Sky Dungeon

Chapter 358: Guilt

" are honest, why not, next time I will give you a peripheral smart pet, it will be on sale soon, can you not buy it there?" Jing Tian didn't think much, considering the current situation. In the case of North Korea, even if the South and the owner join forces, it is impossible to open the factory to North Korea.

"Only one, forget it. If you want to export to North Korea, it goes against the agreement reached between your country and our country. Smuggling or something is illegal." Yin Zhengjin just said vaguely.

The first sentence is critical! Everyone felt that Yin Zhengjin wanted to ask Jing Tian for a large number of smart pets, so that he could have one of his own.

Thanks to Jing Tian being able to say one out, both Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi had a word in their minds at the same time: petty ghost!

The point is that Jing Tian only said it to make fun of Yinzhengjin. After all, he would never accept this kind of spying possibility. It is precisely because Jing Tian understands this truth in his heart that he is talking about one. The kind of person who knows that the other party is impossible to accept, but deliberately hypocritically makes promises, is the most disgusting.

Yes, there are many such people in reality. There are also some people who are big talkers, knowing that they can't get rich, and have to say that after they become billionaires, they will bring everyone together to enjoy the promise. It sounds good at first, but just casual Thinking about it, it's impossible. In fact, he's just bragging, and it's almost nothing. Maybe the next step is to ask you to raise funds or borrow money.

"Uh... Do you mean that Tengyi Company has established a smart pet production base in your North Korea?" Jing Tian heard a digression. Since Yin Zhengjin is not interested in smart pets, it is naturally that North Korea has already built it. With such a base, is it necessary to build a production base for smart pets in order to have fewer than a hundred military players? Of course, the number of this mercenary may continue to expand.

"Yes, you may think that there is no market for smart pets produced in this base. But you are wrong. The people of our country also need smart toys, and the people now fully recognize our performance in Sky Dungeon. It won honor for the country. The people are also very interested in the surroundings of the game. Even if you can't play the game, such surroundings can still be sold through publicity." Yin Zhengjin stated.

"That said, smart pets can only be paired and used around the VR suit. Once the distance is exceeded, the host character will not gain relevant proficiency. Under this setting, the user is not forced to bind the VR suit. This is also a consideration When some players like to collect peripherals, they might buy a set to go home. No, there are obviously non-smart pet peripherals. Even if you buy a smart pet, you can’t connect to the host and cannot realize the pet personification. Then why do you want Produce a smart version?" Jing Tian lightly followed Yin Zhengjin's thoughts and analyzed, and he found some violations.

"Haha, I really can't hide it from you. In fact, what is produced for the people is a non-smart version, and what is produced for us is the smart version." It seems that Yinzhengjin still has nothing to explain.

"How is it possible that dozens of you build an intelligent hardware base, unless you are purely for hardware technology." Jing Tian naturally captured what Yin Zhengjin tried to hide.

"You know, this kind of intelligent hardware technology plays a very important role in the application of some fields in our country. With the technological achievements of your China, we can study and learn faster. And this kind of pipeline is also very advanced. Even if these technologies are not available, we can still get some inspiration in the production of the assembly line and improve the technology in related fields in our country." Yin Zhengjin said in a bit embarrassed.

However, he has spoken very cleverly. Certain areas in his words should obviously be military fields, but even if he is accused by others, he can completely dispel it. After all, he did not disclose any specific information to the Chinese people, but rather Talking about stealing technology is an understatement and does not harm the country's majesty. However, it is quite limited to use smart hardware technology around games in the military field. After all, although this smart hardware has the function of active learning, in the final analysis, it is the collection, recognition and analysis of sound. Is this technology used? For spying or surveillance of citizens?

Thinking of this, there is still a drop of cold sweat on Jing Tian’s forehead. Perhaps the surrounding pets obtained by citizens are not a non-smart version at all, but a smart version. It is just a smart version after castration, retaining the collection and recognition of sounds. And analysis, remove the function of pet output sound interaction!

I have to say that this possibility is really high. Jing Tian couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart. Although he is not 100% sure that it is true, a mere 10% probability is enough to make him feel good. Conscience is condemned. What he hates most is being controlled by others. If he becomes an accomplice of other countries' political parties in controlling the people, then he really regrets his original design.

Even if Jing Tian had struggled with his own heart, after all, everything in the world has two sides. In the hands of good people, knives and forks are tools for eating, but in the hands of evil people, they may become a murder weapon, hurt by knives and forks. People should not blame the person who invented the knife and fork, and no one even knows who invented the knife and After all, this is not like a shared car. If the person who drives a car accident, I am afraid it will be really necessary. To investigate the responsibility of the car-sharing manufacturer, but the irony is that if it is your own car, who will check if the car manufactured by the manufacturer is not up to standard after a car accident? Was it the accident caused by the performance of the car itself?

But think about it, these smart pets may not be affordable by ordinary people at all, and they are completely unnecessary. These surveillances are likely to enter the hands of middle and high-level people in North Korea. Jingtian’s sense of guilt is much less. After all, this kind of politics There are too many ways to fight, even if you don’t have your own smart pet, there are other ways to monitor others, right?

"We continue to upgrade, and strive to establish a guild in these two days. Don't forget our agreement when that happens. I am optimistic about you!" Yin Zhengjin is naturally reminding Jing Tian that rent is free. This is like winning a battle. Reap the fruits of victory in general.

"That's natural, do you think I'm a backer? But there is one more thing you need to do. You let your subordinates pretend to attack the Blue Wolf guild station on the current channel, and then the whole army drove towards the Alliance City and arrived at the Alliance City. Go wherever you should go, don't really go to the Blue Wolf Guild's residence." Jing Tian said lightly, and a strange curve appeared at the corner of his mouth. Sky Dungeon

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