Sky Dungeon

Chapter 890: So abnormal skills can still be used continuously?

At the same time, the players in the world quickly guessed the correct answer, even Lina Li also announced the answer: "I saw that some players have understood what happened. Congratulations on your guessing right. This is the competition field. On the map, the sacred pillar outside the competition field is still working normally. Just now, the village woman was killed to trigger the effect of the sacred pillar, and the blood was resurrected outside the field! The green wolf guild players may not have noticed this, on the contrary It was the Guild Riding Clouds and Falling Snow that seemed to be certain that the sacred pillar was still working properly from the very beginning, so it assumed a weak posture, making people think that they would have nothing to fight back."

  The ghost believes your words!

   It was clear that you, a scheming bitch, instigated everyone's mentality, and made everyone really think that Qiyun Luoxue has nothing to fight back, okay?

   Didn’t you say that Qiyun Luoxue would reduce staff without taking measures? Is this a reduction in staff?

   This is clearly reinforcement!

   This is clearly a trick skill!

The stalled Blue Wolf guild watched the plastic surgeon fill up the bloodlines of the four of them. They also learned about the sacred pillar. Since the sacred pillar is there, it is impossible to distinguish the victory or defeat. The problem now has naturally changed from killing the opponent. How to save strength after destroying the sacred pillar and fully kill the opponent

   Of course people who think this way are big fools. This is clearly a misunderstanding.

  The living big **** building and the black rope **** building, the two kings of monsters began to communicate.

   However, before they could exchange a few words, Jing Tian called out the name of the skill: "Yibatian!"

   The sky suddenly turned black, and the whole world was enveloped by the effect of the solar eclipse, which was similar to the previous luthier’s [Guangling Stop] skill.

"It's the comprehension skill of sitting on the well and watching the sky. Because of the privacy issue, I can't introduce too much. Now I don't understand what he is thinking. The sacred pillar is there. Isn't it a strategy for the opponent to waste skills and beat himself? What does it mean that the opponent wasted skills?"

  What kind of privacy, is it clear that you have special skills allocated by GM within the company?

   Do you dare to publish it? If you publish it, you will be drowned by everyone's verbal saliva, right?

   Many players are so slanderous in their hearts.

   In the face of the sudden attack, the five members of the Blue Wolf Guild seemed a little surprised. They knew that they fell into the trap of the opponent and wasted their skills. Now they only need to delay the time to restore their skills. But why does the opponent attack and waste skills?

   Still want to cheat skills?

   See if we have any reservations?

   The key is that even if we have reservations, we will not send it out in a hothead, let alone now that we are really out of ammunition and food?

It's not just sitting in the well, obviously not a deception skill. Both Yun Xueyiyi and the drunkard launched a fierce attack on the five people of the blue wolf guild. Their offensive seemed unruly. They only focused on containing the healing profession of Infinite Hell Tower. They are all eating the blood of the rest at will.

   At this moment, sitting on the well and watching the sky broke the dawn and flew the Infinite Hell Tower out!

   The first position of the five members of the Cloud Riding Guild was relatively close to the edge of the competition platform. With such a stroke, the Infernal Hell Tower was pushed to the stairs of the competition platform!

"I don’t understand what I want to do by sitting in the well. Is it because I want to push the Infernal Hell Tower out of the competition field? Indeed, if the player leaves the competition field, the blood line will be cleared and the bloodline will be normal. But the effect of breaking dawn is obviously not enough. To push the Infernal Hell Tower outside the competition arena, there must be more powerful knock-up skills, and the Qiyun Luoxue team does not...Wait, the four Qiyun Luoxue in the field actually chose the Fire Infinite Hell Tower! But what's the point of such a gathering of fire? Oh, no, they are not gathering fire, they actually stepped off the competition stage while restraining it. Are they going to retreat strategically?"

   Lina Li explained the game situation in the field, while boldly guessing.

That’s right. At this time, the four Qiyun Luoxue seem to gather fire and move towards the Infinite Hell Tower, but they are actually rushing towards the stairs. They seem to be temporarily retreating strategically. Many players even guessed that they were going to meet the village women after sitting on the well and watching the sky. Destroy the sacred pillar together and return to the carbine to attack the five members of the Blue Wolf Guild.

   However, everyone was wrong, and I finally found a chance to sing the single healing skill [Compassion] in the Infinite Hell Tower. Before his singing was over, the VR display went black again!

  What is the situation, does the opponent have a second eclipse effect?

   I haven't received similar information before!

   Infernal Hell Tower yelled badly in his heart. This sense of misconduct made him feel uncomfortable. It seemed that the game was out of his control and was developing in an unpredictable state.

   All the players who watched the game from the perspective of sitting in the well and watching the sky were completely boiled, because everyone had seen that sitting in the well and watching the sky appeared behind the Wujian Hell Tower in an instant, and the Fang Tianji in his hand was heavily inserted into his back vest. First release https://https://

   What is going on?

   Is this sitting on the well and watching the sky open?

   This is too bad, so the abnormal skills can still be used continuously?

   Or, is this guy equipped with two identical comprehension skills?

   No, the Guild of Riding Clouds and Falling Snow has been opened collectively?

When the vision was I saw Yun Xueyiyi’s magic arrow rain sang. In the next instant, the heads of the remaining four members of the Green Wolf Guild were covered by a huge magic circle, and for an instant, countless blue A rain of arrows poured down.

"how is this possible?"

   Almost all the audience and the five members of the Blue Wolf Guild on the field screamed!

   If you are alone, how can other people use the same skills continuously, and they are professional skills!

   "I'm doing it, there is no way to have a good game, this is too cheating, how can the skill cool down so fast, this is definitely a hang up! The Qiyun Luoxue team is open up!"

   "At first I thought it was water release, but now it turns out that it is water release. This is to make the enemy despair first, and then zoom in and enrage him!" New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Could it be this: Xiyun started to zoom in on the move, and the rain is about to come and wind all over the building?

   Everyone began to noisy, as if anyone who didn't open the hanger would die without a dead body, and even from this moment, the game seemed to have disappeared.

   "That's it! Lina Li has seen the truth clearly!"

Lina Li’s voice is full of excitement. Although she has a good understanding of game skills and some settings, some things she hasn’t tried and didn’t notice are still a bit strange, but thanks to the staff’s reminder, Lina Li already understood what had happened. At this moment, she gave her a close. She deliberately did not rush to say the answer, just to attract the attention of the world's players.


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