Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1268: Strange bird

The thunderball rolled towards Pei Junlin, and the five thunder Zhengtian Talisman that could not be avoided by Pei Junlin suddenly emitted a light, trying to swallow the thunderball.

The Five Thunders Zhengtian Talisman ruled all the lightning power. Pei Junlin originally wanted to swallow the thunderball easily, but soon he realized that things were not that simple.

In the blood-red thunderball, there is a chaotic order force. When the Five Thunder Heavenly Talisman touches the chaos without the ball, Pei Junlin suddenly feels numb, and a chaotic order floods into his brain. Among.

Pei Junlin, who had just awakened, was in danger of falling into chaos again.

"Swallow me!" Pei Junlin frowned and growled.

His pair of flesh palms evolved different magical techniques, and a rune shrouded in the chaotic thunderball.

In the end, Pei Junlin was lucky. The five thunder Zhengtian Talisman successfully swallowed the thunderball, but Pei Junlin almost lost a layer of skin, his whole body was scorched by the chaotic order of lightning, and his skin faded. layer.

With the palm of his hand over, Pei Junlin had a few more pills in his hand, including pure blood pills, and some mana-producing pills. After swallowing these pills, Pei Junlin's injuries began to heal slowly.

Just the simple bad weather made Pei Junlin unbearable, which greatly reduced Pei Junlin's confidence in survival in this world. This place is terrifying. It is indeed the most mysterious and darkest place in the legendary universe.

There was a screaming cry in the ear, making Pei Junlin immediately feel trembling, as if a bug had encountered a natural enemy. It was a trembling from the soul, making Pei Junlin tremble all over.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin got under the boulder in an instant, revealing only a gap.

It was a huge bird falling from the sky. This bird was made of bones, without a piece of flesh and blood attached to it. The darkness of death hung over this strange bird.

This strange bird seemed to sense some breath, and kept looking around, which made Pei Junlin sweat all over his body. It is almost certain that this strange bird came for itself, and it may have leaked the information. This strange bird smelled a certain smell, and then descended from the sky to prey.

But what Pei Junlin didn't know was that it was he who absorbed the chaos that made his whole body enveloped in a chaotic atmosphere. This made Pei Junlin's body breath and the compound's breath very close, so he lied to the sky and deceived the soul sucking bird.

After the strange bird wandered in place for a while, it fluttered with disappointment without any notice, and disappeared into the gray clouds in the sky.

Seeing the strange bird leaving Pei Junlin, he breathed a sigh of relief, and a sad mood rose in Pei Junlin's heart. He has overcome all obstacles and hurdles, and cultivated to the present stage, and he has reached such a point that even a bird is afraid.

Guixu is another dimension that is different from the original world, Pei Junlin can only endure it. After feeling the surroundings, Pei Junlin found that there was no aura in the surroundings.

In other words, ordinary cultivators in this situation will only slowly dissipate the spiritual energy of the whole body, and finally dry up and die. Ordinary people who eat grains and cultivators eat gas, if they don't have gas, they will starve to death.

Fortunately, there is a large amount of Tianyuan Jade piled in Pei Junlin's Jin Dou Space, which he can't consume even in ten lifetimes, so there is no need to worry about Pei Junlin's aura.

Pei Junlin still wanted to explore, but he was afraid of encountering the strange bird again, so he could only give up. He escaped into the golden bucket space and looked at each other with the thirteenth princess Jin Ye and others.

"Jin Ye, where exactly is this Guixu? How much do you know about this?" Pei Junlin asked Jin Ye.

The legendary Guixu is the place of death and life, but according to Pei Junlin's understanding, Guixu is actually a black hole in the universe, possessing dark matter and antimatter, and even light cannot escape.

This kind of place was supposed to be a forbidden place for life, but when Pei Junlin came to this place, he discovered that he could survive here.

The place is barren and there is no breath of life. If ordinary people come here without the support of the pill, they will probably be completely consumed and die in ten or eight years.

"I know a little bit about the so-called Guixu. In fact, the original meaning of these two words is the hometown, the so-called hometown!" Jin Ye said with blinking eyes.

Jin Ye only explained one sentence, and then he didn't say it anymore. No matter how you asked, Jin Ye kept silent.

This made Pei Junlin very depressed, and some of the information speculated from Jin Ye's words also surprised Pei Junlin a lot. Then this so-called Guixu is actually the birthplace of life in the world?

Born from the chaos in the universe, two qi, black and yellow are produced, and the two qi are intertwined, and the four poles and gossip slowly extend out of life.

This is Pei Junlin's simplest understanding of the universe, but now everything seems to be beaten back to a state of chaos.

But in any case, Pei Junlin has only one belief in his heart to leave here. He still has a lot of things to do. He has let down some people and delayed some things. These things need to be remedied.

There is no way to always hide in the golden bucket space. After Pei Junlin stayed inside the Jindou space for a while, his body was almost recovered, and the person jumped out of the space and gradually moved outside.

After a long time, Pei Junlin has also summed up some rules. It is not windy every day here, but in time periods. There is no concept of time, and there is no distinction between day and night.

No matter when, the world here is always gray, but according to Pei Junlin's estimation, that kind of terrifying wind will blow about eight hours apart.

On the surface it appears to be a high-speed airflow, but Junlin Pei perceives that there is a chaotic atmosphere in these winds. For a cultivator like Junlin Pei, when the wind blows, he feels that the bones are all Disperse. The whole body's mana will be blown clean instantly.

Every time Jun Pei is outside and feels that the monsoon is coming, he will escape and enter the space.

Within half a month, Pei Junlin finally expanded the scope of his activities and got out of this isolated landform.


A weird sound came from the sky, Pei Junlin hid behind a boulder and looked at the sky in horror. At this time, a golden light appeared in the sky.

When he first saw this golden light, Pei Junlin was stunned because he saw the golden carriage. Pei Junlin felt extremely excited in an instant, because he knew that the golden carriage was the key to the return to the market that he wanted to leave.

The golden carriage was extremely fast, turning into a stream of light in the sky, and behind him was a huge figure.

There are also creatures in Guixu!

Pei Junlin trembled in his heart, and quickly hid behind the rock, not even daring to get out of the atmosphere.

The tall creature is a few hundred meters high. Although it is a human-shaped body, it is covered with red hair and cannot see its facial features. Feeling a fierce air rushing toward his face, Pei Junlin's soul was lying on the ground, shaking slightly.

The red-haired giant was chasing the golden carriage, but the golden carriage was faster, and a few flashes disappeared completely, while the red-haired giant disappeared into the world of Pei Junlin, chasing the golden one. The carriage was also missing.

"What is the golden carriage? It pulled the earth into the ruins, where is the earth now?" Pei Junlin had a question in his heart.

At the moment when the earth was in danger of extinction, this golden carriage appeared out of thin air, pulling the earth directly into the ruins. But now Pei Junlin only saw the golden carriage, and did not see the trace of the earth, which made Pei Junlin feel a kind of anxiety in his heart.

"Don't worry about so much, this golden carriage is the key to your leaving Guixu, you must find him." Jin Ye's voice came into your ears.

These days, Pei Junlin was depressed every day and couldn't find any goals, but now he suddenly had the motivation to survive because he had hope.

With the increase of Pei Junlin's pace and range of activities, Pei Junlin gradually discovered some strange things, such as under a hill in the distance, Pei Junlin unexpectedly discovered a small mountain village.

This was far beyond Pei Junlin's expectations. Although this little war did not know how many years ago it existed, and now only the vague ruins are left, the ruins of some surrounding houses still make Pei Junlin very excited and weird.

It took another half a month, Pei Junlin followed the pace of the golden carriage. That day Pei Junlin heard the sound of the strange bird from the sky again, but this time Pei Junlin seemed a lot more indifferent. He was very skilled in converging his breath, and even simulated the chaotic atmosphere with his spiritual sense.

Soon, the strange bird flew into the sky again and flew away.

According to Jin Ye, Pei Junlin’s luck is really good. Just when he came here, he absorbed a chaotic This made Pei Junlin’s overall breath and the atmosphere of returning to the ruins. almost.

The strange bird is a kind of predator, specializing in preying on some foreign creatures. Pei Junlin can avoid the strange bird several times, but fortunately he absorbed the chaotic thunderball.

Without that one, Pei Junlin would definitely not be able to escape this predator. It would have become a predator’s meal, and even turned into feces and pulled out.


Pei Junlin was walking, and suddenly a dark shadow fell from the sky to the ground. The shadow almost hit Pei Junlin's body, but after Pei Junlin reacted, he quickly jumped away.

After confirming safety, Pei Junlin walked over quietly, but when he first saw this shadow, Pei Junlin was numb because it was a human figure.

From this figure, Pei Junlin can perceive that the other party's breath is completely absent, and he has obviously been dead for a long time. Turning the figure over, Pei Junlin discovered that it was the corpse of a man, but there was a crescent mark on the man's forehead.

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