either of them.

"Hurry up!" Hu Changhe yelled at me while scratching the thing with his sharp nails.

I know I'm useless and basically can't do anything but run away.But now, I suddenly don't want to run away. If Hu Changhe sacrificed himself in exchange for me living a few more months, I would rather choose to stay.It has been protecting me for more than 20 years, especially in the past year, it has saved me many times, and even got injured because of it.In fact, it doesn't have to work so hard. When winter comes, its agreement with my family will expire.At that time, it can return to its hometown and do what it wants to do.If an accident happens here, how can I bear it...

"Hu Changhe, leave me alone, I'm self-willed, you go!" I suddenly wasn't so scared, and spoke my mind to it.

While resisting the monster's attack, it yelled at me: "Why are you so stupid? Don't you run away and wait to be eaten?"

"I can't leave you alone..." As I said that, my nose became sour, and my eye sockets became moist instantly.

It snorted coldly and said, "Who cares about you! Do you think I will die here?"


I didn't think so, but I'm afraid it's the result.

At this time, it suddenly jumped up and kicked the living corpse's face.After kicking the living corpse to the ground, it jumped to my side, pulled up my collar, shouted "go", and ran forward with me.

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