Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1360: Pansidong

"These are not the main points, okay? Smelly man, have you seen enough? Men really are beeping, don't you understand the truth of seeing no evil?" At this time, the alcoholic Jiu Qianxun was unexpectedly sober and covered it with his arms. With his ultra-low neckline, willow eyebrows were erected, and he condemned in a tone of anger against the nymphomaniac.

   "That's right, uncle different world sex, are you still not going out? Are you addicted to watching? Believe it or not, let's find some movies and let you watch enough in 24 hours?"

   Little girl film, why are you here to join in?

   Didn’t you say that all night in a good game? How did it turn into a movie all night?

   What's more, you are clearly in a pure school uniform. What is so shy?

   Does this exactly match your age and identity?

   There is no place to be seen as evil, okay?

   You little girl must have too little homework, do you want me to teach you homework?

   However, he couldn't tolerate Tianjing's thoughts. Pieces of debris flew toward him from the house, forcing Tianjing to retreat, and fled back to 1801.

  My aunts, it’s fine for you to make such a pansi hole. Did you get out of the Tang Seng meat that I delivered?

   Don’t you feel sorry for your well-thought-out equipment and temporary decoration?

   What a waste!

   More importantly, I don’t have a key!

   Where should I go?

   The bodyguard downstairs must not let me go!

   Fortunately, I just met the fat man Luo Xia and opened the door, otherwise the patio might be thinking about life in the corridor again.

   Tianjing decisively leaned towards the fat man and went back to his room to play.

   It’s ridiculous that Tianjing didn’t see the expression of the fat man watching the fire from the other side and gloating at his misfortune. After he turned around, the fat man’s wretchedness was almost impossible to look at!

   Tianjing's heart is extremely depressed: I can be regarded as helping you to settle a rival in love, why is it not interesting?

   and other women helped Liu Yaya clean up the room, and they also played the game.

   Liu Yaya was not very polite. As soon as he went online, he sent a message to Sit Jing Guan Tian, ​​causing the courtyard to open the message to almost spray a nosebleed.

Just listen to Liu Yaya teasing in a very enchanting tone: "Oh, brother, you secretly come to me tonight, we can continue to do what we did during the day, rest assured, no medicine is needed, I promise you will not lose memory. "

  The ghost is going to your Pansidong!

   You devil, you don’t need medicine this time. Did you use some injection medicine?

   I will not be fooled the second time!

   Tianjing was spitting in his heart, but the sea of ​​consciousness was mad with a nosebleed. After all, no matter what happened today, he could see Liu Yaya's figure clearly.

   I have to say that compared with Liu Yaya in her own world, Liu Yaya's body here is more temptation and visual impact.

   Even if you don't do anything, chatting with such a fairy is a kind of happiness!

   Would you like to agree?

However, Tianjing was a bit more sensible at this time. He said lightly: "Okay, Xiaoya, don't be kidding. If it is Jingtian, I might believe it, but I have experienced all kinds of personnel in another world. Man, have something happened, calm down and observe carefully, you can even tell it by smelling it with your nose. So, you don’t need to use those hints, and I won’t be confused by some superficial phenomena. Bondage. Nothing substantive happened between you and me. You are just trying to force yourself to set up a ecstasy for me."

   Tianjing's words are very mysterious, at least Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue did not understand it, but they could hear that Tianjing was rejecting Liu Yaya, so there is nothing to understand.

   After hearing what Tianjing said, Liu Yaya let out a long sigh. As expected, she was still too tender compared to Tiange!

   In front of him, she was always a naive little girl who was ignorant and innocent.

   Whether it was a childhood or now, I want to hide from the patio, it is simply a trick.

   Tiange is still his own Tiange, nothing has changed!

   However, Liu Yaya did not understand whether the things Tianjing said about men and women were true or false, especially how to observe and smell them. He was not a hound dog. He could smell the emotion of men and women by smelling the nose.

   Sure enough, I still have very little knowledge in this area.

So, she could only pretend to be confused in a enchanting tone: "Oh? Brother God, what are you talking about, the slave family doesn't understand, why don't you have a closer discussion with them after you sneak over tonight? I promise? This time, you can smell everything when you are awake. The time saved is too long and there is no taste. It is like a freshly baked barbecue. At first you can smell the gravy, but let it stand for a few hours. No matter how good your nose is, you can't smell any deliciousness. Are you right?"

"Xiaoya, one day you will understand that there are some things that you can't hide, and some things that you want to pretend can't be pretended casually. Even if I can't smell it, can I pretend to be blind? Or, you are already a woman, not a girl?"

   "Well, brother, you came to teach others that day."

   Let your man teach you those things!

   I am just a driver in another world, you must waste time and affection on me for Mao!

   You are exactly the same as my girlfriend, you don’t even know it’s hard for me to do it!

   Tianjing don’t know Every time I come to this world, I feel like I am surrounded by kindergarten children, whether it was many years ago or now.

   is really absurd!

   The next day, Ye Lanmeng entered the game, as if nothing happened, and asked to sit on the well and watch the sky continue to upgrade together.

   "You figured it out?"

   Walking to the dungeon with Ye Lanmeng, the patio asked tentatively.

   "What do you figure out?"

   "Of course it is what you saw last night."

   Tianjing wondered if Ye Lanmeng was playing amnesia and pretending to be confused.

   "Last night? Didn't you say that you didn't go online last night? I took a good bath and didn't go to the game. Did something happen in the game? But it doesn't matter, I'm not interested."

   Whoops, this Ye Lanmeng is really playing selective amnesia!

   It seems that this woman has been stimulated so much that she doesn't want to remember what happened yesterday!

   But, did it just pass?

   Tianjing is not afraid to tell things through. He just wants to understand what kind of relationship he and Ye Lanmeng belong to at this time, so he continues to ask: "What happened in 1802 last night, have you figured it out?"

   What happened in 1802?

Figured out?

   What do you think about it, do you think about that absurd and corrupt lifestyle, and accept and fall into it?

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