Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1482: Riding the Cloud Alliance

It seems that the next one to be destroyed by the demons is their own guild residence. Everyone has already had a slight change in their hearts. They even forgot the previous space-time cube, and forgot that everyone had already defended the ruinyue group’s general attack. All victory was nothing but victory. It was a mirror image, and the guild would be wiped out in the next instant.

It’s not because of anything else, it’s because everyone understands that no matter how bad the NPC spouse’s skills are, the number of times they can be used in an invasion battle is limited. The more powerful the skills, the less frequently they are used, in other words, they are one-off .

The skill that can evoke the intention of heaven and earth just now, let alone use it once a day, even if it is used once in 7 days is reasonable, anyway, it is impossible to use it again in today's battle.

Speaking of why the Demon Race is so powerful, is it just because they use manual controllers?

It is necessary to know that the demon players have strong krypton gold ability, and the marriage rate is naturally high. The number of spouse NPCs they can summon is naturally more than that of the alliance, and even the combat power of NPCs is stronger than that of the alliance player's spouse.

Fortunately, the NPC spouse will not let the players smash the equipment, otherwise the alliance player's combat power may be reduced by a lot.

However, in the face of NPC spouse combat power, everyone could barely cope with the game controller before, but now after using the stealth system, it is very difficult.

It is forgivable that the alliance players are crushed and defeated.

At this moment, the demons who are everywhere have mastered the sky, and the demons who have captured other guilds have rushed to support the moon-destroying forces. This is humanity. In the eyes of the demons, the gate of the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild has been broken. It is geographical advantage.

Therefore, Mozu has no reason to lose, Ruiyue has no reason to lose, and Domineering has no reason to lose!

After an overbearing roar, the demons once again rushed into the resident of the Cloud Riding Alliance Guild. There was no wordy, and the summoned beasts, spirit puppets, and heroic spirits of the two armies started a fierce collision as cannon fodder.

Originally, Jing Tian had adjusted the formation, but when the Alliance players were not proficient in the operation, a gap appeared quickly, and then collapsed!

Even if some alliance players who have adapted to the incomplete stealth system shine, and players who have burst out of unprecedented combat power, they are simply unable to turn the tide. There are too many enemies, and the cloud riding alliance is defeated!

No way, heroism won't work in (Sky Dungeon).

The corpses were made into zombies by the chasers, but they would soon be defeated again. People who were unwilling to use their own assassin comprehension skills, the spouses summoned even to cover themselves, leading to defeat by the system gods. .

Even if the battle was a bit fierce for a while, the alliance army seemed to be the end of the crossbow, and no one could stop the demon army.

The defeated alliance players quickly retreated into the small resident city of their respective guilds. Under Jing Tian's instructions, they changed their past and boarded the inner city walls one after another, and began to attack the demons remotely.

Upon seeing this overbearing, he screamed triumphantly, as if he had completely destroyed the Cloud Riding Alliance. It was no longer a triumphant triumphant victory in the past. Instead, it was upright, crushing the Cloud Riding Guild with a destructive force.

Compared with the ingenuity of the mending warrior, his own wisdom is beyond that!

The guy patching the sky didn't even bother to do this, saying that he wanted to defeat the Riding Cloud Guild in an upright manner. It was really a dead brain.

Before, it was obvious that he used the insidious trick, why now he hates himself instead?

Is it true that your strategy of crossing the sea is to be upright?

Forget it, the idea of ​​the guy patching the sky is too difficult to understand...

Before the second general attack, Overbearing had already anticipated everything. The anchors in the forces had been arranged to broadcast the battle. Now many players in the world have turned on Picture-in-Picture to watch how Ruiyue Group completely destroyed the Riding Cloud Guild.

Of course you have to watch it. This is definitely an epic war. It is definitely the first time that the Cloud Riding Alliance is completely destroyed. As long as the Riding Cloud Guild falls, the alliance is equivalent to being completely wiped out. There is no alliance guild station to guarantee the indestructible record. ...


Wasn't the resident of the Cloud Riding Guild ever captured?

No, no, even though the resident of the Cloud Riding Guild was captured, it does not mean that the Cloud Riding Alliance Guild was completely captured.

In the past two years, the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild has indeed not been completely destroyed, but today, history may have to be rewritten, and the resident of the Riding Cloud Alliance Guild must be destroyed!

How can we not let Mozu players excited?

The mountain in my heart can finally be completely crushed!

Jing Tian has sent a message for help to the defeated guild. He has already learned that the victorious demon forces are rushing to the chaotic demon post where his guild is located. If the people in the Jade Demon Alliance are still sturdy, they will naturally not let it go. This opportunity for revenge.

As long as they come to help, you may be able to delay some time, and you can also take advantage of the quick resurrection speed of Alliance players and entangle with the demons for a while.

However, Jing Tian did not hold out much hope. After all, the guilds of UU Reading have always regarded their own interests as the highest standard. In the face of a fire pit with poor output, why should moths fight the fire? ?

On the other hand, Jing Tian arranged a loud voice to appeal to the Alliance players to share the same hatred and hatred, and whoever wanted to kill the Demon players to avenge themselves would go to the Random Demon Post.

However, as long as it is a normal person, he will not go to the chaotic demon post to die. Personal strength is the egg touching the diamond under the gathering of all the demon clan armies, and the egg is lightly broken.

Therefore, Jing Tian actually has no bottom in his own heart, and he can't influence the thoughts of other players at all, and it is even more impossible to influence the dying Jade Demon Alliance.

Moreover, there are still many unfriendly people on the alliance, and they will not come forward to help share the pressure.

Sure enough, no guild came to help at the beginning, but after the Demon players destroyed these guilds one by one, they had nowhere to go. Under the leadership of the Russian Star Guild President Bei Mianzuo, all the players of the Demon Alliance Unexpectedly, they raided Luanmogang.

Of course, Bei Mianzuo is not a fool, but he united all the forces that can be combined to launch a wave of powerful revenge, which more or less caused some trouble to the Demon players.

I have to say that Bei Mianzuo is still an opportunist with a big picture, and he can accurately grasp the opportunity to fight back when he is completely defeated.

You know, the demons are not working together, especially when other demons have completed their missions. How can they send all their combat power to Luanmogang, a place where the birds do not shit, to guard the way for the Americans?

You really used everyone as a brother!

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