"That's it."

I followed Ryunosuke Akutagawa and stopped.

"My employment has come to an end, thank you for your help in the past two days."

Akutagawa Ryunosuke paused, turned to look at me, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I am very grateful for your care." I put my hands on my knees and bowed to him at a standard ninety degrees.After I straightened my waist, I explained a few more words, "Look...it's been two days, and the people who come to find fault are all punks. As a superhuman, I can completely solve it, so I don't need Please be my bodyguard."

"I understand."

Akutagawa Ryunosuke didn't care much about what I explained, he just nodded to show that he understood, then turned around and left without hesitation.

——What, you don’t leave me a single word of farewell.

If all goes well, soon I'll be entering the Port Mafia.Goodbye I don't know when it will be, don't you know how to cherish me, a rare beautiful girl in the slums?

As dusk sinks to the west, the red glow of the burning clouds is cut into pieces by the swirling and falling leaves, casting mottled shadow marks on the gray and white walls.The young man was thin and thin, with his hands in the pockets of the black coat, the surrounding was quiet only the sound of his slow footsteps as he left, and the young man's back was slender and long under the setting sun.


My voice is very soft, so light that it almost disperses in the wind.

But I'm sure Ryunosuke Akutagawa—he heard it.


After getting rid of Akutagawa Ryunosuke, I returned to a weak, pitiful and helpless state.

It's time to catch me! ! !If you don't come and catch me, I really can't justify it! ! !

If you really don't come to live with me... can I still take the initiative to send it to my door and say "Hi, I think I am quite good as an experimental material, and I will take the initiative to post what you need"?

I'm afraid they will kick me out immediately and destroy my body and traces! ! !Might as well crack open my skull to see if it contains paste.

From the moment I said goodbye to Akutagawa Ryunosuke and left, I could keenly feel that someone was watching me all the time, wherever I went.

Sure enough, as long as I leave Akutagawa Ryunosuke, some people who are afraid of Rashomon's ability will start to make some small moves.

Now that I have money, I don't need to be wronged and pretend to be pitiful anymore. I went to the hotel and opened a room to stay in a relaxed and happy manner.Thanks to the level of chaos in the slums, as long as you have money, you can do anything, and things like identification can be easily debunked.

I got the key to the room and walked up the creaking wooden stairs to the room on the second floor.

The moment I entered the room and locked the door, the eyes that had been watching me finally disappeared.

It seems that they are not enough to spy on the girl's room... How should I put it, is it a gentleman to praise them?

After I entered the room, I first observed around to confirm that there was no such tiny pinhole camera installed in the hotel.Thinking about coming to such a dilapidated hotel, there is no money to install such expensive things. After all, there are slums here, and few people have the money to live in a hotel. From this point of view, it is a miracle that this hotel has not closed down.

I didn't bring any clothes, I've been wearing this outfit for three days, and I just wiped off the stains on my body in a shower, so I probably don't smell very good now.

As an air messenger, if I don't want to smell my own smell, I can block it anytime and anywhere.

I looked at the mirror in the bathroom and tugged at the hem of my clothes, and finally decided to buy a new set of clothes in disgust.Anyway, I'm a rich little girl now, so I'm sorry if I don't look pretty, I've worked so hard to act these days.

I stared at myself in the mirror and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Through superpowers, I can perceive that I am the only living person in this room, and there is absolutely no one else.I walked up to the mirror and tapped the clear mirror with my fingertips—this hotel is really a chicken thief. The mirror in the bathroom is not a one-way mirror, but a two-way mirror.

It must not be the first time this hotel has done this kind of shit, it looks very skilled.

I paused, not intending to trouble the store.In the final analysis, as long as I have the ability to prevent myself from being peeped on, then this matter has nothing to do with me, why bother to do unnecessary things to create side effects?

Right now the most important thing for me is to get into the Port Mafia.

——It is said that the Mori leader is a dead lolicon.

The problem is that I'm already past the age of a loli, even if I look like a loli, I'm not really a loli... Assassination or something, although it's something I'm good at, but to successfully assassinate in the port mafia where there are many people with supernatural powers, Basically equivalent to the Arabian Nights.

So the boss of the organization is really out of his mind. If this goes on, I think at least half of the people in this broken organization will turn against him.

I'm only 14 years old, why do you put me under pressure that I shouldn't have?

The government, Scepter4, and organizations are all black-hearted capital enterprises that abuse child labor.

what can i doIt’s impossible to go on strike, the risk of betrayal is a bit high, and it’s a bit stupid to give up three salaries if you resign... it’s the only way to go on like this.

I'm such a miserable woman.


In the evening, I walked along this crowded place and went to a commercial street outside the nearby slums to buy a set of clean and tidy clothes, a white shirt and a pleated skirt. This outfit gave people a very obedient feeling.

From the moment I went out, the gazes that stared at me have not disappeared, but it may be because there is a relatively large flow of people around here, and I have been walking to crowded places, so they have no chance to attack.

Of course I'm going to find a place where there are many people. My purpose here is to tidy myself up, so that when I'm kidnapped, the group of people will see that I'm dirty. I wash my body - this is something I absolutely, absolutely, absolutely will not accept!

There was a crowd of people around, and the star lights wrapped around the decorations shone brightly.The wind chimes hanging at the door are jingling, and the copper bell tongues make a crisp and pleasant sound due to slight collisions.

Outside the slums, the world is suddenly full of color and joy, no one can see the tears under the laughter, and it seems that the ugly side of human nature has disappeared.

I stood in front of the window, looking at myself in the reflection of the glass—the long golden hair was neatly arranged into two low ponytails, the white shirt was tucked into the knee-length pleated skirt, the blue color Her calves in white socks were exposed under her skirt.

Dress OK.

This time I took the initiative to go to a place with less traffic.

In order not to be suspected, I chose a relatively normal road back to the slums. Almost no one would go to the slums from the bustling commercial street, so it is very normal that there are few people on this road.

I was walking and thinking.

The flow of people in the slums is very frequent, and no one will be able to find out when I came here.It is very normal for weak people with supernatural powers to hide themselves or seek shelter from powerful people with supernatural powers. It is also reasonable to expose themselves in order to save their asylums. Because you would never have imagined what terrible research is waiting for you in such a research institution that doesn't take human life seriously.

If it is the port mafia that has always wanted to get rid of them, this kind of violent organization will not do such things as lurking. According to their style, they will only bring their subordinates to suppress them by force.

To sum up, the research institution should not feel that I went to the research institution on purpose.

Of course, if I want to use this research institution as a springboard to enter the port mafia, I still have some other preparations to do.

After all, I'm not a god, who knows when the port mafia will come and destroy this hapless research institution.I contacted Chief Farming, and when necessary, I will send out a signal as a sign, and it is said that the seniors of the Supernatural Secret Service Section who are lurking undercover in the port mafia will secretly promote the reasonable occurrence of this matter.

In this way, the plan is basically completed.

Generally speaking, my superpowers are evenly distributed with me as the center.Now I only need to change the coverage from a circle to a straight-line distance, and I can perceive a very far place-this distance is calculated by me, and it can just cover the agreed contact point.

I just need to activate my super power and leave a mark on that specific spot, and the next thing will be handed over to the farming chief.

After I did this I relaxed and now I just have to wait to get caught and everything will be fine.

The gaze that had been staring at me before slowly began to approach, probably planning to attack me.After the supernatural person approached within the range that I "should" be able to perceive, I took out the scalpel from the pocket of the pleated skirt and stabbed at the supernatural person without hesitation.

This person has been prepared for a long time. From the perspective of physical skills alone, I really can't beat him... My physical skills have finally improved a little after experiencing the torture of the Supernatural Secret Service Division and Bourbon, but it's really only a little bit. I still have no choice but to be knocked down in a one-on-one fight against a person with supernatural powers who have been prepared for a long time.

I guess this person's supernatural ability is probably through scent tracking, which is a branch ability to control the air. If it is not that I can't obviously use superpowers, I can completely control him in reverse.

I smell a drug in the scent, but unfortunately, it doesn't do me any good - when my psychic barrier doesn't exist?

For the sake of the task, I still pretended that I was overwhelmed by this clumsy means of abducting and trafficking children, and slowly closed my eyes and passed out.

I heard this supernatural person make a phone call, calling a car and another person.These two people dragged me into the car by the arm without any mercy, and put a hood on me just in case.

"Is it necessary?" The supernatural person clicked his tongue, "She can sleep for three hours this time, and she will never wake up."

"What you need to do scientific research is to be cautious."

The other man replied——he really is from that research institute.As he approached, I smelled a smell of disinfectant.


I was stuffed in the trunk by these two people - obviously there is no one in the back seat, right?Are the experimental materials not human rights? ? ?


"Good evening, little lady."

Mr. A with side-parted bangs sat on a chair and looked at me with a smile.

Damn, this man is actually in the same group as this research institution!No wonder--

"Good evening." I pretended to be calm and smiled at Mr. A, pretending that I didn't show weakness, "Mr. What are you bringing me here for?"

My current situation is that my hands and feet are handcuffed like a torture prisoner, I am wearing chains, and I have changed into white clothes that Tianxia Research Institute may wholesale in the same factory-this clothes were not given to me by others changed.

I pinpointed the timing and "woke up" at the critical moment, and I was very resistant to the fact that someone wanted to take my clothes off.In the end, I was forced to change it myself, of course, under the supervision of a female researcher.

The cards and scalpels on me were taken away, and everything that could be used as a weapon was never let go.

"You can call me Mr. A. I need your cooperation and do some research here." Mr. A propped his chin with one hand and said to me calmly, "I hope you can be more obedient, otherwise it will be very painful."

This room is not spacious, there are only endless white in all directions, and the decoration looks like an interrogation room.

"Since when have you been following me?" Those who reported their names at this time are all idiots. Anyway, I have already entered, so I started chatting with Mr. A in a relaxed and cheerful manner, "Is it a casino?"

"Mr. A, the time you lost to me?"

I smiled defiantly at him.

The rights of Mr. A do not seem to be very high.If he is also the sponsor behind this research institute, then he may be just a small shrimp.His gambling skills are really not good.

Look, just being provoked by me, this Mr. A has lost his composure.My superpower told me very honestly——his breathing was disordered for a moment.

"It's come to this point, do you still have to be stubborn?" He didn't have a straight face, but the smile on his face was getting bigger and bigger, the other eye exposed by the side parted bangs was the same as the corner of the curved lips, and finally A rather weird arc was formed on the face.

"It's the truth." I smiled quietly, "Want to play another game with me? Mr. A."

"Now I can't cheat, I only rely on gambling skills, want to have a game?"

Mr. A narrowed his eyes, got up from the chair, and walked slowly.He stood in front of me and bent down, smiling at me.

"Miss, your trick is not very clever."

"Since you want to bet with me, there must be a bet. Do you want me to let you go?" He said slowly, observing the slowly changing expression on my face with condescending eyes like a cat catching a mouse, " Unfortunately, I won't let you do so."

Seeing that my expression had sunk, Mr. A took a step back in satisfaction.

"There's always an opportunity for you to enjoy yourself."

"but not now."

Blocking my view, he entered the password into the card reader next to the door of the interrogation room.After a slight click, I saw the white door slowly open.This door looks quite thick, it seems to be a full ten centimeters thick, is it because they are afraid that someone will bombard their interrogation room.

"Then good luck."

Mr. A stood outside the door and waved to me with a smile.

...What are you doing, you're acting like I'm going to die.

Chief Farmer should have already contacted the senior who was undercover in the port mafia, and the next step is to see how quickly this senior handles things... This determines that I will stay in this ghost place for a few days.

After Mr. A left, another researcher in a white coat led me through the long white corridor. During the process, I passed the room with the sign of the laboratory. Unfortunately, there is no window here, and it is still impossible to accurately rely on perception. To understand the structure inside.

In the end the researcher took me to a room that presumably housed experimental materials like mine.

There are many small and narrow rooms like space capsules in this room. After entering this room, you can take off the handcuffs and shackles, but you must wear them when you come out—this is to restrain people with different abilities, after all, they can be used as experimental materials , basically have different abilities.

It doesn't matter whether you are a rookie or a genius, as long as you wear handcuffs and shackles, no matter how awesome you are, your ability to coax will be compromised.

This group of researchers does not seem to be an organization that cheats money for free, and the research on supernatural abilities is somewhat useful.For example, the handcuffs and shackles have some restraint effect.

But only slightly restrained.

After wearing this thing, the abilities belonging to the Blue Clan in my body began to weaken, and the energy fluctuations were not active.But my superpowers have not been affected in the slightest.

The suppressor that inhibits the supernatural power actually also works on the power of the Blue Clan. From this point of view, perhaps the source of the supernatural power and the power of the king are in the same power system, and they are interlinked in essence. , but the form of expression and the form of appearance are not the same, and they are very different.

Superpowers, on the other hand, do not belong to this power system.

If we reason according to this logic, then some measures that this world has really made to this power system basically have no effect on my superpowers.

I don’t know if there are any abilities similar to Fantasy Killer in this world... If there is, I can try it out. If this nullified supernatural ability is useless to me, then how can I use it in this world? Not invincible?

Oh... Maybe there is another Saiki Kusuo who can be tough with me.

I remember that in the information from the Supernatural Secret Service Section, there is a man named Dazai Osamu in the port mafia, and his supernatural ability is called Disqualification in the World, and his role is similar to that of Fantasy Killer.

It's all my fault that I didn't carefully read the information given to me by the Chief Farmer. Now I can basically only think of one thing - I can only match the name of the person with the special ability.

But this ability doesn't sound like it's from the fighting school...it's probably a silly gorilla character similar to Kamijou Touma.

I can hit ten of these.

——At this time, I didn't know that I was about to encounter the biggest shadow in my life.

The author has something to say: The countdown to the launch of Hei Shizai and Oda Tsukuru.

Because No.1 said, I don’t know if you can see it or not... Now Yayoi is very indifferent. She thinks that only one party can suppress her in terms of IQ and force, so she has the superiority of being the best in the world. feel.

However, Zai will teach her to be a human being (.

Yayoi has a high IQ, but he has a specialization in the field of science. A big player in academia must not be able to play reasoning as a famous detective.

Then there is one more thing, that this article is about to enter v soon, I have already discussed it with the editor, and I will post an announcement in the copy qwq

This chapter routinely distributes red envelopes


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [Grenade]: 1 raccoon cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

9 bottles of Systina; 2 bottles of coconut milkshake; 1 bottle of eiffelgiris Yuxi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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