Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1775: Orchid Bitter Tongue


He bit one side of the watermelon and lowered his head.

Ruan Xihe blushed, closed his eyes and bit the other end.

This watermelon is so delicious.


The next few days are really sweet, as long as the two are free, they will get tired of it.

Of course, this has something to do with her optimized body, which is very addictive.

Qi Siyu is much crazier than before.

Ruan Xihe is not eating breakfast anymore. Qi Siyu originally wanted to have lunch with Ruan Xihe every day, but recently she was extremely lethargic and couldn't get up at all.

So I can only have dinner.

After all, it's already afternoon every time the little girl can go out.

But that's okay, Qi Siyu doesn't have to worry about her going out to play again.

But she really looks better than before.

It used to be better, but now she is standing on the street, because of the excessive beauty often inexplicable people follow them.

Even once, he watched two cars collide together. When the traffic police made a transcript, the owner said he was watching Ruan Xihe.

It's not an exaggeration, of course, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.

Ruan Xihe has been in this state for a month.

Except for the few days in the middle of going to Beijing, the rest of the time, Ruan Xihe slept for at least 14 hours a day.

Later, Qi Siyu almost thought that she had a physical problem, and had to take her to the hospital for an examination. Fortunately, after the examination, it was found that Ruan Xihe was in good health and there was nothing wrong with it, so he was relieved.

"Look, I said I was okay." She looked at Qi Siyu amused.

"But you are so sleepy after sleeping so long a day." Qi Siyu frowned.

"Maybe I was too tired before, and then every day I sleep more and more sleepy, it won't be like this in the future." She chuckled.

Because one month has come, that side effect has expired.

I just don't know what the side effects of the next stage will be.

"How long will this side effect of wanton last, about several stages." She probably knows something.

"This is hard to say, maybe three months or six months, some people have rejection reactions, maybe one year..." 044's voice gradually weakened.

Ruan Xihe:......

Therefore, there is a price to be paid to become more beautiful and stronger.

Qi Siyu took her to pick Qi Mingyue home for dinner.

"Dr. Qi, where are we going on June 1st?"

She suddenly remembered this.

"Go...secret." Qi Siyu suddenly curled his mouth.

Ruan Xi and he was taken aback, Doctor Qi still has such a side.

"Tell me." She shook Qi Siyu's arm lightly.

"At that time you will know."


"By the way, my parents want to see you." Qi Siyu almost forgot about it. When he called home this morning, his parents were urging him.

Mingyue likes Ruan Xihe too much. Every time she talks with her grandparents on the phone, she never leaves her. This is not an old man, and I want to see this little daughter-in-law.

Ruan Xihe was taken aback. It wasn't that she didn't want to see each other, it didn't matter if they saw each other, but the two broke up in less than a month, and it might not be possible to see them.

"When does the uncle and aunt want to see me?" She curled her lips slightly.

"It depends on when it is convenient for you." Qi Siyu said.

She casually grabbed and pulled the strap: "Then, let's talk about it when we come back from the trip."


Ruan Xihe stood at the door of the elementary school. The sixth grade was the latest. Qi Mingyue came out carrying his schoolbag. When he saw Ruan Xihe, he grinned and didn't even look at Qi Siyu. He rushed towards Ruan Xihe.


"Hey, Xiao Yueyue, go home to eat." She took the little girl's hand.

Along the way, Qi Mingyue whispered to Ruan Xihe in the co-pilot's seat to tell stories about what happened in the school.

"That little fat Liu Yongcai in our class, he, hahahahahaha, he was today, hahahahaha, he was eating today and was discovered by the teacher."

Ruan Xihe didn't think what Qi Mingyue said was funny, simply because she always laughed and felt funny: "What about then?"

"Then the teacher asked him to take it out and share it with the whole class."

"So, did he take it out?"

"Hahahahahahahaha, no."

"Eh, why?"

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