Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 223 Breaking the Queen


Blue-green bodily fluids splashed, and Zheng Shu's mace and Atalanta's bow hit the insect's exposed abdomen at the same time.

The soft belly was like a water bag. It exploded and splashed out a lot of juice, exuding a strong sour smell.


The vitality of the Zerg allows this guard bug to still fight back even if its abdomen is completely smashed. Unfortunately, its body structure determines that it cannot attack the enemy on its back.

The six pairs of sickle-like jointed limbs and the sharp horns on its head kept swinging around, but they still couldn't hurt Zheng Shu standing on its back.

The guard bug tried to make a sound to warn its distant tribe, but unfortunately its vocal organ was shot off by Atalanta with a bow and arrow just now.

After a period of observation, Zheng Shu and Atalanta have discovered that the vocal organs of these insects are actually the pair of transparent wings that do not look very conspicuous. Instead, they are the mouthparts that look unusually ferocious. In addition to eating and biting, There is no vocal function outside.

"Be quiet!"


As Zheng Shu muttered in a low voice, the mace and the carapace on the insect's head collided fiercely, making a muffled sound that was not too loud.

"'s indeed a bit hard." Zheng Shu handed the mace to his other hand and shook the wrist of his right hand. The defensive power of the carapace was far beyond his imagination, and even made his arm feel numb. a feeling of.

After taking a look at the insect's head, I saw that the originally smooth and reflective carapace had been smashed into a medium-sized crack.

You know, although Zheng Shu didn't use all his strength in this attack, he didn't deliberately hold back. In addition, the ton-level weight of the mace itself hit the beetle that was not yet fully adult, and it was only the shell of the beetle. Suffered some minor injuries.

Although judging from the structure of this bug, the shell on its head is definitely the most defensive part of the body, but this already shows how difficult these bugs are.

After taking a look at the bug that was still struggling underneath, Zheng Shu raised his mace and kept hitting its head.

After knocking hard several times, the insect finally twitched and lost its life breath. However, at the moment when the insect lost its life, Zheng Shu suddenly felt a strong wave of magic power erupting from its body. In an instant, Spread to great distances.

"What's wrong!" Zheng Shu's face immediately became very ugly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Atalanta jumped down from the tree and looked at Zheng Shu's face in the pit with such an ugly face. She couldn't help but be curious. Judging from the result, their ambush should have been successful.

Zheng Shu didn't say anything more, he just grabbed the huge horn growing on the insect's head, jumped with all his strength, and brought the insect's head from the pit to the ground:

"Take this head and go. These bugs are lighter than expected and shouldn't be a problem for you."

Atalanta looked at the insect head that was the size of two people handed over by Zheng Shu. She didn't say anything, but frowned and looked at Zheng Shu: "What happened?"

"I was careless. I didn't expect that this insect could send a message to the insect swarm before it died, so hurry up. The insects have already arrived." Zheng Shu turned to look at the location of the insect swarm tribe.

He could clearly see that the swarms of insects in the distance had begun to gather, forming a thick black cloud and flying towards this side.

Although Atalanta's eyesight was not as sharp as Zheng Shu's, the large gathering of bugs was enough for her to see clearly. Her expression immediately changed, and she quickly fled with the bug's head on her shoulders.

But halfway through, Atalanta suddenly noticed something was wrong. After stopping, she found that Zheng Shu was still standing where she was.

"What are you doing?!"

"Flying too fast..." Zheng Shu looked at the swarm of insects in the distance and narrowed his eyes, "These insects are flying too fast. According to the information we obtained from the hunters, they shouldn't be flying so fast. "

Pupils bloomed with pale golden light. Zheng Shu raised his perception to the limit and finally noticed something was wrong. There was a huge magic circle surrounding the insect swarm in the distance.

Zheng Shu had sensed this kind of magic mass before. The reason why these insects could fly with their thin wings relied on the support of these magic powers.

To put it simply, they use the organs in their own bodies to construct magic into an anti-gravity device suitable for individuals.

The problem now is that these bugs have gathered the magic power they created together to form a super-large anti-gravity device. The anti-gravity effect is even better than that of a single magic power.

Needless to say, what kind of consequences will be caused by weight loss when one's own strength remains unchanged? The moving speed of these insects has far exceeded the upper limit of Zheng Shu's previous expectations, although it is not enough to catch up with Ta Miao. Movement speed, but it can already maintain tracking.

In this case, if these insects are allowed to rush into an unsuspecting city, even if they are eventually eliminated by the heroes in the city, they will definitely cause extremely huge losses in the process.

Not to mention the level of damage that would be caused if we encountered villages along the way to the city.


Seeing that the insect swarm in the distance suddenly increased its movement speed, Zheng Shu immediately overturned his previous conclusion.

They had no intention of letting the two of them escape!

During the period of Zheng Shu's observation, a large number of bugs at the tail end of the chasing bugs suddenly slowed down. Correspondingly, the bugs in front of them seemed to have been pushed by something, and their speed dropped sharply. Instantly it went up a notch.

Could this kind of sophisticated magic manipulation skills really be accomplished by this group of bugs who seem to have no IQ at all?

"Don't waste time, run!" He turned around and shouted at Ta Miao who had slowed down, and Zheng Shu made a fighting stance.

"...I will be back soon, save my life!" Atalanta only hesitated for a moment, and then immediately made a very decisive decision.

She even abandoned the bow and arrows on her body, turned around with the insect's head on her shoulder and left here as quickly as possible.

Running with all her strength, Atalanta burst out at extremely terrifying speeds, and lost her figure in the jungle in just an instant.

"So decisive..." Zheng Shu turned his back to Atalanta and smiled, looking at the rapidly approaching swarm of insects in the sky.

Seeing one of the "foods" trying to escape, the insect swarm once again used the magic control technology just now.

The last batch of bugs concentrated all the magic power of their bodies into the corner of their heads. With a short period of energy accumulation, like the secondary propulsion of a rocket, the last batch of bugs completely transferred their kinetic energy and magic power. To the insect swarm ahead.

After losing a bunch of mass that needs to be lifted, the anti-gravity system created by magic can focus all its power on the remaining insects. Coupled with the power transmitted from behind, the speed of the flying insect swarm immediately increases again. Up a level.

The "thrust" bugs at the back quickly fell to the ground after losing their magic power. Although they were still trying hard to flap their transparent wings, they could only change their fall. A little slower.

Fortunately, these bugs were covered with a strong black shell as protection, and the bugs that fell on the ground did not suffer any damage except for some dizziness.

"It's really outrageous. Even I haven't learned such magic manipulation ability, but these insects can actually use it by instinct."

Zheng Shu looked at the swarm of insects in the sky that had increased in speed again. He had already determined that the swarms of insects themselves had no intelligence at all. So the only possibility was that after the number of insects in the swarm exceeded a certain limit, they would The computing power of each individual is combined to create something similar to collective intelligence.

This means that the greater the number of these bugs, the smarter they will become. If left alone, it may not take long to turn into an unimaginable disaster.

Of course, as a world of the Age of Gods with gods, the upper limit of these insects is there. No matter how powerful they are, they will eventually be wiped out by the gods who control them as rules. However, before the gods take action, it is impossible to determine how much damage ordinary humans in this country will suffer.

This is also the reason why Zheng Shu took the initiative to stay. As a human being with normal views, he is naturally willing to save some people if he can. Of course, the reason why he took the initiative to stay was because although the group of insects in front of him were terrifying, Zheng Shu was sure that this level would not cost him his life.

Otherwise, no matter how big the crisis is, Zheng Shu will leave decisively.

Taking a deep breath, layers of blue scales began to appear on Zheng Shu's face. Although due to the rules of the world, he could no longer transform himself into a humanoid dragon like he did in the dragon world before. But when he exerts all his power, his body will still undergo some special changes.

After exhaling, Zheng Shu solemnly held the mace in his hands with both hands. He looked at the swarm of insects in the sky that was about to pass by his head. He kicked his feet fiercely and turned into a stream of cyan light that shot straight into the sky.

"Get down!"

A roar resounded through the sky, and the green streamer and the black clouds composed of the insect swarms collided.


There was an explosion in the sky, and the terrifying power was transmitted along the mace to the insect at the front. At the same time, a dim light flashed on the mace, combined with Zheng Shu's full burst of power, like an erupting Like a volcano, it is full of destructive power.

In just an instant, the entire body of the insect in the front row that collided with Zheng Shu exploded under the power of the mace, and its black carapace, which was harder than steel, also cracked into pieces.

But this was far from over. Driven by Zheng Shu's remaining power, the broken black carapace of the beetle bombarded the insect swarm behind like shotgun blasts from a heavy artillery. The carapace fragments flying in all directions were like a cage, completely covering the insect swarm behind.

There was a faint crackling sound, and the originally increasing speed of the insect swarm immediately slowed down under such a violent attack, and Zheng Shu, who had just landed, also attracted the attention of all the insects.

The swarm of insects that was originally chasing Atalanta immediately changed their targets and rushed towards Zheng Shu, while the insects on the ground that had lost the ability to fly also rushed at high speed from a distance.

"It's outrageous. Is it so hard?" Zheng Shu bared his teeth and felt the numbness in his hands. The blow just now did allow him to kill an insect with one blow, but the force of the rebound from the opponent's carapace also shocked him. .

This level of defensive ability even made Zheng Shu think for a moment that he had hit a solid steel sculpture.

Under the dragon's extremely strong recovery power, the numbness in his arms was quickly relieved, replaced by the long-lost sense of comfort brought by releasing all his power.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The insect swarm has surrounded Zheng Shu, and a large number of flapping wings formed a huge buzzing sound surrounding him. The ear-piercing roar echoed through the sky, as if the whole world was shaking.

After taking a look at the swarm of insects rushing towards him, Zheng Shu showed a very healthy smile when facing this terrifying enemy that would make anyone feel numb.

"Come! Face me!"

Accompanying the sound was Zheng Shu's mountain-like pressure. He poured out his power wantonly, and released a sense of oppression that could make the earth tremble without restraint.

Just like hitting a wave on a cliff, the swarm of insects that was rushing over suddenly stopped under Zheng Shu's pressure. The unresponsive insects behind hit the insects in front that were frantically trying to retreat.

For a moment, the originally orderly swarm of insects fell into chaos.

Shrouded by the pressure of the dragon, these van-sized bugs are like small sailboats in a tsunami. They use all their strength to resist the instinctive fear, and their reason may be drowned by the tsunami at any time.

Zheng Shu stood in the center of the insect swarm, and the invisible torrent of power surged and circulated among the insect swarm. The terrifying spiritual power even caused the magic power of the atmosphere to release thick tidal ripples.

Zheng Shu ignored the swarm of insects that had fallen into chaos around him. It was as if there was a mouse scurrying around under his skin, and his muscles and bones were rapidly distorting and deforming.

Click, click, click!

The sound of continuous bone friction came from Zheng Shu's body. When he opened his eyes again, his golden pupils shone with dazzling light.

Dragon bone form!

In the dragon world, since obtaining Hela's enhanced template, Zheng Shu has rarely used this special form because his power is strong enough.

After all, maintaining the keel shape under normal conditions is too tiring, just like ordinary people tightening their muscles all the time. When he encountered an enemy that was difficult to resist, Zheng Shu also chose to directly transform his body into a humanoid dragon.

(PS: More updates today, there will be another chapter later.)

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