Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1481: Mourning

At this moment, Jing Tian felt that Ralf was still very insidious. When she introduced the relationship between the level of real NPC and salary, she clearly had a sense of exaggeration and drooling. It turned out to be misleading herself, trying to lead her thinking. Threatening her, and then slap her in the face, is really sinister and cunning to the point of disdain!

   If I didn't think about it so quickly, she might really be despised by her!

Therefore, Jing Tian disdainfully said: "What does the salary of the real NPC have to do with you? Did you quit your planning job, or did your work go poorly and was demoted to an NPC by the leader? Then you have to change your sorrow, I must Will set off firecrackers to celebrate, and finally have an NPC companion who can accompany him for a long time."

Rafael smiled when she heard the corners of her mouth... But after two breaths, she seemed to suddenly remember that now Jing Tian could see her expression clearly, and with some embarrassment, she forced her smile back and replaced it with a serious one. The expression said: "Dear husband, are you too smart? Who told you that this palace can't work part-time? Those who have the ability, do more work, don't they?" First issue https://https://

   How could it be possible that Jingtian couldn't notice the change in Rafael's facial expression? He even saw a clue from Rafa's change.

Although he knew what was funny in his words, he savored it carefully, but couldn't figure out what kind of secrets were behind Ralfa. He could only think that Ralfa laughed too low...New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

After the Time and Space Rubik’s Cube showed great power, many Demon players were teleported to all angles of Aiyinsi Continent. Once they landed, they looked at the surrounding situation inexplicably. Some Demon players hadn’t figured out the situation and were directly thrown into chaotic swords. Hacked...

   That’s right, some Demon players were directly teleported to the main cities of the alliance. Naturally, the fighting NPCs in the main cities saw their dead enemies and immediately slashed them.

   Although the current level of the Demon player is unlikely to be unable to slaughter the city, you must devote all the power of the Demon clan to slaughter the city, relying on the human flesh wall and dead corpses to pile up the NPC that might be fighting power!

It’s good now, the Demon players were scattered and thrown into the heavily guarded alliance cities, just like a hen being thrown into a cage with a tiger, and it’s not a tiger, but a group of them. Is it torn into pieces directly?

   Of course, there is no shortage of luck, and they were directly sent back to the Demon Realm, but they are all relatively remote cities in the Demon Realm. It may take a lot of time to return to the battlefield.

There are also some Demon players who have been teleported to the dungeon. At this time, it is more difficult for the dungeon to commit suicide. Most Alliance players are defending in the guild. Only a small number of players take the opportunity to upgrade the monsters in the huge dungeon. It's too low!

   Therefore, they can only use their power skills to commit suicide and return.

Overbearing is even more depressed to die at this time, no matter if a huge Rubik's Cube appears inexplicably in front of him, more than half of the players who have entered the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild are inexplicably sucked into the Rubik's Cube and sent to all parts of the world. The power channel is now full of complaints and doubts. Everyone seemed to be ants on a hot pot, making it extremely noisy.

  Moreover, there are still some people staying outside the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild. They may be a strange place to enter or wait outside!

   Damn it!

   Never let the Guild Riding Clouds wish, let alone let their trickery succeed!

   screamed in his domineering heart, and immediately commanded: "All the players who can come in from the outside come in. If they can't attack, they will die and go back. Wait for the next assembly and try again!"

   I have to say that the domineering decision at this time is wise. If the remaining players are now allowed to directly withdraw from the guild’s resident area, they will inevitably be chased by the alliance players. Maybe they will grow the aspirations of others and destroy their own prestige.

   Now that there is such a change, even if the whole army is killed and resurrected, I believe everyone can accept it.

   Failure is the mother of success. Temporarily winning or losing is not about heroes.

   Moreover, if you want to die, you must die quickly. Only when the jade is burned with lightning speed, can you integrate your combat power as soon as possible and launch a second onslaught.

   In the invasion of forces, the concept of time is also very important!

   Then, a death battle with unequal numbers unfolded...

   However, the ending was still beyond Jing Tian's expectation. Only half of the demons player army was evenly matched with the alliance players. When every demons player fell, one alliance player fell to the ground.

   Even if it’s a brief time and place, but under the influence of operational proficiency, everyone’s combat effectiveness has been attenuated too much, and there have even been many coordination errors. It’s not the advantage of the sea battle.

  Furthermore, the remaining Mozu players did not give up their fighting spirit at all. On the contrary, they became more and more courageous. Relying on their operational advantages and krypton equipment, they did not lose sight of the wind for a period of time.

   When all the demons who invaded the guild’s residence were killed in battle, most of the Alliance players had also been killed.

   is really unbearable! It's too weak!

   Without Ralf’s help, I am afraid that even a wave of attacks from the main force of the demons would not be able to stop it!

   Seeing how powerful the Moon Destroying forces are Tian can't help but feel deeply worried for the other guilds of the alliance.

   Although it is said that the destroying moon alliance forces are the most powerful force among the demons, the overall combat power of the demons is stronger than that of the alliance. If you deliberately use the operational advantage, this time it is very likely to cause a heavy blow to the alliance as a whole.

   As if to prove Jing Tian's mind, there are guild members from the Jade Demon Alliance who have successively released help messages on the alliance channel, and sincerely ask the alliance guild and idle players to come to their guild station for support, which shows that the situation is terrible.

   I am afraid this is also the worst time in history...

However, Jing Tian can't be distracted at all right now, because he knows that he will never give up. The second total war is coming, and this time Ralf has no skills to release and help him. He can only lead the guild army. Fight with all your strength.

Soon, when the forces of the Ruined Moon Alliance gathered again at the gate of the Guild Riding Clouds resident, one after another, the guild’s premises were completely conquered by the demons, and the headlines that caused the collapse of large-scale buildings were broadcast on the world channel and the system channel. It's so tragic, it's sorrow everywhere.

I have to say that Jing Tian suddenly felt that the right time and place were all occupied by the demons. These one after another defeat had already formed an invisible shadow in the hearts of the Alliance players, and it was a heavy shadow that made everyone pant. Not angry.

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