Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 287: Tiankeng knowledge class

A few minutes later, on the vast snowy field, a very strange picture was presented. Two men and a beautiful woman with a dusty temperament were drinking there.

Leng Shuangshuang's drinking attitude and her looks are two opposites. The bottom of the cup is fast, and the speed is fast. She doesn't eat food, she just drinks, just like drinking a drink.

In just a few minutes, the three had drank three bottles of wine. Rao is based on the current practice of the three, and also a glow of red on their fair faces.

"Junlin, what's the name of this wine, it's so delicious!"

Leng Shuangshuang shouted at the wine bark, and the delicate and pretty face raised a little blush, making the whole person no longer look like that innocent fairy, but instead added a touch of fireworks on the earth, unusually beautiful moving.

Pei Junlin smiled and said, "Moutai, the special one, but it's a pity that I didn't bring much out this time. Next time, I'd like to invite you to drink a full tube!"

"Then we'll make it that way! Hee hee!"

Leng Shuangshen nodded excitedly. Since she was so big, she has never walked out of the Snow Temple. Naturally, I do n’t know what is delicious and fun outside, and the wine I drink has always been the kind made by Snow Temple. For so many years, she has been drinking enough!

"Frosty, now that you've solved it, come back with us!"

At this time, the elder sister who had been staring closely at this side came and apologized to Pei Junlin and Yan Qingshan. Frost's personality was relatively simple and somewhat irrational. Please don't mind both.

Pei Junlin and Yan Qingshan shook their heads and said they didn't mind. When the master sister pulled away the dissatisfied Frost, the two sat and chatted together. Yan Qingshan looked at the white snowy field in front of her, and sighed.

Treasure it. In a few days, such a peaceful and harmonious scenery will become a luxury product, not to mention how many people will never see such a scenery ...

Time passed quickly, and in the afternoon, innate strong men continued to come one after another. Among them, Pei Junlin also saw Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao, but the elder Wan Miaozhen did not come.

Danzong is a special force in the martial arts world because he can practice alchemy. The state also takes care of this and can allow one person to take care of the overall situation.

At any time, there are those special classes that exist. Some people really have great privileges, which are incomparable to ordinary people in their lives.

Dongfang Ao and Dong Biao were very excited to see Pei Junlin. They had already learned everything that happened on the dark web. They were very loyal to Pei Junlin, the young master, who had already admired the five bodies.

When it was eight o'clock in the evening, Yan Qingshan stood up and announced that all the members were in full. There were 296 congenital powers. This number exceeded many people's expectations. It seems that the congenital powers of martial arts did not seem to be expected. There will be so many people.

But soon, Yan Qingshan directly poured cold water on everyone.

"A lot of them? If I tell you, the aliens in the Tiankeng world, similar to this innate power, are more than a dozen times human, can you still be so optimistic?"

As soon as this word came to an end, the whole house was shocked, and many strong men who had smiles on their faces gradually smiled.

Yan Qingshan's cold, iron-like face exuded an unprecedented state of majesty.

"I'm not kidding everyone, the cruelty of Tiankeng's war may be far beyond everyone's imagination!"

"However, you don't need to be so pessimistic. The figures I reported just now belong to you, the social warriors. In our military, we have also cultivated a number of very strong elites. There are also a lot of people! "

"The ratio converted in this way is about ten times the number of innate strongmen and the number of Tiankeng aliens on our side."

Everyone was fainted collectively. After speaking for a long time, they still couldn't escape the cross. The ratio of ten to one. That is to say, a congenital powerhouse must kill at least ten alien powerhouses to be equal. Terrible ratio.

"Everyone rest early tonight. Starting early tomorrow morning, we are about to start taking a knowledge course about the world of tiankeng. Only by knowing ourselves and others can we guarantee victory!"

This night, many strong people did not sleep well, and many people simply did not sleep. Fortunately, everyone is a congenital strong person, and there will not be too many problems for ten and a half months of sleeplessness.

The next morning, early in the morning, in a huge room with a very large area, the shepherd will come with Yan Qingshan. On the table and chairs below, all the personnel have already been all together. The original messy atmosphere, with the two When people came in, all of a sudden they became silent, everyone looked at the herdsman on the stage and Yan Qingshan.

"You all!"

The shepherd will stand on the podium with a straight waist and a powerful and powerful aura.

"You are all my Huaxia country, the best talents, and the best combat capabilities!"

"There are many people who are more expensive as a hegemon, or are of extraordinary origins, who control thousands of powers, but now, with alien invasion, the earth is in danger, and it is time for the country to really need you!"

"We are martial arts. Martial arts practice martial arts. What is martial arts?"

"In my understanding, martial arts itself is a move against the sky. We are fighting against this vast world, in order to fight for that vitality, so as to strengthen ourselves, change our lives against the sky, and have The power that ordinary people cannot imagine! "

"And I'm here to ask you another question, why are we so strenuous to obtain these powers without fear of death? Is it just for the glory and wealth of that person?"

There was a silence below, none of the 296 strong men spoke, just listening quietly.

The shepherd exclaimed, "No! It's not like that!"

"My generation of martial arts is strong, fighting with heaven, with earth, and with people, if only for the simple glory and wealth!"

"In my opinion, as a son and daughter of China, practice martial arts and protect our country!"

"Now, our country is facing an unprecedented crisis. Everyone is in peril. How can a small family be at peace? And to protect this peace, we must take up the weapons in our hands and bloom this practice for many years. Strength to drive those aliens out of the country, in exchange for eternal peace for generations to come! "

"Because, starting today, you are the heroes of my Huaxia Kingdom. They are beings that can be written into history and admired by countless descendants!"

"If this time we can't resist the invasion of those aliens, then the country will once again expand the scope of the levy order to allow the great masters to join. It is really impossible. The dark and bright warriors will follow one another!"

"As long as there are warriors in my Huaxia children, the battle will never stop!"

"I'm here, just ask everyone a word: Would you like to bathe in the blood and defend your country ?!"


The heroes on the stage were excited, and many strong men couldn't help but be emotional and shouted: "I do!"

"The voice is not loud enough, not loud enough, once again! Would you like to bathe in the blood and defend your country ?!"

"I do !!!!"

This time, everyone roared collectively, their voices were angry in the mountains and rivers, and they rang through the land of hundreds of miles. They almost collapsed the room, even if everyone knew that this was a very simple way for the shepherd to stir up emotions, but this At this moment, as a child of Hua Xia, deserve everything for this.

Even Pei Junlin had a calm, iron-like heart. Facing this situation, there was also some emotional excitement, and he wished to immediately step on the battlefield and kill those aliens.

"Very well, we will start the class from now on. I believe everyone is very curious about the so-called alien race. What kind of creature is it? Why invade our planet?"

The shepherd will say: "The so-called aliens, we also call them demons, there is nothing wrong, just like those demons we see in movies, TV, and novels on weekdays, but the demons are an independent Civilization. "

"They have their own civilization development system, their own independent language, and independent cultivation system!"

"After so many years of resistance from our generations, I gradually learned some information about the demons. For example, the levels of the practice among the demons are divided into seven levels, namely: little demon, big demon, demon king, demon. Emperor, demon god, demon respect, demon emperor! "

"Among them, the cultivation of the little demon is almost equal to the bright warrior in my clan, the big demon is the same as the dark warrior, the demon king is the great master, the demon emperor is the innate power, and the level of the demon **** corresponds to the divine realm. Strong! "

"Going up, the realm of demon respect is equivalent to the supreme power of my human beings ..."

"Extreme strong, is there still this realm in the cultivation system of our human beings?" Some strong voices exclaimed.

Most of the Supreme Strong heard this for the first time, and couldn't help showing the light of curiosity, as did Pei Junlin. He is really more and more unable to see the earth today, and he always brings Give him great surprise.

The shepherd will explain, "Of course! The strongest in the realm of the gods is the supreme state ~ ~ It is just that level of strong. From ancient to modern times, there are very few people who can break through. This is also the most common among our people. Serious short board! "

"Can you take the liberty to ask, how many powerful people like us are in the Supreme Realm now?" Another strong person said.

The shepherd will raise four fingers and Shen said: "Four! This is also our strongest guardian camp in China at present. The four supreme powerhouses just blocked the entrances of the four tiankengs!"

"But what I want to say is that the biggest problem is here!"

"The number of monsters and deities in the Tiankeng world is far more than ours, and conservatively, there are more than seven."

"According to the information gathered from ancient times to the present, professionals have concluded that the number of tiankengs has become more and more frequent in recent years. Once the fifth tiankeng entrance appears in my middle school in China, then if there is no strong person in my country to break through to the supreme It ’s really dangerous to lose sight of each other! ”

In the extremely empty room, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely depressing at this moment. None of the strong men of nearly three hundred people spoke again, and everyone was overwhelmed by the sudden news.

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