Sky Dungeon

Chapter 889: Why is the body missing?

   After all, Buddhism doesn’t kill people obviously. They can’t use murder weapons. They are mostly equipped with blunt weapons, as if they want to kill as much as possible in battle.

   Therefore, the Infernal Hell Tower suddenly wanted to come up with such a strange secondary weapon.

However, don’t underestimate the combat power of the sandalwood sword. Although the physical attack is poor, the sandalwood sword is one of the rare dual-attribute attack weapons, and it does not produce backlash like the magic sword. The physical and magical two-way attack power of the sandalwood sword is not combined. The physical damage of a one-handed sword is high, but it actually falls on an unequipped player, which is definitely not much different.

  Especially if its own attributes are increased well, the sandalwood sword can also show good combat effectiveness.

Of course, this weapon also has its drawbacks. Although it does not pick the enemy, the opponent has a high physical defense and can rely on magical damage output. The drawback is that in actual combat, anyone can be hurt, and it will not be restrained, but it cannot be exploded. Damage, unless the opponent really does not wear equipment, or the equipment does not add double defense at all.

In addition, the current medical Buddha itself does not have any professional output skills, and the sandalwood swords are only basic skills. However, the sandalwood swords of the Infernal Hell Tower swept across the Zuijing Guantian and the village women with a single swipe, allowing Kancan to restore his mobility. Ability to sit on the well and watch the sky fell into the action again to interrupt.

   No matter how low the damage is, it is also damage. No matter how bad the skill is, it is also a skill. Without resistance and skill shielding, it will eventually produce an interruption effect.

Yun Xueyiyi, the plastic surgeon, and the drunkard are even more sad. Since the first shot, they have been entangled by four magician puppets. They have been beaten one after another so that they can't move. The next second is about to regain their ability to move. The Living Big Hell Tower somehow appeared in the middle of the three of them, and helped the guqin to play.

   Accompanied by the melodious piano sound, the VR displays of the three Yun Xueyiyi immediately turned into pitch black. The facial features of the game characters were attacked at the same time, and their bodies were completely blocked.

   "This is: Guangling stops! The luthier's excellent small-range control skills! The three of Qiyun Luoxue have temporarily lost their combat effectiveness." Linali explained passionately.

   Yes, this skill is Guangling Stop. The first-order Guangling Stop uses the sound of the piano to attack the target facial features in the surrounding area, and block the action for 2 seconds. In the second-order, the block time is increased to 3 seconds!

   In the darkness, the cessation of Guangling's movement made people feel a little frightened, as if falling into an infinite abyss, making people feel uncomfortable.

   It was another three-second set fire, and the bloodline of the village woman had fallen to the safety line!

"The village woman is in danger! Although I haven't paid much attention to Qiyun Luoxue, the player of the village woman has the highest level of equipment at this stage. As soon as the Blue Wolf Guild came up, it bit the hardest bone to chew. Can't kill the village woman successfully?"

   It's not just Lina Li, all the audience is having such a problem at this time. At this moment, I saw the Wujian Hell Tower put away the tin rod and sandalwood sword, and pulled out a purple stone mace from behind!ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Jing Tian's pupils shrank. Obviously, this sword swings on a swing and likes to make swords. Although this "mae" is not a "sword", the stone mace looks like a long sword, but there is no long sword. The sharp edge is replaced by an angular body.

   In the future, players will also give away the nickname "Swing on the Swing" from the Infernal Hell Tower, precisely because he is good at using it!

   In an instant, just an instant, the gravel mace in the hands of the Infernal Hell Tower was hit five times in a row!

   This is obviously a magnificent comprehension skill that doesn't know the name. With this attack, the Infernal Hell Tower has directly hit the key to a heavy blow. The village woman's already few blood lines have been brushed and most of them fell!

   Many players have already watched it. Everyone thinks that the nurse has no output, but never thought that the nurse can still play like this!

   However, it's not just that you can play like this casually. How can comprehension skills be so good?

   This Infernal Hell Tower is obviously someone who has had some adventures, and he has obtained such a crude comprehension skill.

   "Danger! The Cloud Riding Guild will reduce its staff if it doesn't take any measures!"

Lina Li’s voice just fell, and the other two sharp and strange attacks accompanied the flying of weapons in the hands of the Living Great Hell Tower and the Great Scorching Hell Tower, and they landed on the village woman’s head one after another, and the village woman’s blood line was emptied. !

   For a moment, everyone even thought that the Cloud Riding Guild was really bought, and it was so indifferent and fair to fake the game, and it turned out to be so fragile.

   I am afraid this is the first time that the Cloud Riding Guild fell to the ground and was suppressed by the opponent, and lost the powerful control and output of the village woman.

   However, for one breath, the fallen body of the village woman disappeared!

Shock! Surprised!


   What is the situation, even if the system **** takes away the body so quickly, right?

   Even the system gods can't stand the fake game. Do you want the game to end quickly?

   Those players and spectators who watched the game from the perspective of village women have a **** of a ghost at this time, and some people have even questioned: "This is cheating in full view.

   "Are there any props or skills that can be resurrected from the dead and be teleported randomly?"

   "This is too fake, right? With such props, what do you want the nanny to do in the future?"

   "Isn't it a comprehension skill?"

   "Resurrection comprehension skills? That is definitely can it be possible?"

   "That is, the same reason, with the resurrection comprehension skills, one hand, the nanny can reincarnate."

   Why did the body disappear?

  The five members of the Green Wolf Guild could not see the position of the village woman at this time, because the village woman was standing under the competition stage at this time! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   I just couldn't find the village woman who should have suspended animation.

   What's the matter, can I be invisible under suspended animation?

   Or is there any blindfold?

Just when the Blue Wolf Guild didn’t know what had happened, Sit Jing Guantian finally regained his ability to move. He could have launched an attack, but while moving, he said calmly: “Why, that’s what it is. If you don’t fight, we can I'm going to fight back!"

   "Exciting generals, continue to control the field, output treatment!"

   Living Great Hell Tower decisively issued instructions, and the artillery fire of everyone's skills continued to bombard violently.

   Although he didn't understand why the village woman's body had disappeared, he knew what the opponent had to rely on. However, at this time, he must not mess with himself, and he can regroup and fight again later.

A few seconds later, the news that the village woman was resurrected under the martial arts field with her blood full of blood finally reached the ears of the five green wolf guild players through other communication means. I thought that five seconds after controlling the field would be the victory of the five people. Dead ashes!


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