heavy fog

Chapter 74 Loss Fee

In the bustling dungeon, when the evening was approaching, there were screams one after another, but this was not an actor's farce, nor was it a clown's hard-working performance. Everyone was evading in panic. They frantically flocked to the port, hoping to leave.

What was waiting for them was a heavily armed army, bluntly announcing the blockade of the civilian interstellar port.

The optical brain system covering the entire city no longer plays soft and sweet light music, but repeats the government's mechanical notice over and over again, please don't panic, let people stay calm, and at the same time, please number the spaceship as XX and the number of the entry permit. The tourists went to the port to collect medicines and receive timely treatment.

The dissatisfaction of a large number of foreigners towards the Deep Blue Kingdom finally exploded.

The government of this country is very far away from the people. There are only notices, no contact information of the person in charge, and no media to complain. The Deep Blue Kingdom is a cold state machine, not even wearing the cloak of warmth and democracy.

But in the face of such wanton cursing, roaring and threats, the Kingdom government simply ignores you. Once someone takes extreme actions, attacks passers-by or smashes the glass windows of the store, the armed robots of the city defense patrol will be there in the next second. Unceremoniously drag the perpetrator away.

In Deep Blue Star, there is no such ridiculous situation as "I have a green card from country X, and I am a citizen of country X. You are trampling on democracy. The laws of your country are invalid for me. Our embassy will lodge a serious protest."

The phantoms of golden rose petals in the sky are gone, and there are no longer parades of floats on the street. All the boats on the river have been detained by the city defense patrol. Although most people don't know what happened, the tense atmosphere makes them almost suffocate .

"You said, did the Deep Blue Kingdom send all the robots to the streets?" A young woman in the open-air coffee shop on the second floor of a certain building said nervously to Zhang Sen who was bowing her head beside her. Of course, she couldn't know Morwell. Asian diplomats, but when people are in a panic, they are eager to talk to someone to relieve their tension.

Especially since Zhang Sen kept silent, the young woman began to worry whether Zhang Sen might also be a monster. While talking, she quietly moved the chair, ready to run away at any time.

In order to prevent the woman from making a wrong judgment and screaming out loud to attract attention, Zhang Sen could only answer her: "Maybe not, after all, this country is powerful."

The relieved woman sat down again, and continued to look down at the street anxiously: "Oh, yes. It's unimaginable that there are so many armed robots. There is a squad patrolling every 50 meters, and there are buildings on the street. ... our country's most elite regiments are not equipped with so many armed ground combat robots."

"The supervision is too strict." Zhang Sen's face was ugly.

This level of patrolling seems to be on guard against everyone in the city.

What kind of virus can be so powerful?

Zhang Sen had a bad idea, and he slowly clenched his fists. He suspected that the virus was leaked from the Deep Blue Star Research Institute—except for the mad scientists in the Deep Blue Kingdom, who could have invented such a deadly virus?

This is really terrible news. Zhang Sen froze as he touched the hard metal under the cloak.

Because he couldn't imagine the terrible consequences of using this virus against other countries in the event of a war.

Zhang Sen, who had over-extended his brain and was demonized by the Deep Blue Star Research Institute, looked more and more anxiously at the building opposite the open-air cafe: a semi-Gothic castle, deliberately made to look old, with rusty spots and no carvings. The windows, the pillar statues entangled in plaster thorns and vines painted with green paint, try to create a barren and terrifying appearance.

But the huge sign hanging outside the castle is enough to show that this is just a dessert candy store.

Zhang Sen didn't understand why Wen Luan came to such a place in such a hurry. After waiting for more than three hours, Zhang Sen could only regretfully think that he lost someone, and Wen Luan might have left long ago.

At this time, the woman on the opposite side put down the coffee cup heavily, and loudly asked the machine waiter to give her a glass of pure water.

Many tourists on other tables also made the same request. They wiped the sweat from their foreheads, feeling uneasy.

"It's strange, how does this light look like he's doing sun therapy." The woman whispered.

There are many people who have the same doubts. They all raised their heads and looked at the high and low lights in puzzlement. The original lights of the dungeon did not have this feeling.

Among the crowd, a few short-breathing tourists avoided the light in a trance, subconsciously retreating.

The city defense patrol team kept an eye on these guys, and dragged out many people from the dark alley corridors one after another. These were people who were on the verge of attack, so they could only be detained in a concentrated manner, waiting for them to be nothing but bullets.

More people, under the sun, felt a little strangely uneasy.

The woman opposite Zhang Sen suddenly slipped and almost rolled under the table.

"Thank you, I feel a little uncomfortable, dizzy..." The woman who was supported by Zhang Sen in time turned red in the face in just a few minutes. The symptoms were similar to those of heatstroke, but she was obviously still conscious, just weak and weak.

Before Zhang Sen had time to say anything, an armed robot hovering around the open-air coffee shop rushed over and asked Zhang Sen fiercely: "Do you know her?"

"No." Zhang Sen immediately retreated cautiously.

The woman shivered and touched the entry-exit pass. After the chip was scanned, the patrol member in the armed robot said coldly: "I entered the country two days ago. Fortunately, you are still saved! Take it away!"

Hearing this, even the most stupid people would understand, and avoided in fear. Even Zhang Sen, who helped the woman before, was looked at strangely by others.

People on nearby tables who developed heatstroke reactions one after another were forcibly taken away. Their symptoms were too obvious, and their skin was flushed like cooked seafood. Instead of being able to stop them, their panicked family members and companions were taken away together.

"Wait for a minute longer, maybe you or your relatives will not be saved." Facing the screaming and struggling people, the urban patrol team said bluntly, even stopping.

Zhang Sen was never the only government skeptic, and more frightening rumors began to spread. People rushed to hide indoors, but artificial radiation, there is no difference between indoors and outdoors.Under the intervention of the army and the city defense system Andumari, every hotel and shop in the underground city has replaced the main lighting facilities one after another.

The port was even more lively, and a large number of "infected people" were escorted over.

When they saw the medical staff wearing fully enclosed radiation protection suits, not even showing their eyes, many of them couldn't bear the blow and fell to their knees crying bitterly.

"Human beings are so fragile!" The black cat squatted on the railing, stroking its beard and said, "Let them receive treatment, there is nothing to cry about."

"Some people are hopeless." Wen Luan was powerless to remind, and he also really wanted to sue the Deep Blue Kingdom government for making emergency rescue like a massacre in a concentration camp.

"Have you really, well, communicated with the kingdom government?" Wen Luan expressed doubts.

"Your Excellency Speaker, please rest assured that the power of the Dark Council is enormous in this country. Many of the government agencies, important councilors, and nobles are our people, even the research institute is no exception." The Great Elder came over and picked up the black cat , he blinked slyly, "There is also the help of the succubus, I think Your Excellency knows how useful Prime Minister Cyrus' orders are in Deep Blue Star."

Did the Nightmare really control the entire ruling party?Wen Luan frowned.

At this time, Wen Luan didn't know yet, it was precisely because of his attitude of being close to the Dark Council and not wanting to have a deep friendship (it was difficult to further develop trust with those bastards) that made him miss the truth again.

The Great Elder led Wen Luan into the aid station.

Although it was a heavily guarded place, since all the creatures working were dark creatures, they all bowed to them.

After entering the door, there was no daylight, and the "medical staff" in radiation protection suits took off their helmets. After checking the door three times, there was a group of stern-faced and listless vampires inside.

The people who were forcibly brought here stood tremblingly in the hall, and were soon separated and taken to different stairways.

In fact, some lead to death (unrecoverable), and when more people walked into the room, they were immediately knocked down by a vampire, biting their necks, half a minute later, the vampire let go, picked up a basin with a bitter face and spit it out. Black, foul-smelling blood.

"Send it away and observe it in a human hospital for three days. If you don't respond to sunlight, you can leave."

The fangs of the vampires secrete special hormones. Not only do the victims have no wounds on their necks, they usually don’t have the memory of being bitten—this is what these innocent people who will mutate into bloodthirsty monsters think about what happened to them. No reason is known.

After sending off a human, the Kindred, acting as a makeshift medical first responder, starts rinsing their mouths with wine or whiskey.

"Satan! I bet a pariah bit this one, his blood is worse than pitch!"

There are also lucky blood clans who smacked their lips and commented with a smile: "The taste of the Lesemba family is not a peripheral member. The blood of the Lesemba family of the demon party has a more exciting taste than the strongest vodka. Unfortunately, there are too few of them." ! But this proves that the Demon Party has produced a large amount of garbage, even full-fledged members of its own family, and it may have diluted the blood a lot to achieve the effect of not giving power."

The seven major families of the secret party all mobilized.

Not just biting people can solve the problem. Some "patients" have a long incubation period and too much blood, so they have to be taken to a special room. One vampire is in charge of biting, and the other Simmore family is the attending doctor. The assistant gave the "victim" an emergency transfusion of artificial stem blood cells, and then injected various medicines and nutrients for human recovery.

This process is often very long, because the human body is very weak, and the blood loss cannot match the production speed.

So the "medical staff" in the room stopped, and went to bite the second time 10 minutes later.

This type of emergency ward is filled with a strong smell of blood and rancidity, full of stinky black blood spat out, and messy jokes and complaints.

"It hasn't drained completely yet... Huh, this human being has been bitten on the neck seven times, and I can't find where to put my mouth!"

"This human being is healthy and can do it at the same time. You, bite your neck, Joan, you bite your wrist!"

"Satan!" Marquis Joan knelt down in pain, holding a thick black arm of a strong man in his hand, and almost cried, "I don't use my teeth as much as today in a year! I quit."

The elusive second elder said forcefully: "No! According to the regulations, you have to bite four more people before you can be rotated to rest!"

There are also many Second Elders in emergency rescue. The Curse of Weakness is more effective than anesthetics. After all, some patients are in good physical condition, and they can struggle for a while after being bitten by the vampires.

The alchemist in the golden red robe was eliminating the black blood from ward to ward.

Followed by the dark wizards who dispensed the forgetting potion, just in case, there were orcs who poured the potion, and they were very skilled in carrying the people who had completed the treatment to the government of the Deep Blue Kingdom.

"In order to ensure safety." The elder looked kindly at the sad vampires, and explained to Wen Luan with a smile, "Princes and grand dukes of all families agreed that only vampires with strength above the count can be responsible for biting these unfortunate ones." Human beings. Low-ranking vampires must obey high-ranking vampires, and their fangs absorb the power of blood that does not belong to humans. The success depends on the power ratio between the injector and the absorber. .”

Wen Luan found that he had no expression other than muscle twitching.

"Of course, we don't fully believe in the succubus... and most of the members have to stay at the council headquarters."

The Great Elder turned to Wen Luan and said, "Honorable Speaker, I think that after this matter is over, we need subsidies or allowances from the Deep Blue Kingdom government. Your Excellency Speaker needs to take the lead in signing this clause."

"What?" Wen Luan asked blankly.

"Fang use loss fee!"


Wen Luan was speechless watching each of the vampires laughing wildly and knocking down the humans and biting them, to biting and biting wildly, with different expressions at the end of the biting, covering their faces.

The number of infected people is too large. With the expansion of urban search efforts, the number is still increasing, and the "cured" humans who were sent out at the beginning were in good condition except for anemia, so the victims of the second infection were also sent to the hospital. coming.

"Hehe, lovely children, I guess they will be drinking blood drinks in a few years, so I don't want to hunt them myself." The third elder of the black cat jumped back and forth nervously.

At this time, a blood clan full of rose water smell rushed over, shouting all the way: "Grand Elder! I want to apply for special treatment during wartime!"

"Prince Maiko?"

"Huh." Maike carefully moved ten meters away from Wen Luan, and excitedly said to the elder through the corridor, "Our Toledo family has run out of quotas for this year's descendants. It has to be special when…”

"Get to the point!" The necromancer impatiently tapped the ground with his staff.

Prince Maike was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly said: "I just discovered the most famous tenor artist in the Axi Federation who came to the Deep Blue Star to travel. Can I bite him into a descendant of our family?"

"Get out!" the Great Elder and Wen Luan shouted angrily at the same time.

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