no worldly appeal

Chapter 75, Say something

It seemed that the moment Gojo Satoru opened his mouth, the matter was settled like this.

Even if the director has some other ideas, but he can't find a second supervisor, how can he implement this idea?

This made Kusano Huali sigh helplessly.

It wasn't until everyone else had left that she lay on the fence of the half-removed glass box and said regretfully, "What a pity, I thought there were others."

The chains on her feet swayed with her movements, as if they were matching her words.

"Hey, did you make Huali so unhappy with me?" Gojo Satoru, who was squatting halfway, complained, "I did say good things to you! Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, it's too much—"

"That's it." Kusano Huali looked down at Gojo Satoru, "Anyway, I don't understand why they keep obstructing me."

She said, "Obviously, everyone knows that, as long as the number of super-level spell spirits stabilizes, basically there will be a lot less new spell spirits."

Super magic spirits can actively absorb the overflowing magic power of the surrounding humans, which is why most of them can repair themselves.

And after the number of super magic spirits is kept within a certain range, it can also reach a balance with the existence in the dark.

Although it is not possible to tie with Gojo Satoru, but the sum is actually almost the same.

I really don't know why those guys are hesitating about this kind of thing... The mantra of desire and desire diffused in the meeting room is more filthy than all the previous ones combined.It's disgusting.

"Ah, this." Wujo Satoru's voice was slightly smiling, "Insatiable greed, endless greed. I planned to kill them all."

"But you have a point," he said.

Kusano Huali just gave him a proposal to ask real people to renew the souls of these high-level officials.

On the basis of not increasing the lifespan of the soul, it is still possible to make their bodies a little younger.

Since you want to give instructions to the first-line conjurers, why don't you go and shine in the last days yourself - roughly this line of thinking.

Gojo Satoru thinks this is very good.Since those people like to use the banner of justice, why not practice it yourself!

Leaving this aside, he fiddled with the lock with his fingertips, as if studying the structure, "Speaking of which, you agree with that?"

This sentence has no beginning and no end, which makes Kuano Huali a little confused.

"What?" She didn't respond.

Gojo Satoru knocked on the chain, and the tremor spread from the place where he knocked to the place where Huali Kusano was handcuffed, bringing a numb and crisp cold feeling.

"There's no need for them to lock it up." He said casually, "After all, it's useless even if it's locked up."

With him around, there is no need for such a thing, even the director will understand.

Compared with the meaning of "safety measures", he felt that it was a meaningless humiliation.

"I'm too lazy to dawdle." Kusano Huali looked sideways at him, "And the little girl who chained me looks very nervous."

In fact, it looks like a girl who has been working for a long time.But that cheerful and lively demeanor is always somewhat similar to that person in memory.

She smiled, as if she was a little sad because she thought of her sister.

Immediately afterwards, this sense of loss was immediately dispelled by Gojo Satoru.

He fiddled with the chain left and right, not only did he not untie it, but also... tied a bow with the already short chain.

"Wow." Gojo Satoru gave himself a thumbs up, "Isn't it very delicate!"

Kusano Huali: "I'll use your blindfold to tie a bow around your neck, what do you think?"

She moved her ankles, trying to shake off Gojo Satoru's troublesome hand, "You don't need to untie it for me, I can do it myself."

In the next second, Kusano Huali's calf was firmly held down.

Gojo Satoru's slightly cold fingertips touched the place where her skin and the chain intersected, and tapped slightly inward.

After almost a crisp sound, the chain became two halves.

Kusano Huali silently put another chain tied with a bow in front of him.

Then, Gojo Satoru pulled the bow and shook it.

"It's so beautiful." He looked around, "I don't really want to dismantle it. Speaking of which, is there someone else you want to meet later?"

"You ask me, and I don't know. I never said who else is there before." Kusano Huali said expressionlessly.

She kicked her legs, "Damn it, let me go!"

So, when Ango Sakaguchi was led to the conference room, he found that his next target was holding his breath and tug-of-war with another suspicious white-haired youth.

The tool is a... chain with a bow.

Ango Sakaguchi had never seen such a scene before.Apparently, he hadn't seen the nunnery girl beside him either.

Ange Ji, who was in charge of the meeting, almost suppressed her anger and apologized to Ango Sakaguchi next to her, before walking aggressively to Gojo Satoru.

"Gojo, bastard, what the hell are you doing?" She asked with a suppressed voice, "Mr. Sakaguchi from Yokohama is here!"

"Yo, it's a singer." Gojo Satoru naturally pulled the chain on Kusano Huali's feet to show, "Look at the bow I tied, isn't it pretty?"

"Huh?" An Geji said in disbelief, her voice amplified a little, "How can you mess around!"

Actually doing this at this point in time!

"Probably he doesn't even know about it." Kusano Huali, who couldn't touch Gojo Satoru at all, and therefore didn't regain the freedom of his calf, was already numb. "Please untie this quickly, Mr. Gojo."

Angeji gave Kusano Huali a sympathetic look.

She reached out to grab the chain to help untie it, but Gojo Satoru avoided it.

"Hey, do I have such a bad reputation on your side?" Gojo Satoru, who had dodged a bit, sighed, "It really makes me sad."

He briefly touched the bow before standing up on his knees.

This time the bow didn't unravel, but it fell off in its entirety, breaking away from the chain behind it.

The ring lock that clasped Kusano Huali's ankle also fell off and broke into two halves.

Grabbing the "exquisite" bow and stuffing it into his pocket, Gojo Satoru looked at Ango Sakaguchi, "Ah, then this is—"

The nunnery girl next to him lowered her voice, "Sakaguchi..."

"Yes, my name is Ango Sakaguchi." Ango Sakaguchi, who had roughly understood, answered the conversation, and said very politely, "I am a matchmaker sent by Yokohama."

He said, "As an employee of the port mafia, Mr. Gojo will take care of the next thing. The leader hopes to maintain the status quo in Yokohama."

Ango Sakaguchi, currently working in port mafia, is responsible for things and positions unknown.

This polite, neat and decent young man wears round-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose and is dressed in a formal suit. He probably just got off the plane, and his face still looks tired.

Gojo Satoru didn't speak, but stared at Ango Sakaguchi thoughtfully.

"That's right," he said.

"This is what we should do." Seeing that Gojo Satoru didn't respond politely in a timely manner, An Geji had to smooth things over for him, "Please don't be polite."

She coughed, "The one next to me is Miss Kusano, whom I just introduced to you."

"Kasano Huali." Kusano Huali took the initiative to extend his hand towards Ango Sakaguchi, "Super humanoid curse spirit, very happy to meet you."

She was also a little curious about this person.

To be honest, she could feel the fluctuation of mana and some kind of strong appeal from the other party.

However, probably because of Yokohama's barrier, the fluctuations seem to be separated by something.

Ango Sakaguchi paused for a moment before taking the hand that Hana Kusano handed over.

The moment one person and one curse spirit came into contact, the curse power around Kusano Huali's body fluctuated suddenly.

She subconsciously withdrew her hand, looked at her own hand, and then at Ango Sakaguchi opposite, with a look of surprise.

Gojo Satoru pressed Kusano Huali's shoulder with one hand, and patted comfortingly, "What's the matter, Huali?"

He glanced at Ango Sakaguchi, even though he was wearing a blindfold, he could see a kind of extreme sharpness, but his tone was lazy, "Don't worry."

Sakaguchi Ango subconsciously avoided Gojo Satoru's gaze.

He also looked at his hands, then at Kuano Huali, "You..."

His supernatural ability is actually effective on the curse spirit in front of him—isn't she a curse spirit!

There were bursts of pain in the brain, and the amount of information suddenly squeezed in was almost comparable to the sum of the past ten years. He raised his hand to wipe the sweat, but still felt dizzy.

Kusano Huali is also in a complicated mood.

She looked at Gojo Satoru, and then at An Ge Ji, wondering if they knew something about the hidden identity of the person in front of her.

"Reviving the government", "preserving oneself safely", and "delivering information", these three desires exploded in Kusano Hana's mind the moment she met Ango Sakaguchi, which is enough to show that the gentle and honest person on the opposite side treats this How longing it is.

Not only is he a secret employee of the government, but he is also an undercover agent of another organization. In addition to his identity, the employee of the port mafia, he is actually a triple agent...

She had a premonition, for example, that this trip to Yokohama might be "wonderful".

Kusano Huali: Ah, terrible humans.

She covered her forehead with a headache, "I have something to go out first, you can talk."

Now that they are super-level curse spirits, she doesn't want to get involved in the inexplicable entanglements between human beings at all.

Gojo Satoru waved his hand, as if dismissing a dog, "Go, go."

He put one hand in his pocket, "I'm going to buy desserts too, there will be a limited amount to be ordered later."

Um diva?

"You two." She said in disbelief, "They're all gone, who will listen to the relevant information?" She tried her best to bring them here, but now she is going to send them back to the hotel?

"Just read the report. After all, since the sooner the better, then I will go tomorrow." Gojo Satoru said lazily, "Goodbye, Diva."

Kusano Huali silently learned from Gojo Satoru who was messing around, and waved to An Ge Ji, "Goodbye, Miss Diva."

Her figure also quickly disappeared behind the door.

So, only Ango Sakaguchi and Ange Ji were left in the room looking at each other.

"That." An Geji said, "I'll take you back."

Ango Sakaguchi: "Okay."

This kind of behavior is really familiar.


When Cao Yehuali slipped out, she found that someone was already waiting at the appointed location.

Wearing a college uniform, the red hat droops behind the collar, and her black pink hair is also very eye-catching in the crowd.

Knotweed Yuhito waved happily at Kusano Huali, "Here, here!"

Kusano Huali quickened her pace, and just when she stopped, she was stuffed with an ice cream.

She glanced at the vanilla ice cream in her hand, "Huh?"

"The ice cream truck just passed by, so I bought it without holding back." Knotabagi Yuhito said happily, "The second one is half price!"

He said, "I haven't tried this restaurant yet, let's try it together."

Caoye Huali took a sip, "It's quite delicious."

The silky milk taste is paired with the sweet vanilla flavor, and the cooling effect is just as suitable for summer as the taste.

"That's right." Knotabagi Yujin said with a smile, "I also think it's super delicious!"

One person and one curse spirit found a place to sit down, and then began to eat ice cream.

Now is the time when the park has the most people, and Yuzu Yujin just eats while watching the people coming and going.

When it was almost finished, Kuano Huali couldn't help asking, "Knotweed, aren't you curious?"

She knows that college students who have not graduated are not eligible to participate in the conference.

"Hey, what are you curious about?" Knotabagi Yujin asked confusedly.

"Meeting." Kusano Huali stuffed the last bit of the cone into his mouth and said vaguely, "Aren't you curious about the content of the meeting I held today?"

She said, "Is there anything you want to ask? It's an important meeting."

Knotabagi Youruhito was shocked: "Did you go to the meeting today - it's amazing!"

He sighed, "It's still a very important meeting! Wow!"

Kusano Huali waited patiently for his next sentence.

After waiting for a long time, all I could see was the half-understanding look in the eyes of Yuzu Yujin.

Kuano Huali: "And then?"

Knotabagi Yuhito: "Hey, is there anything else after that?"

He hesitated for a moment, tapped the palm of his hand, and seemed to understand, "Super grown-up in a meeting or something, how cool?"

"I didn't ask you to ask this." Kuano Huali covered her face, "Yes...forget it."

She said very self-destructively, "Say something casually, Knotweed."

"Huh?" Knotabagi Yujin looked at her, "Anything is fine?"

"Yes." Kusano Huali said affirmatively, "Tell me anything."

She slumped on the chair, "A lot of things have happened during this period, so I'm so tired-so just say something casually, let me think about the topic, it's really tiring."

"Hmm..." Yuzu Yujin said almost without thinking, "Then, don't worry, I'm always here."

He stretched out his hand towards Huali Kusano, "Although I'm suddenly a little shy to say that - do you want a hug?"

Kusano Huali was stunned for a moment, with a dazed look on her face, but she was mistaken for wanting it but was too embarrassed to say it.

So, the pink-haired boy thought for a while, stretched out his hand and actively hugged Cao Yehuali, and let her fall into his arms with his strength.

"Although I don't know what happened." Said Hirohito Katsuobu, "But it would be better if I hugged him a little bit?"

The embrace of a teenager is warm and dry, exuding the same youthful vitality as me, without the slightest desire.

As if being pulled up suddenly from a quagmire mixed with dirt, Kuano Huali was almost stunned for such a cleanliness.

"Thank you, Knotweed." Kuano Huali hesitated for a moment, but still sighed, "Then lend me a little while..."

She leaned against the arms of the knotweed Youren, and stayed quietly like this for a while.

It was very quiet all around, only the small insects chirping slightly in the middle of the night.

In her ears was the sound of her heart beating again and again, and she could feel the fiery body temperature of a teenager in her breath.

It wasn't until Kusano Huali felt that she was almost done that she raised her head and looked at Knotweed Yuren, "I'm fine, Knotweed."

She said, "Thank you. Want to eat hot pot?"

So Katsuobu Youruhito withdrew his hand around her shoulders, and responded naturally, "Okay!"

"If you still need it." He patted Kusano Huali on the shoulder, and said with a little embarrassment, "You can come to me anytime! No problem at all!"

The author has something to say:

Come to add more, Maomao Papa.JPG.

It should be able to resume normal updates recently, and everyone who comes to squat at [-] o'clock tomorrow night should have an update!

So hardworking, isn’t it worth a compliment/tweaking, commenting on Mo Duo Mo Duo——

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