Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1269: Purify Chaos Reiki

Even if this man died, the breath on his body still made Pei Junlin feel trembling, because he was a saint-level figure.

Why would such a person die in Guixu?

Why did it fall from the sky? These are all doubts and shadows that Pei Junlin can't shake off.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky opened a vortex again, and several figures fell from the sky and hit the ground. Pei Junlin quickly jumped away to avoid these falling objects.

After all the dust settled, Pei Junlin looked at it again and found that there were still several corpses that fell again, including a spirit beast.

In addition, there are two corpses, one man and one woman, and their realm is also above the real king realm, which makes Pei Junlin feel his scalp numb.

It is difficult for the entire Eastern Star Territory to have a strong person like the Real King Realm. However, there were two corpses of a real king realm powerhouse and a saint-level expert.

All of this was incredible for Pei Junlin, making his scalp numb and his eyes dizzy, and he could hardly believe that everything he saw was true.

At this moment, there was another weird cry from the sky, and Pei Junlin immediately realized that it was the strange bird coming, and he quickly searched for cover around him. But this time Pei Junlin was rather unlucky, because there was no place to hide his figure in Ma Pingchuan.

Seeing that the strange bird in the gray clouds in the sky was getting closer, Pei Junlin was so anxious that he was sweating, and in desperation, Pei Jun dug a hole in place with his bare hands.

Pei Junlin's five thunder zhengtian amulet that urged his eyebrows spread the breath of that chaotic basketball to cover his whole body. Sure enough, the breath of Pei Junlin's body was completely covered, and he was integrated with the surrounding environment, and he was not afraid of being noticed.

After the strange bird landed, it came straight to a few corpses, holding the corpses of a few real king realm masters like a bug, and quickly ate it.

This strange bird swallowed the bodies of several strong men, which caused Pei Junlin's hair to explode directly. This scene has subverted Pei Junlin's cognition, making him tremble from his soul.

The strange bird seemed to have eaten and drank enough, turned his head to look suspiciously in the direction where Pei Junlin was and then officially flew away.

After a long time, Pei Junlin slowly crawled out of the dirt pit, looking at the sky with a sullen face, still shaking uncontrollably.

Everything happened, and Pei Junlin feels like a dream now. What exactly is Guixu? Why did such a terrible thing happen? Pei Junlin had a question that he couldn't let go of.


There was a low roar of wind in the air, which was the whining sound of a hurricane blowing through some hollow caves.

The clouds in the sky swept the glow, and after being blown away, a **** moon was revealed. This made Pei Junlin feel even more disturbed. He has been here for half a year.

The recent climate change has become more and more intense, letting Pei Junlin know that the whole Guixu seems to be entering a period of bad weather.

As an outsider, Pei Junlin is very uncomfortable with the power of the rules here, and is relatively fragile. If the weather changes suddenly, Pei Junlin's living environment will undoubtedly deteriorate again.

The gray mist enveloped the world, and Pei Junlin couldn't even see things beyond two meters. A knife-like yin wind blew, and Jun Pei came to the body to get cold. Although he kept devouring Tianyuan Jade, the mana in his body was still losing rapidly.

The chaotic order force formed a chain in the air. This strong corrosive aura can corrode the human body even if it is scratched at will.

If Pei Junlin hadn't condensed the celestial body, he would have died in the ruins of the ruins long ago, and the original great world can be destroyed by just a ray of breath here.

If a normal person is in this kind of environment, it will turn into sludge and dust in minutes, without leaving a trace of breath.

The whole Guixu is like a huge tomb, and Pei Junlin is like walking at the core of this tomb. There was a lonely lifelessness everywhere, and the lifelessness made people unable to see any hope of survival.

Pei Junlin did not enter the Jindou space to escape, but chose to endure it. When the violent weather was approaching, Pei Junlin found a stone mountain. He dug a cave in the mountain and blocked the entrance with a huge rock. Only one small hole can be observed outside.

After finishing all this, Pei Junlin released the thirteen princesses of the Dragon clan from the Golden Dou space. The two sat opposite each other in this small cave, and there was a warm breath.

A night pearl was taken out by Pei Junlin and embedded in the top of the cave. The whole cave immediately lit up with a slight light.

The thirteenth princess began to clean up some of the remaining dirt in the cave, and immediately cleaned up the entire cave, and got some animal skins to spread in it, making the cave a cozy little for two. family.

Running around in this inhuman environment for days, Pei Junlin’s spirit is also extremely tired. Even if Pei Junlin’s Taoist heart is firm and tenacious, but walking in this desperate atmosphere for too long, he still has something in his heart. Lots of negative emotions.

At this time, seeing the gentle and watery thirteen princesses of the Dragon Clan, all the negative emotions in Pei Junlin's heart suddenly disappeared, because in the body of the thirteen princesses of the Dragon Clan, Pei Junlin saw the breath of his beloved wife, Prince Qiong.

"You don't blame me for bringing you into this situation where people are not ghosts or ghosts? In fact, I should have let you go, because I killed you." Pei Junlin said with a lonely expression.

The thirteenth princess of the dragon clan looked back and smiled at Pei Junlin, and said faintly: "When you arrested me, didn't you just be your little maid?"

The frivolous youth and frivolousness has turned into a dream bubble, Pei Junlin's heart is now incomparably vicissitudes, he just wants to go out of this ruins, but this has become a luxury.

Pei Junlin knew very well that the golden carriage would never stay in Guixu for a long time, and it might have already left.

There was still a whine of wind blowing outside, Pei Junlin looked out through the hole, and could see strands of black black wind blowing across the entire land.

The chaotic aura here, but different from the chaotic aura of chaotic gold, is a pure chaotic order of power mixed together.

Pei Junlin was somewhat fortunate to have found such a place to stay. If the wind knife was allowed to search around, sooner or later, the whole body's mana would be exhausted.

At this rate of loss and consumption, even if it is constantly swallowed, the Tianyuan Jade can't keep up with the hole, and eventually can only become a corpse, and the blood of the whole body will be scraped away.

The chaotic wind outside didn't know how long it would last. In the cave, Pei Junlin and the thirteenth princess sat back to back together and began to practice.

Half a year later, Pei Junlin opened his eyes again, but outside was still a world of confusion, a chaotic atmosphere. But this time I don’t understand what I feel like the last time. He is no longer afraid of this chaotic hurricane, but has an urge to try.

Under the aura of chaos, even that kind of strange bird would not dare to move out, so it is safe to go out now, and only need to fight against this hurricane.

Pei Junlin glanced at the thirteenth princess. The thirteenth princess fell into an ethereal realm.

He didn't bother the other party, but gently moved the boulder, moved a gap and then quickly got out.

As soon as he walked out of here, Pei Junlin felt that his clothes had turned into decay, turned into smoke and dust, and were scraped away, which made Pei Junlin a little embarrassed.

Soon a grayish breath enveloped, Pei Junlin's whole body was covered, temporarily used to cover the body.

The chaotic aura was scraped, feeling the biting cold, and the blood seemed to be frozen, but Pei Junlin's whole body exuded a faint light, resisting the search of this chaotic aura.

The so-called sailing against the current, not advancing or retreating, Pei Junlin suddenly thought of this sentence, he wants to use this chaotic hurricane to exercise himself and exercise his body.

Walking slowly in the hurricane, Pei Junlin felt that his muscles were shrinking, but after swallowing a large amount of pills and Tianyuanyu, Pei Junlin still glowed brightly around his body.

Repeatedly walking in the hurricane, Pei Junlin relies on a large number of pill every day, but now for Pei Junlin, the pill is endless. He has searched dozens of races in the outer starry sky, and these wealth are of no importance to him.

After persisting in this way for half a month, Pei Junlin really felt that his celestial body had made greater progress. At least with closed pores, Pei Junlin is immune to the erosion of this chaotic hurricane.

And Pei Junlin also discovered a weird thing, that is, when he was running the Primordial Nirvana Sutra, this chaotic order force could actually penetrate into his pores and be used by him, staying in the five internal organs and evolving A kind of purple The magic of the original Nirvana Sutra, Pei Junlin has long understood, but today it still surprises Pei Junlin. He did not expect that in such a desperate place, the original Nirvana Sutra would return Can work.

Not only that, the messy order force in the Guixu Ruins could be used by the Nirvana Sutra of Yuanshi, and nourish the flesh, making the breath of Pei Junlin closer and closer to the breath here.

Pei Junlin’s whole body exudes a purple light, and walking in a hurricane is no different from walking on the ground. Now even if he does not add any mana, Pei Junlin can still live very well, because he is now completely free from Energy is drawn from this hurricane.

Pei Junlin discovered that he could purify the chaos here by using the Primitive Nirvana Sutra. Moreover, these chaotic auras can be continuously provided to Lord Jin, so that the chaotic golden bucket can recover as soon as possible.

For the chaotic aura of twenty big gourds, Pei Junlin once paid billions of Tianyuan jade, but here the chaotic aura is inexhaustible, just like an ocean, this is ordinary people have no ability Separate the pure chaos aura.

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