Looking for food on the street is contrary to the original excuse of low-key camouflage—if it wasn’t for the sake of testing the results and testing whether the disguise was successful, I wouldn’t be fooling around with this stupid girl!

As for acting like a baby with her, there is absolutely no way to pamper her unconditionally!

Su Yan snorted softly, reluctantly took a bunch of candied haws that Tong Tong forced, frowned under her ingratiating smile, and took a bite in disgust—the overly sweet icing made her pause uncomfortably For a moment, but because of Tong Tong's cleverly smiling and hopeful look back, he bent his lips, pretended not to care and swallowed: "...not bad."

His voice was a little slurred, and the tips of his ears were slightly red, stained with an imperceptible embarrassment.


So cute, so cute... As the line of subtitles played back in his mind, Tong Tong felt that he was about to lose his burst of laughter.

Sure enough, as expected, Su Yan, who put on women's clothes, was still cold, but she had a more watery temperament, and even her indifferent expression seemed to be much more vivid, as if she was hiding a bit of tenderness... ...Is it an illusion?

However, Su Yan like this is really exciting.

Taking a big bite of the candied haws, Tong Tong felt that the sweetness seemed to seep from the tip of his tongue to the bottom of his heart.

The two people in the side room were enjoying the warmth of each other, but they heard a loud gong in the distance "clang--".

The noisy street was stagnant.

After the sound of gongs cleared the way, faint drum music sounded again. The unique bleak melody of the funeral procession made people's hearts gradually calm down.

Tong Tong looked over on tiptoe, and saw white flags fluttering, paper money sprinkled all over the sky, a group of musicians in sackcloth and filial piety, playing and playing various instruments, followed by a guard of honor carrying the coffin—a high-quality nanmu coffin, One set for four people—she counted roughly, and it turned out to be a total of 37 sets!

The entire long street was filled to the brim with the funeral procession, and the solemn and solemn atmosphere made the street vendors who were still welcoming them back down to make way for a wider road, so as not to bump into the heavy.

--My goodness!Whose funeral procession is this?What a big show!

Is it even popular to organize groups for funerals?So many people at once?

Tong Tong thought in amazement, he didn't even notice that the candied haws' juice had stained his clothes.

After a whole stick of incense, the meandering funeral procession finally came to an end—after the last smaller coffin passed by, there was a young woman in white and linen—tears were intertwined, lips The bloodless, beautiful face was filled with unbearable sadness.

Beside her is a thin and thin tall man with a gentle expression, a gentle manner, and a tender look in his pity eyes.

The two of them were silent, neither crying nor making noise, and followed silently at the end of the line, but the deep sadness flowed from their eyes, which was more mournful than the wailing and mourning in front of them.

When the team gradually drifted away and completely out of everyone's sight, Tong Tong heard the aunt who was setting up the wonton stall next to him whisper to the uncle: "I don't know what evil has been done in the Cong Mansion in Tangli Lane in the north. Dozens of people suddenly died suddenly, only the youngest daughter married to the neighboring county brought her son-in-law to attend the funeral, what a pity..."

"Who says it's not!" The uncle knocked a cigarette butt on the sole of his shoe, lit the fire, squinted his eyes and took a puff, and sighed after he exhaled a puff of smoke rings, "It is said that their old Cong family climbed the fairy gate Gao Zhier, who was born in Beijing, suffered such unexpected disasters before he could enjoy his blessings... It is said that bandits robbed money and murdered people, but they did not see any valuables lost by the Cong Mansion; , maybe offended some gods and Buddhas..."

He pointed his thumb to the sky in a serious manner, and then stopped talking in silence. Under the disapproving eyes of his wife, the old god sucked a cigarette on the ground, turned around and went to roll out the wonton wrappers.

While straining his ears to listen to the corner, Tong Tong curled his lips, thinking about his vague speculation in his heart: Yoho!The massacre!There is an inside story on the cliff!

Clenching his small fists, Tong Tong felt that his Conan soul was starting to burn.

Looking coldly at a stupid girl who was aroused, Su Yan shook his head, but he couldn't help but care a little about the old Cong's family who had accidentally wiped out his family: Is it a fairy gate... huh.

81 Soul Wood

Cong Mansion in Liuzhou is the most powerful squire in a town with a radius of hundreds of miles. It is not an exaggeration to call it Lingnan Fu. Rumor has it that the Cong Mansion is so rich that even the immortal elders of cultivation condescend to befriend him. The Cong Mansion is far more prominent than a wealthy family—of course, since 37 people in the Cong Mansion died overnight, these honors have turned into the past and passed away with the wind.

Only the majestic and impressive mansion of Cong Mansion still retains a trace of the grandeur of the past.

The walls more than three feet high are all made of bright red stone bricks transported from Liangshan thousands of miles away, and the sharp fragments embedded on the top of the walls are all high-quality colorful glazed tiles. The gorgeous and colorful brilliance reflected on the floor tiles on the floor is really beautiful—it was Miss Cong’s favorite scenery before she left the pavilion—it’s a pity that things have changed and people have changed, and there are no more people to enjoy the scenery.

The two majestic stone lions in front of the gate of the Cong Mansion crouched quietly, no longer majestic and arrogant, and the wreaths and flower baskets of condolence were crowded on both sides, as if they were silently mocking the unbearable desolation.

Everyone knows that the Cong Mansion has fallen.

But with only one piece of recruitment, a sea of ​​people gathered in front of the declining Cong Mansion.

"I invite the No. 20 eight applicants, Daoist Changxiangzi—" The high-pitched male voice dragged on a long tone, so sharp that people couldn't help plugging their ears.

A middle-aged man with a moustache and a Taoist bun walked squarely, followed the guidance of a young servant in gray, and walked into the house full of white flags under the watchful eyes of everyone.

He walked with confidence, without hesitation, and his arrogant and high-spirited appearance was like a big rooster who was proud of a group of hens, with an incomparable conceit.

However, it was only half a cup of tea, but he was like a defeated rooster, walking out of the house slowly with heavy steps that were completely opposite to before, with a humiliated expression on his face.

The crowd waiting outside let out gloating sighs, the Taoist raised his head angrily and glared at the people who taunted him, his lips muttered and wanted to say something, but he was hesitant, and finally left silently.

"Hey buddy, I've already entered 28, why is it still not working?" A skinny man poked an unknown bearded man next to him, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he could kill a fly, "What kind of monster is this? , so fierce?"

"Hehe, who knew!" The bearded man held a red gourd and took a big gulp of wine, his eyes flashed: No wonder this Cong Mansion is willing to pay such a high price to recruit requiemers... It seems , this business is not easy to do!

At this time, there was a noise coming from the long line behind, some shouted and cursed angrily, and even more admiring and admiring, the people in front couldn't help but turned to look curiously——

It was a delicate and pleasant young girl, with round eyes that were bright and energetic, shining like clear jade in the sunlight.

She opened the way with one hand, pushing aside the crowd in front of her seemingly casually, but her soft and white hand seemed to carry a huge force that cannot be ignored, even a burly man with a height of eight feet could not withstand her shoving With a lot of power, he staggered and fell to the side, making way for her.

However, everyone's attention is obviously not all on this wanton and arrogant girl - in her other hand, she is holding a young woman firmly. It's just a beautiful image without saying a word, and it easily captures people's hearts.

It seemed that the dissatisfied girl was pulling her own way, her obsidian-like beautiful eyes were a little bit angry, and they were cold because of the hot gaze around her - even so, she didn't shake off the other party's hand after all, and let her spread her strength Forming a shield, he walked towards the gate of Cong Mansion as if no one was there.

——It's all the fault of that talkative shop waiter, what did he do to tell her that Miss Congfu's culinary skills are excellent, which is not much better than that of the royal chef, so this foodie is so excited that he wants to come to her door!

The most hateful thing is that I know that this is extremely inappropriate, that I may startle the snake, and even reveal my identity, but I just can't bear to refuse...

Su Yan shook his head lightly, a purple halo flashed across his eyes very quickly, and the clear ink color returned immediately.

——The standard of the royal chef!Looking forward to it!Miss Cong, don't let me down!

While Tong Tong was happy about the delicacies that he was about to enjoy, while reminiscing about the cool and soft touch in his palm, he felt a burst of joy in his heart, and the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Candidate No. 20 and No. [-] squeezed through the door, and said "We are masters", ignoring the ashen expression of the old housekeeper, he excitedly dragged Su Yan straight to the inner courtyard.

"Hurry up, stop them!" The old man shouted tremblingly when they disappeared in front of his eyes like a gust of wind.

But it was too late.

Tong Tong naturally didn't care about the commotion she caused, she just ran inward according to her intuition—but the deeper she went in, the more she felt an inexplicable feeling that made her blood flow backwards, as if from the depths of her soul. The trembling of waking up—two different voices sounded in Piansheng's mind, one kept blocking her from continuing, and the other bewitched her to get closer.

The headache caused her to close her eyes abruptly, and when the discomfort dissipated, she opened her eyes again to see that Su Yan, who was dragged by her, had changed his position and stood in front of her instead.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, wrapped her waist with one hand, supported her chin with the other, approached her face and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Dazzled by the face that was so close at hand, and fascinated by the scorching and fragrant breath, Tong Tong bit his lower lip suddenly, and then he regained his reason—suppress the shy thoughts that had just suddenly arisen, don't He opened his eyes and answered in a low voice, "No, nothing."

——What are you doing so close, don't you know that people will be shy!

The most important thing is that at that moment just now, I really wanted to kiss her!It's not like me to be so unreserved!

I obviously took the small and fresh route...

Suspiciously glanced at Tong Tong's pale but tender cheeks, Su Yan then let go of his consciousness, looked around the front yard where the two were in vigilantly, and extended his eyes all the way to the stone screen leading to the backyard. In the next breath, he suddenly waved his sleeves and opened the door to the left ear room. His cold eyes stared straight at the startled man and woman behind the door, without any warmth: "Sneaky, what are you doing?"

The faint murderous intent emanating from her body did not make Tong Tong feel the slightest fear, instead he knocked his head on her thin shoulder, buried his face, and shrugged lightly.

"Huh?" Su Yan ran along her back without knowing why, not sure if she was happy or sad.

"Haha, ha, um, I, I'm fine," Tong Tong took the time to raise his head and smiled brightly at her, then continued to smile on her shoulder, "You, you continue!"

——Puff haha, big brother, you are amazing!This anti-client-oriented, righteous attitude is really handsome!

It seems that we are the uninvited intruders, and those two are the masters, right?

Oh no, I laughed to death...


Su Yan let out a cold snort, but the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably. After a moment, the eyes that glanced at those two returned to coldness: "Who are you?"

Stopping the impulsive husband who was about to speak, the woman wearing silk flowers straightened her cuffs, saluted lightly, and her voice was like an oriole in the empty valley, soft and soft like water: "I am Cong Rong, this is my husband Ying Jiang, I don't know how the two girls should be?" summoned?"

Tong Tong peeked at Su Yan's slightly stiff lips when he heard the word "girl", couldn't help snickering, grabbed her sleeves to block her behind, and nodded with a smile: "Ah, that's right! We are I came here because of your reputation...I heard that you are good at cooking?"

——By the way, this eldest sister, you are a sissy foreigner and look like a sissy. Why do you stare at me with the gloomy gaze of a boudoir?It's really scary...

But the name "Ying Jiang" sounds familiar!

"This..." No matter how gentle and dignified Cong Rong was, and how well she advanced and retreated, Tong Tong had to fail in the irrelevant conversation, "I don't know what the girl means?"

——It is clearly written on the list that it is recruiting requiem warlocks, so what does it have to do with my cooking skills?

Looking at the two girls, well-dressed and dignified, they really don't look like those sanctimonious liars.

"Oh, what I mean is..." Go and cook us some good dishes!

Before Tong Tong could finish speaking, Su Yan pulled him to his side, his eyes swept away, and he suddenly died down and dared not speak.

"There is something different in the backyard." Su Yan cut off the conversation coldly, his cold and calm eyes looked back and forth between the two, as if to see some clues.

Seeing that Cong Rong's face tightened, she bowed her knees and bowed, and said in a deep voice: "The monster is causing trouble, and the house is restless. Please help me, please help me to restore peace to the heroic spirit of the Cong Mansion."

She looked humble and sincere, but Su Yan didn't move at all. He just glanced at Tong Tong's expectant eyes out of the corner of his eye, and then he gave a slight nod and walked towards the backyard with his hands behind his back: "Stay here."

Tong Tong hurriedly followed, chattering around Su Yan like sparrows: "Brother, you're doing great! I knew you were the best! Seeing the road is wronged, let out a yell, when it's time to act..."

"Shut up." Su Yan glanced at her, and reprimanded with a blank face: I must be crazy to agree to her to come here and pretend to be a requiemer!The spiritual power fluctuations coming from this backyard are extraordinary...

Tong Tong, who was scolded, didn't care about his grievances, his pouty mouth opened in surprise when he saw the scene in front of him through the stone screen in the backyard, and he couldn't close it anymore——

It was a big tree that couldn't be enough for five people to hug. The trunk was covered with criss-cross lines, which seemed to be the imprints carved on it by the years, full of vicissitudes. The red color is as red as a fire, and as bright as blood poured into it. Tong Tong even has the urge to throw a coin to make a wish.

However, at this moment, facing this giant tree that is full of strangeness and splendor everywhere, Tong Tong has only one thought in his mind - run away!Get as far away as possible!

At this time, Su Yan let out a light "Hey", and took a step closer to the giant tree that made her feel cold in her bones, hesitating as if she said to herself: "This is—a thousand-year-old soul-cultivating tree!"

——Moreover, it was born from the irrigation of the blood of living people.

For some reason, the serious look on Su Yan's face made Tong Tong's uneasiness suddenly reach the extreme.

82 Extra Story: The Cold Autumn (Part [-])

There is no one in Chonghua Jingying Forest, except for the rustling breeze, which lifts up a bit of Ling Ran.

Suddenly, a touch of apricot flashed across the sky, like a wild goose flying in the air, shuttling back and forth in the dense forest.

In a few moments, a sudden gust of wind blew up like a flat ground, rolling up clusters of fallen leaves, and in an instant, a huge leaf nest was assembled. The strong wind wrapped around the surface, making a low cry of "hissing", and the black color appeared and disappeared. The leaf nest exploded with a bang and turned into flying leaves all over the sky, but in the center of Kuang Jin there was an extraordinary apricot shirt, which was not stained by dust or stained by folds.

Looking intently, that apricot-colored young girl was clearly elegant and elegant, holding a thick and colorful broad-backed sword in one hand, she was even bigger than her stature by a few inches.

——Looking at the entire Chonghua Sword Sect, the only female disciple who can use such an epee is Ye Zhiqiu, who is under the head of the sect.

The white porcelain palm and the black and condensed hilt form a stark contrast, but it is indescribably suitable, as if endless sharpness is revealed from this slender arm, like a finger to control the ground. This unruly sword.

The girl's brows are normal, her expression is peaceful, her spring-like pupils are slightly closed, as if she is comprehending the wanton but never-ending sword intent, and she seems to just feel the refreshing and pleasant pine wind in the forest.

Mutation suddenly arises.

A streak of Bai Lian pierced obliquely, exuding an undeniable coldness, and the direction was right at her acupoint on the chest—— Upon closer inspection, this Bai Lian was a soft whip more than three feet long, with row upon row of horizontal stripes It shows that it should be a rare white python during its lifetime.

The girl in the apricot shirt kept her expression unchanged, she blocked the big black sword casually, flipped her wrist a few times flexibly, and wrapped the python whip around the blade at an inconceivable angle, making the attacker unable to break free.

There was a warm smile on the lips, and it came into the eyes little by little, predicting the future beauty of the city: "Oh, Yan'er, you are naughty again."

Looking along the white python whip, it is a red dress that is flamboyant and flamboyant like a fire.

Wrapped in a red dress, there is a girl carved in pink and jade, but she has a cold expression on her delicate face, but there is a bit of anger in her eyes: "Liar!"

Unable to pull back the soft whip that was restrained by the opponent, he gritted his silver teeth lightly, gathered a crystal ball made of ice and snow with his other hand, and threw it towards the girl in apricot shirt.

There was a look of surprise in her eyes, and then doubts crept up to the corner of her mouth. She stretched out one hand, opened her five fingers slightly, and formed a film of air in her palm. It seemed thin, but she blocked the menacing ice puck effortlessly.

The other hand pulled the soft whip vigorously, and brought the girl at the other end into her arms and hugged her tightly. The strength was neither too strong nor too weak. It would neither make the other party feel pain, but also make her unable to break free.

Ye Zhiqiu sincerely looked into the eyes of the girl in red who was even more angry than before, and asked softly, "Yan'er, when did I ever lie to you?"

"Hmph!" Leng Yan glanced at her blankly, and counted on her fingers, "Last month, you promised to take me to drink flowers and wine in the town below the mountain; Butterfly; last month..."

Every time she said one thing, the frost on her little face became heavier, and Ye Zhiqiu's forehead was already sweating faintly: It turned out that she had agreed to so many rude requests without realizing it, but she hadn't fulfilled any of them... …

"Also, the most important thing..." Leng Yan stopped her mouth, her bright red lips bit her white seal, seeing Ye Zhiqiu's heart ache, she decided inwardly: no matter what excessive demands Yan'er raises, they must be satisfied she!

"When did you come to my house to propose marriage?" Leng Yan stared at her, her little face flushed, but she was not shy but angry.

"This...uh..." Ye Zhiqiu froze for a moment, looked away at a loss, not knowing how to answer.

"In the end, you are lying to me." Leng Yan still had that expressionless delicate face, but Ye Zhiqiu felt that the mist in her eyes was gathering, as if she was going to cry in a second.

As soon as my heart softened, I was about to say what I promised, but I stopped my mouth abruptly.

Thinking of the two completely different faces, one cold and one hot, Ye Zhiqiu's fiery heart faded again, and when she rolled her eyes, there was a warm smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at Leng Yan with focused and soft eyes: "Yan'er, Don't you want to go down the mountain? I begged Master to give me three months to go down the mountain to practice, take you out to play, okay?"

"Not good." Leng Yan's beautiful black eyes stared straight at her, with a purple halo flowing in her eyes, which was too beautiful, "Three months is too short, at least three years."

"...Depending on you." Ye Zhiqiu smiled helplessly, but he no longer cared about the price he had to pay to persuade the master who refused to suffer even the slightest loss because of the headache. Opening up the sour and soft warmth, it is like a warm little hand touching the lake in the heart, and the ripples suddenly rise, and it will never return to the calmness of the past.

Shaking his head and forgetting the master's inscrutable smiling face before leaving the house, Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to think about why the always eccentric master looked at him so seriously, and threw down a sentence of "good for yourself" and promised to go down the mountain for three years Travel vacation.

She had specially prepared a few sets of clothes for ordinary young men, still dressed in men's clothes, her stature has grown a lot in recent years, but fortunately, the loose robes covered most of her secondary sexual characteristics.

Trimming the broken sideburns, although it was a girlish action, she did it with a bit of elegance and elegance—Ye Zhiqiu didn't realize that there were already many women secretly looking at her, but just calmly Standing quietly at the intersection with Leng Yan with her hands behind her back, despite the hustle and bustle of the surroundings and the comings and goings of people, she has become a peaceful world, her clothes are quiet and far away, spotless.

She admired the cityscape as a painting, but she didn't know that in the eyes of others, she was the most beautiful scenery.

I saw her at a glance in the crowd from a distance—and she was the only one—Leng Yan, who was dressed in a black brocade robe, stared at her for a long while, and then suppressed the sudden joy in her heart, and stepped forward. With steady steps, he walked towards Ye Zhiqiu step by step.

Strolling to her side, he took out a folding fan with jade bone and silk surface from his waist, unfolded it pretentiously, and fanned it lightly a few times: "Brother Ye, I've been waiting for a long time."

The soft voice has not yet shed its childishness, it was born a little more charming and tactful, but when she deliberately lowered it, it turned out to be a different kind of sexy.

Seeing her outfit, Ye Zhiqiu smiled before saying a word, and suddenly the person in the picture jumped out of the background, making people's eyes bright, as if the whole world became lively because of this smile, "Yan'er."

Her voice is no longer clear and clear when she was a teenager, but it has become softer with age, and it has a unique charm.

"Call me officer." Leng Yan's flirtatious winking eyes added a touch of innocence to that serious little face, which made it endearing.

"Let's go, my little official." Scratching the bridge of her nose amusedly, Ye Zhiqiu took her hand and walked slowly towards the city gate.

"...Hum." Dissatisfied with the other party's perfunctory attitude, Leng Yan curled her lips and reluctantly followed her footsteps - Ruyu's earlobes were quietly red, like plump and ruddy cherries, which made people think Hold it in one bite.

After leaving Chaohua Town, the two headed towards Liuzhou in the south of Lingnan—the hometown of Ye Zhiqiu's mother clan.

"Yan...cough cough, um, officer," Ye Zhiqiu forced himself to hold back a smile under Leng Yan's gaze, and changed his words, "How did your father agree to let you travel?"

Could it be because the old master said hello?No way, Leng Tiao is the most conceited person, and it can be said that he has no relatives. According to Master Ju, the acquaintance between the two is just a transaction, so - the master's argument is ruled out.

Could it be that because you are assured of my character and cultivation, you are happy to see your daughter befriend me?

Well, thinking about it this way, the possibility is quite high... Ye Zhiqiu nodded in agreement.

But Leng Yan was playing with the folding fan in her hand, and said casually: "Oh, he didn't agree."

"What?" Ye Zhiqiu stopped abruptly, looked in surprise at the girl in men's clothing who was half a head shorter than her, and had a bad premonition in her heart.

"I knocked out the maid and the guards and slipped out." Leng Yan's words shattered her last little hope, "Don't worry, I have left a letter to tell him."

——Father, I eloped with Xiao Yezi, don't look for me; I will come back to see you when I have time.Sincerely, Yan'er.

At that time, when he came back to the study after finishing his official duties and saw the note left by Leng Yan, the master of the Demon Sect was so angry that he shook the four walls of the study.

"Rebellious girl." Leng Tiao scolded, and ordered to the trembling subordinates, "Pass down the order and use all the hands to bring the young lady back!"

In Liuzhou, in front of Qunying Pavilion, the most prestigious restaurant, Ye Zhiqiu stared at the calm Leng Yan in disbelief: "Elope? Did you really tell your father that?"

"Hmm." Leng Yan raised her long eyelashes, not understanding why she reacted so strongly.

"Oops." My life is over—Ye Zhiqiu smiled wryly, facing Leng Yan's delicate and soft face, but couldn't get angry no matter what.

"Why, aren't you willing to elope with me?" Noticing that her expression was not happy, the girl's eyes turned cold and turned a faint purple, "Are you going to blame me?"

Thinking of this, the girl's heart turned cold, and her icy face became even colder——Little Ye Zi, if you betray me, I will kill you and commit suicide again!

"If you are ruthless, jade and stone will burn together!" The jade fracture fan in her hand pressed against Ye Zhiqiu's slender neck, and said sinisterly.

Sighing secretly, Ye Zhiqiu held Leng Yanliang's fingertips, and there was a trace of pampering in his helpless smile: "Who taught you this?" This decisive and stubborn temperament is like her, so The harsh and ruthless words didn't seem to come from her mouth.

"... That's what the fox fairy in the storybook said a few days ago." He turned his head away sullenly, but didn't take back the fingertips that were being held - Ye Zhiqiu's hand was warm and soft, wrapped in her palm As soon as she said that, the irony has been rippling to the bottom of her heart, making her reluctant to let go.

"Yan'er..." Ye Zhiqiu opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

- What do you say?

You and I are both women, can't fall in love?

Her master Shen Guihong said long ago: Gender is not a problem, age is not a gap, true love has no boundaries!

Although she didn't understand it very well, she also knew that it meant that girls and girls couldn't help falling in love.

So... You and I are in different camps, Dao Demons have different paths?

Didn't she see that her master, who is a master of Taoism, is still coming and going with the magic sect behind his back, making deals that even her direct disciple doesn't know?

With a role model in front, what reason does she have to refuse?

Furthermore, ask yourself, does she really want to refuse...

The girl Ye Zhiqiu, who is still young and ignorant of the world, fell into deep thinking.

"I'm hungry." Leng Yan didn't disturb her meditation, she walked into a noisy and bustling shop with her in one hand.

"Hmm." Ye Zhiqiu, who was concentrating on thinking, didn't notice that Leng Yan was pulling her away from the original restaurant, Qunying Pavilion, but followed obediently.

Two slender girls, one tall and one short, dressed as men, walked into the building opposite Qunying Pavilion—the three gilded characters of "Qunfang Pavilion" were dotted with peach blossoms around them, adding a touch of charm.

As we all know, Qunfang Pavilion is the first-class...brothel.

83 Have you ever remembered

"Cultivating Soul Wood? What is it?" Tong Tong subconsciously showed Bi Ling, and carefully stepped forward to lean on Su Yan's shoulder, tiptoeing close to her ear and asked.

His body froze, his ears burned red, Su Yan pursed his lips, summoned Changhong, and explained lightly: "The tree of nourishing souls, as the name suggests, is a strange thing that warms and nourishes three souls and gathers vigor—as long as the soul is not scattered, it will The soul and memory of the original owner can be slowly recovered through this object. The longer the age, the stronger the effect... The current world knows only 500 years, but I didn't expect that there is a plant that collects the essence of thousands of years in the backyard of Congfu, which is priceless. If you take it to the trading house, there will definitely be a bloody storm of robbery."

——The blood-colored plant in front of me is obviously nourished by the secret method of the magic gate, and it is very evil.

She can't get close to her in leisure time, and she doesn't know what forces are operating behind the scenes. Her intuition tells her that this matter is a bit tricky... However, she has always followed her heart in everything, so why was she ever afraid of anyone?

But Tong Tong's attention fell on the words "invaluable", and he had already started to think about how to package it for auction—without considering that this thing still has an owner.

The little abacus was "cracking" and suddenly there was a sudden change. Dozens of hideous human faces suddenly appeared on the soul-cultivating tree, covered by blood-colored lines, and the original appearance of the faces could not be discerned. I can only vaguely see that there are old and young, male and female; they, oh no, it should be said that they all opened their bloody mouths, hissing and howling their dissatisfaction and resentment during their lifetime - a rough count , No more, no less 37 faces!

"Brother, do you still remember how many coffins you have carried in front of the Cong Mansion?" Tong Tong asked in a low voice as he stepped back in fear.

"Taiwan 37." Su Yan frowned, and replied in a cold voice.

——From this point of view, this soul-cultivating tree actually sucked the blood of 37 people in the Cong Mansion!

In an instant, I felt dark clouds billowing, dark wind gusts, and the soaring blood condensed in the sky above the Cong Mansion. Even a monk like Su Yan who possessed a demonic vein felt the turbulent blood surge under the tyrannical demonic energy. A certain girl who was supposed to be pale and weak, waiting for the wise and powerful senior brother to come to comfort and save her, stood there with her sword in her arms, sized up the eerie soul-cultivating tree with critical eyes, and even said Shaking her head... That expression—if she read it correctly—should be called "disdain", or, "hate that iron can't be steel"?

What's happening here?

Su Yan added a barrier to himself, and came to Tong Tong's side under the pressure of the devil's energy: "You..." He stopped the words as soon as he opened his mouth, not knowing what to ask.

"Brother, did you ever play pot throwing when you were young?" Tong Tong interrupted her question and asked first.

——Isn’t it the face growing on the tree?What's there to be afraid of?

Back then, there were dozens or dozens of horror movies that my girlfriends dragged me to watch. Picking a few scenes at random would be a hundred times more exciting than this one!Anyway, we are also one of the few brave warriors who fled without screaming and abandoning the film under the bombardment of sisters such as Sadako and Kayako. How can we be frightened by this mere grimace?

Besides, when it comes to scary special effects, compared with the cg methods of foreigners, the morality of this tree is not enough...

So, after commenting, Tong Tong suddenly came up with a brilliant idea——

She rummaged through the bottom of the Qiankun bag for a long time, and finally found a pile of small and exquisite black round stones, which were taken from the foot of Tianji Mountain. They were moderately soft and hard, and they were good things to use as table legs.

"What?" Su Yan was puzzled, why Tong Tong suddenly raised such an irrelevant question in front of the enemy.

"Hey, give you half of the bullet." Tong Tong enthusiastically divided the small stone in his hand into two parts, pulled Su Yan back a few steps, pointed to the more blood-colored soul-cultivating tree and said, "Look, this tree It is constantly expanding, and it is estimated that there is not much time before it explodes, so before it disappears, if you have fun, it can be regarded as waste utilization!"

——Idiot, you should stay far away at this time, how can anyone foolishly move up?

Tong Tong's eyebrows were beaming, and Su Yan's head was full of black lines. He wanted to remind her, but the words turned into a response: "Okay."

Forget it, depending on his own cultivation, it is not difficult to suppress the soul-cultivating wood, so why not let her be naughty for a while?

Su Yan was thinking like this, but forgot to count it down. This kind of indulgent pampering mood has already gone through countless rounds.

"The first move, life offender!" Tong Tong picked up a black stone, squinted his eyes and aimed at a face that was closer, said the name of the move that was irrelevant, flicked his fingers, the stone Like a programmed missile, it accurately fell into its gaping mouth, "Bingo!"

——I'm really a legendary genius hahaha!Is this miraculous move better called snapping fingers or consonant fingering?Or just call it-Six Meridians Excalibur?

Oh heh heh...

I was falling into a sudden conceited mood, but I heard the three sounds of "puff puff" breaking through the air one after another. I looked up suspiciously, and happened to catch three small boulders falling precisely into the mouths of the three waiting , as if a navigator is installed.

Looking at Su Yan's teasing eyes, Tong Tong's face suddenly flushed red - angry.

——Once again and again!Is this a provocation?Or provocation?Or is it provocative?

Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?It is imperative to let Da Bingshan see my abilities!

The girl Tong Tong aggressively rolled up her sleeves, picked up three round black stones with her slender fingers, squinted her eyes to measure the distance, smiled confidently, and raised her hand "swish swish" to shoot - unfortunately, Only one blow barely reached the real place and fell into the monster's mouth, but the other two stones hit the tree trunk, and then ended his unfinished mission with a sense of desolation that had no choice but to fall.

Staring at the two disobedient stubborn stones, Tong Tong puffed up her cheeks, and if there was any substance in her resentful gaze, she heard Su Yan's light but obvious sneer, and immediately turned her head to stare fiercely at each other—she was unconscious arrived

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