[What does it look like for me to become an artifact? 】

After accepting the reality, I asked Yato.

Yetou was helping Rantang to a position against the wall, and when he heard the words, he turned his head and gave a smirk, he squeezed his chin, and said maliciously: "It's strange, Qi Mu, you are also curious about something? I thought you always No sadness, no joy... No, you still have joy, and you enjoy it very much when you eat coffee jelly."


Tsk, this guy.I flicked my eyebrows and slowly raised my fist.

Speaking of which, since I met Yato, I seldom "Yeah!" The fundamental reason is that I am seldom in a state of helplessness but ease of use. Most of the time, I am very irritable.

From Yato, I know what I look like as a divine weapon.

Without a scabbard, the sword is about three feet long and blue, the hilt is wrapped with a black bandage, and the oval black gauntlet.The blade of the sword is sharp and the aura of the sword is compelling.

"Unfortunately, I was involved in the attack of monsters when I was unarmed. It is not every time I am lucky to meet a pure undead that is not polluted by people. This time it is purely because you are present, and the soul can really become Artifact."

"Big Earning!!!"

I was so excited as if I became a god for the first time, and received an artifact for the first time, I couldn't help but find it a little funny.

[Why do you call me Kong Qi? 】

Yato thought for a moment, and just when I suspected that he was trying to fool me with something, he spread his hands and shook his head and said, "Who knows. I thought so at the time, so I chose Sora casually."

Taking it casually, it feels more irritating than perfunctory.

"Compared to this, since you are a soul, why don't you have any clues?"

【thread? 】

"It's the chain of life that connects the body and the soul." Yato said, "It's so important that if you cut that thing off, you'll die."

He pointed to my butt, probably knowing that I was unimaginable for such an abstract concept, so he made a gesture and explained: "It looks like a tail, yes, a cat's tail."

[How could I have a cat tail. 】

How can different worldviews have the same setting?

But when it comes to cat tails...

I glanced at him, imagining how Yato wagged his tail frantically when he begged me for potato chips, and suddenly a chill ran down my spine.

However, if Yato was a cat, I wonder if he would catch cockroaches...

This thought stimulated me, and I suddenly saw Songgang Meow's big face, and I completely woke up from my distraction.

Yato beside me has already called me for several rounds.

[Okay, okay, stop arguing.Still have to find Hai Teng? 】

Although that guy was terrified, he must still be stubbornly waiting where he was. If he didn't meet up with him quickly, the impact of the situation might be expanded.

I blocked Yato's voice, raised my finger and used telekinesis to move the burning hall up, and walked straight ahead. Although Yato was muttering something, he was beside me.

It was very late at night, but fortunately the road was not far away.

From a distance, I saw Haiteng curled up leaning against the railing on the bridge.

The sound of footsteps disturbed him, and the messy blue hair trembled nervously. With the exclamation of his master, Hai Teng jumped up, "Who!"

"Don't come here! I'm warning you, I'm a superpower who kills darkreunion, no matter if you're a ghost or not, I won't be merciful!!!!"

When did you become superhuman?

"We're back." Yato put his arms behind his head and walked over with a smile.

Hai Teng, who had erected spikes all over his body just now, immediately let down all the weapons against the enemy. He looked a little pale, and he was relieved to see the intact burning hall. With a weak expression of motion sickness on his face, he turned around and shook his head. Holding on to the railing wobbly.

"Scared me to death. Rantang suddenly jumped into the water, and you jumped into the water too, and then he got up and chased you regardless, and you started to run away. He bit you, and you also hit back... You all looked different It's scarier than the other one, so scary. Now! It's all right!"

You look even scarier.

Yato waved his hand, "It's all right, he's asleep now."

【fine.He had a stomachache from eating too much ramen. 】

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This guy must have eaten ramen from the dirty roadside snacks!"

That means you are an idiot too, right?

"I have something." Yato interrupted suddenly, "I want to confirm with you."

Kaito froze in doubt, "Huh?"

"I heard a campus legend in Cheng Lin's school before."

Sea vines gritted their teeth, resembling the sound of a groundhog gnawing on bamboo, as if facing a formidable enemy, "What!"

"The girl who was bullied for a long time committed suicide by jumping into the river, echoing on this bridge every night, screaming and seeking to take the culprit away." Ye Dou pointed to his feet, "The rumored haunted bridge is this one, right?"

As if remembering something bad, Kai Teng drooped his ears like a Shiba Inu suddenly lost his momentum, and said wearily: "Yes, yes, so what."

After a while, he raised his voice and said loudly:

"It's just a rumor. Rumors! Rantang and I walk on this road every day when we go home, and we have to pass this bridge! No! We didn't hear any strange sounds at all! It's so strange, how could it be possible in this world There are ghosts, how could someone's soul wander outside, they don't exist at all!"

Kaito looked almost crying, he grabbed his collar and asked Yato loudly.

"Well, it's indeed a rumor." Yato comforted him with a smile.

"Really, really?" Kaito opened his eyes wide.

"Really." Yato whispered, "It's just an illusion, you are too nervous, relax, it will never appear again."

Hai Teng cheered up, "Speaking of which, I haven't heard that voice for a while. Although Rantang always seems to have bad ears, I, I..."

Inadvertently slipped his mouth, but Yato did not expose it.

One was talking eloquently, the other nodded and listened, both of them looked very gentle.

Looking at Kai Teng's expression, I probably knew that Yatowen really had this matter.And it is very likely that Hai Teng and Ran Tang happened to encounter the girl's soul on this bridge.

It's just that her resentment wasn't big enough to affect reality at that time.

[You should also know, right? 】

Yato was lying on the small roof of Kaiteng's house on the third floor. I opened the skylight and climbed out, and sat beside him.

"Hey~" Yato smiled, "I saw it with my own eyes. From the eyes and memory of the child who was cut open."

"The child had a very hard life. He was coerced into lending money to bad debtors, laxatives were poured into the water cup, and he was stripped and thrown into the toilet... The resistance that was not firm enough failed, and it brought more bullying. I have been begging for someone to come Save her. However, the teacher's neglect, the parents' muddle through, and the intensified bullying, everything in life made her unable to breathe. So that before the final suicide, all that was left was despair."

【Bullying?You're kind of in tune with current events. 】

"After all, most of the commissions I accepted were similar requests." Yato yawned, but he didn't look sleepy at all.

Compassion appeared in the stars in his eyes.

"Then the hands that appeared to save her when she was desperate, easily became the light for her to seek redemption."

"People who commit suicide cannot become artifacts after death. Because of their uncleanness, because of the entanglement in their hearts, they are more likely to be tempted to become monsters. It is easier to hurt their own gods."

"But that child is still special. From the moment she died, she had hope. At the beginning, she wandered on the bridge, just wanting to see the light in her life. But it's like a young child born with a blank sheet of paper. Just like staying in the dark will turn bad, the child's soul trying to save himself has been immersed in resentment for too long, and finally turned bad."

"Who taught her badly?" Yato supported his head with his hands, and turned his head to look at me, "Actually, no one."

[Because I saw this unfair world.I died in pain, but I can see that the people who forced me to this point are still running and living a good life, and maybe I can see that group of people looking for the next bullying target without repentance. 】

"As expected of my lord's artifact." Yato wiped away tears.


So fake!

"She committed suicide because she wanted to punish those people's conscience. 'If I die, the teacher, parents, and those people will be affected to some extent, right?'" She hugged The mentality of revenge, died. But the result..."

"It hasn't changed. It's just that one more person died."

Yato pointed down.I followed the direction he pointed and saw a few drunken girls coming out of the alley.

"No remorse, still at ease."

Yato raised his wrist, and the beer can flew down with a whoosh.

"It hurts, it hurts!" came the pain and cursing from below, "Which thing doesn't have eyes?"

【So all the unwillingness turned into the obsession of wanting to live in the next world with my own light.So after transforming into a monster, he possessed Burning Hall? 】

I quickly picked up the beer can and handed it back to Yato.

[Yazheng's god also has a little temper sometimes? 】

【Do not throw garbage anywhere. 】

"As expected of my lord's artifact." Yato wiped away tears again.

I look at him.

"what happened?"

[I thought you didn't understand human emotions.Can't understand, can't empathize. 】

"That's why there are divine artifacts. Divine artifacts used to be human beings with passionate emotions. They protected the gods and used them as beacons to guide the gods." Yato played with the pot neatly and smiled slightly, "I was born hundreds of years ago. Over the years, I have met many kind-hearted dead spirits."

Immediately he folded his arms and pouted again, "You can't cut people, why don't you throw me a beer can?"

"why are you laughing?"

【No. 】

"Huh? Are you laughing! You must be laughing!" Yato complained angrily, "I saw it!"

If I say no, there will be no.

Well, let's bring the topic back to the point I've always been very concerned about.

[Can you see other people's memories? 】

"To be precise, it's the memory of the Necromancer. The moment I signed the contract, I can see the memory of the artifact, and I can see his resentment when I cut the monster open." Yato corrected.

So I also...

In the past 16 years, only I have been able to see other people's secrets. Now suddenly there is another Yato, and I am not used to it. It feels like being stripped naked and thrown in front of others.

No, not unaccustomed, but very unaccustomed.

[It’s really hard for you, I was forced to see the boring daily life of a 16-year-old Japanese high school student. 】

I answered casually.

After the adjective jumped out of my mouth unconsciously, I instinctively felt that something was wrong, but it was too late for me to take it back.

"No, it's a very precious and gentle time." Yato looked up at me slightly, his eyes seemed to be shining, deeper than the starry sky, "tell me so from your heart. Although you always call for trouble and Boring, but you are always bearing and guarding silently, you are very gentle."

I swear that remark was meant to be a casual provocation.

Unexpectedly, Yato suddenly made a strong counterattack, and now I felt inexplicably nervous about being seen through, so in desperation, I pinched and burst the empty beer can in Yato's hand.



Relatively silent.

"Also, speaking of memory. There is a strange point." It was Yato who broke the embarrassment.He paused for a moment and continued: "There was a gap in the child's memory. The same memory was repeated."

"The object of memory is completely different. In the first paragraph, it is naturally Rantang and Haiteng. But in the second paragraph, the incident happened the same, and the person who appeared became a tall boy with blond hair. , is your client Heizi Tetsuya."

Kise Ryota and Kuroko Tetsuya?


The author has something to say:

Ah, I'm finally on the main line, I'm so happy and congratulated (wipe away tears)

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