The sky is getting darker and gloomy, and it is estimated that another rain is coming.

Hu Changhe pulled me to continue running forward, but the footsteps behind me didn't stop.The thing didn't say a word whether it was hurt or angry, and I don't know if it was because it couldn't make a sound.It has been following me, so persistent that I suspect that I am an existence like Tang Sanzang, otherwise it cannot explain its "preference" for me.

I don't know what happened to Fifth Brother. After being hit by the monster, he kept clutching his chest, wondering if he was seriously injured.If he is seriously injured and cannot come to save me, then I will be in danger...

Sporadic raindrops fell, and it seemed that heavy rain was coming.

Even though I was dragged away by Hu Changhe, I still couldn't escape the monster chasing us.Seeing the footsteps getting closer, Hu Changhe suddenly shouted "You go first!" and pushed me forward.

I staggered forward and fell over, which made me dizzy for a while.I staggered up, and just about to stand still, suddenly felt that my feet were empty, and my whole body began to fall!

In a panic, I grabbed the side subconsciously, but I caught the weeds on the ground, and my body stopped falling and hung in mid-air.

What bad luck, I fell into a very deep cave!The cave is very narrow and will be able to accommodate one person. At this time, my head and arms are exposed, because I grabbed the weeds next to the entrance of the cave and kept falling.I tried to climb up, but the narrow hole couldn't bend my knees at all, and I couldn't go up at all unless someone pulled me up.

I wanted to call Hu Changhe to help me, but when I saw that it was struggling with that monster, it shut its mouth.If I call it, it will definitely come, but as long as it turns around, the monster will definitely hurt it.

This is how to do……

When I was anxious, I saw a figure on Shangpo Mountain walking towards us from a distance.It's Fifth Brother!I recognized him right away, and I suddenly became more confident.He put his palms in front of his abdomen, palms facing each other, and walked forward while clapping... I've seen this movement before, he wanted to invite Master Bog to his upper body.Although this move is costly, at this moment, it seems that there is only one way, because we are not the opponent of that monster.

Now that Fifth Brother is here, let me hold on for a while!Thinking of this, I grabbed the two handfuls of weeds tightly.

The raindrops became denser and denser, and then with a "wow", heavy rain came.

My vision was instantly blurred, because I was holding something with my hands, and I could only let the rain spread on my face.It was almost evening, but at this time, due to the thick cloud cover, the visibility was reduced a lot.

Hu Changhe is still entangled with the living corpse, it turned around and saw my situation, tried to save me several times but couldn't escape, and the fifth brother has not yet invited the second master python...

After dark, ghostly things will wander around, and without Hu Changhe by my side, the jade pendant will no longer work, so I'm afraid it will attract many such things...

The rain poured on my head, and the accumulated water on the ground flowed down the cave, so that my clothes were soaked, and the rain in early spring almost froze me to death...

The grass on the ground was already wet and slippery, and now it was drenched by rain, and it was even more difficult to grasp...

The right time, the right place, and the right people, I don't fucking take any of them!

I can only keep praying in my heart, whether it's Fifth Brother or Hu Immortal, come over and help me, I can't hold on any longer!

"Crack, crack, crack..." The blades of grass broke off one after another, and I didn't have time to grab anything else, and fell down in an instant!

I don't know where such a deep hole came from. Although it was small, it was extremely wet and slippery when I was drenched by rain.

Just when I was about to despair, the sleeves on my hands tightened suddenly, and my body stopped falling.When I looked up, Hu Changhe had returned to his original shape, propping his limbs on the cave wall, biting my sleeve with his mouth.

The little fox in front of me is so petite, but it just stopped me from sliding down!

In order to reduce its burden, I quickly propped my limbs to the sides, then raised my head and said to it: "Thank God you came to save me, otherwise I don't know where I will fall!"

It glared at me, and because it bit my sleeve and couldn't speak, it just snorted softly.

Since it has time to come to rescue me, does it mean that Brother Wu asked Xian Chenggong to deal with that monster?

"Have you left that thing to Fifth Brother to clean up?" I asked Hu Changhe.

It made a "hmm" as an answer.

If this is the case, then I can only wait for him to clean up the ghost things before coming to save me... As I was thinking this way, I suddenly felt that the only light at the entrance of the cave was blocked. When I looked up, I saw a pair of Huang Chengcheng in the dark His eyeballs are looking straight at me!

I go!That living corpse was lying on the edge of the cave and looking at me!Where is Fifth Brother?Where did brother five go?

Just when I was worried about Fifth Brother's safety, I saw the living corpse was suddenly grabbed by the back of the neck by a big hand, then lifted up completely, and disappeared from the entrance of the cave.

That hand belongs to Fifth Brother!Oh no, it can be said that Second Master Mang borrowed Fifth Brother's hand to clean up that damn thing!

With Second Master Mang here, we will definitely be saved!

The cave wall was too slippery, I tried my best with Hu Changhe's help to support myself from falling.Hu Changhe's posture is also very weak. At this time, the fur on its forehead is already wrinkled, and it is estimated that it is going to be exhausted like me. If Brother Wu doesn't help, we may continue to fall down.

Fortunately, the rain was a shower and passed quickly, otherwise our situation would have been worse.

I don't know how long it took before a figure finally appeared at the entrance of the cave and shouted, "Xiao Kai!"

"Fifth Brother..." I was really out of strength, and my voice was so low that I could barely hear myself.

"Keep on, I'll save you right away!" He said as he took off his coat, then took off his shirt and tore it into strips.

When the end of the rope was hanging in front of my eyes, Hu Changhe said, "I'm pulling you, and you wrap the rope around your wrist!"

I did as I said, and after wrapping up the rope, Hu Changhe climbed out first, and then Fifth Brother pulled me up from the entrance of the cave.I knew that I must be extremely heavy at this time, and my body would rub against the cave wall from time to time, making it even more difficult for Fifth Brother to save me, but he still gritted his teeth and dragged me up bit by bit.

When he finally reached the entrance of the cave, he grabbed mine with one hand and lifted me up with all his might.Before I could stand still, I was embraced by him, and his deep voice sounded in my ears: "Are you okay? I'm scared to death by you!"

"I'm fine..." I stiffened my body and let him hold me. I didn't know where to put my hands, so I patted his back for fear, and said, "I knew you would come to save me, otherwise I don't know where I'm going to fall." went."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, let go of me and said again and again: "It's fine as long as it's fine..."

Seeing that he was shirtless, I quickly picked up the coat on the ground, wrung out the water and handed it to him.While he was getting dressed, I looked around, searching for signs of the monster, only to see black stumps on the ground nearby.

This is really the style of Master Python!From the first time I saw it, I knew that it likes to tear its opponents into pieces... Now, this living corpse has become a dismembered corpse. The head, limbs, and torso are all separated, and black liquid is everywhere.

Brother Wu squatted next to the hole I fell into just now and watched carefully. I leaned closer and asked him: "What kind of animal can dig such a deep hole? It's amazing!"

He pondered for a moment and said, "It should be a human being."

"People?" I was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized, "People dug it, you mean this is a stolen hole?"

"Well, it can't be wrong." Fifth Brother nodded, and continued: "The walls of the cave have been tamped down, and only people would do this for the convenience of getting in and out. Moreover, the tools used are obviously small shovels."

I didn't bother to pay attention to these things when I was inside, so I poked my head and looked, right? There are a lot of marks made by shovels on the cave wall.

"Then..." I glanced at the corpse not far away, and said what I was thinking: "Did that thing come out of it?"

Fifth Brother nodded again and said, "Other than that, I can't explain where it came from."

It turned out that there was an ancient tomb hidden in this small hill. I don’t know which wicked tomb robber found it and dug a hole, and then the ghost inside ran out for some reason, and I don’t know if the tomb robber was dead or not. Live, I guess if you have already descended into it, [-]% of you will not be able to live.

I asked him, "How do we handle this?"

He stood up and said, "Let's go home. Just make an anonymous phone call tomorrow and tell the relevant units that there is a cave that is suspected to be a robbery cave."

I pointed to the corpses again and asked what to do with those things.

Brother Wu said, "It doesn't matter. Outsiders can see that they were dragged out by wild beasts and torn apart."

Well, it was indeed torn to shreds by wild beasts... Second Master Bog was so scary when he got on his body!

The two of them were drenched by the rain, and it was completely dark at this time, and it was unbearably cold when the night wind blew.Brother Wu was in pain all over his body just after asking God. Although my limbs were sore, I still pretended to be fine and walked over to help him.

He smiled and said, "It's up to you from now on!"

I know he was joking, but the facts at the moment are indeed as he said: he has just finished asking God, his body is almost hollowed out, and he is still in pain, and the aging of his eyes is almost expired, so I am the weaker person in comparison Words are slightly better.

"Don't worry, I will protect you even if I risk my life!" As I said, I put his arm on my shoulder, then wrapped one hand around his waist, and helped him to walk forward.

After listening to my words, he put his arms around my shoulders and said, "It's enough to have you... It's not in vain to hurt you!"


Originally, when he said the first half of the sentence, I was still a little blushing, and felt that it was embarrassing to say these things based on the life-threatening friendship between the two of us, but he inexplicably added the last sentence... still hurts me, saying that he is like an elder, Really speechless.

Brother Wu said that it was too strenuous to walk back uphill and downhill, so we walked directly down the hill, and at the foot of the mountain, we walked south along the road, and we could still get home.So, I helped Brother Wu to walk down the mountain.

It is estimated that the rain in the clouds has finally almost finished. At this time, the clouds slowly dispersed and the moonlight shone down, which made it much easier for us to travel at night.

When passing by a small forest, we suddenly found a lot of blood and animal remains on the ground. The death of each animal was extremely miserable, basically in pieces.No need to guess, it was the monster that caused this situation.It has killed so many animals, if it encounters humans, it will definitely pounce on it.

"Fifth brother, why does that thing have to follow me, but is not interested in you?" I suddenly thought of this, so I asked him.

He smiled and replied: "Because you can see that the skin is tender and the meat tastes good!"

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll leave you and go back!" I pretended to be angry.

"Can you find your way?" He continued to laugh.


I really can't find it!It doesn't look like he has lived here since he was a child, so he is very familiar with it.

"The reason why it is chasing you is probably because of the smell on your body or the magnetic field that attracted it... I don't know exactly what happened."

Forget it, as Fifth Brother said, this is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing, so he doesn't know much more than me.Moreover, since it has been removed, there is no need to think about it.

The two of us were walking when we suddenly heard noises in the grass by the side of the road, so we immediately stopped and listened.


It is similar to the coughing sound of human beings, and it makes people's hairs stand on end in the silent mountain forest at night...

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