Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 456 Small Surprises and Big Harvests

He sank his consciousness into the upper Dantian again and looked at the sea of ​​spirit that filled the entire acupuncture point. Zheng Shu's face slowly condensed out of the sea of ​​spirit.

Looking at the strange stream of light in the spiritual sea that kept sliding past like meteors, Zheng Shu felt it again when the other party passed by his eyes, and indeed found nothing unusual.

"Interesting way of existence, completely integrated with my spirit, but it can be discovered through visualization... In other words, is this thing an item that I know subconsciously?"

After understanding the basic principles of internal vision, Zheng Shu also quickly deduced part of the origin of this item. With the results provided by the magic conch as a basis, he was not too worried about the danger he would encounter.

After observing it several times again, Zheng Shu seized the opportunity of a stream of light flying by and walked towards the spiritual sea without hesitation.

The moment he was about to touch the spiritual sea, the surging spiritual energy sea automatically opened a hole as tall as a person, allowing Zheng Shu to walk safely into the energy-filled ocean.

Although these energy seas themselves are his own, so it is impossible to cause any harm to Zheng Shu.

But because of the concepts in his subconscious, Zheng Shu would still unconsciously open up a protective channel for himself.

Because it was in the depths of his consciousness, the body that Zheng Shu imagined moved at an unusually fast speed. Even if the stream of light flashed away like a real light, Zheng Shu could still catch up closely.

In the process of chasing the streamer, Zheng Shu also observed the spiritual ocean inside his upper Dantian with an inward gaze.

As he expected, the grasp of one's own body provided by the inner vision state is indeed quite beneficial. At least Zheng Shu here saw some of his mental problems through some concrete manifestations within the spiritual energy sea, and corrected them on the spot.

At the same time, Zheng Shu finally confirmed that there should be no such thing as inner demons in his body.

The reason why practitioners give birth to so-called inner demons is actually because some demonic obstacles arise in their hearts.

To put it simply, demonic barriers are gaps in the mind, usually due to doing something against one's will or having too severe fear and worry about a certain situation.

Normally, even advanced practitioners will continue to have inner demons.

Because people change, things they have done in the past will not change, but as we grow older, things that we thought were insignificant in the past, or things that we thought were gratifying and grudges at the time, or even things that were purely because of our age, will change. Various changes and other things that appear due to changes in one's own mood will be tasted differently.

When these emotions accumulate to a certain extent, they may become a thorn in the heart.

This is unavoidable for anyone, so Taoism advocates practicing away from the world, because only in this way can the frequency of the birth of one's inner demons be reduced as much as possible.

But there is one kind of person who is an exception, and that is the psychopath!

This "psychopath" is not a curse or refers to some real patients, but refers to some people whose natural mental state is different from ordinary people.

For such people, they don't care about inner demons at all.

Because if they conform to their innate mental state, then they will not have the problem of inner demons, and if they keep resisting their innate abnormal mental state, they will not have time to think about things related to the birth of inner demons.

Unfortunately, Zheng Shu, who has mental distortion, can be regarded as this type of patient in a sense.

While Zheng Shu was speeding through the sea of ​​spiritual energy, he looked at the three special colors of spiritual power passing by him and sighed helplessly.

When he fought Wang Ergou, the flowing rainbow used by the opponent had a certain impact on his subconscious cognition. The colors represented by the various emotional lights he saw were also based on Wang Ergou's flowing rainbow. The colors marked by the rainbow.

Under normal circumstances, Zheng Shu's spiritual energy is a dazzling white light.

Under this white ocean, three colors representing emotions will suddenly switch from time to time: hunger, violence, and pride.

It was precisely because of the influence of these three emotions that Zheng Shu saw such colorful lights in his upper Dantian when he was looking inside.

These three emotions do not exist alone, but are completely integrated with Zheng Shu's spiritual energy.

In the process of tracking the streamer, Zheng Shu also tried to isolate the distorted spiritual energy represented by one of the emotions.

But whenever this happens, the originally pure and flawless sea of ​​spiritual energy will automatically produce distorted spiritual energy of the same color to fill the gap.

When Zheng Shu let go of the control of the distorted mental energy he had captured earlier, he could clearly feel that his spirit was being counterattacked to a certain extent, and even his inner vision state would be affected to a certain extent and become unstable.

Fortunately, the extra distorted spiritual energy will soon be extinguished by the pure spiritual energy in Zheng Shu's body, leaving the total amount of distorted spiritual energy in the spiritual sea in a state of dynamic balance.

"No wonder every time I use the magic conch to find a way to solve the mental distortion, the reaction given by the magic conch is always to let me practice the skills of this world. So, this is indeed not something that can be solved with conventional methods. question."

The situation of mental distortion is quite similar to the differentiation of his innate energy, neither of which is a problem that can be easily solved.

After trying several times again and finding that no matter what method he used, he could not reduce the proportion of the distorted spirit, Zheng Shu stopped experimenting and focused on tracking the stream of light.

After Zheng Shu's attention was completely focused on Liu Guang, his movement speed increased by one section again, and soon he was near Liu Guang.

Only then did Zheng Shu see clearly what Ricoh was. It was a cluster of light that shone brightly, and there were two bright colored bands surrounding the cluster of light that looked like star rings.

The strange thing is that theoretically Zheng Shu should have never seen this thing before, but the moment he saw this light group, he already felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"this is……"

Before Zheng Shu could recall what this familiar feeling was, the light group changed from its previous image of scurrying around. It seemed that some mechanism had been triggered after Zheng Shu was discovered, so it slowly floated towards Zheng Shu. Come over.

Not sensing any danger from the light ball, Zheng Shu hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand and touched the light ball lightly according to his own feeling.

The moment he came into contact with the light group, Zheng Shu felt a weak flow of information coming towards him.

After being distracted for a moment, Zheng Shu looked at the light group with surprise in his eyes after understanding all the information contained in the information flow:

"The Arms of God!"

The light group in front of him was the divine weapon that had accompanied Zheng Shu for many years in the Xingyue world and made great contributions to him.

The message just now was left by Hephaestus, the god of forging, for Zheng Shu. He gave Zheng Shu a detailed explanation about the weapon of the god.

The reason why the God's Arms was able to follow Zheng Shu across the world was precisely the silver-white ball he received from the Sun God as a reward when he accepted the Sun God's commission to leave the ancient Greek area and go to other areas to hunt down the enemy. Equipment strengthening liquid.

At that time, Zheng Shu only felt that the thing helped him strengthen the connection between himself and the God's Arms, and did not notice any other abnormalities.

Hephaestus told Zheng Shu in the message that this was actually a gift given to Zheng Shu by the main gods of ancient Greece. They had known about Zheng Shu's ability to travel through the world for a long time, so they tried every means to create such a Give him something.

The reason why this gift can be successfully produced is because the twelve main gods of ancient Greece in the moon-shaped world have their own unique origins.

The predecessors of the twelve main gods were interstellar battleships from another universe in the Xingyue world. For some reasons, they were created by Chaos and transported to the current universe using ultra-high technology.

Fourteen thousand years ago, in the battle with the White Destruction, the twelve Mecha-gods lost their Mecha-god bodies and became pure concept gods. The remains of civilization drifted to the Greek area, and after a series of things happened, they became The twelve main gods of ancient Greece.

After spending a lot of time, Hephaestus also collected some of the remains of the Mecha.

After asking Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, who was formerly a spiritual intelligence warfare attack aircraft, Hephaestus finally parsed some of the data information originating from Chaos from the wreckage.

Some of these data information recorded the technical information when they traveled through the universe. Combined with the data records after they came to this world, Hephaestus finally used the metal of God to create this piece of equipment that could accompany Zheng Shu through time. The Arms of the Gods of the World.

Of course, the travel between universes within the Xingyue world is not at the same level as Zheng Shu's travel across worlds, but Hephaestus thought of another way to make a fool of himself.

The real function of that silver-white object is to copy all the information about the Arms of God and store it in Zheng Shu's subconscious in the form of thinking information.

Using this tricky method, as long as Zheng Shu's mind is not destroyed, this weapon of God can travel with Zheng Shu.

The disadvantage is that in order to streamline the information as much as possible and reduce the loss during time travel, the Arms of God has lost most of its messy functions, leaving only the most important capabilities.

And because this thing is essentially an information flow at this stage, it cannot function at all. Zheng Shu needs to collect a large amount of materials to recreate it before it can be used.

Fortunately, Hephaestus was very considerate and helped Zheng Shu solve a big problem, so that he would not simply obtain a design.

After editing by Hephaestus, this information became the same as the magic circle used by Zheng Shu to resurrect Medusa. It was a fool-like casting "workshop".

Zheng Shu only needs to input energy into this information to make it run, and then collect enough types of materials for him to automatically cast the weapon of God according to the steps.

However, if he wants to restore the main function of God's Arms, Zheng Shu has a troublesome thing that he must do.

That is, he wants to collect as many materials as possible in this world, let this information analyze the rules of the world through analyzing basic materials, and then deduce the spell structure required for law-level protection capabilities.

Seeing this, Zheng Shu understood why Hephaestus said that this was a gift given to him by the twelve main gods, because this ability alone was not something that the God of Forging could accomplish alone.

At least gods like Zeus and Hades were involved in this. In addition, Hera and Aphrodite, two gods who are good at intelligence manipulation, should also have participated in the production.

After holding the light ball and digesting the information, Zheng Shu recalled his experience in the previous world with some emotion, and then fell into deep thought.

The appearance of the God's Arms was a good surprise for him. Although Zheng Shu had little use for this thing in this world, Zheng Shu still wanted to make it and try it.

The main purpose is actually to become familiar with the process.

Although it is not very useful in this world, it may be needed in the world later. In order to prevent himself from being in a hurry, Zheng Shu thought it would be better to familiarize himself with the production process first.

However, Zheng Shu did not focus on this aspect for the time being. Instead, he looked at the ball of light in his hand and thought about another thing.

"From a regular perspective, my golden finger's ability to collect enhanced template information becomes stronger as the number of times I travel increases."

In the original dragon world, Zheng Shu needed to directly come into contact with the opponent's items containing genetic information in order to obtain the corresponding strengthening template.

In the world of Xingyue, Zheng Shu can obtain the corresponding enhanced template even if he only obtains an exclusive power that carries all the unique information of the opponent.

In the world under one person, Zheng Shu even only needs to be exposed to information that holds part of the other party's information to obtain an enhanced template.

Therefore, after receiving the information carried by Hephaestus on this light group, he has been thinking about certain possibilities.

Zheng Shu switched his perception back to normal, raised his arm, and moved the light group into his palm.

Slowly transporting the life force in his body into the light ball, looking at the faintly glowing arms, Zheng Shu focused all his perceptions on the light ball in his body.


[The user has come into contact with the carrier containing the unknown factor and started testing the sample]



Unlike in the past when you could obtain the enhanced template in an instant, this time the panel did not give out the results for a long time.

Zheng Shu maintained this state like this. He wanted to use the magic conch to tell him whether this would be successful, but it was obvious that the skills provided by the panel could not affect the panel, so Zheng Shu could only rely on his own intuition. conduct experiment.

Looking at the "Detecting" message that was constantly refreshing on the light blue light screen, Zheng Shu frowned and persisted for several hours.

Finally, when he also felt a little tired, new information came from the panel.

[The test is completed and a reinforced template has been established based on the carrier sample]

Zheng Shu's tired eyes immediately became energetic and he pulled out the information behind the panel without hesitation.

[Enhanced Template: Chaos]

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