Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 133 Competition between the masterminds behind the scenes

Old Tang found a blind spot where no one passed, turned off his motorcycle, and pulled out a black shotgun from his back pocket.

The barrel was purposely sawn short, turning it into a particularly intimidating weapon at medium to close range.

He turned on his cell phone and dialed a number, and what came from it was a recorded message: "On the 13th, your goal is the Hall of Valor of this school. Use the prepared ID card to pass the access control. After entering, look for the person in the central computer room." Entrance, and listen for new instructions then."

"Hall of Heroes." Old Tang silently recited the place name, feeling that the person who built this school was definitely a middle-schooler.


When he was about to take action, Old Tang was stunned. He brought all his equipment, but there was no map. The campus was full of buildings with similar appearances. How did he know which one was the Hall of Valor?

The most troublesome thing is that he is a road addict who will get lost even if he drives two blocks away from his home to buy hamburgers. This is what Old Tang considers to be his only shortcoming.

"How can this be done? I can't just rely on this gun to kill a bloody road, right?" Old Tang tightened the handle of the gun in his hand and quickly gave up on this ridiculous idea. He had already seen it when he sneaked in just now How crazy were those students? Looking at those well-trained students, he even suspected that this was a base for professional training of agents in some country.

After thinking carefully, Old Tang found another rope gun from his bag. He bought this gun at a high price from a brother who was engaged in weapons development in the army. It can be used with a gun from a distance of dozens of meters. A spike with a rope attached to it shot into the rock. Relying on such a piece of equipment, he gained quite a reputation among the brothers in Brooklyn, New York.

Relying on this rope gun, Old Tang jumped over the rooftops one after another like a bat flying in the dark night. He felt elated every time he passed the students' heads along the rope.

There was only one problem left. Even if he stood on the highest roof, he couldn't find the gathering place.

"If I had known this, I should have come here in advance to check it out." He muttered secretly in his heart.

On the other side, the black shadows that invaded the school clung to the wall, hiding in the gap between the Hall of Valor and the Rhine Hall, listening to the footsteps that kept passing by outside.

The Hall of Valor and the Rhine Hall of Kassel Academy are twin buildings with a gap less than twenty centimeters wide in the middle. Normally, it is impossible for an adult to fit in.

But the people who came to attack this time had undergone strict training. They used special techniques to close their ribs and make themselves as thin as possible, allowing this small gap to accommodate a full twelve people.

Relying on this method, they have not been discovered so far. Although there are flashlights flashing outside, they never shine on this blind spot.

The captain of these people looked up at the roof of the library not far away and asked in a low voice: "Who said that guy from Brooklyn is an expert?"

"Looking at his resume... he has indeed done well in previous tasks and can be considered an expert." Someone whispered in the darkness.

The captain turned around and slapped the man in the face, his expression a bit broken: "That guy is an expert in personal shows!"

On the roof of the library, a gecko-like guy assumed a very professional posture, lowered his body, and used a telescope to observe what was going on below. That was the 13th person they lost. According to the original plan, they would sneak in separately and finally meet up at the Hall of Valor.

As a result, the school's tight security allowed them to huddle in this gap like cockroaches, while No. 13, who had lost his way, was flying silently and gracefully between the rooftops, showing off his bat-like figure to the fullest.

The only problem is...

"It's no use running as fast as you don't know the road!" the captain cursed in a low voice.

"Don't pass the responsibility to others. The person responsible must bear his own mistakes." A person at the end said coldly.

He is thin and thin, wearing a black combat uniform with no markings on it. His masked voice appears extremely mean after being passed through the voice-changing equipment.

The person in front of him shed a cold sweat silently. He didn't notice the other person's arrival at all. The person appeared like a ghost. If it hadn't been for his companion, he would have been dead with just one stab.

"You don't need to remind me. I am the captain of this operation. I naturally have a remedy."

The captain was not surprised at the sudden appearance of the person. He just took out his mobile phone. He felt a little stupid having to use his mobile phone to talk in this situation. He shook his head vigorously to get these thoughts out of his mind.

"Hey, stop eating the potato chips and think of a way. We are trapped. The security in this place is not as lax as you said."

Zheng Shu stood on the roof of his dormitory and watched the demons dancing below. His current vision could clearly see places several kilometers away even without any light, even in the darkest early morning of the day. , it was still like daytime in his eyes.

And in addition to the usual optical field of vision, Zheng Shu also has a "field of vision" similar to infrared sensing or gravity sensing. At his current point, most high-tech radars are not as good as his eyes.

Therefore, whether it is the intruders hiding between the Hall of Valor and the Rhine Hall, or the old Tang who is playing Batman on the roof, they are all invisible in his field of vision.

In addition to Zheng Shu, Constantine, who was given the authority to observe the outside world, also discovered Old Tang running around on the roof. The moment he saw Old Tang, Constantine immediately burst into violent mood swings. A massive amount of spiritual power filled the entire Nibelung, and even "voices" echoed in Zheng Shu's mind.

"Brother! Brother!"

"Okay, stop howling. It's strange that your brother can hear you in your current situation. Besides, judging from his current appearance, he is probably still in a lost state and has not recovered his memory. Save some energy now and wait. Call him again when he meets your forged bone bottle." Zheng Shu was so noisy that he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Fortunately, his advice was still useful. Although Constantine was still very excited, he no longer used his mental energy randomly.

After waiting for a while, Zheng Shu suddenly felt that the alchemy evidence and word spirit: commandments that had been shrouding the entire school were fluctuating. Looking at the bell tower in the distance, a playful smile appeared on his face.

In this school, the only person who can really order the vice-principal to lift the discipline is Angers.

It was obviously just an ordinary thieves invasion, but Norma declared it was a dragon invasion alarm, and lifted the command in advance to prevent unnecessary casualties in the rioting middle school students due to their inability to use the spirit spirit.

"It seems that the degree of cooperation between Angers and Lu Mingze is much deeper than I imagined. Although I don't know the specific agreement between the two, it now seems that Constantine's life in the original work was Angers's attempt to improve Lu Mingze's A gift specially prepared for Ming Fei’s reputation.”

Thinking silently in his heart, Zheng Shu kicked off his feet and quickly climbed over various roofs to reach the top of the Hall of Heroes - later he would have to control his own flesh and blood to perform a show, if he was too far away... signal" will be insensitive.

In the attic, the old cowboy drank the beer after hanging up the phone, sat up straight on the sofa, took a deep breath and blew out the candle on the table. As the candlelight went out, a realm powerful enough to envelope the entire Kassel Academy collapsed.

On the monitoring screen of the central processing system dozens of meters underground in the library, hundreds of silver-blue beams of light slowly rose. The students were in a commotion, and their long-suppressed words and spirits were resurrected.

In addition to students, there are also some other people who have been lifted.

Almost at the same time, the captain of the invaders jumped out of the gap. His figure became darker and darker amidst the low dragon chanting, and finally turned into a ball of ink.

The moment he landed, he and the figures of the surrounding intruders collapsed, as if these people were originally ink stains and were washed away from the paper by a splash of water.

Yanling: Mingzhao.

"Attention everyone, stand next to me. My domain is about two meters around me."

The captain's voice reached the ears of each companion, and at this moment, a student passed by less than one meter away from them, but he was completely unaware of such a wisp of misty black smoke passing by his body under the street light. .

At the same time, Old Tang also emerged from the fireplace, wrapped in thick carbon ash as if he was a cotton harvester.

"This is...a library?" Old Tang muttered to himself as he looked at the surrounding environment.

He was studying the terrain on the roof just now. Almost all buildings were closely monitored, except for the one he was in now. This building is quite a landmark, but for some reason it is a blind spot in the entire defense network, so he decided to enter the building first, and maybe he could find the way to the underground garage from inside.

The neat wooden shelves around him were filled with classic books with gilded titles. The green desk lamp was lit on the wide solid wood desk, but there was no one there.

"Research on Dragon Genetics", Old Tang picked up a book and looked at the name. He felt that the people in this school were crazy. These guys actually studied dragons as real entities, and they were very academic. He couldn't think of any other possibility besides being crazy.

"Oh yeah!" He suddenly cheered, and next to the bookshelf was placed what he had dreamed of - a map of the academy, with the entire structure of the academy and even the underground passages clearly displayed.

"This is too unchallenging." Old Tang felt like he had been hit by a pie. He had to praise the goddess of luck and received a free cup of Coke from the Coke machine next to him. While studying the map, he searched for the underground The entrance to the passage.

"Has your brother been so out of tune before?"

In the darkness, a pair of eyes caught all of Old Tang's actions. Zheng Shu looked at Old Tang who felt that he was not satisfied after drinking a cup of Coke and went back again for a free cup of Coke. He had to admit that compared to Norton's personality, he felt more familiar with such a cheap guy like Old Tang. .


Using the Nibelungen's external observation system, Constantine fell silent for a moment as he watched Old Tang circling in the library happily because he had a few extra cups of Coke.

"Brother... he acted a little rude because he has no memory." After thinking for a long time, Constantine reluctantly found an acceptable reason for himself.

"But generally speaking, even if the Dragon King enters a closed memory period after recovery, his personality should not be changed."


Being hit hard by Zheng Shu's words, Constantine fell completely silent. Even after seeing Old Tang, the flames that had been burning fiercely in his body became weak because of his excessive excitement.

Taking a mental look at Constantine's state in the Nibelungs, Zheng Shu changed the subject with some embarrassment. He felt that if this continued, this guy would probably cry again.

"Ahem, what, do you have any way to separate Old Tang's memory and personality after your brother recovers?"

"Yes! That's right! My brother won't be like this. There must be something wrong during the recovery process. As long as this guy's personality is stripped away, my brother can wake up."

Through Zheng Shu's proposal, Constantine seemed to have found some better reason, and immediately began to sit on the ground and calculate the possibility of implementing this method.

"That's not what I meant... Forget it, as long as you are happy." Looking at Constantine who was completely immersed in his own world, Zheng Shu twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to turn his head to pay attention to Old Tang's movements.

After watching an extremely outrageous invasion performance, Zheng Shu could only say that Anger was completely shameless in order to make his plan go smoothly.

Not only did he arrange a complete map very thoughtfully, but he also asked Norma to leave a defensive blind spot when arranging the defense line. He even gave away the black card with the authority of the principal that he represented.

Originally, a place like the ice cellar was a terrifying area that was easy to defend but difficult to attack, extremely high-risk, and full of traps. Even Xia Mi relied on her own talent to sneak into it. Even so, she was discovered by Norma at the last moment.

As for Old Tang's "invasion" along the way, a simple summary is: he came, the door opened, and he went in.

Good guy, Xia Mi's chest hurts when he sees this.

"I found a way!"

The voice that appeared in his mind made Zheng Shu tremble with fright. He immediately stabilized his breathing and turned his attention to the Nibelungs.

"what way?"

"As long as my brother's related personality and spirit are cut out before his memory is restored, in this way, not only can the will of that guy be separated, but also my brother's memory can be revived. Although it will take a certain amount of time after waking up. It can restore your spirit, but it can also completely remove that guy’s influence on your brother.”

This chapter has four thousand words, two in one

It looks like this book will be recommended tomorrow, so I'll see if I can find time to update it more.

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