Looking at the message on the panel, even with Zheng Shu's current knowledge and state of mind, he couldn't help but his eyes were shining and his breathing was rapid.

Who is Chaos?

The founding god and the god of void and darkness in ancient Greek mythology, and in the Moon World, he also has other identities - a super giant mothership for interstellar navigation, a celestial sphere space-time fortress, a Dyson sphere, and the oldest machine god. The creators of the twelve Mecha-gods in ancient Greece!

There is no too specific division of power in the world of Xingyue, but in order to accurately depict the enemy's combat effectiveness, Chaldea has a set of power classification standards based on detecting the scale of the heroic spirit's power.

Based on the power scale of the spiritual base of a living body, theoretically speaking, the highest level should be the planetary level.

The main gods in the heyday of major pantheons and some top alien creatures can basically only reach this upper limit in terms of their own power without considering some special circumstances.

Of course, even if they are both planet-level, there is a clear gap in destructive power and combat effectiveness.

The weakest planet level itself cannot have much impact on the planet itself, and can only achieve "trivial" things such as mass extinction of organisms or the destruction of civilization on the surface of the planet. For example, among the twelve main gods of ancient Greece, the weakest in combat effectiveness Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, has this level of fighting power.

Ordinary planet-level combat power is a level of power that can clean the surface of the earth or destroy the continental shelf. Ares, the god of war, and Athena, the goddess of war, are basically at this level.

A more powerful planet-level combat power can basically be called a god king or a creation god in various gods. It is basically the pinnacle of the main god-level combat power. It has satellites that can annihilate the size of the moon. Or a force that causes irreversible damage to the planet itself.

The pinnacle of planet-level power was Alter, whom Zheng Shu had met before.

This alien visitor wandered from the Oort Cloud to the Earth and ate the "Aristotle" from Mercury on the way, even if we don't count its other messy specificities and cheating special functions. , itself has the terrifying power that can easily annihilate the earth.

In the world of Xingyue, there are terrifying monsters that are difficult to destroy even with star-made weapons that are one level stronger than the weapons of God.

In addition to these existences, other transcendent beings such as the Awakened Ones have only reached a slightly stronger planetary level in physical strength.

The reason why these detached people are strong is mainly because they can control more powers, which are the so-called authority dogs.

But even the Awakened One can only ensure that he remains undefeated in the battle when faced with a body of Oort's level.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, a planet-level spiritual base should be the limit that a living body can achieve.

But Chaos is not a living thing. Although he later gained self-awareness and sanity, at the beginning, he was indeed just a super-giant mothership for interstellar navigation created by an unknown civilization that spent all its resources.

Therefore, the spiritual strength of this unprecedented being has reached a star level that is theoretically impossible!

And it is not an ordinary star level. In its heyday, Chaos has the function of unfolding into a Dyson sphere. In theory, he can completely absorb the energy of a star.

So theoretically speaking, Chaos in its heyday was the pinnacle of the stellar level!

Zheng Shu also didn't expect that such an idea of ​​his would actually succeed.

After seeing the message left by Hephaestus, Zheng Shu suddenly had an idea. The weapon of God, which was still in the state of thinking information in his body, was based on part of the experimental data of Chaos, and The basic material used is also the metal of God made by Chaos.

Chaos in the moon-shaped world is different from ordinary life forms. It is essentially a super mechanical body with self-awareness, so theoretically, data can be regarded as his soul, and metal can be regarded as His flesh and blood.

It was also based on this principle that Zheng Shu wanted to try it to see if it could succeed.

Of course, he really didn't expect that he would be able to succeed this time. At first, Zheng Shu just planned to give it a try. Anyway, even if he couldn't succeed this time, he just had to travel through a few more worlds and wait until Golden Finger became stronger. There is definitely still a chance.

After flipping through the relevant introduction on the Chaos enhanced template on the panel, it was as expected by Zheng Shu. Because of the huge differences in life forms, just like Ort's enhanced template, severe mental distortion would inevitably occur as long as he dared to use it.

"But no matter what, it's a good thing to have more cards..."

Zheng Shucong stretched himself, put aside the surprise of getting the Khaos enhanced template for the time being, and began to think about how to solve his own problem.

"Judging from the results of internal vision, in my case, I should not be able to use the method of eliminating inner demons to improve my mental state. After all, in essence, mental aberration is just a mental disease, and it has become a mental illness in my mind. Ordinary methods will basically have no effect. Even if you delete the memory of when I turned into those creatures, it cannot erase the influence of mental distortion. "

Zheng Shu returned to the inner vision state and tried it again. This time he chose to collect his normal soul to see if he could wait for his soul to be filled up and then flood the distorted soul with a large number of normal souls.

Zheng Shu recalled the various plots in Under One Person and touched his chin: "How about... I go to the patient to discuss the condition?"

The more he thought about it, the more Zheng Shu thought he could give it a try. After all, most people who were born with brain diseases have joined Quanxing, choosing to release their own nature and follow their own desires.

The only "patient" who truly chooses to resist his own nature may be Xiao Zizai, a temporary worker in the East China region of Nedotong Company.

"According to the plot of the original work, it's almost time for the six temporary workers to gather together to defeat Chen Duo and Biyou Village... Where did this plot begin? Liupanshui, Guizhou?"

After making a decision, Zheng Shu got up early the next morning and went to the abbot's room to apply for travel.

If other young Taoist priests want to apply to travel, it may be more troublesome. After all, the Taoist priests of Zheng Shu's generation are too young now, and they do not meet the standards of Baiyun Temple for traveling, whether in terms of cultivation or character.

But it was much easier to get to Zheng Shu. After all, after living together for so many years, the old abbot also knew how strong the child his apprentice had picked up was.

"Go ahead, go ahead, little Zheng Shu, everything else doesn't matter. Just remember to be careful when you hit someone, and don't beat them to death. After all, we are monks, and we need to be compassionate when we go out."

Listening to his abbot's words, Zheng Shu's eyes twitched twice, but he still restrained himself from complaining.

It seems that the abbot's anger has dissipated now, and he no longer had the previous idea of ​​"beating them all to death".

After visiting his master again, Zheng Shu embarked on the journey to Liupanshui.

"We're here...but what do I do next?"

After getting off the plane, Zheng Shu scratched his head as he looked at the crowded streets in front of him.

Although the original book mentioned that the temporary workers gathered in Liupanshui, it did not mention the specific location, and there was no explanation of Mei Jinfeng's residence.

"Let me think about it... Mei Jinfeng lives in seclusion in a mountain forest. It would be good to search for it in the surrounding woods."

After thinking for a moment, Zheng Shu decided to cheat. Although with his strength, it was not too difficult to find a dilapidated house in the mountains and forests, it would be better to be more relaxed.

He looked up at the sky. Although it was morning when he set off, it was already almost evening by the time he got off the plane and came here.

"The time is just right, come on, Magic Conch, it's time to get to work!"

After deciding on the goal in his heart, Zheng Shu took out his mobile phone and opened the navigation. Feeling the intuitive guidance provided by the three skills, he walked in that direction without hesitation.

"Hey, this thing is much better than the Moon God's Blessing."

On a remote street, Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu walked out of a mutton noodle shop.

After communicating with other temporary workers via mobile phone and being tricked by the letter left by Chen Duo, Xiao Zizai and the others decided to go directly to the address provided by the boss to find Mei Jinfeng's residence.

After walking for a long time, Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu finally arrived at a forest on the outskirts of the city.

"Damn, it's so far away...a mountain village? I don't like nature the most!"

Wang Zhenqiu, who had blond hair and was so beautiful that it was difficult to tell the difference between male and female, couldn't help but complain as he looked at the forest in front of him.

Xiao Zizai, who was next to him, safely notified everyone on his mobile phone, and then walked into the jungle with Wang Zhenqiu.

At the rear, several other temporary workers who had not shown up were following the two men from a distance.

After running for a while, Feng Baobao, who had been following the two at a distance, suddenly gave a reminder to Zhang Chulan next to him.

At the same time, Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu, who were further ahead, suddenly discovered the sound of fighting ahead.

"Everyone, there is a battle ahead, please be careful."

With the phone vibrating, Xiao Zizai and Wang Zhenqiu, who were running quickly, were also a little surprised when they saw the message uploaded on the phone.

"It's okay. People from North China can actually detect it even from such a long distance behind them..."

The two of them slowed down their fast running figures in a tacit understanding, restrained their breath and sounds, and walked carefully through a bush.

The few people following the two men also performed the same behavior, carefully hiding their figures and preparing to observe the situation ahead.

Hiding his figure in the darkness, Xiao Zizai glanced at an area in the distance.

There, the originally dense forest was cleared into a clearing. Judging from the broken tree stumps on the ground, it should be the result of the battle between the two sides.

On the scene, a group of people wearing black masks were besieging a man dressed as a Taoist priest.

There are two points worthy of attention. One is that the Taoist priest looks too stunning. Even Wang Zhenqiu next to him is somewhat different from his opponent.

The other point was the methods used by the group of people who besieged him.

"These guys... actually have magic weapons on them?"

Even Xiao Zizai felt a little confused when he saw the blue protective light emanating from a masked person who looked obviously female among the people who were besieging him.

At this moment, the little Taoist priest who was being surrounded by everyone suddenly turned his head and glanced in his direction. Xiao Zizai could even feel that his affairs were aligned with the other party.

"Oh? Have you been discovered?"

Zhang Chulan, who was following Xiao Zi and observing the battle in the distance, was stunned for a moment when he saw the little Taoist priest being besieged in the center of the battlefield.

"Why is it him? Why is he here?"

After Zheng Shu followed the navigation and walked out of the city center to the edge of a forest on the outskirts of the city, he turned off his phone and followed his intuition and walked in the direction of the target.

Because he walked in no hurry, by the time he reached the outskirts of the city, the sky was completely dark.

As soon as he entered the forest, Zheng Shu sensed something, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

"Oh, it seems I'm lucky, just in time to meet the beginning of the 'plot'."

With this thought in his mind, Zheng Shu still moved forward without hesitation in the direction provided by his intuition, but this time he accelerated his pace slightly.


Suddenly, several balls of energy bullets of different colors were fired at Zheng Shu from all directions, blocking all his escape routes.

Bang bang bang!

Zheng Shu didn't even try to dodge. The energy bomb hit him solidly and exploded, raising a cloud of dust.

"Hey! Is this a person from the company? He's very weak. He can't even dodge this kind of attack."

Several people wearing black hoods fell on the surrounding trees. Two of the stronger masked people looked at the place where Zheng Shu was standing before, and laughed mockingly.

"Be careful. If the other party is someone sent by the company, it won't be easy to deal with!"

The leader of this group of masked people was a woman wearing a green leather coat. She scolded the people she brought with her and looked into the dust with a cautious expression.

"Let me tell you, everyone, is it appropriate to attack suddenly without saying hello? What if I am not the one you are looking for and attack the wrong person?"

Zheng Shu waved his hand slightly, brushing away the dust surrounding his body, and raised his eyebrows as he looked at the people in front of him.

"Huh! I didn't see it clearly from the tree just now, but your calf's nose is really good!"

After seeing Zheng Shu's appearance clearly, the people who besieged him became commotion.

The leading woman responded without hesitation: "If you really attack the wrong person, then you will be unlucky!"

Seeing the reactions of the people in front of him, Zheng Shu shook his head in disappointment.

"There is absolutely no xinxing cultivation to speak of. Compared with you guys, even Quanxing's minions are determined. Forget it, since meeting you means that those people are coming soon, then I will accompany you first. Just have fun and wait for them..."

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