It is said that Elizabeth Hansenton is a dark wizard who stepped on the life of his blood relatives.Elizabeth said she was innocent and driven mad.The hero Tom.There are many private settings, and the plot is blackened.Each chapter corresponds to a method of death.Doesn't write an introduction.
- 1 The 1st way to die
- 2 The 2st way to die
- 3 The 3st way to die
- 4 The 4st way to die
- 5 The 5st way to die
- 6 The 6st way to die
- 7 The 7st way to die
- 8 The 8st way to die
- 9 The 9st way to die
- 21 The 21st way to die
- 22 The 22st way to die
- 23 The 23st way to die
- 24 The 24st way to die
- 25 The 25st way to die
- 26 The 26st way to die
- 27 The 27st way to die
- 28 The 28st way to die
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