Sky Dungeon

Chapter 338: Use violence to control violence

As a result, the boundless fall into the woods slumped, endless saliva rolled...

No matter how loud the question is, the Mozu players have regained their confidence and started clamoring with Alliance players to meet up to a 1V1 matchup at a certain coordinate. Of course, most of them are just practising the skills. After all, this kind of thing is impossible. For one thing, the Alliance players are lagging behind when they level up. If they really want to fight in the past, it would be a waste of time, and if they take the initiative to give the Demon players a lot of money, fools will do it. They simply break the contract and hurt some Demon players.

Of course, these noisy sounds did not reach the ears of the players of the Cloud Riding Guild at all, and at this time they were already sleeping sweetly in their respective beds...

In the dimness, Jing Tian and Luo Xia were awakened by the ding-ding and sizzling decoration in their room. Because the sound was too close, they both walked out of the room with an angry expression. At the same time, the anti-theft door was knocked on, and when he opened the door, it was Liu Yaya who came!

Looking at the time, it is already 9:30 in the morning. Although the upstairs construction is reasonable at this time, the three women, Liu Yaya, Yun Yiyi, and Zhao Jiaxue are all resentful about getting out of the sky. It seems that they did not sleep well last night. It's caused by heaven, this Guojing is hard to bear.

Jing Tian felt depressed and said: If it was really caused by himself, then he would go upstairs happily to provoke. The key point was that the game last night was a common thing for everyone, and the others would forget it. With your Miss Liu’s ability, how could you do it? The people upstairs are uncertain, this is clearly trying to make a fool of yourself! Fortunately, I have also practiced some self-defense skills. Although I have let go of these years, I still have no problem dealing with cats and dogs.

Besides, as a man, how can he withdraw at this time, so Jing Tian's voice is firm and calmly said: "Then I will go up and talk to the other party. I believe the other party will be willing to convince people with reason."

When Luo Xia heard it, she immediately followed Jing Tian's **** and said: "I'm doing it! Why don't you call me if there is a good thing? It's not interesting."

Everyone’s foreheads shed black lines directly. This is not going upstairs to fight. Luo Xia’s heart disease of "I haven’t mixed up with society for a long time, fights" has relapsed. I guess the palms of my hands are a little itchy at this time. Shit, social people can't stop fighting.

"Uh...Fatty, don't take action first, we only fight back in self-defense." Jing Tian warned with some lingering fears.

Jingtian is more reliable...Wait, what is self-defense counterattack? You have to go upstairs to demolish the house when you are feelings!

"I'm doing it! Am I like that kind of unreasonable barbarian? Let's persuade people with reason first. If the other party is unreasonable, then it is a mob, and we will use violence to control violence!" Luo Xia said and patted the well. Tian's shoulders made Jing Tian roll his eyes.

As a result, not long after the two of them walked upstairs, Luo Xia came back with a sullen expression and a sad look. You stared at me and I looked at the three beauties. I don’t know what happened, and I also looked at Luo Xia’s appearance. It wasn't that he was beaten. Could it be because the other party had too many people and he fled without fighting? Then why leave Jing Tian alone to reason? Isn't it just talking about confucianism?

"What's the matter with the fat guy? Look at your impotence, maybe there is a nest of female snakes upstairs, so you are soft? No loss is a friend of ten thousand years, you deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!" Zhao Jiaxue is anxious , I asked it first.

"A brood of female snake spirits is not good, but at least there is one. A new acquaintance moved upstairs. I am worried for you. The frog's will has never been firm. I am afraid that he will make revolutionary mistakes. That person has a special identity." Luo Xia ostentatiously said, and deliberately shook her head, as if this matter was so difficult.

"What kind of person, do you say it!" Zhao Jiaxue was anxious again, but Liu Yaya showed a disdainful expression, as if he had already known the people upstairs.

"Say." Yun Yiyi said coldly, as if a cone of ice pierced the fat man's spine.

Luo Xia was afraid of going back, but still deliberately changed a joking expression and said: "It's the rich woman I met yesterday."

"Ah? Why didn't the frog come back? No, the frog is going to be taken care of by the rich woman. How could the rich woman let go of the frog meat delivered to the door." Zhao Jiaxue stood up reflexively, as if in her heart, the rich woman was She wolves who have been thirsty for years are no different.

"Hey...just discussing the renovation and moving with the rich woman, but the rich woman is very satisfied with the current situation. After all, the frog prince delivered it to the door by himself. I think when the light bulb is a bit redundant, I simply retreat first." Xia said in a somewhat regretful tone.

"No, no, I'll go up and take a look." Zhao Jiaxue rushed out, and then Yun Yiyi and Liu Yaya also followed.

Walking upstairs, I saw that Jing Tian and Nan Lingxi were discussing something. Several people rushed forward angrily. Zhao Jiaxue directly said, "How did you move in?"

"People, pay attention to your tone. The house was bought by a profiteer, why can't the profiteer move in?" Nan Lingxi sighed.

"Then what are you moving in for?" Zhao Jiaxue said vigilantly.

"I didn't say it yesterday. This profiteer wants to marry Jing Tian. Of course, he needs to cultivate his relationship first. You can't have a long-distance relationship when you cultivate your relationship?" Nan Lingxi seemed very calm when talking, without any shyness, as if to say today. What I had for breakfast was generally plain and unremarkable.

"Oh? You married Jing Tian, ​​would you like Jing Tian?" Liu Yaya asked her husband again in front of Xiao San.

"Uh... I certainly don't want to The world has not yet achieved real peace, the country has not yet embarked on a truly prosperous and powerful country, and I have not established a business yet. The matter of getting married is unknown to me." Tian immediately jumped down by the side of the steps. He was also very embarrassed. He sent it to the door by himself. When asked by Nan Lingxi, it was hard for him to get out.

"Oh? Did you hear that? My family, Jingtian, still needs to build a hegemony in the game. Do you know how to play games?" Liu Yaya knows that Nan Lingxi, who is known for her business talent, never touches games.

"What game?" Nan Lingxi frowned. Sure enough, this was not her strong point, but she was obviously asking knowingly.

Zhao Jiaxue naturally saw clearly, she immediately showed a sly smile and said: Sky Dungeon), don't you want to take Jing Tian, ​​then you come to the game to defeat us."

"It turned out to be Sky Dungeon, but Nanjia also participated in it. After all, this is a big cake. The profiteer is also very interested in this game. It happens that Tengyi Company has presented the profiteer commemorative VR set. Just let the people below take it, and the profiteers in the game can still win against you." Nan Lingxi's self-confidence does not know where it comes from, it seems to be the answer: Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Sky Dungeon

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