Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 429 Advice and Zhan Kong

The three of them arranged their clothes and stepped into the hall.

As a representative, Liu Xingyang took the initiative to take two steps forward and saluted the old man sitting in front of him:

"Junior, Liu Xingyang of Baiyunguan came to visit on Master's order and met Abbot Meng."

Behind him, Zheng Shu and Huang Ming also bowed and saluted together. Their movements were as neat as if they had been rehearsed in advance.

The abbot of Chongyang Palace saw that the guests in front of him were so polite and polite, a smile appeared on his face, and then he waved his hand and said:

"No need to be polite, the abbot of Baiyunguan and I can be considered world-wide friends. This time I have to trouble you to go to the Luotian Dajiao in Longhu Mountain for me. Thank you for your hard work. Come and watch."

After everyone sat down, Liu Xingyang started chatting with the old Taoist Priest on behalf of everyone in Baiyun Temple. The two of them chatted about various past events and had a great time talking.

After a few words, after the atmosphere became heated, the abbot of Chongyang Palace turned his attention to the two people who had been listening quietly and silently.

"Are these two the newcomers of Baiyunguan's generation? Sure enough, there are so many talents, and it's fitting that we will be really happy."

The old abbot first set his sights on Huang Ming, touched his beard, and seemed very satisfied. Then he turned his eyes to Zheng Shu, with some thoughts in his eyes.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

"Go back to the abbot, junior Baiyun Guan Zheng Shu..."

"Zheng Shu?!"

The old abbot's eyes suddenly shone brightly. He looked at Zheng Shu carefully up and down, as if he was confirming something, and then a friendly smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that you would be so big in a blink of an eye."

"Abbott, what are you..." Zheng Shu was a little confused.

"Little guy, have you forgotten? I played your little [Beep Beep] back then." The old abbot smiled and stroked his beard, his tone full of nostalgia, "I thanked that old guy back then and hugged him every day. You came to us to show off in the name of communication, but I didn’t expect time to fly by so quickly.”


Zheng Shu used all the willpower he had cultivated in his two worlds to barely let his expression collapse.

No, most people shouldn't say "Did I hold you when you were a child?" Why are the Taoist priest's remarks so outrageous?

At this moment, even without turning his head, Zheng Shu knew that the eyes of the two guys next to him were absolutely weird. After all, even Taoist Priest Wang Yi, who had been serving Abbot Meng since just now, couldn't help but hold back a smile.

But let alone, Abbot Meng's outrageous remarks did make Zheng Shu immediately recall the painful childhood memories.

During his childhood, when he was constantly taken to show off by his abbot, he did meet an old man named Meng. After Zheng Shu recalled the old man's face, he quickly matched him with the person in front of him.


Zheng Shu frowned slightly, and his eyes also changed slightly.

In just over ten years, the old man's beard and hair in front of him changed from gray to pure white, and he looked much older.

Although his aura was stronger and his cultivation level had obviously improved to a higher level, Zheng Shu knew very well that the other party had reached the end of his life.

Although both the internal organs and muscles are very strong, and the Qi in the body is quite abundant, the innate Qi has become very weak, as if a flame is about to go out.

It is estimated that even if there is no serious illness or disaster, he will leave Hexi in a few years.

"Haha... There is no need to be sad. Birth, old age, illness and death are normal for human beings. Old man, I have lived for more than a hundred years. I have experienced glory and wealth, fought on the battlefield and killed enemies, and taught many good disciples. My life has not been in vain. .”

Seeing the change in Zheng Shu's eyes, the old abbot looked particularly cheerful, and even took the initiative to comfort Zheng Shu.


After hearing the conversation between the two, Wang Yi looked at his master in shock, and then was staggered by a casual slap from the old abbot.

"What are you talking about? Your master is not dead yet!"

After teaching his disciple a lesson, the old abbot continued to look at Zheng Shu, his eyes full of surprise.

"I didn't expect that you can directly see the innate energy in my body. Your talent is still so amazing. That old guy has indeed found a treasure."

"This junior only knows a little about innate energy."

"Hey, you know a little bit about it. If you only know a little bit about it, then there aren't many people in this world who know about innate energy."

The old abbot sneered, very dissatisfied with Zheng Shu's secret pretentious behavior.


Zheng Shu blinked and felt that he saw the figure of his master in the old Taoist priest in front of him. Could it be said that people who practice inner alchemy skills eventually become so unruly?

The other three people in the room were confused when they heard the old abbot's comment about Zheng Shu just now, and they even couldn't react.

For a master Qi practitioner who has lived for more than a hundred years, to be able to say this kind of comment is quite astonishing.

Among them, Wang Yi was the most surprised. After all, the other two were also relatively clear about some of Zheng Shu's achievements over the years, so although the old abbot's praise was exaggerated, he could still accept it.

And Wang Yi knew his master's character very well, and there were very few people he could praise. Being praised by his master basically meant that the person being praised was one of the best in the alien world in some way. .

In other words, the little Taoist priest in front of him, who looks to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, has far surpassed most practitioners in his understanding of innate energy. Even the seniors of the older generation cannot compare with him.

Can anyone really achieve such an achievement at such an age?

Wang Yi looked at Zheng Shu up and down in disbelief, as if he wanted to see something from his handsome face.

The old abbot glanced at his apprentice and immediately knew what the boy was thinking, so he turned to look at Liu Xingyang with a smile and suggested.

"It's usually very difficult for our Quanzhen lineage to meet each other. My disciple has improved in practice recently. Would you like to come and learn from each other? Despite his gentle appearance, he actually likes to find people. Comparing, and he has basically mastered the Kung Fu of my Chongyang Palace lineage, and his level is not low. Coincidentally, I saw that the two children I brought here are similar to his age, so it is suitable for them to compete with each other. "

Faced with the request of the old abbot of Chongyang Palace, Liu Xingyang naturally did not dare to refuse.

"It is an honor for these two juniors to compete with the masters of Chongyang Palace. In this case, it is natural to be respectful rather than obey orders. Zheng Shu..."

"Oh, no need. We are competing with each other to improve our skills. If you let that kid come on, I, as your apprentice, won't have to play. Let the other kid try it."

The old abbot hurriedly stopped him. He could see Zheng Shu's strength.

"Okay, Huang Ming, go and discuss with this fellow Taoist."

Liu Xingyang bowed and saluted, turned his head and glanced at Huang Ming who was standing aside.

Wang Yi looked at his master with some confusion. He originally thought that his master would arrange for him to compete with Zheng Shu, but he soon put this idea behind him.

He is the strongest among the younger generation in Chongyang Palace, and it is a bit boring to keep competing with his senior brothers. It would be good to see the methods of Baiyun Temple.

"Wang Yi, how are you?"

"It all depends on Master's arrangements."

Facing his master's inquiry, Wang Yi smiled slightly, bowed to the three of them and saluted, then stepped forward and took the initiative to lead everyone towards the door.

Soon, everyone was led by Wang Yi to the training ground at the rear. At this time, some Taoist priests from the Chongyang Palace were still doing daily exercises.

After seeing the abbot following everyone, everyone stopped what they were doing and bent down to salute.

"Okay, everyone, stop for a moment. Today, some friends from Baiyun Temple came to visit me at Chongyang Palace. Now we plan to have a discussion. Please make some space."


Upon hearing this, the Taoist priests on the practice ground quickly packed up the messy equipment on the practice ground and made way for a large open space. They stood around the practice ground, staring at their abbot with expectant eyes, hoping that they were the one. Candidates for discussion.

However, they soon discovered that the person they were competing against with Baiyunguan this time was their junior uncle, so everyone was disappointed and surprised. They knew very well how strong their junior uncle was. Could it be that Baiyunguan was that good? Are two young people so strong?

After the venue was cleared, the old abbot stood on the practice ground and greeted Huang Ming and Wang Yi.

The two of them did not dare to neglect, and immediately stood on both sides of the training ground.

"Come on, I'm just bored. I'll be the referee for you. Others, you should also watch carefully. It will be good for you to carefully observe other people's competition!"

Zheng Shu couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he heard the old abbot's words. Although we all know that you want to watch a show, there is no need to show it so obviously.

Abbot Meng naturally didn't know what Zheng Shu was thinking. He looked at the two people standing on the practice ground with a look of excitement on his face.

"If you are ready, you can start on your own."

"Fellow Daoist Huang, please!" Wang Yi took the lead in saluting with clasped fists.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, please give me some advice!"

Huang Ming looked a little nervous being looked at by so many strangers, but soon, as a young man, his desire to be in the limelight took over.

The two of them took stances at the same time, but they looked extremely similar. They were both Taoist internal martial arts techniques - the eight-step gold brick.

After all, this is the boxing technique that most Quanzhen Taoists practice when they first start, so it is also the most familiar fighting technique.

"How does it feel?"

Just when Zheng Shu was watching the two people on the field going back and forth, Abbot Meng appeared beside him at some point. Even with Zheng Shu's perception, he didn't notice his movements, as if he had been standing here all the time. Same.

"Junior Brother Huang lost."

After a moment of silence, Zheng Shu came to a conclusion very quickly.

After all, Huang Ming's cultivation level is weaker than Wang Yi's. For the Quanzhen Sect's inner alchemy technique, which improves attributes in an all-round way, a weaker cultivation level means that all attributes will be weaker. Under the ebb and flow of the other, the strength gap between the two sides is not small.

"Haha, are you so decisive?" Abbot Meng looked at Zheng Shu with a smile.

Zheng Shu always felt that his smile was not because his apprentice was about to win, but because of himself.

Seeing the doubts in Zheng Shu's heart, Abbot Meng calmly waved his hand, and the two people were surrounded by a transparent aura, so that the sound of their conversation would not be leaked.

"Actually, the reason why you came to Chongyang Palace this time is because of the request of that old guy Xie Xin."


"Yes, he said that it took you fifteen years to practice Qi, so he asked me to help enlighten him. After all, he said that your kid has been practicing silently in Baiyun Temple and didn't care about other things at all. Like a teenager.

He was afraid that your mentality would be unbalanced because of your life experience and talent in Qi training. Then the old guy tried all the methods to no avail, so he asked me to try. "


Zheng Shu blinked and recalled the various guidance given by the old abbot when he was at Baiyun Temple.

He thought his disguise was subtle enough, but he didn't expect it to be hidden from their eyes. However, it seemed that there were some misunderstandings due to unclear information.

"I didn't expect Master and Master to be so worried about me, but I didn't notice it..."

"Hey! It's not your fault!"

Abbot Meng patted Zheng Shu on the shoulder: "I thought your problem was serious at first, but when we met, it turned out that those two guys were just concerned and confused. You kid, you don't need enlightenment at all, you have your own I just don’t want to express my thoughts.”

Looking at the two people on the field who had begun to summon their Yangshen to attack each other, Abbot Meng's expression looked very relaxed.

"If you ask me, those two guys love you too much. Young people need to be hardworking. Even if you are young, even if you make any mistakes, it is not a big problem as long as it is not a fundamental problem, so I also I won’t preach to you too much.

But there is only one thing. Since you are a young person, you should live a more flamboyant life, otherwise you will not have the chance to flaunt yourself when you are old. "


When Abbot Meng finished speaking, there were applauses one after another around the practice ground. Zheng Shu turned his head and looked, and saw that Huang Ming and Wang Yi's Yang Shen was slowly returning to their bodies.

Judging from the state of Qi in the bodies of both parties, there is no doubt that Wang Yi won this sparring match.


After Huang Ming's Yang Shen returned to his body, he lost his balance and almost fell to the ground.

Feeling the emptiness in his body, he couldn't help but show frustration on his face, but he still held up his hands and bowed with fists.

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I lost."

"Concession, concession."

Huang Ming wanted to walk quietly, but his physical weakness made him unable to move for a while.

Can't beat it!

And unlike Senior Brother Zheng Shu's crushing gap, he always felt that the guy in front of him was only a small distance away from him, but it was this small gap that limited him everywhere in the battle. There was no room for a comeback at all, and in the end he just had to Being able to watch one's energy run out before his eyes.

"Well done."

A gentle voice came from behind, and his swaying body gained support. Huang Ming turned to look at Zheng Shu, who was standing behind him to support him. The corner of his mouth curled up, feeling suddenly aggrieved.

"Senior brother..."

"How old are you, and you still like to cry so much. If you feel wronged, how about you go back and give me another month of special training with my senior brother? Then you can use your own hands to pick yourself up from where you lost."

Zheng Shuhe is obviously several years younger than Huang Ming, but they look like their ages are reversed.

"Um...yes, senior brother!"

Huang Ming's ability to cultivate Qi originally meant that his character was firm enough. Just now, it was just because of the unusual frustration and having someone to rely on that I had a moment of mental imbalance.

After listening to Zheng Shu's words, he immediately blinked hard to calm down his emotions again.

Zheng Shu glanced at him sideways, with a smile on his lips.

Just now, as Huang Ming's xinxing improved, the energy in his body also fluctuated.

It seems that this failed experience has made Huang Ming's state of mind a little better, and his body's cultivation has also increased by a small amount.

For this kid, leaving Baiyun Temple this time, just the improvement in his mood has already paid off.

Zheng Shu reached out and helped Huang Ming up, leading him towards the outside of the field.

"Excuse me……"

Just as the two turned around, Wang Yi's voice sounded hesitantly.

"Does this Fellow Daoist Zheng also want to have a try?"

Zheng Shu turned his head in surprise and looked at Wang Yi. It seemed that it was exactly what Old Abbot Meng said. Although this kid looked gentle, he really liked fighting.

If it were the previous Zheng Shu, he might have chosen to refuse without hesitation such a thing that was completely meaningless to him. However, Abbot Meng's previous guidance made Zheng Shu feel that he might indeed need to change a little.

Turning to look at Abbot Meng, the old Taoist priest still smiled and nodded, looking like he wanted to watch the fun again.

Zheng Shu looked carefully at the panting Wang Yi, suddenly smiled and nodded, then shook his head.

"If Fellow Daoist Wang is so interested, I will naturally be happy to accompany you. However, Fellow Daoist has just fought with my junior brother, and his condition must not be satisfactory. If I fight with Fellow Daoist Wang now, I will be taking advantage of others."

Wang Yi looked at Zheng Shu with a gentle smile on his face, his eyes a little dazed.

For some reason, he always felt that the Taoist priest in front of him seemed to have become more handsome, and his eyes seemed to have a little golden light.

Zheng Shu raised his head and looked at the sky. Unknowingly, it was approaching dusk. The sun was gradually setting in the west, and the orange-red sunlight made the clouds in the sky turn fiery red.

"It's getting late. In order not to disturb the rest of the Taoist priests, how about I show you a little bit?"

"Show off a little bit?"

Wang Yi seemed a little confused, and the Taoist priests surrounding him didn't quite understand what Zheng Shu was talking about.

However, the next moment, an inexplicable and huge fear surrounded them.

The dragon bloodline in Zheng Shu's body began to activate, and he was approaching the edge of dragon transformation. His mental power began to fluctuate, "reloading" the Yanling that was about to be released, but this time it was not only mental power, but also the innate Qi in his body. Energy is added to the structure of the spirit.

The extremely high bloodline and mental power allowed Zheng Shu to extremely compress the dragon text that ordinary people need to chant for several minutes. In the end, only one byte was shouted out.


Waving his hand towards the sky, Yan Ling said: Judgment is launched.

It is no longer just using mental power to fill and create the mental impact as before, but using its own massive innate energy to replace the too poor elements in the outside world to build a complete word spirit.

Under Zheng Shu's command, the law of death turned into an invisible blade and shot straight into the sky.

In the sky, the thick clouds like a sea of ​​flames silently split into two halves, and the dividing line in the middle looked as straight as if measured with a ruler.

Affected by this external stimulus, the heavy clouds quickly turned into rain. The rain curtain composed of clouds on both sides gave the Chongyang Palace located in the middle of the dividing line a "line of sky" scenery out of thin air.

This rare spectacle made tourists and residents who saw this scene involuntarily take out their mobile phones and take photos as souvenirs.

In the Chongyang Palace, the Taoist priests on the training ground stared blankly at the scenery in the sky. The incomprehensible power had a serious impact on their spirits, causing everyone present to lose the ability to speak for a while.

Although the invisible blade that Zheng Shu released just now has no form and does not disturb the flow of the air, everyone present is a Qi practitioner who has mastered the Quanzhen inner alchemy skill.

After years of practice, cultivators' perceptions are far more sensitive than ordinary people, so each of them can clearly feel the sense of death that enveloped them all at the moment Zheng Shu took action. fear.

Many people are still shaking uncontrollably even now.

If this move was not shot into the sky but at them, no one present except the old abbot of Chongyang Palace would be able to survive.

What's more, Zheng Shu's move also showed the terrifying speed and range of covering a distance of several thousand meters in an instant and "cutting off" the thick clouds in an instant.

Is this kind of terrifying power comparable to a natural disaster really capable of being unleashed by humans? !

Some relatively determined Taoist priests quickly came to their senses. They looked at Zheng Shu helping Huang Ming leave the venue, their expressions full of fear and respect.

The other party's aura did not fluctuate too much, and it seemed as if he had done something trivial.

Could it be said that this is really just a "little oversight"?

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. It seems that I am really old, and the world of young people will follow."

Abbot Meng looked at Zheng Shu with a look of surprise. He did know that this junior was very strong, but he didn't expect him to be so strong.

At that moment, even he felt a terrifying threat.

When he came to his senses, the old abbot found that his palms were sweating unconsciously.

I have been cultivating the Tao all my life, but I didn't expect that I still couldn't stay calm in front of this power.

"It seems...that old guy Xie Xin really found a treasure this time."

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