Slag Girl Illustrated Book

Chapter 1776: Orchid Bitter Tongue

"Because hahahahahaha, because, because he doesn't have that much booger, hahahahahahahaha."

Qi Mingyue almost smiled in the back seat and pulled it away.

Ruan Xihe helped his forehead helplessly.

"Mom, mom, and, today, the teacher asked us to use more, three more sentences."

"Hahahaha, it turned out that I was at the same table. My current tablemate is the most naughty boy in the class."

"He...hahahahaha, said: Anerle sanitary napkins are drier, cooler, and more assured, hahahahahahahaha!"

"Then, the teacher was speechless, and asked us to make sentences by coincidence, hahahahahahaha."

"Then what?"

"Then clicked another male classmate to answer."

"He said: I met a sister in the park today, I asked her if she had an appointment, she said she would not date a child, hahahahahahahahaha!"

Qi Mingyue can't laugh anymore!

"In our afternoon Chinese class, the head teacher asked us, if there is only one day left in our lives, where do you want to go most?"

"Then, she ordered Hou Ningkai to answer, and then, hahahahahahaha, Hou Ningkai said the classroom."

"Why the classroom?" Ruan Xihe was puzzled.

"Hahahahaha, our class teacher couldn't believe it was the answer after asking twice. The class teacher said that he didn't expect Hou Ningkai to love learning so much. It was so touching. Then she asked Hou Ningkai why he chose the classroom."

"Hou Ningkai said: Because I feel like living in the classroom, hahahahahahahahaha."


All this way is Qi Mingyue's voice hahahahaha.

This kid is totally different from the "Quiet Lady" that I first saw!

Sure enough, people can't look good!

After arriving home, Qi Mingyue became well-behaved again, because there were a nanny and uncle security driver at home, this child has always been in front of others so that people can't fault it.


The night before June 1st, Qi Siyu packed things for Ruan Xihe.

Now elementary school students are released for one day on Saturday, but high school students do not let it go. He wants to take his girlfriend out to play and does not want to take a third party. So as soon as Mingyue is over in the afternoon, he asks the driver to take Qi Mingyue to his parents' house.

"Baby, did I get you both this skirt and this one?"

"Okay." She was addicted to the game without even lifting her head.

Qi Siyu sorted out a big box and went to get her small snacks.

When you fly tomorrow, you can eat on the road. Yes, you have to take the pillowcase, and another thermos cup...

This trip to the ancient border city.

In the "Border Town", there is a section like this: early in the morning, the mist lingering on the banks of the Tuojiang River in the evening, the river lamp with thoughts in the soft waves of the river, only wish, the present world is stable and the years are quiet.... ..

Ruan Xihe almost faintly felt this hazy mood when he got out of the car.

Such an indifferent ancient city has been washed and settled over the years.

It silently attracts tourists from all over the world with its quiet power, just to hold a cup of tea in a certain morning or dusk, like Cui Cui in "Border Town", waiting for someone who passes by by chance.

The bluestone streets in the ancient city, the wooden stilts on the riverside, many ancient buildings, and the strong Miao customs constitute the unique taste of Phoenix.

As stated in "A Tour of Phoenix Ancient City": When you come to the ancient city, you must bring your loved one, hold your lover's hand tightly on the small bridge, and cross the bridge carefully. You can lead your loved one to a bar for a drink, or you can dance to the music. At night, standing on the river bank, three people on the river bank were setting up river lights, which flickered at night. It carries the blessings and the wishes in the heart slowly flowing...

This is why Qi Siyu brought her here.

The night in the ancient city is very lively.

When Ruan Xihe saw Qi Siyu through the bright water, his look when he looked down and lit the lamp was really gentle and beautiful.

Both sides of the strait are brightly lit.

The two held hands and walked together under the stars.

There is a saying, in the rest of your life, you must come here to see Chang'an on the bridge, and then sing a song that will not change in this life.

The scene of that drama was here.

"Doctor Qi, take a picture for me."


The moment she turned her head and smiled, there was a "click", and the camera recorded this scene. For a moment, he didn't even know whether it was the beauty of the scenery or the more beautiful people.

However, Ruan Xihe's sense of confusion was too heavy. He was a little flustered, always afraid that he could not keep her, so he put away the phone and moved forward and held her hand tightly.

"What's the matter?" She looked at Qi Siyu amused.

"Will you leave me?"

Ruan Xi and his eyelashes trembled lightly, curling up the corners of his mouth.

.................................................. ..........................................

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