heavy fog

Chapter 73 Speaker

In fact, when the elder opened the door with Seir, the colosseum-like conference hall was full of dark creatures, and all of them were well-dressed, wearing bowler hats, holding walnut Walking sticks, rows of gentlemen with crystal monocles.

The decoration of the venue is too simple, it is said to be seats, but in fact it is just layers of stone steps.

In this way, the dark creatures can still sit in a completely neat [-]-square formation, which gave Wen Luan the illusion of an American TV entertainment program, with the host in the middle, and the neat square formation of the live audience supporting different star contestants.

In the center of the circular funnel-shaped venue is the seat of the elders.

When all three candles were lit, everyone turned their heads and stared at Wen Luan who had been invited in by the Great Elder.

Wen Luan was very uncomfortable with his substantive gaze.

The venue was quiet, save for the rustling noises accidentally made by high-grade clothing materials rubbing against each other.

Not a single dark creature raised objections, and no one asked Wen Luan's identity.

Facing Wen Luan's glance, most of them proudly raised a polite smile with only a three-point arc, their eyes were cold and without warmth, their complexion was pale, and their hair was combed in an orderly manner.Let alone a formal gathering, this appearance is enough to go out to attend a wedding.

"The discipline of this terrorist organization is really good." Wen Luan commented.

The elder necromancer held his staff in his arms. From the top floor, the black robe slowly dragged down with his footsteps. As he walked, he said loudly that in the name of Satan, no one can expel the dark council from the dark blue star.

The second elder who was sitting in the center of the venue stood up to greet him, and spoke cooperatively.

The Great Elder ignored the announcement of selling candy at all. He spread his hands and waved his black robe with astonishing momentum: "Everyone! The glorious jihad will start again after 2000 years! If we indulge in ease, we will eventually die in Destruction in the abyss of self-righteousness! Generations of feuds, demons and secret parties..."

The members of the blood race in the surrounding seats moved slightly.

"...Differences of ideas, the split of the wizard association." The elder pointed with his staff, and the wizards sitting together bowed their heads and whispered.

"Also, the orcs who are fighting for survival, were the murderers who killed most of your compatriots human beings? Was it superpowers and demon hunters? No! Those who killed us most will always be of the same kind!"

On the right, a group of strange-looking or bald-headed, or thick-haired men let out an uncontrollable roar of anger.

"Let me repeat thousands of years ago, when the Dark Council split into civil wars, our declaration—"

All the dark creatures on the seats stood up and said in unison:

"Only death and blood can prove our right!"

"Sit down, everyone."

The Great Elder said slowly in a soft and provocative tone: "The conflict between us and the traitors of the Dark Council has never stopped! 2000 years ago, because they did not have the protection of the ancient castle and the blessing of the summoning circle of the Hell Demon God, He suffered heavy losses, and did not dare to compete with us for the domain rights of Deep Blue Star and this kingdom, so he fled to another remote area of ​​the Beluga Galaxy.

For 2000 years, they have been lurking, conflicting with us on the borders of the kingdom, on the human battlefield, and in other countries in the Moby Dick galaxy.The philosophy of the Dark Council is the same as that of the secret party. We develop, but abide by the rules!But they are endlessly expanding their domain, even if it is a barbaric planet, they want to... war, and finally this day has come! "

The black cat grabbed the first elder's boots and meowed at Wen Luan.

"Cough. I'm sorry, just interrupt." The necromancer pointed at Wen Luan, who was idly watching the show, and said insincerely, "I have one more thing to announce. The magic key has found its owner, and the new president of the Dark Council has appeared. gone."

Now there was a coaxing sound in the venue, and countless people turned their heads to look at Wen Luan neatly.

"It's the changer in the ancient prophecy!" the Great Elder raised his voice.

"I didn't admit it." Wen Luan murmured, but he did not publicly express his objection, because under the current situation, if he could get a lot of information and help from the Dark Council, it would be more beneficial to the succubus.

An old wizard stood up tremblingly from the seat, smelling like lemon tart all over him: "I need to know the powers and obligations of the new speaker."

"Good question, I want to know too." Facing many complicated and even hostile gazes, Wen Luan said calmly and loudly.

The necromancer pulled a thick roll of parchment from his robes.

The effect was like a roll of toilet paper, rolled out for a long time, Wen Luan stiffly stretched his head to look, but found that it was written in Latin and even older Hebrew.

The Great Elder pinched the top of the parchment and cleared his throat:

"Cough! There are 47 major clauses in the actual terms, more than 300 small clauses, and additional clauses for extensions—but these are all antiques!"

The necromancer dropped the parchment and hit the black cat on the head, almost entangled the latter. The black cat bared its teeth at the elder angrily.

"Actually, we only need one thing to prove the power of the new speaker..." The necromancer turned to look at the second elder, "Beagle."

The second elder stood upright, motionless.

Unbearable, the necromancer knocked someone on the back with his staff: "I'm calling you, what are you doing?"

"I'm not called Beagle?" The second elder looked serious, "I am Beagle No. [-]!"


The black cat scratched it with one paw, and the Great Elder added a foot.

The second elder who stood upright turned into fragments of dolls in a cloud of black smoke. In addition to the robe, there was also a chip and special paper with lace in the wood.

As soon as the Great Elder raised his hand, the object floated into his palm.

"The title deed of the headquarters of the Dark Council, the proof of property, and the owner of the store. I just went to the government of the Dark Blue Kingdom this morning to complete the modification procedures—" the necromancer raised his dry fingers and said mysteriously, "Of course, we used illegal The means are at an abnormal level, otherwise it would not be so fast, I believe that the succubus will forgive this little privilege!"

"..." Wen Luan stared blankly at the paper, and pronounced his name spelled in the common language of the Beluga Galaxy.

"Master, you have taken a great first step on your journey to success." Shier said excitedly.

"Yes, the owner of a candy store!" Wen Luan said angrily.

"One small step for mankind, one giant leap for history—"

"I'm not human." Wen Luan said blackly.

"Yeah, the only commonality between you and the dark creatures is that you don't belong to human beings, and you all insist on living in human society!"


Sometimes, the words of the philosopher Shire are still very profound.

So Wen Luan's chairman took over the line, and he managed to maintain a good demeanor and took over the property chip certificate and supporting documents, and carried over the words of Xier intact, and delivered a simple speech to the dark creatures that filled the venue. "Inauguration speech".

"Same interests, special status!" The Great Elder took the lead in applauding.

The well-dressed and luxuriously dressed dark creatures clapped their hands subtly—although Wen Luan felt that their movements could only be described as the right and left hands feeling each other's heat lightly, there was no sound at all.

What he couldn't understand was that regardless of the vampires, or the extremely old wizards, how could even the thick and overbearing orcs with all their muscles applaud so reservedly and silently.

"Now Deep Blue Star has a total of four forces swearing their sovereignty. First, the human government of the Deep Blue Kingdom, second, the Dark Council. Third, the dream demon Inkabas, and finally, me!" Wen Luan walked in front of the Great Elder, and he Zhang Opening his hand, he put on a disdainful expression, "The Dream Demon has absolute control over the humans in the domain, and now we stand together, it's a kind of inevitability - any old damn prophecy, it's all nonsense! Not now What I want from you is not what the dark race wants from me, but what we will lose if we don't join forces, understand?"

When Wen Luan said the last sentence, he couldn't help but use English.

The dark councilors in the seats were greatly touched. They stopped staring at Wen Luan, and returned to their haughty expressions.

"I think, what caused me to travel through 2000 years, and the dark parliament summoned the magic circle during the nuclear war but unexpectedly came to this corner of the distant starry sky, there must be secrets in it! Huh? Raymond Gayton and the magic circle I really want to know about the key, how about you?" Wen Luan asked the wizards this time.

The old men murmured, some vaguely agreed, and stopped staring at Wen Luan in a weird manner.

"Those who are not afraid of the sun will definitely have the opportunity to participate in the counterattack of the Deep Blue Kingdom government." Wen Luan lifted the cloak, threw up the silver metal ball in his hand, and ordered, "Sier, in ground combat form."

The knight in the silver armor instantly decomposed the combination, holding the knight gun, and was suspended in the middle of the entire circular venue like this. Every trace of the horse's hoof lightly stepped, the space fluctuated violently, and the spread wings stood up high. covering the entire venue.

"Raymon Gayton Mecha...Think about it, this is the research of the Dark Parliament for countless years, and it was finally produced by humans. Don't you want to use this kind of thing to defeat your old enemy?" Wen Luan gave a speech with a certain chance of victory. Add the last chip, "What does it matter if you are a vampire who is afraid of the sun, or a wizard with poor physical fitness? Human high-performance mechas can let you go directly to the battlefield!"

Now the whole venue was in chaos, and the orcs roared, "No, even if there is a place, it's still ours!"

The blood clan silently smiled evilly at the orcs, and the old wizards also let out a wicked laugh that was worse than nails scratching glass: "Yes, believers of Satan, should you appreciate blood and destruction up close?"

The big elder behind Wen Luan had a wider smile on his face, and the black cat jumped onto his shoulder and muttered: "You have good eyesight, the Eastern demons just watched you speak once, and they imitated perfectly. Separate blood races, wizards, and orcs. Bewitching, then appropriate incitement. The dignity and honor of the darkness! Satan proved that for the first time, I have great confidence in the future of the Dark Council."

The necromancer shook his shoulders and threw the black cat down.

"Meow, I'm telling the truth! Don't you feel relieved? At least I don't have to worry. If you suddenly die one day, the Dark Council will be finished!"

"Able, I heard that there was a delicious dessert in the East during the ancient earth period, called 'cat's ears'..." the elder gnashed his teeth.

The black cat immediately covered its mouth with its paw, and stopped talking.

"Look, we don't have a friendly acquaintance with each other yet." The Great Elder walked forward slowly, waved his staff, and briefly introduced to Wen Luan, "Necromancer, Dark Mage, and Alchemist."

Wen Luan nodded blackly to the phalanx of the three old men who stood up tremblingly, with wrinkled or shriveled skin.

"There is only one cursed wizard, and he is our second elder. Let's ignore him on such a happy occasion." The first elder walked to the other side of the venue as if nothing had happened, and stepped on the doll fragments hard.

"Five tribes of orcs, tiger, elephant, ox, snake, fox..."

Wen Luan hurriedly scanned, and only had one impression, that he basically looked like a human being, except for the sixth phalanx on the outermost side, where various forms of animals sat in a mess on the seats.

"Sorry, sir, that's not an orc, it's the Gangelo family of the secret party." The elder said with a smile, and pointed to the third elder who was in the form of a black cat.

Wen Luan could only watch in silence that there were parrots, foxes, black cats, and even crocodiles—the pet army phalanx.

Then he turned his head silently, hypnotically hinting to himself that the group were blood races and bats!

"Let me formally introduce, the leader of the Secret Party, the Vanjo family."

No one stood up in this phalanx, and the number was small, and there were many vacant seats.

If you have to say what characteristics they have, they may have high heads, proud expressions, more than others, and their clothes are more inconspicuous, low-key and luxurious, with elegant temperament. They are the most typical ancient nobles that fit people's description.

"Vanzhuo family, many of them are government officials, are participating in the parliament held by the kingdom's Prime Minister Cyrus." The elder explained to those who were absent, and his staff continued to point to the left: "The talents are all from the great artists. Secret party Toledo family!"

Prince Maike stood up reluctantly, but the blood race behind him yawned lazily, and some of them stared curiously at Seir in mid-air.

"The secret party Simmore family that is closest to the truth of the world."


The place pointed by the great elder's staff is an empty space.

This blank area was adjacent to the wizards. Wen Luan looked carefully again, only to find several rows of recording crystal balls neatly placed on the seats.

An old voice came from the crystal ball: "Your Excellency, I am in the Deep Blue Weapons Research Institute. I am one of the manufacturers of Raymond Gayton's mecha. I am very happy to see Xier."

The black cat blinked and explained to Wen Luan: "A family is all scientists, scholars, and historians! They are also the inventors and improvers of blood clan magic. Since the establishment of this family, the combat effectiveness of the blood clan has directly increased. The earliest members of the Sinmore family were A group of wizards who want to turn themselves into vampires to gain immortality, and they've always been successful."


"Next, the Bruch family, the bravest fighters of the Secret Party, their prince dared to travel to the East alone in the distant ancient earth period, and is still working outside to start a business, but unfortunately, Prince Settra recently disappeared."

"Ahem!" Wen Luan was embarrassed, he remembered the pirate leader Settra.

"The most loyal uniter of the Secret Party, and the excellent hidden family, the Nofiler family!"

The vampires in this phalanx were all wearing big cloaks and painted masks. When they heard the introduction, they also stood up in the most polite manner. You can't go wrong.

If there is a team cohesion ranking, Wen Luan will definitely give No.1 to this phalanx, and the last place to Prince Maike's artist phalanx.

"In fact, the Nofiler family controls all the city's sewers..."

Wen Luan felt something was wrong when he heard the sound. Sure enough, when the Nuofele family unveiled their masks neatly, he almost took a breath, but as a tapir who had seen all kinds of horrible nightmares of human beings, his expression did not show any abnormality, which made Nuofele The arc of the family salute increased a bit.

Wen Luan asked Xi Er in the spiritual connection: "Why are there such ugly vampires, my God! The garbage cannon fodder made by the Devil Party is better than them!" All of them had distorted faces, and standing together looked like a group exhibition of Picasso's oil paintings .

The Great Elder coughed: "The Mikawi family of the secret party."

It was another phalanx wearing masks and cloaks. Wen Luan looked at the face under the mask, black lines were falling out, because this family took off their cloaks boldly, the most normal ones were wearing pajamas, the most terrifying Some people didn't wear anything, as for swimsuits, grass skirts, curtains, and even painted clothes directly on the skin.

"Forgot to say, Your Excellency, their entire family is crazy." The elder said solemnly, "The most seriously ill is the prince of the McAvey family. He has forgotten who he is, so he is not here. According to the blood clan regulations, a If the family does not have a prince, then there will be a special title called Grand Duke to handle affairs instead of the prince. But unfortunately, 600 years ago, the grand duke of the McAvey family suffered from nympho, and seeing women Kissing wildly, falling down when seeing a man, heck, I really can't participate in normal and serious meetings."

Wen Luan was completely speechless.

What kind of world is this?Quickly return the image of his powerful and elegant blood clan in American movies!

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