Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1359: I just know

My, is this the real them?

   I just opened it in the wrong way before?

   Did they pretend to be pure in front of themselves?

   Well, this guy is really a beautiful blessing. I really thank him this time, so I can enjoy it unscrupulously?

In addition, the wine glasses in the hands of these fairies are triangular metal cups that ancient people would use. Although this kind of cup may be a bit stiff when drinking, it is very shocking when it is picked up and poured into a man's mouth. Of course, it is not a girl. Pour each other...

Ye Lanmeng on the side was also completely shocked. Although she was a little self-aware and understood that the women around Jing were all shameful and dazzled, but she never expected that Jing would be so open with this group of enchanted girls on weekdays. Stay together.

   She can't even think about whether Jing can hold her own as a male desire, because as a woman, she drooled sadly from the bottom of her heart, and she was a little confused by the scene before her...

   "I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Ye Lanmeng scolded the shaft angrily.

   "I just know it too."

  井's voice is full of innocence.

   "Oh? The official, you are back, and the Nujia waited so hard for you...Today, how about sleeping with the Nujia? The Nujia still wants tonight!" Liu Yaya took the brunt, half-truth.

Are you crazy?

   Aren't you afraid that when the girls know about this kind of thing, they will fight or break with you?

   Are you guys wanting me to publicize the fact that you gave me Veritaserum?

   You femme fatale!

   But, Jing glanced at the girls' playful eyes, and instantly understood that Liu Yaya was performing a harem drama based on the script they had written!

   This is really true, false, true, and true, only the people in them really know it.

   I was worrying about it!

   Ya is really a talent, so I took this opportunity to remind myself of this morning's scene again. It was really well-intentioned!

   This is a combination of conspiracy and conspiracy, it is a real invincible scheme!

   "Toad, why did you come back? Come on, I still have the gameplay of yesterday tonight... Come on, see if you can eat other people's goose meat this time!"

   Zhao Jiaxue spit out her pink scented tongue, licked it on the back of her hand, and wore a cat ear accessory on top of her head, and she was infected with the cat virus by Yang Meow!

   Where did you buy the cat girl props?

   Didn’t anyone tell you that this kind of thing can’t be worn casually?

   Actually, it’s nothing strange. After all, the girl that wind chime likes so much. There are so many clothes that she throws away after wearing them once. She just took out a box and it was enough for everyone!

   Where did Ye Lanmeng have seen such a formation? Even if I have seen it, I am afraid I accidentally encountered it in some messy video AAP.

   Faced with such a strong peachy atmosphere at this time, she couldn't bear to look directly at the more exciting highlights of the performance before she turned around and fled 1802, leaving Jing standing there alone in a daze.

   For this kind of drunken fan performance, I naturally watched it with an attitude of not looking at it.

  Even if it is not so, he must cooperate with this group of female fairies in front of him, as if he is full of spirits.

  Because he has discovered that the girls are performing deliberately, performing hard, if they expose everything by themselves, then what is waiting for them is definitely **** torture!

When Ye Lanmeng fled out of 1802, she did not forget to glance back at the well behind her, but the performance of the well made Ye Lanmeng very disappointed. She never expected that the person she was thinking about was such an absurd one. Scum...

  Perhaps, this is the only match for the identity of the Shangjing family...

  Perhaps, it’s just that I am too real to understand the absurdity of high society...

   Whatever ran away from home, it's all cheating!

   Sure enough, his world is really far away from himself, and he hasn't gotten two closes at all. Even if he can do everything he can, it will be in vain...

   Ye Lanmeng clutched her painful chest, cursing her idiot madly in her heart: Why should I fall in love with a man who doesn’t belong to the same world idiotically...

   The pain returns to the pain, Ye Lanmeng feels that he must leave.

  Too many dreams have been realized today, and he seems to be living in a dream.

   has the current ending, it seems that it is all destined.

   Sure enough, there are too many wishes realized at once. They are all illusory, and they will suffer retribution!

   Even if Jing loses his memory and Ye Lanmeng is not in his heart, he is not his destined woman, right?

   He is just a ridiculous passerby, unable to walk into his world, unable to walk into his circle.

   So Ye Lanmeng ran away from the Konghai Garden in embarrassment and embarked on the way home...

   "Haha, the sisters have finished work, Ye Lanmeng has really gone."

Lin Yumian obviously received a message from the bodyguard There was a hint of excitement and weirdness in her voice, a drop of crystal liquid beads overflowed from the corner of her mouth, as if he was a bad boy who had successfully made a prank. Usually laughed, and it was like after some wonderful meal, I couldn't help but recollect everything.

"Haha, she must be very angry right now. She will dare to come and seduce other men casually in the future. Well, you acted very well. I really want to see Ye Lanmeng’s sour face now. It must be very interesting. No first love, first love is impossible! Let her die her heart!"

  Gui knew that was such a result!

Obviously, I still want to borrow Ye Lanmeng's hand to suppress the arrogance of your group of female fairies, especially the matter of finding a passerby girl to be a girlfriend. It should more or less stimulate you to vomit several liters of blood. ?

   However, I haven't waited for the opportunity to introduce the relationship between Ye Lanmeng and myself. As a result, this kind of thin ice relationship was directly shattered by you!

   More importantly, I still couldn't find a suitable reason to leave Ye Lanmeng. Did I just grab her and let her join the party together?

   Maybe, Ye Lanmeng will slap herself and leave!

  I never thought that you spider spirits would put out such a large array of ecstasy, here is simply a pansi cave!

In front of Jing squeezed an ugly smile on the corner of his mouth, and echoed: "Where and where, this is what I should do. I don't know if I work so hard, can you calm me down, don't just think of a way to end it casually My driver?"

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