: The host has rolled under the table in a positive and healthy way.

[-] Questions About Sex Between Husbands and Husbands

01.あなたの名前を教えください.[Please tell me your name.]

R: Ronald Raleigh D. Rice

D: Diolotte Aurel D. Elizabeth Vanjo

02.年齢は[age is]

R: unknown

D: Who cares about age after living so long?

03. Gender は[gender is]

R: male

D: Of course not a woman!

04. Your personality は[How is your personality]

R: It’s the easy-to-get-together type, right?

D: Of course it is a very good character.

05. The character of each other

R: A bit venomous?

D: You are the one who is really vicious, right? A man who likes to play tricks

R: It’s a bit serious to play tricks

D: Anyway, there is always a rogue atmosphere

R: This is a very image-destroying statement.

06. Two people の出会いはいつどこで[When and where did the two meet]

R: Uncle's house, Twilight City Malfahorn

D: Lord Syl's house, Mafahorn in the evening city

07. The first impression of each other is [what is the first impression of the other party]

R: Amazing kids.Never have I seen such a desperate person.

D: Noisy but unexpectedly kind-hearted person.

08. Match hand の ど ん な と こ ろ が 好 き [Where do you like each other]

R: Everywhere is good, he is an excellent person.

D: Attitude, it is always good to treat people, but if there are no boundaries, it will make people unhappy.

R: Am I treating someone out of bounds?

D: Anyway, you are not the kind of man with a sense of distance.

R: Please call this affinity.

D: cut.

09. Xiangshou の ど ん な と こ ろ が 恐い [Where do you hate each other]

R: Feel inferior.Even if you can't see it, you can still feel it.

D: affinity.Makes you feel insecure all the time.

10. Your side と Xiangshouの相性はいいと思う[Do you think you get along well with each other]

R: Very good.

D: Not too bad.

R: I would be sad to say that.

D: Do you think you are a perfect person?

R: Sure enough, it became sad.

D: Shut up, playful man.

11. Xiangshou の こ と を He で ん で る [how to call each other]

R: Dior.

D: Ron.

12. Xiangshou nihe て call ばれたい[I hope the other party will call you]

R: That's all right now.

D: I don't have any special name.

13. Xiangshou を animal に例えたら何 [metaphorically speaking, what kind of animal does the other party look like]

R: Is it a cat?Proud and withdrawn.But venomous snakes can, too, beautiful but also dangerous.

D: Wolf.Because that's what he is.

14. 相手にプレゼントをあげるとしたら何もあげる[If you give a gift, what will you give to the other party]

R: As for the gift... I never thought about it specifically.If you really want to give it away, you can actually give him anything.

D: I haven't thought about it either... But if it's what he wants, I'll try my best to give it to him.

15.プレゼントをもらうとしたら何がほしい[What gift do you want to receive]

R: As long as it is a gift from him.

D: He can do it himself.

R: This one has already been delivered.

D: Then send it again, I don't mind the number of times.

R: I always feel very happy.

16. 相手に双して不満はあるそれはどんなこと[Is there any dissatisfaction with the other party? If so, where is it?]

R: Is there any difference between this and the ninth question?

D: Don't say it again.

17. Your side の addiction っ て He [what are your hobbies code]

R: Hobbies?Is keeping all your books neat and tidy a hobby?

D: That's a quirk.My words...does it count if you like to dig out other people's hearts when you kill people?

R: That's not a normal hobby...

18. Xiangshou の addiction っ て He [Does the other party have any addictions]

R: It's the bad taste of killing people, right?No, he'd love to have sex after killing someone.

D: That's just a way to relieve desire.In his case, liking to tease people is already a strange hobby.

R: That's not a hobby, it's just a bad taste.

D: Shut up, naughty man.

19. Xiangshou の す る こ と (addiction na ど) で さ れ て 早 な こ と は [what the other party does will hate]

R: Things that hurt oneself will never be allowed.

D: If you are friendly to other women, you will be very jealous.

20. Your party の す る こ と (喜な ど) で Xiangshou が anger る こ と は He [the other party will hate what you do]

R: Get too close to other beautiful women.He is a big jealousy.

D: Don't use such indecent adjectives.Did he hurt himself or feel inferior? At that time, his expression was very sad.

21. The relationship between two people はどこまでの[Where has the relationship between the two progressed]

R: Nothing has been done.

D: I have done everything that should be done and should not be done.

22. Two people's first date はどこ[Where is the first date]

R: Dating... Is it necessary?We are all very busy.

D: That's the place of work and home.

23. その时の二人の风囲気は[The atmosphere at that time was]

R: There is no special atmosphere, because the topic will turn to work at any time.

D: It seems boring when you say that.Can't it be said that it is a relatively mild atmosphere?

R: Well, it's a very gentle atmosphere.

24.その时どこまで进んだ[Where did the progress come at that time]

R: Generally speaking, it's just about kissing and hugging.I usually don't do other things.

D: That's it.Although sometimes he wants to go further, but he will not allow it.

R: His expression turned sad.

D: Fuck off, boring man.

25. よく行くつートスポッットク[Where is the place where you often date]

D: Blood Night Castle?If you say that, you will be blamed.

R: But that's it.Because work is very busy.

26. Xiangshouのbirthday, どうperformanceする[What will the other party do on their birthday]

R: I forgot about my birthday.

D: Strigoi don't celebrate their birthdays, so it doesn't make any sense.Only modern vampires would care about that.

R: But if you want to do something, you can do anything.

D: It's still the same as usual, isn't it?

27. Confession はどちらから[Who is the first to confess]

D: Me.

R: He.

28. Xiangshouのことを、どれくらい好き [How much do you like each other]

D: To the point of dying without him.

R: It is absolutely not allowed to let him die.

29.では、爱してる [Ah, is it love]

R: If this can be summed up, then it is.

D: Definitely deeper than love.

30. 言われると微い相手の一言は [There is nothing the other party says]

R: He said a lot of things that would make me helpless.Especially in the case of showing weakness.

D: As long as you have a gentle attitude, you will obediently listen to everything you say.

R: But sometimes you are very stubborn.

D: Why are you so spoiling the scenery.

31. Xiangshou に 流気 の doubt が!

R: It is absolutely impossible to put this on him.

D: I will pay attention to it for a while and then go to the showdown to make it clear.

R: Is that why you think I will change my mind?

D: Anyway, you are not a worry-free man.

R: I always feel underestimated.

D: Do you think you are tall?

32. Floating 気 を Xu せ る [is it allowed to change your mind?]

R: No.But neither will he.

D: How could that kind of thing be allowed.

33.相手がデートに1时间遅れた!どうする[What should I do if the other party is one hour late for a date]

R: Generally speaking, it will not be true, because basically we will not separate.It's okay if you're really late.

D: If you are late, you just wait. There is nothing to say, and you are not a child.

34. One part of the body of the match hand で一些好きなのはどこ[Which part of the other party do you like most]

R: Can you say all of them?If it is detailed, it is all except the face.

D: Why do you need to emphasize it?His words are the chest, which is very warm and safe.

R: Because that face will bring back some unhappy memories.

D: It's not a particularly important thing.

35. Match hand の color っ ぽ い shi っ て ど ん な の [what kind of behavior of the other party is the most flattering]

R: It can be said that every behavior after the murder and blood bath is very seductive.He is also very attractive on weekdays.

D: Lazy or when you smile with your eyes squinted?It looks dangerous and charming.

36. When two people de い て ぉ キ っ と す る の は ど ん な when [when two people will feel nervous]

R: If something happens to him, he will be very nervous.

D: It's all the same.

37. 相手に味をつけるhush はうまい[Have you ever lied to the other party? Are you good at lying?]

R: There are more or less lies.If you are good at it and not good at it, you can say that the blood race is very good at lying.

D: Almost none, even if there is, I don't think of it yet.

38. 何をしている时が一一兴兴せ [I feel the happiest when I do something]

D: As long as he is around, I feel very happy.

R: When I saw him smiling happily.

39. ケンカをしたことがある[Have you ever had a fight]

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