no worldly appeal

Chapter 76, I Can't Hear You

After finishing lunch and spending an afternoon at the zoo with Yuzu Yujin, Kusano Huali took a rare luxury taxi to the place where he lives now.

She had wanted to ask if there was anyone who could take her by the way.But other auxiliary supervisors showed obvious fear and the idea of ​​"can I still live after finishing this task", so they had to give up this idea.

However, since he has made a lot of money now, it doesn't matter if he spends some of it.

After all, the money you make is spent!

The driver, who knew nothing about the magic world, held the steering wheel and concentrated on driving, while Kusano Huali looked out the window, as sleepy as if she was about to curl up in the back seat and fall asleep.

There was peaceful music playing in the car, and the gentle and ambiguous female voice sang some exotic songs in a low voice. She didn't quite understand it, but even so, she was soothed by the music.

Both sides of the road are bustling streets and dark sky. After waiting for a while at the traffic lights, the car drives forward and the scenery on both sides recedes quickly, leaving it far behind.

Her phone seemed to vibrate.

Kusano Huali dazedly took out her mobile phone, looked at it in front of her eyes, and was almost shaken by the brightest screen.

Fortunately, the curse spirit will not go blind because of the sudden glare, but it is still a little uncomfortable.

Leaning on the back of the chair, Huali Kusano opened the lock screen and answered the phone.

"A real person?" she asked, "What's wrong?"

"No." Zhenren asked briskly, "When will Huali come back?"

Holding the mobile phone in one hand, he stood in the narrow and dark alley, with a few unidentified human beings lying on his feet, but his tone was very natural, "Have you not had a good meeting—we want to eat hot pot for dinner today, if you don't If I come back, I won’t take you with me.”

"Did you suddenly eat hot pot today!" Kuano Huali yawned, "I should be here soon."

She seemed to hear faint shouts in the background, and said with some doubts, "Is there something on your side? Are there humans? Have you gone out?"

"Ah, yes." The real person said with a smile, "Just now some guys stopped on the road and threw away my snacks. I'm a little angry."

He said, "But I won't go too far, Huali, don't worry."

Kusano Huali: "..." To be honest, I can't believe it.

She held her forehead with a headache, "Where are you now?"

The real person reported the address, which coincidentally is not far from the current location of the car.

If it wasn't for the fact that the matter of the magic spirit was not convenient to appear in front of the public, and after signing a temporary agreement, she would also be obliged to maintain the secrecy of the magic world, Kusano Huali would probably let the driver drive there directly.

But since a temporary agreement was reached, she didn't have any special intentions.

Knocking on the seat, Kusano Huali said, "Sorry, I might have something to get out of the car first."

She settled the fare first, and then walked to the real person's place.

And the real person on the other side spread those guys who couldn't see their original appearance one by one near the street.

To be honest, he didn't expect these high-level officials to be so spared their lives. It was a bit troublesome to clean them up, and it took a lot of time.

But still worth it.

Compared to when they squeezed into this alley, they were obviously much younger.

If there is a conjurer present, you may be amazed at such a magical technique——

Those old and greedy executives are now completely middle-aged, and they seem to be able to go to the front line for decades.

"I want Huali to work for you." The real person patted one of the faces with a smile, "How about trying it yourself? I saw that you were very excited when you gave advice in the conference room. You will be more excited if you do it yourself. ?”

He conveniently stuffed a gadget provided by the curser from Xia Youjie's side into the mouths of certain high-level officials to ensure that they would not have any memory of what happened during this period, and then he stood up on his knees, " Come on-"

Shaking the braids that fell to his chest behind his shoulders, Masato hummed and left.

Although it's a pity that I can't go to Yokohama with me, but staying in Tokyo is a lot of fun.Enough for his entertainment.

When Zhenren arrived at the place he forwarded before, Caoyehuali was already waiting there.

Probably because she didn't go shopping with him in crowded places, she still looked a little nervous, "Really, what are you..."

The real person said innocently, "I'm not that extreme-well, I only want to kill them a little bit."

He pinched his thumb and index finger, making a small distance, "A little bit. And he didn't hit them hard, Huali, don't worry about them."

Seeing that Kusano Huali still wanted to speak, the real man pressed his finger on her lips, "Hush."

He said affectionately, "Let's not talk about this in a place where there are so many human beings? I really don't have one, and I won't lie to Huali."

Kusano Huali froze for a moment, then was dragged by the excited real person and rushed into the crowd.

He said cheerfully, "Let's go shopping. Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't shopped in the newly opened shopping mall yet?"

"Huh?" Kuano Huali didn't react at all, "But... didn't you say you want to eat hot pot?"

Just now the real person said something like "If she is late, I won't wait for her"!Where did this come from? Don't lie to her!

"What did you say—" Mingming held her hand, but the real person shouted in the crowd, "I can't hear—"

His voice was carried away by the boisterous crowd, but even that caused those nearby to turn their heads.

Startled by his voice, Kuano Huali: "Huh?"

She turned up the volume in confusion, "I said, didn't you say you want to go home and eat hot pot?"

"I can't hear you—" the real person said falsely, "Hua Li, what are you talking about? You want to hug me?"

He took Caoye Huali into his arms, hugged it with a smile, and then said, "That's no problem. Alright, let's go to where I want to go next! Let's go!"

Kusano Huali who was hugged inexplicably: "I'm not talking about this... just wait for me, there is a store here that looks good for snacks! Don't go so fast!"

Her thoughts were completely taken astray, "Even if you want to play, wait until I buy the things, you bastard!"


the next day.

It was only when Kusano Hanari found out that Gojo Satoru was not waiting there on time when he took the subway to the appointed place within the time limit.

She lifted the hat on her head and sighed deeply. After feeling the scorching heat around her body, her irritability rose to [-]%.

Forget it, I didn't expect Gojo Satoru to be on time... However, there was a very familiar guy sitting there.

A black-haired boy about seventeen or eighteen years old was leaning against the flower bed, with a dark sword bag hanging behind his white school uniform, which stood out against the dark green woods behind him.

This seems to be a student of Gojo Satoru?The one named Otoko Yota?

When her gaze swept over, the overly well-behaved boy raised his head.

Probably due to his sensitivity to sight, he still looked sharp when he raised his eyes.But after seeing the person clearly, his brows and eyes suddenly relaxed, appearing a little docile.

I don't remember to open an umbrella in such weather, it looks like a prelude to tanning.

Remembering that on the document sent last night, Yigu Yuta's signature on the supervision and protection of the cursed spirits was lined up behind Gojo Satoru, Kusano Huali went up anyway, flipped through the bag, and handed over the umbrella.

"Here, um... Mr. Yi Gu, right?" She said, "The curse spirit is nothing, but humans obviously get sunburned."

The umbrella in her hand was stuffed in by Hua Yu before going out, with some fresh plant patterns and flowers.

Yi Gu Youtai took it subconsciously, and said thank you in a low voice, almost shy, "Sorry, I forgot..."

He said shyly, "And I'm used to it."

I don't have much time to hold an umbrella when I'm on a mission, and getting a tan is secondary to calling for emergency help.

Cao Yehuali swept Yi Guyouta up and down several times, and found that his skin was pale and delicate, and it seemed that he had a constitution that could not be tanned.

He seemed to be a little nervous from such staring eyes, his slender and powerful hands were tightly holding the small floral umbrella, which looked uncoordinated, but it revealed a little harmony in a strange way.

Probably because he was really uneasy, Yi Guyou paused for a moment before saying, "That... the umbrella is very nice. Thank you."

Then he blinked and smiled.

Clean and pure, soft and similar to the flowers and plants on the umbrella.But it looks like a passing kindergarten child, with a bit of unique obedience.

Anyway, it doesn't look like a super magician from any perspective.

Huali Kusano: "Huh? No, you're welcome?" Does anyone like it so much?

She thought back to Otoko Yuta, who had torn off the real person's tentacles before and kept a calm expression after being splashed with blood all over her face, and felt that she was deeply shocked.

It turns out that this super conjurer who is still studying has such a personality... so cute.

However, considering that Huayu's private hobby is farming and growing flowers, and that Leuhu is very excited when everyone cooks hot pot on top of him, it seems understandable.

"By the way." After Kusano Huali found a place to sit down, she asked, "Yigu-jun, have you seen Mr. Wutiao?"

She sent a few more messages to Gojo Satoru before sighing, "It was originally planned to fly to Yokohama at this time..."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Otoko Yuta said, "Teacher Wutiao should have something to do in the afternoon, and he didn't come late on purpose."

Kusano Huali shook his head.

"It's fine." She said, "But why is Mr. Yi Gu here? Isn't today the weekend?"

Yigu Youtai explained, "I have something to deal with temporarily, so I just wait here for the car."

He cherished the umbrella and put it in the bag, then stood up, and said apologetically, "Well, I'm sorry, but there are still tasks in a while... I probably have to leave first."

A car stopped on the other side of One Man, One Curse Spirit, and Yi Guyou stood up naturally after saying goodbye to Cao Yehuali.

Until the car gradually disappeared from the end of the road, Cao Yehuali was still in a daze.

"Are you so surprised?" Gojo Satoru's voice came from behind, "How about it, Yuta-san is cute, you can rest assured that you can entrust the group of curse spirits who are following you to him."

He lazily came out from behind and sat down.

"A little bit." Kuano Huali said honestly, "I feel like the type who cherishes the kindness of others." The child's previous life was probably not very good.

She glanced at the empty dessert in Gojo Satoru's hand, "It's too bad to be late to buy dessert at this time, Gojo."

"Ah, because there is no suitable dessert, it will affect the work status." Gojo Gori said confidently.

He casually stuffed the bag into his pocket, and held out a hand to Cao Yehuali, "It's not long anyway, so why not do something else with the extra time."

The author has something to say:

It's finally time to start the Yokohama dungeon, yeah

Recently, I will take a break from the update, and I will try my best to finish this book during the [-]th holiday!


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