Sky Dungeon

Chapter 339: What conspiracy Zhao Jiaxue has

"Okay, it's a deal. If you want Jing Tian to marry you, then defeat us in the game, and we will give Jing Tian to you!" Zhao Jiaxue took Jing Tian's arm and walked downstairs with her back on her back. Nan Lingxi leaked a joking smile, and she resisted the laugh.

Zhao Jiaxue laughed loudly when she walked back to her house, and a strange arc appeared from the corner of Jing Tian's mouth: "Nan Lingxi has never been in contact with the game. I won you and Yiyi, but I can't win Ya Ya. After all, Ya Ya is a single player. Pick the king."

"Just dig a hole and push the rich woman down. Why, are you feeling distressed?" Zhao Jiaxue said with a smug expression.

"Oh? I think that woman won't give up easily. We have to keep getting stronger. You must know that even if money is not everything, it can often make people take shortcuts." Liu Yaya's voice clearly felt worried. I don't know if it is a woman's unique instinct, or Liu Yaya knows Nan Lingxi too much, so she doesn't have the slightest idea of ​​contempt.

"Don't think too much, everyone, go back and go to sleep. I have already told him that the construction site will continue in the afternoon. Let's sleep together beautifully." Jing Tian doesn't want to fall into this kind of being robbed. In the situation, he pretended to be yawning and walked to his door.

"Okay, I don't mind being asleep." The old dirty woman Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts jumped directly.

"Do you mind if I mind, very much!" Liu Yaya's eyes widened.

"Then what should I do for lunch today?" Zhao Jiaxue was obviously joking. I didn't expect Liu Yaya to be serious. She was a little funny in her heart, but she changed the topic directly to eating. She didn't want to wait to get up early to cook lunch. Naturally, I want to sleep until twelve. So saying this can be regarded as a clear position: I don't care about dinner at noon today!

"Then I'll get up after twelve o'clock to buy it." Jing Tian looked at his watch and said, he didn't notice that the corner of Zhao Jiaxue's mouth showed a slight arc at this time.

Everyone went back to their rooms to sleep, and Liu Yaya also returned to her own home. She seemed to have not noticed any conspiracy by Zhao Jiaxue, and fell asleep.

Sure enough, when the door of Jingtianfang sounded at a quarter past twelve, Zhao Jiaxue was already waiting outside his door. Before Jingtian could say hello, Zhao Jiaxue pushed Jingtian back, and then closed the door. , Staring at Jing Tian with an obscene smile, made Jing Tian subconsciously put his hands on his chest and said: " wouldn't want to insult me?"

"Fuck you, who is going to indecent assault, even if the old lady wants to assault you, you have to accept it gratefully and pretend to be restrained? Closer to home, I officially announce that you will not go out at noon today. I will buy lunch. Liu Yaya must be there. Waiting for you at the door, I will take her as a coolie to cure her **** estrus syndrome."

Zhao Jiaxue pushed Jing Tian down on the bed, then hunched her body as if she was about to stick her chest to Jing Tian's chest, as if to oppress him, her right hand had already wandered near Jing Tian's heart for some time, intercepting After staying in the sinking place, he gently stroked Jing Tian's chest and said, "Hey, obedient at home, if you dare to confide in the news, hum... The consequences are serious, you know. If it succeeds, I will come back to you. Oh, rewards, I promise to make you cool!"

Jing Tian's forehead was in a cold sweat. Last moment, because Zhao Jiaxue stopped the sinking wave with her hand, she was still a little lost, and now she was bumping around. What kind of rewards are you going to give? Who dares to ask for the rewards of this evil lady, so he hurriedly said, " go, of course I don’t care, don’t rewards, you won’t be rewarded for nothing. Don’t worry, I I won’t notify Liu Yaya. This phone is ready for you. It’s okay to let me get up and go to the bathroom.” You know, Jing Tian just got up, and his current situation is severely suffocated and a little painful. I pressed myself on the bed and made myself a little bit too holded!

"Why didn't I think that I should disarm the phone? It's good, you go, I don't want the phone, I believe you don't dare to come up with a moth, after all, this is a major matter related to your man's attributes." Zhao Jiaxue finally After not forgetting to remind him of the threat, he let go of Jingtian and walked out of the room with Jingtian. One went to the bathroom, and the other went straight to the security door.

Zhao Jiaxue pushed the door out. To her surprise, Liu Yaya did not wait in the corridors as Jing Tian said today. Could it be that she came out too early? Zhao Jiaxue thought, and suddenly a terrible thought flashed in her mind: Does Jing Tian notify Liu Yaya every time she goes out, or does she call Liu Yaya to get up after going out? Now that he is one step ahead, Jing Tian is missing the link to notify Liu Yaya to go out. They are actually dating! Zhao Jiaxue shook her head desperately in her heart. She refused to believe this speculation. Now she can only think that she came out too early. Perhaps Liu Yaya slept too hard to get up after a night of games last night.

As a result, Zhao Jiaxue waited for 20 minutes at the corner of the corridor outside the door. Here, Liu Yaya was absolutely unable to check through the monitoring inside the door, but Liu Yaya did not go out! Zhao Jiaxue had to think again about the private date with Liu Yaya today, which made her stomped in anger. At this moment, someone patted her behind her back, making Zhao Jiaxue almost fainted.

"Ah..." The scream spread throughout the corridor. Fortunately, the soundproofing effect of the anti-theft door was quite good, and it did not attract the attention of Jingtian in the room.

" are you sneaking around here?" The woman asked thoughtfully after looking at the empty narrow corridor space.

"It's you, rich lady, scared me to death, why are you walking without a sound?" Zhao Jiaxue rolled her eyes and stared at the person.

"The elevator seems to be under maintenance, and the profiteer went up the stairs, but what are you staring at like a kidnapper? Are you going to plot against Jing Tian?"

That's right, the visitor is from Nan Lingxi who lives upstairs and wears a professional skirt and black silk stockings.

Zhao Jiaxue stood up and glanced at the display screen on the elevator, and then asked with an idea: "Are you going to eat out?"

"Of course, you also saw this profiteer in the morning. In order to let Brother Jing sleep back to sleep, I had to temporarily put aside the progress of the furniture purchase, but the profiteer has time to make a detailed design. It was still too abrupt in the morning. Some of the furniture purchased need to be adjusted from the manufacturer, but unfortunately it is too late to customize, so I can only buy the spot, and the limitation is quite large." Nan Lingxi recounted to herself, as if she was enjoying it. Sky Dungeon

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