Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1480: Time Cube

   "Hehe, it's rare to hear your husband praising the main strategy of the game, what do you think of him now?"

"He? In my eyes, he is nothing more than a perverted female gangster. As expected, all geniuses are perverted! Be more careful in the future and beware of being deceived." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ. còм

   "Are you sure?"

   When Raalfa spoke, his tone became a little distorted.

   "Uh... dear queen, I'm sure, you should do it."

  Lalfa looked from afar, and another group of demons players poured in. The equipment of these demons was faintly visible. These guys are definitely the elite of the demons and the first-line players of the demons!

   Without any hesitation, Ralfa started...

   "Time and Space Rubik's Cube!"

   A chaotic space suddenly appeared in the sky, and cracks in the space appeared above the sky like imprisoned lightning.

   All the players who had time to take a peek at the sky were completely dumbfounded. They showed fear and screamed out of silence!

   That's right, of course, I have to be afraid. No one has seen this situation before. Even the players of the Riding Cloud Alliance looked up one after another, and their expressions changed dramatically.

  The ghost only knew what it was, and no one knew whether it was a destruction skill created by the enemy. Many players stopped their actions and became jealous of each other.

   At the moment when the overbearing saw the **** descended from the sky, a bad premonition traveled through his body, and he couldn't stop thinking: How can the Riding Cloud Guild have endless hole cards in his hands?

   Why does the Cloud Riding Guild inexplicably reverse the world every time I feel that I am about to achieve victory?

   Is this the **** in the game joking with himself?

   Heaven punishes God?

Not only is it overbearing, all the demons that have fought against the Cloud Riding Guild have tried this bitter fruit, and they always feel that they can beat the Cloud Riding Guild by just a little bit, but it is just such a little bit, but it is not at all absurd. Thousands of miles.

You know, no one has ever seen Ralf’s [Space-Time Rubik's Cube]. In fact, it’s the first time even Jing Tian saw him. His mouth was open enough to fit five eggs, and he was shocked after one breath: "You made it? What is that? Is it an alien spacecraft?"

   At this moment, all players saw a huge thing in the sky slowly falling out of the cracks in time and space, like a super large Rubik's Cube!

   "Hee hee, my husband is really stupid, of course this is Rubik's Cube."

   "Of course I know that it is a Rubik's Cube. The key point is what use is it for you to summon such a big alien Rubik's Cube. Do you want to use the Rubik's Cube to kill the demons?"

   "My husband's idea is really good, why didn't I think of it, I must give the planning team a good suggestion?"

  Lalfa didn't seem to notice the sarcasm in Jing Tiankou at all, but instead seemed to get some good idea.

   Why is there no answer?

   Because there is no need to answer at all, I saw a completely different picture in each square of the huge Rubik's Cube, as if it were composed of countless monitors that played different programs, which was extremely strange.

   The more it looks, the more it looks like an alien product!

More importantly, after the next breath, the huge Rubik’s Cube suddenly burst out with strong suction power. The Mozu players were directly sucked into the Rubik’s Cube one by one, and every time a small display inhaled a Mozu character, Will change...

  Spacetime Rubik's Cube?

   Is there a different world in this Rubik's Cube!

   My dear, this is definitely an extraterrestrial product. How can the world of love marriage allow such things to exist?

   Is it possible to shut enemies into different worlds and then strangle them?

   Or maybe Guan can't get out of other worlds?

   Isn’t that too bad?

   "Hehe, my husband seems to have noticed that this space-time cube is connected to every corner of Aiyinsi Continent, and it can directly inhale the enemy and force it to be transmitted there. It is a powerful space-time teleportation magic."


   is just transmission?

   The shock in Jing Tian's heart disappeared instantly...

   If it is a space teleportation, why can't we add some space-time storms to wipe them out?

   is really a skill that is not sharp enough!

   But it's quite appropriate to delay at this time. A dead horse is cured as a living horse.

   "Uh... why haven't you used it before."

   "Hee hee, the newly learned skills. Don't look at our real NPCs, nor can we adjust the level casually, we also need to upgrade, we also need to upgrade the level of skills, and learn the latest skills."


   GM still needs to be upgraded, still need upgrade skills?

  Kid Tiannongjing, how does he treat his own person?

   But how do real NPCs get experience upgrades?

   Why did you upgrade if you were not online for a few hours all day?

   You lied to a three-year-old child!

   "Queen is kidding, don't you have experience to kill players or something? According to you, don't those **** NPCs of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi have further possibilities?"

"Hehe, my husband is really good at one point. You are right. Whether we kill players or perform daily NPCs, we will get a certain amount of experience points, and then we can upgrade. The gods of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi release tasks and recruit daily Service, you will naturally gain experience, and the experience will be upgraded when it reaches the peak. Upgrade is also very important for us real NPCs, after all, it is related to our salary!"

   It's all right, I'm obviously thinking about it according to your statement!

   But, the level of a real NPC is related to your income?

   sounds but it is really possible!

   After all, they are all real NPCs. Why should those people be the gods above and Ralfa as his own queen?

   In other words, real-life NPC staff such as Donghuang Taiyi and Ralfah are actually the same in essence. Don't look at Donghuang Taiyi's superiority and glamorous appearance, but they must meet various indicators to receive salary.

  Only by gaining a lot of experience can you upgrade your level and get higher treatment.

   There are rewards only if you pay, and you can get the corresponding rewards by working hard. It is not feasible to be lazy.

   However, compared to serving thousands of gods, Ralf’s NPC upgrade requires much less experience. Maybe you only need to be summoned for a certain length of time, then you can complete the basic indicators and receive wages.

   It seems that I got a very interesting news. Do you want to use this rule to threaten Ralfa?

   However, this thought only formed a breathing time in Jingtian's sea of ​​consciousness, and then suddenly dissipated between heaven and earth.

Ralfa is definitely not just as simple as a real NPC, she is a member of the planning and development team, even if you don’t need the income of a real NPC, she can still get very moisturizing, definitely not like those who have no retreat, can only live in the game world In, glow and heat.

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