Sky Dungeon

Chapter 465: Dungeon athletic champion

Fortunately, Jing Tian repeatedly urged everyone to be careful, and most of them did not happen.

It is said that most of them are naturally unexpected. Only the sister who doesn't eat mice is wrong, she shouldn't be considered an accident, after all, if she doesn't pull the monsters, it would be an accident!

Jing Tian comforted himself, and from time to time in the chat room he thought of Yang Miaomiao's voice blaming his sister, because the sister who didn't eat mice had already pulled hundreds of monsters and was flying kites! The other members of the team only dared to follow her from a distance, and Yang Mimi didn't intend to stop at all. She was fascinated, even the groups of ice spirit sika deer, she did not let it go.

However, Jing Tian was surprised that this woman could survive intact. You must know that the speed of the monsters here is much higher than that of the dungeons above the 7th floor. The range is farther and the intelligence is more terrifying. This also shows from the side that [Sister who does not eat mice] has improved its own speed attribute, becoming faster and more terrifying.

Of course, compared with the horror of attributes, Yang Mimi, an alien talent, is a truly terrifying existence, and even Jing Tian has to admire it, change to himself, and ask himself, dare to pull the blame and fly the kite so boldly?

Although Jing Tian felt that he could do her step too, but let him run around with more than a hundred blames, Jing Tian definitely wouldn't do that. After all, even if he pulled so many blames, none of them could be killed. You have to think tightly to avoid operating errors. What is the picture?

I am afraid that the alien Yang Mimi knows the answer herself.

What's more terrible is that the sister who doesn't eat mice pulls so many monsters, what can we do in the end? Should everyone gather together to kill this group of monsters?

Sorry, I'm afraid it is everyone who was killed by the group.

With a smash, Fang Tianji re-slashed the neck of a four-armed demon ape with residual blood, turning it into a light and shadow, but a reminder of ROLL point popped up on the VR screen. Everyone did not want to come here. Brush the magic core, but the monster has to give them some magic core.

However, the monsters on the eighth floor of this dungeon didn’t just explode level 4 magic cores. The explosion rate of level 1-3 magic cores was actually higher. But today, their team has already harvested the 6th level 4 magic core. Magic core, this burst rate can almost catch up with buying lottery tickets.

Thinking about it casually, Jing Tian understood. It seems that the system has deliberately increased the explosion rate of the 4th level magic core on the 8th floor of the dungeon, so that more people can build purple weapons, not to mention purple equipment, at least one person Ziwu, only after the popularization of Ziwu, the game peripherals that will be sold globally will be valuable and have sales.

Of course, there may be more than the eighth floor, and the explosion rate of the seventh floor may also increase, but it will never be as high as the eighth floor. Perhaps this is a good business opportunity, but it is a pity that the average merchant player will never organize a large number of masters to this eighth level to brush the level 4 magic core, after all, the explosion rate of the previous level 4 magic core is too low.

How should I put it, it is better to come early than to come by coincidence, dare to be on the system level 4 magic core big show, it is difficult for you to want it or not!

"Does everyone have a level 4 magic core burst?" Jing Tian asked casually.

"We didn't get any weird at all, we were all taken away by the silly sister to fly the kite." Yang Miaomiao said a little depressed.

However, it is precisely because of Yang Mimi's active performance that their team has reached the foot of the half statue for the first time, but the headache is **** the hundreds of monsters?

Fortunately, in this monster battle, there is no passive ability to regain blood. [Sister who doesn't eat mice] is slowly harvesting their lifeblood with their own organ box.

"Hey... idiot brother, come over and help, what does it mean that you haven't gotten the blame? It's clear that you don't dare to come up and fight, right? I can't help but blame others. This is not a good man who dares to dare! "Yang Mimi ridiculed her brother unscrupulously while performing complicated operations.

The point is, what does this have to do with a good man who dares to be a good man? What did Yang Miaomiao do to you? Are these monsters starting from not eating mice? Sure enough, the alien’s idea of ​​jumping is hard to understand!

"Our side has exploded 3 or 4 magic nuclei." The unicorn Taurus made no secret. Although he hadn't noticed anything unusual in it, it was all because his team was lucky, but Jing Tian asked him. His thoughts became active.

"It seems that the explosion rate of level 4 magic core here has indeed increased. We did not have such a high explosion rate when we brought Nangong Lingxi to upgrade. I hope everyone is tight-lipped and don't leak this news. Once it leaks, too many people flood in. The eighth floor will affect our upgrade career." Jing Tian warned lightly.

I have to warn that there are too many spies and big mouths around me!

"Okay, there is no problem on my side. Sooner or later, we will be discovered. We will upgrade as soon as possible during the period when no one has noticed." Taurus promised, he knew that Jing Tian might be most worried about himself.

"I am a loyal knight, and my holy sword is a lesson, and I will never leak secrets." Yu Yan said elegantly. After all, there are a group of player friends inside and outside the school behind her, and she must also make a promise.

At this moment, the channel copy channel of the World Channel System was refreshed at the same time: "Congratulations to the Green Wolf Guild players [Feng Gu Lou], [Phantom Sound Building], [Ting Yu Building], [Guan Jing Building], [Moon Shadow Building] temporarily Ranked first in the 25-level dry Water Curtain Cave dungeon competition mode rating Their glory will resound throughout the continent of love marriage!"

"Congratulations to the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild players [Sit on the well to view the sky], [Yunxueyiyi], [Zhao Yunxueer], [Village Woman], [Plastic Surgery Doctor] temporarily ranked first in the rating list of the level 30 heaven and earth meteor crater dungeon competition mode. They The glory of love will resound throughout the continent of Aiyinsi!"

"Congratulations to the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild player [Sit on the Well and Watch the Sky] temporarily rank first in the scoring list of the 32nd-level Butterfly Dragon Fantasy Dungeon Competitive Mode, and his glory will resound throughout the entire continent of Love Love!"

sensation! Three copies, two first!

Even if other guilds tried their best, they did not surpass the 30-level copy scoring record of the Cloud Riding Guild before the announcement. Obviously I did the best, but it's better to do it casually from the Riding Cloud Guild!

"It's really cool!" Yang Miaomiao jumped for joy for the first time, but not everyone was happy at this time.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart!

Jing Tian glanced at the time, and sighed indifferently: "If it's correct, it will be time to announce the Dungeon Championship at 9 o'clock in the morning and evening every day. I didn't want to take the first place so many, but I didn't expect the level 30 Dungeon yet. People who can surpass our ratings are really unsatisfactory. Maybe it is deliberate to let us show our hatred. As the saying goes, the wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the level higher than everyone must be wrong."

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