After listening to Zheng Shu's words, Constantine also lowered his head and started thinking.

His intuition told him that Zheng Shu had not lied to him, but Constantine felt that Zheng Shu's biggest purpose was to prevent himself and his brother from being exposed under certain circumstances. Regarding the so-called fear of hurting innocent people, Constantine felt that it was just Zheng Shu finding a reason to take care of his face.

Although Constantine has a weak character, there is no problem with his intelligence.

He knew very well that even if he really would not violate his agreement with the Dragon King, facing Zheng Shu, who was on the stronger side, he had to find a way to truly reassure him.

This is a very normal thing. Not only is Zheng Shu's request not harsh, it can even be considered magnanimous.

Constantine already knew when he confronted Zheng Shu inside the Bronze City that if the other party really wanted to take action, he would not be able to survive, and he would not even have a chance to be resurrected in a cocoon.

Even Dragon Kings with different attributes can strengthen their own bloodline after devouring each other. In other words, this is the only way for Dragon King-level beings to strengthen their own bloodline. (Hinted by Xia Mi in the original work)

Since the other party is willing to ask if he has such a method, it means that he really does not intend to kill him.

Constantine was silent for a long time. This time he really thought about the possibility of creating such an alchemical body.

"If we join forces with my brother, the two of us can create an alchemical body that meets your requirements, but this requires consuming a lot of precious alchemical materials, and because I have never done this kind of thing before, I cannot guarantee the success rate." Constant Ding raised his head and looked at Zheng Shu, his eyes full of sincerity.

"And it's useless if I only agree to it. You have to convince my brother. My brother is different from me. He has always been very ambitious." At this point, Constantine's eyes already showed pleading. His expression said, "If my brother's attitude is more determined by then, please don't hurt him."

"Don't worry." Zheng Shu's spiritual body smiled nonchalantly, "I am still very easy to talk to under certain circumstances."

After saying this, Zheng Shu's expression suddenly froze for a moment, and then he showed a strange smile: "What a coincidence, Brother You is here now. It just so happens that I have almost rested, let's go, let's go take a look outside. Condition."

Zheng Shu's spiritual body slowly dissipated into the Nibelungs, but before leaving, he summoned a large number of instant noodles and used the power of material transformation to transform them into various foods. and drinks.

Zheng Shu has always been generous to dragons like Constantine who are willing to cooperate.

It was almost early in the morning, and in the Norton Hall, people from the student union had just finished a routine gathering.

Just when Caesar was about to go on stage to announce the end of the party, his cell phone suddenly rang. Caesar was stunned for a moment and reached into his pocket to take out his cell phone.

The noisy mobile phone ringtones in the hall immediately rang. Various musical ringtones, buzzes, and even the dings of old-fashioned telephones. Dozens or hundreds of different ringtones rang at the same time, making people feel like they were in a sudden start. Among the band, few people have experienced such a scene, and the ringing of bells all around them makes people feel inexplicable fear.

Caesar turned on his phone and his expression changed after hearing just one sentence. He motioned for everyone to be quiet, raised his phone and turned on the hands-free button.

"...Please go to the window and look in the direction of the school gate, hold your breath. When guests arrive, the host should be prepared." A deep voice with an altered voice came from the phone.

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this sentence, because the same voice came from each of their mobile phones.

Everyone immediately swarmed towards the window. Those who had not attended the party or even had fallen asleep, also looked at the location of the school gate in their own way under the prompts of their mobile phones.

In Norton Hall, Caesar looked out through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. The cast-iron carved school gate was closed and illuminated by a cold light.


The sudden loud noise caused people to lose their hearing for a moment. In the dazzling firelight, the railings of the iron gate were twisted and broken, and were thrown into the air by the shock wave of the explosion. They rose to an altitude of dozens of meters before falling again.

Along with the sound of the cast iron gate falling to the ground, sirens rang throughout the campus. In the night, all the buildings suddenly lit up, and the quiet darkness was completely broken by the sudden attack.

Kassel College instantly activated a red alert state.

Bright light beams and the roar of motorcycles poured into the campus. Intruders wearing black combat uniforms rode violent motorcycles and rushed over. The guns in their hands flashed with ferocious light. As soon as they entered the campus, they followed The original plan was scattered, and at the same time, he fired accurately on the road, shattering all the monitors that passed by.

"This is... the beginning of the war!" The person on the phone smiled coldly and hung up the call.

"Red alert status! Red alert status! Dragon invasion! Dragon invasion! All freshmen stay in the dormitory, lift weapon restrictions, students who pass the battlefield survival class immediately receive weapons, fill Frigga bullets, live ammunition is not allowed, block all At the entrance, everyone has the right to shoot at unknown persons." Norma's voice spread through the loudspeaker to every corner of the campus.

"Dragon invasion? A dragon-slaying school actually has a dragon invasion?! And riding a motorcycle? Professor, I think what you said is actually a joke." Lu Mingfei, who had just completed the entrance guidance Sitting in Guderian's office, looking out the window at the intruders passing by on motorcycles in the distance, I felt a little dumbfounded.

Unfortunately, the solemn expression on Professor Guderian's face showed that this was not an exercise.

Lu Mingfei saw some students in the building who had not yet left. After hearing Norma's alarm, they immediately changed from gentlemen and ladies to soldiers. They ran outside in an orderly manner, and the people from the maintenance department parked their cars. Open the carriage outside each building, and there is a neat row of automatic guns on the weapons rack inside.

In front of the brightly lit building, there was a dense sound of loading.

Under the starless night sky, a dark figure stood on the turret of Kassel College, watching the lights of those motorcycles scattering to all corners of the college like fireflies.

People were constantly flowing out of each building, controlling all passages and entrances. This seemingly quiet school turned into a strict military fortress in an instant.

The black shadow threw the mobile phone in his hand down from the turret, put on a mask, and took out another one: "The plan is going smoothly, and it is advancing according to your plan, and the action has begun! However, isn't our appearance like this a bit too much? It’s just a show.”

"It doesn't matter. No matter whether your action this time is successful or not, I hope to leave a deep impression on them." The voice of the person on the other side of the phone was very calm, but Heiying always felt that there was a bit of anger hidden in the other person's tone.

In the control room of the library, Manstein and Guderian hurriedly pushed the door open, and Lu Mingfei was pulled in by Guderian. Professor Schneider was already standing in front of the big screen, looking at the light spots filling the screen. Each light spot represented a student who had joined the alert.

"Dragon invasion? What's going on? Why is it judged as a dragon invasion?" Manstein looked very nervous. He originally thought that dragon invasion would only appear in theory.

For hundreds of years, they have killed every dragon clan that was about to awaken before they even came out of the dragon tomb. As a professional in dragon slaying, when will Kassel Academy get the turn of this group of guys to come over and act arrogantly? Moreover, the group of intruders outside don’t look like Deadpools. It’s hard to believe that they are groups of dragons. This is too much. It challenged Manstein's imagination.

"It's Norma. I don't have enough authority to know why Norma would judge this incident as a dragon invasion, but there is no doubt that there is an intruder."

Schneider turned around with a serious expression and was stunned for a moment when he saw Guderian: "What's going on with you?"

Guderian and Lu Mingfei next to him were both wearing combat uniforms, but the model might not be suitable. Guderian's combat uniform was fine, but Lu Mingfei was bigger than Professor Guderian. Quite a few, so the combat uniform he wore was small enough to expose his ankles and wrists.

Paired with Guderian's messy hair, these two people didn't feel like they were going to fight at all. Instead, they looked like actors going to participate in some comedy competition.

This was the bottom of the box that Guderian took out from his office after receiving Norma's alarm. Because it had not been used for so many years, Guderian had almost forgotten how to load the pistol.

Originally still surprised by Professor Schneider's terrifying appearance, Lu Mingfei suddenly found that he had become the center of attention in the room again. Glancing at Schneider's eyes, Lu Mingfei quietly leaned back.

He had no intention of coming here, but wanted to follow Norma's orders and hide in the office.

However, Professor Guderian was worried that his precious student would have problems after he left, so he proposed to let Lu Mingfei leave with him. He could also protect Lu Mingfei by the way.

The sense of security in Lu Mingfei's heart was exhausted when Professor Guderian put a lot of effort into pressing the bullet into the magazine. Fortunately, the enemy was not as violent as at the beginning. Although they were worried along the way, Uneasy, but arrived at the command center safely.

"Could it be a false alarm from Norma?" Manstein decided not to pay attention to the two living treasures next to him. He turned to look at Schneider, "There are probably less than twenty people on the other side. What is the purpose of such a large-scale invasion? Destruction? Or demonstration?"

"I guess they are for something." Schneider's eyes narrowed.

This chapter has 3,000 words, so it can be considered an extra update today.

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