Sky Dungeon

Chapter 149: Is the golden scale a thing in the pool?

"There is a pool here!" The person who found it immediately manipulated the character and jumped in. Yes, this natural pool full of petals was the one used by the Queen of Devil Snake. Everyone heard that it was bright, but the next second The annoyed voice of the man came out: "It's too shallow, I can't hide people at all!" The character of the man tried to squat down, but the whole body was still exposed in the air.

   "Stop playing, hurry up and find the next place."

   "Wait, the depth of the pool may be different. Use the group method to cover the pool you see." The boss behind the scenes just heard it and smelled sleazy.

   Are golden scales a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when bombarded?

   However, a few seconds later, everyone reported disappointingly to Bo Dahui: "Boss, there is no one in the water. The skill has been covered twice, and nothing has been hit. I have searched elsewhere and there is nothing."

At this moment, the body of the boss behind the scenes trembled slightly. He didn't know what tricks Qiyun Luoxue and the others had played. He had to suspect that this cave might be a trap. Then one of the three roads outside was the one that they really escaped from. Whereabouts! However, why did the three stalkers not find their tracks? It is only possible that they were negligent and missed something like they missed the cave just now. Thinking of this, the man's voice became calmer and said: "Retreat, search for them in three ways. If you can’t find the trail within three minutes, you will form a group to go up to the sixth floor and attack its players to upgrade."

In fact, the boss behind the scenes seems to have given up on this action. After all, the target has been lost for more than 60 seconds. He thought that if the opponent left the battle, it should have been offline. If the opponent did not leave the battle, then through this 60 seconds, It should also get rid of everyone's tracking, and they can't be found within 3 minutes, and there is no need and meaning to continue wandering on the 7th floor of the dungeon.

   In stark contrast to the busy scene of the scum pie in the game, at this time, Jing Tian and the six of them all assumed that nothing had happened. They talked and laughed for a while before they went offline temporarily.

After leaving the room, she began to prepare dinner. With Zhao Jiaxue's participation, Yun Yiyi no longer secretly ran back to her room. She didn't care if Luo Xia noticed anything. Zhao Jiaxue naturally didn't care about this. Only Jing Tian was like an eunuch. Worried and anxious for the two queens.

Fortunately, Luo Xia's movements were relatively slow. After the three of them were out of the room and got busy, Luo Xia walked out with a big belly and asked herself: "What are you eating tonight? It won't be cucumbers. Tomatoes and onions?"

   As a result, Zhao Jiaxue smiled mysteriously and replied: "How can it be done, these nutrients will not keep up."

   "Sister, what you said is so right, we should add at least two stir-fries, you eat a little and give me the rest, I definitely don't dislike your saliva." Luo Xia said with bright eyes.

"What do you think, scumbag, you deserve to be single, single for a lifetime. I said that those vegetables are not enough. I will add a boiled corn tonight. The sticky corn I bought a few days ago may be genetically modified, but the nutritional value is similar." Zhao Jiaxue didn't have a good air.

   "God, save me!" Luo Xia screamed up to the sky.

   "Uh...Don't call me, I also eat onions to prevent cancer, lower blood pressure and lower blood fat. You should eat more, you may have mild fatty liver." Jing Tian reminded kindly.

"I'm doing it! Please, let me die of severe fatty liver. Forget it, the key is to eat these things. I don't even have the chance to gain weight! Forget it, it's better to make a bowl of noodles. Ah!" Luo Xia said, crying without tears.

   "No meat at noon?" Yun Yiyi's cold tone unexpectedly increased a little dissatisfaction. Of course she must be dissatisfied, because she also made her own fish-flavored shredded pork at noon today.

   "No, no, I was wrong. Come again, come again... the night without meat is really hard!" Luo Xia timidly repeated the appearance of crying without tears.

   "Well, you can buy a few boxes of ham sausages online by yourself. You can eat as much as you want at night." Zhao Jiaxue suggested.

Before Luo Xia could respond, the doorbell rang. Before the recent Luo Xia walked over, a man called the door cordially: "Hello, we are **** logistics, please open the door and sign for your express delivery."

   So fast, can the ham sausage arrive? No, I haven't bought it yet. Could it be that Zhao Jiaxue bought it for me? Luo Xia rushed to the security door with tears in her heart and opened it. If the huge box is ham, enough to eat for a month on her own, but the next moment the logistics boy asked, "Is Ms. Zhao there? We are on the phone, and the folding bed she bought online has arrived."

what? Folding bed? Luo Xia looked at Zhao Jiaxue with inexplicable eyes, and didn't know what she was buying a folding bed for.

  "Yes, Jing Tian, ​​go and bring back the bed I gave Zhao Jiaxue made no secret of it, took out the phone and scanned the code and signed it.

   Jingtian awkwardly stepped forward holding the box of the folding bed and walked to his room, but at this moment, Luo Xia grabbed the box and said, "I'll help you carry it over."

"No need, you'd better instant noodles, or we will have to wait for you in the game later." Jing Tian naturally didn't want Luo Xia to enter his room, after all, there are Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue's on the upper and lower bunks. VR equipment.

"That said, I'll go to instant noodles." When talking about food, Luo Xia's thinking became clear immediately, and he ran to the kitchen to tinker with him, and even asked Zhao Jiaxue why he bought Jingtian a folding bed. Up.

   Sure enough, for food, there is no problem except eating.

   Jingtian decisively dragged the box into his bedroom, removed the outer packaging in twos or twos, and unfolded the folding solid wood bed. Jingtian didn’t expect to buy such a big thing in the afternoon, and it will arrive at night. I really admire the delivery and delivery speed of **** shopping. After all, the city where Jingtian is located is barely a third-tier small city, and the development speed of e-commerce is really fast. amazing.

Put away the messy things scattered on the ground, together with the trash bags that have not been lost for a few days, stuffed them into the folding bed's packing box. Jingtian directly dragged the box to the safety staircase of the corridor, although it did not meet the requirements of the property, But as long as you give the property a phone call, someone will take it away later. After all, you have paid the property fee. You should let the property owner take a trip instead of calling them indiscriminately, just for fear that they will sit as the office manager all day long. Hemorrhoids! However, the property has a special service clause for free door-to-door collection of waste paper boxes and used appliances. Besides, these items are classified and recycled in their hands, and they are sold for money, which can be regarded as subsidies for property fees.

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