Sky Dungeon

Chapter 148: 1Blind Eyes

   "Pseudo-mother! I said it was a retreat, not an escape, I just want to go to the bathroom." Yu Yan's elegant voice was mixed with the shyness of a girl.

   You just want to go to the bathroom! Jing Tian just woke up like a dream: No wonder he was so obedient from the beginning to the end, he didn't clamor to promote chivalry or anything, and then fled with him, it turned out to be urgency! Perhaps, she is so urgency now that she can't concentrate on fighting. I really don't know what her expression will be if she gets excited about bedwetting!

   "What to do, I want to go as soon as you say it." Zhao Jiaxue immediately joined the fun, looking extremely loyal.

   "I'm doing it! You two should go to the hospital when you have time, the urology department." Luo Xia immediately started to complain, but he was the person who bothered this kind of fight and retreated the most. After all, in reality, he did not suffer from such a loss.

   "Fuck you, stinky rascal, you should go to the andrology department to take a good look. If you don't look good, you deserve to be single, single for the rest of your life!" Zhao Jiaxue's counterattack came immediately.

   "It's very close." Yun Yiyi said coldly.

   "Where is it?"

"It's the cave house of the Demon Snake Queen." Jing Tian knows what Yun Yiyi thinks best. Yun Yiyi's words are always cherished as gold to the point where they need someone to figure it out before they can understand. Jing Tian thought about it and immediately praised: "Yiyi said It's a very nice place. The cave is very special. It happens to be at the corner of the maze, and..."

Everyone understood what to do when they heard it, so they ran towards the cave of the Demon Snake Queen. At this time, they swished out of several players not far from their original direction. They were still strange in the voice room. Shouted: "Boss, they found our ambush, and they suddenly changed direction."

   "Catch up!" As the man spoke, he hit his bed with a fist. He began to suspect that there was an inner ghost in his power. Otherwise, how could Qiyun Luoxue suddenly change lanes? But if you think about it carefully, if there is an inner ghost, why is it that the wind is only now, is it just a coincidence that the other party avoided his ambush?

   "Arrow Rain!"

   Now that there are more than 3 teams of demons chasing the Riding Cloud Guild from the rear, after a strange corner appeared in the front field of vision, Yun Xueyiyi suddenly turned around, facing it is a magic arrow rain! However, there is nothing in the range of her arrow rain, and she can't see the enemy at all. Is it just a blindfold?

  Of course not. This was not Yun Yiyi's judgment attack, but Zhao Jiaxue estimated their location based on the sound of the three stalkers' footsteps. When they were within reach of Yun Xueyi's range, Zhao Jiaxue immediately signaled Yun Yiyi to launch an attack.

   After all, it takes a short time to chant magic, and this time is enough to make the enemies who are inertially pursued cannot react for a while.

The blow came too suddenly, and the three stalkers who were grateful that they were about to catch up with the people of Qiyun Luoxue had never thought that the people of the Cloud Riding Guild would dare to stop and fight hard. They just stared blankly at the top of their heads. That inexplicable and unbelievable blue magic circle, the next instant rain of arrows condensed from water droplets penetrated their bodies hidden in the void!

   actually forgot to avoid all of them, and the three of them were forced to show up in an instant, and entered the [slow state] that caused them headaches. Even so, after they appeared, they were still silent and surprised. After all, if a stealth profession was hit by someone else as a streaking clown, they would be deeply puzzled and depressed. What is it like to play? Didn’t it mean that there is no easy anti-hidden mechanism? How can the other party be able to easily determine their own location like a radar installed?

   The few who rode Yun Luoxue did not intend to continue attacking them, and instantly disappeared from the corner. When the three stalkers followed in stealth again, they secretly cried out in their hearts because there were three forks in front of them. The three of them hesitated for a moment, and immediately followed them one by one. When everyone behind them rushed to the corner, they heard the angry voices of three stalkers coming from the VR device: "Fuck (Fak's translation)! Lost, I don’t have one here!"

   "Neither do I here!"

   "Huh? That's on my side? But I haven't seen half of my figure, how could I have lost it?" There was a sense of unwillingness in the angry voice of Zappibel.

"You just said that they cut into the corner first, and then disappeared into the three forks. The problem must lie in the corner. The people behind check if there are other passages in the corner!" There was a little anger in the voice of the boss behind the scenes, he did not expect My own person is so careless.

   "Boss, you are really a God, we found a cave, do we want to go in?" One person slapped him.

  Why is the only way to relieve your worries!

   "Nonsense, everyone who enters the cave must not let them offline!" The boss behind the scenes didn't have a good air.

Unexpectedly, the performance of such a blind eye technique won 40 seconds, which is completely beyond Qiyunluoxue everyone arrived in the depths of the cave with familiarity. At this time, the fighting state immediately disappeared. These battles The state mainly comes from the part of the monsters that were alarmed when they fled. Fortunately, they didn't trigger the abnormal monster intelligence of the assembly number. Otherwise, Jing Tian and the others could only be captured with their hands and sent back to the city by the monsters, which is much more decent than being killed by the demons.

In fact, there is no great harm in being killed by demons, but there is a glory value in the alliance. Once killed by demons, this value will decrease. Killing demons will naturally increase, but if killed by demons, then It will not reduce the PVP value of Honor, so in the event of a last resort, it is wisest to feed the monsters rather than die under the sword of the demon clan.

Although the fighting state disappears, if you immediately go offline at this time, it will be counted as a field battle and escape. The character will stay for 60 seconds. The demons outside the cave have begun to flood into the depths of the cave. Once they rush to Jingtian and everyone goes offline After arriving within 60 seconds, releasing any skill will make them enter the battle state again. At this time, the character's offline time will be postponed to 3 minutes, which is equivalent to saying that everyone Qiyunluoxue is offline now and can only be beaten to death target.

   But when everyone from the Moon Destroying forces reached the depths of the cave, one by one was dumbfounded, and the depths of the airtight cave were empty!

   "Boss, we have reached the innermost part of the cave, but no one has seen it. Are they all offline?" Someone reported the situation by voice.

"No, I have been staring at the time. If they go offline, you should be able to catch their afterimages, even if they go offline, you can kill them. Search in the hole to see if there is any place to hide. Get up, move fast, run out of time." The voice of the boss behind the scenes is still as steady as a mountain, as if everything is under control.

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