Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 430 Conflict (8,200 words plus more updates!)

Early the next morning, the three of them took the letter written by Abbot Meng of Chongyang Palace and left here, and got on the train to Longhu Mountain.

"Don't look, everyone has gone away."

Abbot Meng swayed his head out from behind the door and patted his apprentice on the shoulder.

Wang Yi woke up at this moment and looked at his master in confusion: "Master..."

"You boy, you usually look gentle and gentle, but in fact you are arrogant and arrogant than everyone else. How about it? Now you understand that there are people outside the world."

Abbot Meng shook his head, tapped his closed disciple on the head with his finger, and then wandered towards the backyard of Chongyang Palace with his hands behind his back.

Wang Yi touched his head and could only follow his master obediently.

The tourists they met along the way couldn't help but turn their eyes to Abbot Meng. After all, such an old Taoist with white beard and hair and an immortal demeanor basically meets all people's imaginations of a Taoist priest.

Because of the strange rain yesterday, the number of people visiting the Chongyang Palace has greatly increased today. The Chongyang Palace, which was originally quiet because it was not the peak tourist season, has become lively again.

Abbot Meng also seemed very friendly to the people. He greeted tourists he met along the way and was very cooperative with tourists who wanted to take photos.

When the old abbot returned to the quiet courtyard, Wang Yicai finally couldn't help but ask the question in his heart.

"Master...can I reach that level?"

The old abbot who was about to enter stopped and turned around to look at his apprentice carefully, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Good boy, it seems that your master and I are worried about you in vain. Are you sure you target that little guy? If you want to reach his level of strength, it will be very hard."

Wang Yi closed his eyes and recalled the scene he saw yesterday, the terrifying power that could split the sky into two. Every time he recalled the unparalleled power, what filled Wang Yi's heart was not fear, but excitement, an excitement that could make his body tremble!

This made Wang Yi, who originally felt that practicing Taoism was a bit boring, suddenly regained his interest.

"Yes, disciple, I'm sure!"

Abbot Meng looked at the firm will revealed in Wang Yi's eyes, stroked his snow-white beard, and smiled.

"Okay, okay, I'm very happy that you have such an idea. Counting the days, your time at the Taoist temple is not short. It's almost time to teach you something new. Go to morning class and wait until you finish eating. Come to my room, it’s time for me to teach you the special skills of our Chongyang Palace lineage.”

"Yes!" Wang Yi was stunned, and then a look of surprise appeared on his face.

On the train, Zheng Shu and three others were sitting in the soft sleeper compartment waiting for departure.

Although all the Quanzhen Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple are monks, they are not short of money.

Not to mention that the relevant departments will allocate a part of the funds for various maintenance and repairs of Baiyun Temple every once in a while. The Tourism Bureau will also divide a part of the tourism income with Baiyun Temple every year. In addition, the internal money consumption of Baiyung Temple will not be the same. It's not big, so they have quite sufficient funds for this trip.

Moreover, there are fewer idle people in the soft sleeper compartment, so there is no need to worry about inappropriate content being overheard when several people are talking.

"Brother, how did you do that move yesterday? Can you teach me?" Huang Ming couldn't wait to ask Zheng Shu next to him as soon as he sat down on his bed.

It could be seen that this kid had been holding it in for a long time, but because everyone was still inside the Chongyang Palace, he had been holding back without asking.

"Nonsense, that move must be Junior Brother Zheng's innate power. How can you just teach it to others?"

Liu Xingyang, who had put away his luggage, slapped Huang Ming on the head without hesitation after hearing what he said.

You must know that even with his cultivation level, he was frightened by the attack Zheng Shu unleashed yesterday. So can this thing be taught to anyone casually?

Not to mention how much energy it would cost to unleash such an attack, can innate superpowers be taught to others? Doesn't this kid make Zheng Shu's face look ugly when he says this?


"Did you hear that? How can I teach you this thing casually...ah, that's okay?"

After Liu Xingyang reacted, he suddenly turned his head to look at Zheng Shu. His head turn was so large that Zheng Shu was worried about this guy's spinal problem.

"Of course, if I don't have enough Qi, I will definitely not be able to release the huge power I had yesterday, but if you want to learn, I will teach you."

"Oh, why are you so embarrassed? Junior brother, when will we start studying?"

"Brother, you clearly didn't say that just now."

"Shut up, you're the only one who talks a lot!"


After the slap, Huang Ming did not dare to say any more. Instead, he covered his head and came to Zheng Shu with Liu Xingyang.

Zheng Shu looked at the two people in front of him and laughed dumbly:

"Don't be so anxious. It's not a great skill. It just so happens that we came out earlier this time. We should have to wait a few days when we get to Longhu Mountain. We will find a place to live when we get there. I will teach you then. .”

"Senior brother, we have agreed! You must teach me when the time comes!"

"Don't worry, I've lied to you before. Go back to your bed and sit down. It'll be time to leave in a while."

Zheng Shu smiled when he saw Huang Ming cheering for joy. When he was about to close his eyes to rest, he suddenly frowned.

Turning around and looking out the train window, I saw a few people passing by on the platform. They looked like a small group.

Although he deliberately concealed his Qi, Zheng Shu observed strangers not only by their Qi but also by their innate Qi.

The "quality" of the innate energy of these people is much higher than that of other ordinary people, and they are obviously aliens of a certain standard.

Several people were dressed quite ordinary. The only woman among them was wearing a rather ill-fitting bright red printed short-sleeve. The most eye-catching one was probably a Shamate who dyed his hair red. He looked like he came from the countryside. Like a farm boy.

Judging from the Qi in his body, this Shamate should be the strongest person among this group of people.

But it wasn't him who caught Zheng Shu's attention, but another person in this small group.

This man seems to have a somewhat strong body, his neck may be thicker than his head, and his hands are much thicker than ordinary people. It seems that he has quite a lot of skill in his hands.

He was dressed quite sloppily, and there was a rather vulgar big gold chain hanging around his neck. It was to the point where you could tell it was a fake at a glance.

But Zheng Shu knew very well that this was all a disguise by this guy, because from his perception, the big gold chain that looked like it could break a person's neck was genuine, and he could carry such a heavy thing around. It's definitely not a good thing.

The main reason why Zheng Shu noticed him was because of the way he looked at her. In fact, Zheng Shu was already used to the stunning looks he encountered here and there along the way.

After all, this train was going to Jiangxi, and because the Luotian Festival was about to be held in Longhu Mountain, it also attracted many strangers who came to watch the ceremony, so that the proportion of strangers on this train was much higher.

So along the way, Zheng Shu also got used to such eyes.

But this man's gaze was different. It was more lustful than stunning.

You must know that although Zheng Shu's appearance tends to be neutral, but combined with his dress, you can basically tell that he is a man, but the man outside the car still maintains such a look, even with a bit of violence.

Zheng Shu sensed the emotion contained in the other person's eyes, and couldn't help but move his fingers twice, and almost couldn't help but take action directly.

However, considering that this is a modern society, and his current status is not suitable for taking action casually, and the other party has not caused any substantial trouble to him for the time being, Zheng Shu did not take action in the end.

After the group of people had gone far away and could no longer feel the gaze, Zheng Shu lay back on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

Judging from the mental fluctuations that the man showed just now, he is definitely a desperado with several lives on his hands. Coupled with the emotions shown in that man's eyes just now, this guy will definitely not give up.

This society is very strict about aliens infringing on ordinary people, but it is quite loose when it comes to conflicts between aliens.

It would be fine if that guy could really control his desire and not mess with Zheng Shu. If he did, then he wouldn't mind cleaning up this disgusting guy.

It was still daytime, and the probability of the other party doing something in broad daylight was very low. However, the train took ten hours on the road, so Zheng Shu was not in a hurry. He just lay on the bed and silently practiced the inner alchemy skill, and quietly waited for his prey. of taking the bait.

"Third brother, what are you looking at?!"

Among the small group on the platform, the red-haired Shamate also discovered something unusual about his "partner".

"Hey, didn't you see? That little Taoist priest just now was so handsome! Damn, he was so beautiful, I even suspected that the little Taoist priest was not a man at all!"

"Bah, you are getting more and more disgusting. Forget about being a good woman, why do you want to try a man now?"

The woman in red clothes spat disdainfully after hearing what "the third child" said, and immediately took two more steps to stay away from the guy next to her.

"Little Taoist priest? You mean the ones we saw in the carriage we passed just now? Don't look for those guys. Although they don't look very conspicuous in their appearance, they might also be strangers who went to Longhu Mountain to participate in the Luotian Dajiao. "

Although Shamate said this, his tone was full of indifference. He glanced at the strong man and knew that with this guy's character, he couldn't listen to what he was saying now.

"If you want to do it yourself, don't expect us to help you. Also, remember to handle it cleanly and don't involve us. If it happens again like last time, I will twist your head off! Also, don't remember to delay The thing is, we have to meet up with that person then."

"Hey, we can't delay!"

They waved their hands casually, and several human lives were easily concluded in their mouths. As for the possibility of the strong man's mistake, Shamat didn't think about it at all.

Although this third child is not very smart, his strength is really amazing. Not only does he have five dragon-pecking awls that can "control objects", but he also has a pretty good palm technique.

He had also taken a look at the little Taoist priest just now. He was not very old, only around 14 or 15 years old. No matter how talented he was, he could not erase the time gap.

At such an age, he probably doesn't even have a weapon capable of "controlling objects" by using his own energy to feed himself using secret methods.

So Sha Matt didn't pay attention at all, but was thinking about what happened after arriving at Longhu Mountain.

It was not until the afternoon that the train started to move gradually, and with the shaking carriage, the journey began.

Because it was not the peak tourist season, Zheng Shu was the only one in the small box, while Huang Ming and Liu Xingyang were in a box at the other end of the carriage.

Zheng Shu did not waste this time, sitting cross-legged on his bed and practicing hard.

After getting started with Qi training, he no longer had to deliberately discharge his excess innate Qi every time he practiced like before. This also made Zheng Shu's practice much less noisy, and he could practice anytime and anywhere.

When he opened his eyes again, the sky had darkened and the lights were on in the train carriage.

Because the model of the train Zheng Shu was riding was a bit old, the lights looked a little dim, and there were countless dust floating under the scattered lamp posts, giving it a strange sense of chaos.

After touching his stomach, Zheng Shu summoned a ball of instant noodles in his stomach, then walked out of bed and prepared to go to the dining car for a meal.

Although relying on summoning instant noodles can satisfy your hunger, if you rely on this thing to keep your stomach full without eating, your life will be too pitiful.

He greeted Huang Ming, who was still practicing, and the two went to the dining car to eat together. Liu Xingyang planned to continue practicing and take care of his luggage, and asked Zheng Shu and the others to bring him some food back from the dining car.

Although Liu Xingyang did not rush them, Zheng Shu came back quickly. He asked Huang Ming to take a seat in the dining car and order food while waiting for him, while he packed a dish and brought it back.


As soon as he entered the sleeper car, Zheng Shu noticed something was wrong. He raised his eyebrows and showed a mocking smile on his face.

"You really dare to come, are you so confident in yourself?"

He continued to walk forward without hesitation. The moment he passed by his box, a pair of thick hands suddenly stretched out from the box, trying to grab Zheng Shu's body and drag him in.

Zheng Shu grinned when he saw the hands reaching towards him, showing an unusually wild smile, and a faint golden light shone in his eyes.

"court death!"

Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand to hold one of the hands, ignoring the special strength and strange energy coming from above. He squeezed hard, and with a frightening "click" sound, Zheng Shu simply pulled one of the man's hands. The arm was broken.


"Shut up!"

The scream was suppressed before it could be released, and the strong man in the room felt his mouth being pressed down before he could react.

Obviously there wasn't much energy in that hand, but that hand was like a hydraulic press made of fine steel, tightly holding his chin.

His mature experience made him instantly aware that he had encountered a tough situation, so he exerted his strongest strength without hesitation. Five black pointed cones flew out from his back, turned into a black light, and headed towards the enemy in front of him. The most vulnerable features are stabbed away.


The five dragon-pecking awls of his own body pierced the man's face without any hindrance, but the sound coming from his ears made the strong man feel cold.

At this moment, he could feel that the five weapons that he had spent more than ten years feeding with Qi lost contact in an instant. It was not that they were taken away by the other party, but because they were destroyed in an instant.

He just saw the scene when two dragon-pecking awls hit each other's eyes. The handsome little Taoist priest in front of him didn't even blink his eyelids, just letting his eyes be exposed to the dragon-pecking awls. under attack.

However, the result of the collision between the weapon that had been stored for many years and the eye, the most fragile part of the human body, was that the weapon made of special alloy broke.

The black dragon-pecking awl hit the opponent's eyes like tofu hitting a stone. This guy's eyes didn't even have any dents, but the dragon-pecking awl broke bit by bit under the pressure of the impact. broken into pieces.

But the strong man had no time to be surprised now, because his other hand, which was still intact, had been hitting the little Taoist priest in front of him continuously since just now.

But even if he used all his Qi, the strong man felt like he was hitting solid steel with his bare hands.


The strong man immediately recognized this problem. The miserable face of the person he tortured to death immediately appeared in front of his eyes, and the great fear of death instantly enveloped him.

"No, I want to live!"

The strong man's originally dull mind was working rapidly at this moment. Until now, the little Taoist priest had only used one hand to fight against him, because the other hand was holding a lunch box.

This contemptuous attitude is the only way the strong man can escape now.

Feeling the increasing pressure coming from his head, he took action without hesitation to break free before his head was crushed.

The strong man no longer chose to attack the little Taoist priest in front of him. It turned out that his attack was of no use to this guy. He turned his attention to the wall of the cubicle here, and then without hesitation, he used all the power in his body towards the cubicle. Smashed it over.


An impatient tut was heard, and the strong man felt that the hand that had been squeezing his head was finally released. Instead, his arm that wanted to break the partition was twisted into a knot.

Just as he thought, the other party did not want this matter to cause too much trouble if he had the spare capacity. In fact, this was also the common understanding of all aliens.

After all, the fight in the alien world is okay, but if you expose yourself or affect ordinary people, then the "everyone knows" will come to your door.

Although both arms were disabled, the strong man gave himself a chance to escape.

He fiercely pulled out the arm from Zheng Shu at the cost of tearing off all the bones in his hand. At this moment, his seemingly strong body was as flexible as a civet cat and rushed out of the small compartment towards the others. Run to the car where the "teammate" is.

The person behind him will never let him go easily. The strong man knows this very well in his heart. In this case, it is better to let his "teammates" support him and provide him with a chance to escape.

After all... the monster behind him probably wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop, so he allowed himself to "escape".

On the strong man's stupid-looking face, his eyes shone with shrewdness.

He already knew the strength gap between the two sides at the moment of contact, but he was still able to escape under such a disadvantage. The only possibility was that the other party did it deliberately, and the goal was naturally self-evident.

But it just so happened that his idea coincided with that of the other party. Those guys were definitely not weak and should be able to buy him a little time.

And with this little time, he could escape as long as he could find a way to jump off the train.

After all, judging from the way that guy hasn't put down his lunch box, he must be a decent person, not the type who is willing to jump off the train and chase the enemy.

Zheng Shu looked at the strong man who "escaped" from his hands, with a satisfied smile on his face.

The brawny man's guess was correct. Since Zheng Shu had seen the opponent's small group, it was naturally impossible to kill just one person and leave possible hidden dangers for himself.

Even according to the logic of these desperadoes, there is a high probability that if this person dies, the others will only run further.

What if he didn't chase after her immediately as the strong man thought, but instead slowly carried the food to the small box where Liu Xingyang was.

"What just happened outside?"

Liu Xingyang in the box had already woken up from his practice and was on guard. When he saw Zheng Shu coming in, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"A guy tried to attack me and I broke both arms."

"Hasn't it been dealt with?" Liu Xingyang adjusted his sunglasses and asked.

Zheng Shu's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at his senior brother up and down.

"Brother, you don't sound like a monk. Shouldn't we be compassionate?"

"You kid, I think you are stupid. We are not those bald donkeys who don't care about compassion. I will not offend others unless they offend me. If people want to offend me, of course we must eradicate them."

Liu Xingyang glared at Zheng Shu and immediately got off the bed, ready to chase him out and kill him.

"You are too young to let the other person run away. Don't think about it. If this guy has an accomplice and comes back to trouble you, wouldn't he be in big trouble?! Come on, tell me where he came from. He's running, I'm going to catch him now to see if I can catch him."

"Alas, senior brother, there's no need for that. I've already arranged a backup plan, that guy won't live long."

Zheng Shu quickly put down the lunch box in his hand and grabbed his senior brother. He did not expect that his senior brother, who used to look kind-hearted, would react like this.

"Is there a backup plan?"

Liu Xingyang lifted his sunglasses and glanced sideways at Zheng Shu.

"Yes, yes, don't worry. I came to you first this time just to ask what should be done. There are a lot of people on the train. Wouldn't it be a good idea to kill people at will?"

"Are you stupid? Is Qi trained in vain? Don't make it so bloody. Just let him show death caused by a heart attack or other symptoms." Liu Xingyang reached out and knocked Zheng Shu on the head.

"Ah? Don't we need to report something?"

"Report? What to report? Who to report to? Aren't you throwing yourself into a trap? We just keep meditating here and practice, and we never go out, right?"

Liu Xingyang was no longer in a hurry now, and slowly sat back on the bed and sat up cross-legged.

Zheng Shu was a little curious now: "Then what if some people are not so sophisticated and are found to have died accidentally by the police? Moreover, the person who just attacked me also has many accomplices, all of whom were in the same group. It’s too fake to say that it’s time to die due to illness.”

"Of course it's your own fault if your skills are found to be poor, but usually you don't care, because in situations like this, an extra stranger will be arranged to come over to check. As long as the Qi in the other party's body is found, they won't be too aggressive. After all, the stranger When it comes to fights between people, the people above generally have a laissez-faire attitude.”

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved. I was originally worried that too many people dying at once would affect Guanli."

Zheng Shu also understood. It seems that the national forces in this world have always had the attitude of "they will not deal with the existence of aliens as long as they do not provoke ordinary people", so he can be a little more relaxed when acting. Fists and kicks.

"How many people are there? Your kid is surprisingly murderous." Liu Xingyang glanced at Zheng Shu unexpectedly.

"Hey, senior brother, don't blame me, you just showed a murderous intention."

"You brat, aren't I worried about you? Also, stop talking so much and catch up quickly. Even if you do something behind the scenes, if the guy finds out, it will be fun to let him escape. Liu Xingyang said angrily.

However, he felt relieved. Judging from the conversation just now, his junior brother knew what he was doing and believed that this kid could handle it on his own.

"Okay, don't worry, senior brother. I've put the lunch box aside for you. Remember to eat it while it's hot. I'll go back to the dining car to eat first."

Liu Xingyang waved his hands and stopped talking, continuing to sit on the bed and meditate.

Zheng Shu smiled nonchalantly, opened the small door of the box and walked out.

The strong man stumbled all the way towards the car where his accomplices were. Fortunately, there were not many people in the car, so it didn't cause much commotion. However, his two arms were damaged, which limited his movement.

While escaping, he also looked back a few times, but did not find the little Taoist.

But the strong man was not happy about this, and instead became more and more frightened.

Because he knew very well that the opponent would not let him go easily. If he could not see his opponent, there was only one possibility: that guy had used a backhand on him, so he could easily grasp his position.


The strong man used his Qi to search around and around inside his body, but he still couldn't find the so-called backhand. He even began to doubt whether the other party had really let him go.

But the strong man immediately put this ridiculous idea behind him, because at the last moment when he was about to escape, he and the guy's eyes met.

The strong man thought that he was already considered a villain who killed and committed all kinds of evil, but compared with those eyes, he suddenly felt that he was actually still a human being.

That guy didn't see himself as an enemy at all, but as a "toy".

Thinking of those beautiful but completely emotionless eyes, the strong man couldn't help but shudder. He even forgot about the pain in his arms, and his pace became faster.

No matter what, he will definitely die if he continues like this. The only way is to find those accomplices and find a way to make them his scapegoats.

In the car on the other side, several people who got on the train with the strong man at the beginning were sitting together playing poker.

"It's so boring. Why don't you book a berth? As a result, we can only play here at night."

Hong Mao casually pushed, threw the poker in his hand on the table, and leaned on the chair very dissatisfied.

"Do you still want to sleep? Do you know what our mission is this time?!" The companion on the side sounded a little disdainful.

"Tch! If you are nervous, don't take me with you. I can tell at a glance that you are a novice. You will be extremely nervous as soon as you hear that you are going to Longhu Mountain."

Hongmao clicked his tongue disdainfully and simply put his feet on the table.

"If I had known it was so boring, I would have gone with that pervert."


"What are you thinking?! I don't like that. I just want to go over and have a fight with that little Taoist priest. I like torturing the weak the most."

"How dare you call that tall guy a pervert? You are even more perverted than him!"

"Tch! You don't understand!"

Just when a group of people were making a noise, Hongmao suddenly noticed some strange noises coming from the distant carriage.


Others also became alert, and soon saw the strong man running towards them through the car door.

"Hey, this guy is done so quickly? Isn't he vain?"

Hongmao was just about to make fun of him when he suddenly noticed something was wrong with the strong man's body. His expression suddenly changed and he immediately ran away from the strong man without saying anything.

The others were stunned for a moment when they saw Hong Mao's movements, and then turned around and noticed something was wrong with the strong man.

When they saw that this guy had both hands wasted and was still panting and running towards him and the others, the others immediately understood and started running after the red hair, cursing.

It took less than a few minutes for the strong man to leave and come back. Counting the speed of walking in the middle, this guy must have encountered something hard, and it was hard enough to hurt his hands.

But when encountering such a tough opponent, and being able to escape with such serious injuries, the person on the other side must be thinking of eradicating the problem.

You don't need to think about it to know that this bitch must be trying to bring them together to support him.

"If you fucking dare to continue to catch up, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

Hongmao didn't care about attracting the attention of the people around him. He roared and started to accumulate energy in his hand.

However, he did not see that the strong man's eyes had lost his mind, leaving only endless fear and the desire to survive.

He ignored Hong Mao's warning and rushed towards a group of people.

Just when the group of people in front stepped into the connection between the carriages and were about to enter the next carriage, Zheng Shu's word spirit left on the strong man suddenly exploded, erasing his last trace of consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, the speaking spirit automatically flew out of the strong man's brain, and quickly "collided" with several people at the junction of the carriages at a speed that was difficult to react.

"The one who rides on the horse..."

Hong Mao, who had the highest level of cultivation, made a lot of defenses the moment the attack came, but he still couldn't stop himself from dying.

Feeling the breath of death that was like substance, Hong Mao cursed three words with difficulty in his mouth, and then he fell to the ground and lost his life forever.

Beside him, a group of his accomplices also fell to the ground.

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