Sky Dungeon

Chapter 464: 1 The domineering party should still be there, but the statue is changed

However, when Yang Mimi said that "The president should use the stars to guide us", everyone subconsciously looked at the blue sky, and even wondered whether it was because of bad eyesight or the game weather system setting was not turned on. , Can Yang Mimi see the stars? But even if she can really see the stars, how can the stars guide everyone?

"Uh... you don't need to look, you definitely can't see the stars."

Jing Tian saw the appearance of everyone looking up at the sky, and he couldn't help laughing in his heart. This Yang family's siblings really have the talent to play people. Aliens are really aliens, and their thoughts are so strong that they sometimes make people doubtful. Are you mentally retarded?

This is like a normal person watching a madman talking nonsense, but if there are two or more people around you who are talking nonsense to each other, then you might calm down and think about whether what they are saying is true. Whether they were the legendary gods, they began to wonder whether their IQ was just a sad frog at the bottom of the well.

Many people use the herd mentality, even if what everyone says is absurd, in order not to become an alien, they can only choose to submit to the public.

Of course, after knowing the truth, the result was tragic. Everyone had cursed Yang Miaomiao and Yang Mimi countless times in their hearts, and vowed never to trust their assumptions again. He repeatedly criticized himself and told himself: Never trust aliens again!

Jing Tian opened the page and continued faintly: "Look around, can you see a huge statue? Yes, it is the half huge statue that you saw when you upgraded Nan Lingxi. Although only the lower body remains. , But on this floor, the statue is still the tallest building, and it should be easy to see."

Everyone turned their vision and quickly locked the direction of the statue. That's right, even though it is a relic area, the ruined walls all over the floor can't be compared with the half statue. The statue is like a group of chickens, still exuding a proud domineering. Even if you can't see the original appearance of the statue, everyone can feel it through the remaining half of the stalwart figure. The owner of this statue is definitely a hegemon, a former hero...

"My holy sword offers rest for you! Once overlord, your heroic spirit will live forever in the world, and I will sing your deeds to the world!" The King of Sword Cavalry expressed feeling.

The domineering party should still be there, but the statue is changed!

I don’t know, what exactly happened here, what force destroyed the civilization here, and what brought the ruins of this civilization into the dungeon and became a seedbed for cultivating monsters?

There was a sense of sadness in everyone's hearts. It may be because the heroes are sympathetic to each other, or it may be because they have been with Yu Yan for a long time and have been infected with a little secondary illness.

"Uh... we will gather there later. There is a place to awaken the remnant soul of the stratum master. It is impossible for the system to set up a teleportation array within the range of the stratum master. The strength of a class leader is definitely not something that a team can kill. The system must set an area for players so that players can join forces to kill BOSS. Players cannot be teleported away as soon as they gather, or the result of killing BOSS together. You have been teleported out one after another, right? Then how do you go about it?"

Jing Tian explained the logic from the perspective of the main strategy of the game. Of course, this is the strategy he designed in the past, but this kind of boss strategy area monsters will not be very dense. If you want to gather players on a large scale to upgrade, it must be No show. However, it is not a problem for a few teams to spawn monsters in the Raiders area. If there are more people, the number of monsters will be in short supply. There are too many people and fewer monsters. You can only wait for the monsters to refresh. The team is much worse.

As a result, everyone killed the statue all the way, and stood quietly in front of the field of vision without looking at the statue, but the monsters were blocked in groups on the road leading to the statue, and it was not so easy to pass through without disturbing the monsters.

After all, the monsters here are all level 35-40, and the damage caused by level pressure will appear more or less when fighting. If you accidentally attract too many, it may cause annihilation of the group.

Regardless of when you bring Nangong Lingxi, you can kill monsters one by one by simply dropping skills. You must know that it is the combat power of hundreds of people. Now a team of players are facing five or six monsters. If they are not treated carefully, points Minutes will be sent back to the resurrection point of the victory city.

Maybe everyone hadn’t noticed when helping Nangong Lingxi level up. The monsters here are so powerful. Take these four-armed demon apes that stand in front of Sitting Jing Guantian. These guys have weapons in their hands. If you ask Why don't they drop weapons? That's because they are all Stone Age weapons, an axe made of polished stone, even if it is dropped, players will not be equipped to use it, right?

Not to mention the damage, holding this stone age weapon will definitely be laughed off by other players.

Although these four-armed monkeys are holding stone, they are quite powerful, no less than the Ziwu in the hands of players. And every ape is fully armed, and none of the four big furry hands is empty. Not only are they good at melee attacks, they also attack from four directions at the same time in ordinary attacks, and when the player wants to fight at a distance, these guys will throw stone axes, or they will be disgusting and dizzy. status.

Doesn't it mean that stone weapons don't need to be cherished? Can they be used to hit people casually?

Not to mention the ice spirit sika deer, which is already good at range attacks, if you think that they will only attack the player's current location, you are quite wrong. They are the hunters that players have the most headaches, but they have a very powerful monster intelligence: [Magic Prediction].

Magic prediction: The monster will predict the player's actions, and block the player's path of action through range attack magic.

In other words, groups of ice spirit sika deer don’t foolishly come up and throw ice and snow magic at the nearby players’ feet, but cooperate with each other to throw the next ice and snow magic according to the player’s escape direction after one throw. If the player is hit by magic and is in the negative deceleration state, then these three or five groups of ice spirit sika deer will immediately activate the monster’s combined attack intelligence, directly overlapping the ice magic to give the player a lore, a few sika deer’s ice magic Stacked together will produce a magical combo attack, the damage will be deepened, and ordinary players will undoubtedly die.

Starting from the 8th floor of the dungeon, if you think of monsters as mentally retarded, then you will have a bloodshed.

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