After helping the hunter take care of his wounds, Zheng Shu immediately rushed in the direction where Atalanta left.

Fortunately, Atalanta didn't run too fast in order to follow the enemy's trail, so Zheng Shu quickly caught up with her.

"You don't have to come. You should know from his information that the enemy this time is not at the level of a wild boar. If you are not careful, you may lose your life." Atalanta looked at Zheng Shu who was catching up. Somewhat unexpectedly, she thought the other party would be scared off after hearing about an enemy of this level.

"You may not believe it, but this enemy has something to do with me, so I need to deal with it." Zheng Shu smiled at Atalanta and continued to observe the surrounding situation.

Although swarms of insects always fly high in the sky, occasionally some insects fly a little lower and destroy the crowns of trees. Following these traces of destruction, Zheng Shu could confirm that the enemy had indeed been flying in this direction.

The two of them kept running from dusk to dawn, and finally managed to find the traces of these insects. Although Zheng Shu and Atalanta did not run at full speed just in case, it could be seen how fast these insects moved.

They stopped moving quickly when they were very far away. Zheng Shu and Atalanta looked for tree roots on the ground as a foothold to move to prevent them from making any noise when they stepped on fallen leaves or dead branches.

While moving silently and using trees to cover their bodies, the two quickly reached the edge of the insect swarm.

There are a large number of bugs patrolling further inside. If they are not careful, they may alarm the swarm, so they can only hide in the canopy and watch the situation in the distance.

"The situation is a little worse than expected. The number of bugs is much more than expected." Zheng Shu looked at the busy swarm of bugs in the distance with a somewhat unsightly look on his face.

In front of him was a swarm of nearly a thousand insects.

These bugs are all black, and their thick shells reflect the sheen of metal. Each one is the size of a van, and some of the extremely large ones can even reach the level of the front of a heavy truck.

The insect looks a bit like a beetle, with transparent wings wrapped under the shell on its back. The thick carapace on its head twists and extends to grow a single horn that looks very strong and sharp.

Zheng Shu could see that many male bugs used their horns to compare with each other to determine their status. Some bugs that seemed to have very high status had one horn so thick that it looked like a battering ram.

The six pairs of jointed limbs under the body are extremely sharp and look like sharp knives. Zheng Shu can clearly see that when they encounter some trees, they can directly stop a tree as thick as a person with just a gentle hug with their own jointed limbs. cut off.

The strength is also very terrifying. These van-sized bugs can basically carry wood three to five times their own body size while flying, and they seem to have plenty of strength left.

According to Zheng Shu's common sense, the amount of oxygen that such a large bug needs to consume is also extremely terrifying. In theory, this level of oxygen is simply not enough for them to carry out activities, and they will only suffocate to death.

But in ancient Greece in the Age of Gods, in addition to oxygen, there was also magic in the atmosphere that could be used as an energy source to drive organisms.

In turn, it means that every one of the insects in front of you is a World of Warcraft-level existence.

With the help of magic in the atmosphere, these bugs can even fly at high speeds using their unusually thin wings.

"It's indeed a bit beyond imagination. It seems that we can only wait for the 'heroes' in the city to come to support." Atalanta sighed.

Seeing the outrageous number of insects in the distance, even Atalanta suppressed her original desire for revenge. Perhaps only the legendary heroes with the blood of gods could handle such a level of numbers.

"No, there is no time." Zheng Shu looked at the scene in the distance and rejected Atalanta's proposal, "Your adoptive father is seriously injured, plus there are four children, even if he leaves the children behind In the hunter's hut, it will take at least three or four days to go back and forth... This is based on finding a suitable hero in the town to come to support immediately."

Zheng Shu poked his head out from the canopy and pointed to a place in the distance: "Look there, inside the nest they built."

Atalanta turned around and looked over. It was not so much a lair as it was a ruin made of trees. The exterior of the "nest" was reinforced with white slime, and black bugs crawled in and out from time to time.

Because this building was extremely large, Atalanta had already noticed it after arriving here, but after Zheng Shu's prompts, she discovered some details that she had overlooked.

In the inner layer of those trees, there are a large number of white balls that look densely packed. Because they are too small and the same color as the outer mucus, they will be ignored if you are not careful.

However, when the sun rises, these small white balls will reflect brighter light under the rays of the sun, and you can still see them if you look carefully.

When Atalanta saw those small balls that were so densely packed that they could induce trypophobia, her expression immediately turned ugly: "Insect eggs!? And there are so many of them?"

"It seems that these bugs have indeed obtained enough food, so they chose to lay eggs here." Zheng Shu relied on the eyes that transformed into dragon pupils to see more details.

Inside the nest, all the flesh and blood collected by the insect swarm along the way were concentrated.

In front of the huge mountain of meat, there was an unusually bloated beetle that was constantly eating. Its abdomen was not protected by a shiny black carapace like other beetles, and it looked more like a huge white silkworm chrysalis.

As the bug continues to eat, its abdomen is also constantly squirming. Every once in a while, a white egg will be produced at the tail. At this time, a group of smaller bugs will carry the eggs to the composition. The inside of the wood of the nest is glued with mucus.

Zheng Shu, who is familiar with various novels and game settings, immediately recognized that this abnormally bloated-looking bug should be the mother bug of this swarm.

It seems that the bugs that attack the village should be just part of it, which is to collect enough food for the mother bugs.

Zheng Shu bared his teeth. If this was really the case, it meant that the number of insects in this swarm was even greater than what he saw now, because it meant that a large number of insects that were "out in the field" had not yet returned.

Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that Zheng Shu has seen that many eggs have begun to tremble violently. According to the aura he sensed, it is estimated that the outermost eggs will hatch soon.

It is estimated that within a day or two at most, the number of this insect swarm will increase significantly.

Zheng Shu told Atalanta what he saw. Ta Miao was so shocked that his hair stood on end: "Damn it! Then we must find a way to stop their development. If this continues, it won't take long. The number of groups can reach a level that can invade the city-state."

After saying that, Atalanta lowered her head helplessly, because she had realized that it was impossible to complete the plan to stop this group of bugs by herself. Even if there were two people, they would only run out for this group of bugs. The bugs just add some new food.

"I have a way." Zheng Shu's voice called Atalanta out of her inner thoughts, "As far as I know, Ta Miao, you should be very fast, right?"

"My name is not Ta Miao, my name is Atalanta...forget it, that's right! So far, I haven't found anyone who can be faster than me." Atalanta was too lazy to correct the mistake in Zheng Shu's mouth.

"I call you Ta Miao just to make it easy to remember..." Zheng Shu smiled, "Since you are so fast, you can go to the city now and tell them about this matter. With your speed, you can respond one by one. It won’t take much time. Move faster. Even if the heroes in the city-state are not as fast as you, they should be able to get here within two days. Of course, in order to convince them, it’s best to bring some evidence.”

"What evidence?"

"Does this need to be said? Of course, let them see the corpse of the insect." Zheng Shu shrugged, "With your strength, how much corpse can you carry without affecting your speed?"

"Not sure, it depends on how heavy the bodies of the insects are. If they are similar in mass to wild boar, then I can probably afford half of the carcasses." Atalanta made a slight estimate, "But how can we do it?" How about killing a bug silently? Although we don’t know how sharp these bugs are, if we make too much noise and attract extra bugs, we may not even be able to escape."

"Aren't you a hunter?" Zheng Shu looked at Atalanta's face seriously, "Then you should be able to make traps, right?"

A black beetle the size of a Wuling Hongguang mini is constantly patrolling back and forth in the sky. This is its fixed patrol location to prevent any hostile creatures from sneaking into the nest and harming the mother beetle.

As a guard bug, this black beetle is not too old, probably only less than three days old, so its size is smaller than other bugs.

Unlike their mother worms, the worker worms that search for food outside the guard worms do not need to eat meat to grow. Even in extreme cases, these bugs only need to eat soil containing a large amount of magic power to grow in size. .

However, even if it only eats plants, it only took three days for this bug to grow to such a size. However, after all, it was born too short, and its application of magic is still flawed, so it flew for about half a day. You need to stop and let the organs that control magic in your body take a rest.

At this time, it is also the time for this guard insect to eat. It will seize every moment to continuously devour the plants on the surrounding land to grow as fast as possible.

However, with the expansion of the Zerg population, if you want to eat plants rich in vitality, you need to fly a short distance.

If it were a human being, he would definitely choose to move his base when encountering such a situation. However, for insects, they need to wait until the female worm has laid the last batch of eggs before leaving with all the wood with eggs attached to find a new resource-rich place to continue to thrive.

Therefore, this guard bug can only run a short distance to eat. Of course, it will also keep filling its mouth with soil on the way to increase its growth as much as possible.

When they came to a forest, the guard bug suddenly smelled a scent. The instinct carried in its genes made it know that this scent meant that there was an injured animal nearby.

Based on the instinct engraved in their genes, the guard bugs immediately stopped eating and happily rushed to the location where the aura was. For them, helping the mother bug collect food and protecting the mother bug's safety were the highest orders.

When it arrived at the target location, although its eyesight was not very good, the guard bug's other senses were very powerful. It could already detect a piece of meat that had been deliberately discarded on the ground in the distance.

Any animal with some intelligence will be wary of such a piece of meat that suddenly appears in the wilderness. However, although the guard bug is much larger, it is still just a bug after all. It is obviously too difficult for it to understand things other than instinct. It's up.

So not surprisingly, when the guard bug came to the front of the meat block, it suddenly felt empty under its feet, and then its entire body fell into a huge pit.

At the bottom of the pit, several awls were made from sharpened wood and inserted into it, but the spikes made of these wood could not break through the guard bug's carapace at all.

Suddenly attacked, the guard bugs opened their wings reflexively in an attempt to fly away from the pit, while passing messages to the distant bug swarms.


The moment it opened the black carapace on its back to reveal its transparent wings, two bows and arrows accurately hit the roots of the transparent wings with a sound of breaking through the air.

Bang bang!

Two crisp sounds were heard. The bow and arrow accurately hit the roots of the transparent wings and shot through them. Then two wings that looked extremely huge fell to the ground.

The guard bug swayed its body crazily in an attempt to make a sound, but unfortunately without the friction of its transparent wings, it could not make any sound even though it kept opening and closing its mouthparts.

"Well done!" Zheng Shu's figure appeared above the pit, and he jumped down directly with his mace.


Without any accident, Zheng Shu's mace accurately hit the connection point between the guard bug's head and body.

Behind the insect, the black carapace that had no time to close was knocked off the connection points of the body by the mace, revealing the softer abdomen underneath.

(PS: More updates will be added tomorrow)

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