R: Yes.

D: Occasionally there are disagreements.

40.どんなケンカをするの[What kind of quarrel is it]

R: A quarrel caused by some grievances in each other's hearts.

D: If arguments at work don't count, that's all.

41.どうやって中直りするの[How to reconcile]

R: In the end, there will always be some sad content involved, so there is no way to continue the dispute.

D: Occasionally I felt tired from arguing and stopped.

42.生まれ変わっても恋人になりたい [Do you want to be a lover even if you reincarnate]

R: In this case, there is no theory of reincarnation among blood races... It is also possible to assume that.

D: If it is hypothetical, of course I hope so.But some things must be changed.

R: Oh, what to change?

D: What to do to tell you.Then look forward to it.

43.「爱されているなすと感じるのはどんな时[When I feel "loved"]

R: It is very clear when he is by his side, because he always looks at you seriously and surrounds you.

D: When being hugged or when two people are together.Most people will be distracted when there are many people.

44.「もしかして爱されていないんじゃ」と感じるのはどんな时[When I feel "Don't you love me?"]

R: I haven't encountered this one yet.

D: When separated by the crowd.Suddenly, I felt that the distance was too far to reach.

R: I didn't expect you to be so insecure.

D: Then I take that sentence back.

R: No, I will grab you with force in the future.

D: That's a good answer.

45. Your method of expressing love はどんなの[How do you express love]

R: Give him everything, protect him and pamper him.

D: Give him everything.

46. ​​もし死ぬなら相手より先がいい后がいい [If you die, will you die before or after the other party]

R: If possible, die behind him.Because he will be sad to see it.

D: Die first.Because it was really unbearable for him to die in front of her.

47. Two people の に 隠 し thing は あ る[Is there something to hide between the two]

R: Everyone has some secrets that must never be mentioned.

D: This point is the same.

48. Your のコンプレックスは何[What is your plot]

R: There's no plot at all...Jie Shu plot haha.

D: Don't just talk about your book. It's true.Are my words sadistic?I always feel happy to see other people die tragically...

R: So do you still have plots of masochism?You always have fun hurting yourself and hurting yourself.

D: Don't suddenly switch to bad topics.

R: You are avoiding the facts again.

49. Errenの仲は周りの人に Publicly recognized extremely secret [Is the relationship between the two people recognized by the people around them or kept secret]

R: Basically, no one knows about it, right?I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

D: Anyway, I know everything I see.

50. Two people's love is forever だと思う[Do you think the love between two people will last forever]

R: It’s never easy to say anything.But if I live, I will love him very much.

D: If the blood race can be called forever, then it is forever.

51. Your side は受け攻め[Are you subject or attack]

R: Attack.

D: accept.

52. どうしてそう决まったの[Why such a decision]

R: It just happened naturally for no reason.

D: I think it feels like being protected.

53.そのStateに満足してる[Is this state satisfied]

R: There is nothing dissatisfied.

D: Very good.

54. 初エッチはどこで[Where is the first H]

R: Blood Night Castle.

D: In the residence of Blood Night Castle.

55.その时の感想を[The feeling at that time is]

R: I can't face his appearance at that time, I just want to follow him and calm him down.

D: If you don't do that, you will die.

56.その时,双手はどんな様子でした[At that time, what was the other party like]

R: Very uncomfortable, very painful, and crying.

D: Full of sadness and pain, I always feel like I'm about to cry.

57. The morning of the first night, the words of the first leaf は[What is the first thing to say in the morning after that]

R: Didn't say anything... If I had to say something, I would have responded to him.

D: Ron.called his name.

58.エッチは周に何回くらいする[Do it several times a week]

R: Very casual, maybe several times or not once.

D: If I'm in the mood, I'll pester him.But not necessarily how many times you can do it.

59. Ideal は Zhou に He Hui [I do it several times a week in the ideal]

R: I haven't thought about it.

D: It's okay now.

60.どんなエッチなの[What kind of H]

R: Do you need any adjectives?It's just ordinary.

D: It's just the H after the temptation and acceptance of the temptation.

61. 自分が一些感感じるのはどこ[Where do you feel the most]

R: neck and waist.

D: Eyes or neck.

R: Ah, does it really feel like just kissing?

D: You will be impulsive in everything you do.

R: I always feel that I suddenly become very dangerous.

D: Hmph, the corners of your mouth are curled up.

62. 相手が一次感じているのはどこ[Where is the other party’s most feeling]

R: Behind the ears or on the neck.In fact, he is very sensitive everywhere.

D: Waist.As long as it is the chest and abdomen will feel.

63.エッチの时の相手を一言で言うと[Use one sentence to describe the other party at the time of H.]

R: You can't look directly at the gorgeous ones.

D: Gentle beast.

64. エッチははっきり言って好き恶い[I like or hate H]

R: There is no specific feeling.If it is the nature of the blood race, it is still obsessed with this desire.

D: Like it.

65. Puduan どんなシチュエーションデエッチするの[What is the general position]

R: It is the most common.Sometimes there are other ways.

D: How do I remember that I was on the Internet more.

R: Because basically you came up on your own initiative, and I haven't had time to push you down yet.

D: Is that the case?

66. やってみたいシチュエーションは (place, time, coschurch, etc.) [what kind of practice do you want to try (place, time, clothing, etc.)]

R: Basically, I don't think about these things.

D: I don't seem to have much interest in thinking about these.But if it is him, anything can cooperate.

R: I actually want to cooperate with you.

D: So let’s say the two of us don’t have this kind of interest.

67. シャワーはエッチの前前[Is the shower before or after H]

R: It doesn't matter.However, it is generally cleaned up before and after.

D: Generally speaking, before and after, but if it is before going to bed, it may not be cleaned until the next day.

68. エッチの时の两人の结束ってある[Did the two make an agreement when doing it]

R: Usually these things are brought up before or after this.There is generally no communication in the middle.

D: Basically, I don't say anything in particular.

69. Other than the hands とッチしたことはある[Have you ever done it with someone other than the other party]

R: No.

D: Never allow others to touch it.

70.「心が得られないならbody だけでも」という考えについて.Pros and cons

R: There are many people with this kind of thinking in the blood race.It doesn't matter what, just don't put it on us.

D: Let them handle things that have nothing to do with us.

71. Competitor が悪者に□□されてしまいました!どうする[The other party has been attacked by a bad person, what should I do]

R: Hmm... I always feel that if this happens, I need to care about the prisoner's safety.

D: I don't think anyone would dare to touch him by his appearance.

R: Is this a compliment or a mockery?

D: Guess what.

R: Well...

72.エッチの前と后, より育ずかしいのはどっち[H front and back, which one feels more shy]

R: Why are you shy?

D: That kind of feminine feeling is not suitable to appear.

73. Relatives and friends が "tonight だ け, ji し い か ら" と ッ チ を ask め て き ま し た.どうする[A friend said "Only tonight, because it's too lonely" and asked H. What to do]

R: I don't mind giving him a little drowsy spell to alleviate his loneliness.

D: If you dare to say that, you must be prepared to be raped.

R: Hey, don't do weird things.

D: No, the following bloody content is not suitable for reading.

R: I told you not to do strange things...

74. Self-point はエッチがqiaoいと思う[Do you think your skills are good]

R: It seems that no complaints have been made.

D: Is it one of the skills to make yourself feel comfortable?

75. Hand in hand はエッチがqiaoい [the other party]

D: Not yet complained.

R: It always feels so sad to say that.Hmm... can he say it's fine?Because be careful not to feel uncomfortable.

D: What are you feeling sad about?

R: You look dissatisfied.

D: Then do you need to go back to practice?

R: ... I am

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