Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 286: Cold frost

At this point, the four super powers of the Hidden Family have all come together!

In addition, there are two martial arts sacred places, Luohan Temple and Snow Shrine. On the snowy field, the number of congenital powers gathered is as high as more than 200. The lineup is unprecedentedly powerful.

There are only seven Divine Powers alone. In addition, all innate powers are more interesting. Among the more than two hundred congenital powers, there are people who can achieve innate nine qualities, young people. It even took up two-thirds, which made many older generations feel more complicated!

This really answers that sentence. After the Yangtze River, the waves are pushing forward, and one wave is stronger than the other!

Even Pei Junlin is a little surprised, even if he has learned from the pastor, that the martial arts world is an era of elites, but I have seen with my own eyes these heavenly families and martial arts holy places, each one is congenital. The strong cultivation of Wupin to Jioupin still has some uneasy feelings.

This may be the powerful heritage of the real super powers. Compared to these super powers, Pei Junlin's power is really too weak today. There is no congenital power on the Pei family. There are three congenital powers on the Danzong side. Or, the highest oriental pride that can be repaired is nothing but the congenital fourth grade.

These forces may still be visible in one place, but compared to the whole world, they are really too weak and too weak ...

At this point, all the important forces have arrived, and the herdsmen will warmly invite the four great hidden families and the two martial arts holy places to sit in the house. As for the innate strong men outside, they will be thrown directly to them. Yan Qingshan and others.

Looking at the snowfield, Yan Qingshan couldn't help but have a headache because he was unruly, arrogant, or arrogant.

Among these people, there are several cultivations that are born with the same innate qualities as him, and these extraordinary young powerful people, perhaps each of them has some invaluable secrets and magical tools, really want to be on the hard bar The outcome is really unknown.

For a time, Yan Qingshan was two heads old, and he knew this already, so he wouldn't agree to come. No wonder those guys didn't come one by one. The feelings were a hard work.

Fortunately, there are not many days of training this time. After the completion, he can return to his own place. Standing with the arrogant sons of these days, as the owner of the Tianzi Pavilion, the pressure is also quite high.

Simply, Yan Qingshan adopted a stocking strategy. Since everyone is not a bird, it's all a matter of course, and it doesn't matter if there is a fight or trouble, as long as it is not fatal.

Because it is still early and no one has arrived, so for the time being, there is nothing to do. The heavenly pride from all parties are all in their own camps, gathered together, talking and laughing in a low voice.

Pei Junlin stood in the distance and looked at all of this, some inexplicably want to laugh.

Although the pride of these days don't care much about each other, they are very proud and very cold, but how can all this escape his eyes? He can clearly feel that there is a trace in many people's eyes. Nervousness.

The situation is like during the exam, when you meet the tyrants from all over the world, no matter how confident you are in yourself, the pressure is great.

This seemingly acquaintance scene made Pei Junlin recall the time he used to be in Linglong Pavilion, and he also did so in a while. He never expected that he would encounter the same scene again in his rebirth.

"Pei Junlin, how is it? I want to interview your inner feelings at the moment?"

Yan Qingshan did not know when she appeared beside Pei Junlin, and smiled.

Pei Junlin squinted: "What is the inner feeling?"

Yan Qingshan sneered: "The pride boys of so many days are gathered together, don't tell me you can still be light and light!"

Pei Junlin nodded and said, "I have always been light and light, but you, how can I feel that you have a lot of pressure?"

"Well ... I see. So many strong people are here. Many people even cultivate innately. What are you worried about?"

After being exposed by Pei Junlin, Yan Qingshan's face turned black. "You get me!"

Pei Junlin laughed, and suddenly asked, "Is everything okay today?"

Yan Qingshan nodded: "Almost, today is equivalent to the start of the school season. We are welcoming new students into the school. After everyone arrives, class will start tomorrow! What's the matter? What kind of monster do you want to be? I can tell you, don't Make me mess! "

Yan Qingshan said at the end that he was alert.

Pei Junlin was funny: "I just feel a little bored. Shouldn't I stop the bar here? Shall we go there for a drink?"

Before speaking, Pei Junlin pretended to dig out his backpack, and the trick seemed to be that he had an extra bottle of wine in his hand and a few bags of snacks.

Yan Qingshan's eyes lit up directly: "Maota special offer, and it is still the limited edition! This bottle of wine is no less than 30,000 yuan ..."

"Yes, I forgot you are a big tyrant, but is it appropriate to drink in this environment?"

As an innate powerhouse, it is definitely difficult to get drunk. Therefore, unlike ordinary military forces, there are not so strict rules. For a time, Yan Qingshan could not help but move.

But Pei Junlin was too lazy to talk nonsense. He sat directly on the floor, unscrewed the wine bottle, poured a large cup, and raised his head to take a big mouth. Suddenly, his mouth was full of fragrant. It was accompanied by several appetizers on the ground. !!

The strong scent of wine fluttered on the snowy field. The strong men who had originally gathered together to chat and laugh, many people immediately sucked their noses, one after another, they seemed to smell cats, and looked around, and soon found Belly sitting on the snow drinking Pei Junlin.

After seeing Pei Junlin's limited edition wine bottles specially for Maotai on the snow, one by one eyes brightened, it seems that no one would bring wine in such a place.

If it is in the city, no one cares about the scent of wine in this area, but the problem is that everyone is on this snowy field, and there are no people in the area, let alone a place to sell wine!

Many strong alcoholics have begun to swallow saliva, it is really that wine is too strong and seductive!

For some strong drinkers, this is a great psychological test, but when they see that the drinker turned out to be Pei Junlin, they immediately stopped thinking of going for a drink.

But at this moment, Pei Junlin didn't seem to feel the fiery eyes around him. He took care of himself sitting on the snow and eating meat and drinking, how could he be so happy!

"Mad, give me a cup too!"

Yan Qingshan, who was standing on the side, couldn't bear it anymore.

Pei Jun was out of laughter, and found another cup and poured a full cup for each other. Just like this, the two sat on the snow and started drinking.

One hundred meters away from the two, this is where the disciples of the Snow Temple are located.

Ten excellent male and female disciples of the Snow Shrine gathered together, and no one approached within a 50-meter radius.

A group of disciples in the Snow Temple talked to each other whispered. Suddenly, at this moment, some people noticed that their younger sister kept swallowing saliva, and a pair of big beautiful eyes glanced at a certain location from time to time, breathing shortly.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone around, and could not help but change his face.

"Little sister, you ... don't tell me that your alcohol addiction has been made again?" One of the female disciples with a dignified and graceful temperament, eyes widened and an incredible look.

"Aren't we just drinking before we set off, and isn't your alcohol addiction able to control the cycle of at least one week? Why suddenly now ..." The face of another male disciple also changed quickly.

A beautiful woman called Xiaoshimei with an embarrassed smile on her face: "I ... that was no accident. Someone is drinking now, and it is still so fragrant, I ... I can't help it ! "

Between the words, Xiao Shimei stood up directly from the ground, and she seemed to be ready to ask for drinks.

This can startle a group of brothers and sisters and quickly stop it.

"Xiao Shimei, you have to remember, this is not our Snow Shrine. Outsiders are sinister, insidious and deceitful, asking for drinks and drinking. In the future, you will not be allowed to do it anyway, hear it ?!"

A female disciple who looked like a big world, with a serious face, reprimanded coldly.

Little Shimei was aggrieved, and nodded while swallowing: "Of course I know this, but the problem is that there is no danger now!"

"That's not OK!"

The master shook her head resolutely, but when she saw the delicate and pretty face on the little sister in front of her, with a pitiful expression on her face, she suddenly softened her heart and wondered, "Otherwise, I will let people go to find Elder Han Maybe she has wine on her body ... "

"That's too troublesome ~ ~ Moreover, Elder Han's wine is very bad, I'll come and go ..."

Xiaoshimei shook her head quickly, her voice has not fallen, her body has flickered and disappeared. The fast speed makes people have no time to react. When the master sister and others respond, Xiaoshimei already appeared in front of Pei Junlin. .

Such anomalies directly changed the faces of the people on the side of the Snow Temple.

On the snow, Pei Junlin and Yan Qingshan were surprised to look at the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in front of them. Finally, Pei Junlin asked, "Is there something wrong?"

He recognized that this beautiful woman was the strongest person in the congenital Nine Pins of the Snow Temple, so he was very surprised.

Hearing Pei Junlin's questioning, Xiao Shimei seemed a little shy, and her face was reddishly: "That ... Hello, my name is Leng Shuangshuang. Can your wine let me drink a little?"

When talking, Leng Shuangshuang swallowed a big mouthful of saliva, and the coquettish tone and posture directly made Pei Junlin and Yan Qingshan stay as if they were chickens ...

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