This is my third day at this institute.

This institution that studies supernatural powers is similar to the one that I grew up with whose main research project was the "Lv.5 Artificial Project".

Through my observation, I found that the main research projects of this supernatural power research institution should be "complete elimination of supernatural powers" and "multiplier increase".

When I participated in the project of "Complete Elimination of Alien Ability" as an experimental material, I once heard a female researcher shyly discuss Osamu Dazai... Isn't this guy from your rival Port Mafia?Why are you so nympho?Wake up! ! !

From this point of view, the research prototype is probably the member of the port mafia, Osamu Dazai who is "disqualified in the world with supernatural powers".

——No wonder the port mafia wants to kill this black-hearted research institution.

If Osamu Dazai's ability can be applied on a large scale, then these naturally superior people with supernatural abilities are basically equivalent to waste, and even ordinary people can easily kill them.

Correspondingly, with the ability of "nullification", of course there will be the ability of "amplification".

Having different abilities is definitely not as good as the portable machine I researched. If this kind of thing is really researched, it is equivalent to raising a group of Lv.2 level ability users to Lv.4 level ability users—of course , which is the best case.

In fact, it is already very good to be able to register at Lv.3, after all, the hierarchical level of superpowers is not as simple as 1+1=2.

But whether it can be researched or not is not certain. According to the experience gained from theory and practice, unless they can catch a person with a supernatural ability of "nullification" or "amplification", they can research it thoroughly. Yes, otherwise this life will be like this.

To put it plainly, this kind of behavior that has failed to produce a decent research result for several years, but still has to burn a lot of research funds, will be branded as a lax organization in Academy City.

One after another, the superhumans were led out of the storage room by researchers in white coats like dogs on a leash.

Yes, the room where us superhumans are placed is called a storage room by these researchers, which means it is no different from a storage room... These researchers, who are ordinary people, don’t treat us superhumans as human beings Consciousness, even if they are not prepared to kill people with supernatural abilities at will, it is only because this kind of experimental material is more precious.

They have a hostile mentality towards those with supernatural powers.

As an ordinary person, this may be a very natural reaction.

Monster, peculiar, abnormal, when possessed of talents that most ordinary people do not possess, it becomes the weird "original sin".

—But man is still a visual animal after all.

Yes, that’s right, I’m talking about those nymphomaniac female researchers, who are full of girlish shyness when they talk about Osamu Dazai at an old age... I think this Osamu Dazai is definitely like Kamijou Touma spreading love hearts everywhere A flamboyant scumbag whose seeds expand his harem.

But I am quite used to the life in the research institute, because I was born and grew up in the research institute.

The experiment to participate in this time is more dangerous, and it is an experiment in "amplification".

Through the resonance of the ability magnetic field, the diffuse energy field is captured by the instrument and fed back to itself - this is the amplifier they designed.

But if this thing is not done well, it will kill people. The instrument will automatically capture the energy field and then feed it back. It is very likely that the body will not be able to bear such a huge amount of energy due to too much one-time increase, and finally the body will collapse.

Before me, there were already two supernatural beings who took the lead.

With all the calculations, there are no more than one hand of people with supernatural abilities who are still alive.

——The reason is, of course, that this group of people are all idiots.

I can say mercilessly that this is a bunch of pigs, and their accumulation of academic knowledge may not be as much as mine, so how can you still do scientific research at this level?Why don't you just go home and order potato chips and drink iced cola and be a happy nerd who doesn't need to use his brain to watch special movies.

It was my turn soon. The male researcher in a white coat glanced at me, pushed his gold-rimmed eyes, and recorded on the recorder, "The next experiment begins, subject number 46, and the 1003rd experiment begins. .”

In a room surrounded by white, I wear a helmet-shaped augmentation device on my head, and the handcuffs and shackles have been untied.

I moved my body and stretched my fingers, and the familiar blue light appeared in my palm.

"You can pick a weapon from the display rack to use."

The voice of the researcher came from the loudspeaker installed in the corner. The voice was slightly distorted by the machine, and it was cold like a machine talking.

I followed the instructions given to me through the loudspeaker and stopped in front of the display rack in the corner.There are so many kinds of weapons, small and large, ranging from silver needle scalpels to discus meteor hammers... It's not like I said, who would use this kind of thing these days?

I thought about it, and took away the scalpel and a few pocket knives.

If used in conjunction with my superpower to control the air, the small knife with the power of the Blue Clan is a perfect hidden weapon, and it is the one that is bound to kill in one blow.

After I made the OK gesture, the augmentation device started to work.

After actually using this thing, I, whose senses are more acute than ordinary superhumans, discovered another fatal flaw of this instrument-it will pull the energy fields of other superhumans around.

If this is not controlled well, it will be the end of both of them dying for love.

Maybe before we can get rid of the place, our side has been completely wiped out by parallel importers.

After I felt the power of the Blue Clan slowly begin to expand, and even my super power fluctuated slightly, before I had time to try how much destructive power the boost would have, the alarm from the research institute suddenly sounded. ring.

The piercing sound of the whistle and the flickering red light made the pure white room glow with red light, and the expressions of several researchers at the glass observation window suddenly changed.

"Experiment No. 46, come out of the test site immediately!"

The male researcher turned on the megaphone and ordered me.

My good mood reached its peak at this moment.After the alarm sounded in the institute, my superpowers were activated.

It was the port mafia that I had been looking forward to for the stars and the moon for the past two days and finally gave it to me today to invade this research institute.

There are two special energy fields, it is estimated that these are people with supernatural powers, and the other people are basically ordinary people with guns.My senses stretched so far that I finally couldn't help but complain about the way the port mafia operates.

It is true to say that it is a violent organization. It has no intention of invading or any other strategy at all. With machine guns and rocket launchers, it is directly planning to suppress this place by force. At least consider the feelings of us innocent experimental subjects! ! !

This research institute looks absolutely cold today, and there is no need for me to spend any more time with these idiot researchers.

The researcher who was waiting for me at the exit tried to handcuff and shackle me, I didn't intend to kill, and used the box knife I took from the display rack to pin the man to the wall.


I said goodbye to the researcher kindly with a smile on my face.

The group of researchers who were still stranded in the observation room just now scattered away, and all of them ran to escape for their lives.Now it's just me and that hapless researcher I pinned to the wall in this room.

I took off the helmet-type amplifier on my head, and after flipping the knife a few times in my hand, I backhanded the tip of the knife and inserted it into the precision-operated instrument.There were a few clicks and the sound of electric current flickered tenaciously, and finally the instrument, which was still circulating with light before, completely stopped working.

"It's useless to keep this complete failure." I looked back at the researcher who was pale from the severe pain, "You are really a bunch of useless people playing house, I don't know why you haven't been accepted yet. Destroyed."

"—However, now you need to say bye to your previous life."

I walked up to the gate and skillfully entered the password to open the gate.

Yes, I didn't use the wrong word, just proficient - it's really not the first time I opened this door.

When Mr. A and some researchers entered the password to open the door, they actually blocked the password consciously. According to their thinking, it is impossible for people with supernatural powers who have been suppressed to let their eyes see through their bodies. know the password.

And to me, it's like being exposed right under my nose.

To be honest, I went out quietly in the dead of night - because I couldn't get the building map here, I checked the topographical area of ​​the institute.

In case there is a need to run away, I don't know where to run at all.

Superpowers can help me find the way, but I always like to be prepared in advance.If you talk about your arrogance and your own superpowers, you may be late one day, so it will be a painful lesson?Since one has the ability to prepare, those who do not do so are arrogant fools.

The honking of the whistle never stopped, the red warning light kept flashing regularly, and white and red flashed intertwined in the white corridor, creating a particularly weird atmosphere.

"You?!" The researcher who escaped from the door on the other side forgot about me in panic, "How did you escape?!"

"You still have to ask such nonsense at this time, you really deserve to be cannon fodder." I didn't bother to answer him, and I didn't intend to kill him here.

Anyway, this person will always die, isn't it the same if he dies sooner or later?Why should I do so much? I'm not a perverted killer.

I could hear gunshots/shots in the distance, terrified people shouting and crying, and loud explosions.The walls of the white corridor began to shake slightly, and loose sand fell down from the gaps.

The sand and gravel were still in the air the moment they were about to hit me—the air barrier created by my superpowers blocked them.After I left the place, the sand and gravel fell from the sky according to the original trajectory.

According to this speed and the awesomeness of the port mafia daring to use rockets, I estimate that this research institute will be completely abolished in the near future, and finally turned into collapsed ruins with a bang.

The port mafia is indeed a society, full of ruthless people.

As I walked, I built a three-dimensional construction map of the institute in my brain, thinking about where I should go.According to the direction and speed of this prospect, I should pass by the archives later... As for the archives, I also went in and took a look. It contains a lot of information on people with supernatural abilities collected by this organization over the past few years. It is probably an experiment. Use the information.

If I wanted to get into the port mafia, the lowly regulars out there were probably not going to be of much use.The two superpowers I detected before should be somewhat useful. I can consider pretending to run into each other while escaping, and then hold my thighs—presumably they will not kill prisoners.


I have been calculating heavily while thinking and walking, using superpowers to detect and monitor my surroundings.When I went out of the laboratory and was about to enter the next corridor, I stopped.

The air reflected to me very faithfully every sound that vibrated through the air, such as—

"The archives?"

I heard a man ask suspiciously.

First there was a clicking sound of the lock being unlocked, followed by a rather young and lustful voice who said with a smile, "Yes, it is the archives room."

"There's nothing to pay attention to in this underground research institute," the young voice paused, "but it's just a cover."

The senses of some people with supernatural powers are extraordinarily sharp. I didn’t dare to get too close. I just eavesdropped on the speech of these two people who should have some status in the port mafia from a relatively safe distance.



With a reminder from that young voice, I suddenly realized.

I just said how this underground research institute is so good, and the scientific research level of the researchers may not even be as high as mine. As a result, the behind-the-scenes boss of this underground research institute did not intend to study those two incredible research projects at all.

Those researchers don't look like acting school, they all look like they are willing to engage in scientific research, and they are probably poor guys who are kept in the dark by the boss behind the scenes.

Since the two superhumans from the port mafia are not interested in the research records kept in the laboratory, but went straight to the archives, it means that their purpose is the files of those superhumans.

Wow, what a scheming! ! !

"They also collected information about the superhumans of the Port Mafia, not only the Port Mafia, but also other organizations."

"The only thing of value in the entire institute is these archives."

"So that's how it is." A slightly more mature voice murmured, "No wonder you would personally take charge of this kind of mission."

"Aren't you too? I heard that this underground research institute has captured children with supernatural powers for research, so you came here—you were unwilling to participate in these tasks before."

"Ah... that, you know..." The man with a mature voice seemed to be scratching his hair, and I heard a very slight sound of fingers rubbing against the hair.

"Children of people born in slums with supernatural abilities are not comparable to the orphans of the leading war."

The young voice was a little more serious this time.

That was the end of their conversation—with just these few words, I couldn't figure out their identities.

I thought about it, and taking advantage of the time difference between them going to the archives room, I planned to take a detour and go to another road that they would inevitably pass whenever they went out.That way I could pretend to be a psychic running away and just ran into them.

In order to make my statement sound more believable later, I tore a few holes in my white clothes, and left cut marks on my arms and legs that looked like stone cuts, and blood and dust were messy all over my body scattered.

Within a few minutes, I waited for the appearance of these two supernatural beings, and now the distance between me and them is only a wall and a corner.

Just when I was about to say the prepared lines when the two supernatural beings passed this corner, I heard that mature voice calling another person——


The author has something to say: I was so dazed by the code words that I didn’t want to say anything.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Deep Water Torpedo]: 2 Qingshui Lingxian;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the [grenade]: Mal 1;

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Landmine]: Zhongye confronted me and Jiang Shaoxian;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

10 bottles of sand sculpture netizens;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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