A good student, Chen Feiyu, has a new deskmate. Legend has it that the new deskmate is a school bully, good at fighting, causing troubles every day, living a life of chaos, and has nothing but good looks.Later, Chen Feiyu found out that some people, on the surface, are rebellious and cool, but in fact they have never smoked or bullied their classmates. They go out over the wall to buy hot and sour noodles. "Fake" rebellion. ——————The school bully Yu Bai recently changed to a new deskmate. The new deskmate gets three honors every year, comes first in the exam every time, looks good, and is his father's ideal son.However, Yu Bai discovered that some people seem to be good students on the surface, but they are actually not good at all, but no one knows. [Reading Guide] Fake Rebellion and True Rebellion True Fragrance Warning 1V1 Youth Campus Sweet Story Let’s study hard together and make progress every day Yue, Song Chu, Zhou Zilin, Ye Chengan, Li Siyan
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