Sky Dungeon

Chapter 357: Help China Suppress Bandits

"The current form is not good for us. Before, I didn’t fully understand the rules of the game. Even if we established multiple guilds, it’s better to fight against the demons. Once the killing mode is activated, it is equivalent to beating our own people. The right place and people have lost the right place and people. This style of play is not conducive to the unity of the guild. The members of the guild must have complained. Moreover, the enemy has more than 200 people. Although the number may not be as large as ours, they can use normal mode to deal with it. Our killing mode, we can't twist the rope, but the enemy can, the enemy will occupy the humanity." The soul of the green wolf paused deliberately.

"Furthermore, although we are familiar with the map situation over there, under the system settings, the resident of the Cloud Riding Guild is a castle that is temporarily invincible and will not be broken for us, but they deliberately hide in the castle at any time to seek shelter. , We are free to advance and retreat, we lack geographical advantages. Finally, it is the time of the day. This time is actually in conformity with the way of heaven. What is the way of heaven? The way of heaven is that the strong is king and the weak are food. Now we may not be able to stand even if the enemy can Call two hundred people to help out, who can guarantee that they won't call five hundred or one thousand? Without the right time and place, why should we care about the gains and losses of a moment and a city with them?"

The soul of the green wolf can be considered as a good analysis, and the people below are all admired. However, this can't erase the shame caused by today's defeat. Everyone naturally wants to pay back twice, so the Soul of Green Wolf said: "I think the next invasion of the demons will be a good time and place. opportunity."

"Chairman, cooperation with the demons is something wrong? Will it arouse the guild members' resentment?" Someone raised their concerns. After all, everyone is playing an alliance. If you want to get close to the demons, just turn over. Why bother So much effort.

Besides, most Alliance players have been bullied by Demon players. If members of their guild are to cooperate with the most annoying Demon players, they would rather leave the guild. After all, compared to the demons, the Cloud Riding Guild is not that annoying. Most players die in the hands of the demons much more often than in the hands of alliance players. Of course, the players in this alliance also include the members of the Cloud Riding Guild. For them, the Demon Race is the hateful enemy, and the Cloud Riding Guild is just a rival of the alliance.

"It's not cooperation, but the mantis is behind the oriole. We wait for the snipe and the clam to fight and lose both, and then we will give them a net to catch the fisherman's profit!" After the spirit of the green wolf said, he laughed heartily, as if He had already seen the scene of the Blue Wolf Guild annihilating the first power of the Demon Race and the first guild of the Alliance. It seemed that he would unify the Alliance Super League in the next instant.

"The president is mighty!"

"The president is not on the same level as us!"


Everyone naturally praised the soul of the blue wolf, and the dark clouds that had been hanging in everyone's minds were completely dissipated. Of course, the reason why the Soul of the Blue Wolf devised this strategy is naturally that the peripheral video of the stalker was arranged to record the battle when Qiyun Luoxue resisted the moon-destroying forces. He naturally knew that once the demons broke through the Qiyun Guild City After the gate, alliance players can enter the details of the cloud riding station.

In fact, the Blue Wolf Guild was not the only one who came to steal the teacher to learn art at that time. Many of the guild leaders that have been established at that time sent their confidants to investigate and observe the invasion of the Demon Race, so as to respond to the Demon Race after the guild was established. The player's invasion.

It was precisely after seeing the situation where the Cloud Riding Guild united with North Korean players. They were less worried about the invasion of the demons. In their opinion, as long as they can win over some guilds in the alliance and unite against the demons in the future, then there is no defense against the invasion of the demons. Next.

On the other hand, Jing Tian and the others naturally celebrated with Yin Zhengjin Haosheng. This is regarded as their second victory in this minor league. They destroyed the first power of the Demon Race before, and today they destroyed the league’s first major guild. The two sub-powers are not unusual. The people of the Qiyun Guild naturally heard the cheers of the Korean soldiers. They seem to be particularly eager and obsessed with victory. Even if they are in the game now, this battle is right. They are all extremely sacred.

"Today, we achieved a historic victory. The glory of helping China to suppress bandits belongs to everyone here! Praise our great leader and our great country!"

Yin Zhengjin started boasting again. As soon as his words were translated into Chinese, Jing Tian almost vomited blood and died.

What is meant by helping China to suppress bandits? He had previously explained that the target of this battle was the Chinese player's guild, how could they become bandits after such a transformation? More importantly, how he became an aid to China again, Jing Tian felt: he seemed to discredit the country again. We must know that in the history of China, we have not heard of the suppression of bandits who need other countries to send troops to help. Is it possible that these bandits have the surnamed Taiping?

Okay, you are a silver and gold, didn't you come for rent-free? How to say it so great, I really saw what is stinky and shameless.

Of course, what Jing Tian didn’t know was that Eun Jong-jin added more energy to what happened today to report to his supreme leader. This report was good, and the news was overwhelmingly distributed in North Korea: Game Army acquired Historic victory! To aid China in suppressing bandits, the No. 1 gang of China was besieged and annihilated by the game Of course, these have video evidence, so many players from the North Korean game army naturally started video recording and carefully edited it. After seeing the edited video, many local people are naturally excited, and the way the game army joins the army has become a hot topic among young people every day.

"Uh... Yin Zhengjin, I would like to ask you a question, how many people do you have, why are there more people this time? You won't calculate the number of people every time, right?" Jing Tian is more interested in this question. , After all, this is related to the future development and strength of their alliance.

"That's not the case, it's just that excellent soldiers have turned around one after another, so you see the number has increased." Yin Zhengjin replied conservatively.

"I think your business is doing well, so that's why you continue to invest in manpower and material resources. Otherwise, how could you be so hard?" Jing Tian asked indifferently, his tone full of ridicule.

"What you said is not bad. You see that the burden on me is getting heavier and heavier. I have to make sure that the business is getting bigger and bigger, right? So if there is a business that makes money, you can call us more." Yin Zhengjin doesn't mean anything , Their game army was created for the purpose of making money. If the investment of manpower and material resources can not increase the income, then his commander-in-chief has done it. Sky Dungeon

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