Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 908: Stealing

Chapter 927

Seeing that the fruits of victory are at their fingertips, the guys in the World Security Council can't sit still.

Originally, these guys wanted to watch Mark's ruin. What they didn't expect was that Mark solved the bug's crisis with lightning speed.

Such efficiency shames the World Security Council, but now there is no way.

He defended so hard for so long, and finally failed miserably.

In comparison, Mark even started to counterattack and won. The gap is too big.

Wherever there is a difference, Mark’s victory is slightly more difficult, and it is not as it is now.

Now it is like a loud slap in the face, slapped fiercely on the face of the World Security Council.

It's not advancing or retreating now, it's in a rather awkward position.

Unless there is another thing at this time, it is big enough to cover it up. Then there is hope for all this to turn around.

But if there is such a big news here, let the World Security Council cover it up.

While they were still racking their brains, a green guy broke into their world.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that you are now desperate. Maybe I can give you some advice, a little advice." The Skrews walked into the conference hall without any cover.

Everyone present was surprised. They looked at the green-skinned monster in front of them and thought it was another mutated human, but Nick sitting in the corner stood up and said, "Don't panic, this is the Skrull."

Not everyone knows the Skrew people.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has contacted these people at a very early stage, the news of these people has not been made public. It is a specially encrypted message, and only a few people know that some have retired, and some have already died.

Therefore, it is normal that these people here do not know or have forgotten.

"Nick, you'd better explain it to me. You have always been responsible for the security work here. Why does an alien break in here now?"

As the name was called out, the memory deep in the brain was awakened.

"I think you gentlemen should remember that this is not the case now, and that the problem you are currently distressed should be solved. Think about it, the current reputation of the World Security Council has plummeted, and it is simply not enough to continue to maintain your normal operation. The funds of all countries for you, It has also been suppressed to the lowest level. If it hadn't been for their large-scale investment in you before, I am afraid that it would have already withdrawn completely now."

"Nick, you are a traitor, no, you are betraying humanity!"

Nick stood by without saying a word, everyone could see which direction things were heading.

"I have not betrayed mankind, nor have I betrayed the country. I am just resolving the problems in front of me and looking for solutions to the problems. If you don’t believe me, you can leave or arrest me now and take this foreigner. Mr. Starman was also arrested." Nick said without fear, looking at the board members present.

Knowing how serious the current problem was, the guards didn't rush into the scene.

And the ghost knows if the guards have been cleared or distracted.

Everyone cherishes his own life, at this time, no one is willing to let go.

The Skull came to a free position and sat down, with his fingers crossed in front of him, he smiled and said to everyone: "Maybe my appearance will make everyone a little offensive, I should change my appearance."

The appearance of the Skrulls has changed. The green skin gradually disappeared and replaced by normal white skin. A closer look is no different from normal humans.

This change in front of you worries everyone present.

Because they seemed to see another possibility, that this guy might become any of them.

"Oh, did I scare everyone by doing this? But rest assured, this is just a simple technology, it is a technology product. It will not have any impact on your lives." The Skrew smiled. .

However, none of the people here believed what he was saying. They all looked at him warily.

"You are now worrying about how to solve the trouble Mark brought you, and we are also worrying. We were driven to a dead end by Mark, and even the most basic living environment is gone.

To tell you everyone, we have been lingering on the earth, living silently on the earth for more than ten years. We just want to live well, but the marker does not intend to let me live.

In this case, we had to take up arms and resist. If you are willing, we are willing to help you, and together we will push Mark into the endless abyss. What do you think? "What the Skrulls said, like a devil's hell, attracted everyone present.

Some people have changed a little, but some people still stick to their bottom line.

"Nick, did you bring him here today to talk about this?"

"Yes, I think with his help, you should not have a headache."

"Nick, what if we disagree?"

"It doesn't matter if you disagree." The Screw said: "The right to choose is in your hands. I can't threaten your safety, but you may have to leave for a while. After Mark's death, everyone You can also remit to our respective posts and continue our lives. And we will disappear again and be hidden in this world."

Everyone now understands that this is to force themselves, even if they disagree, they will be trapped by force, and then they will be transformed into their appearance with what they call technology.

Some people have even begun to speculate whether the Nick in front of him is also disguised by the Skrews.

"Nick Fury, maybe you are not Nick Fury at all, who are you?" Someone still asked the question.

"So is this question important to you? Maybe who I am, can you think of new solutions from the current situation? Instead of asking such boring questions, think about what to do next do?"

In the end, everyone succumbed to their **** and was forced to agree. Perhaps they also wanted to push Mark into the abyss in their hearts, but they did not expect to cooperate with aliens.


Stark Group Industrial Zone.

Two kilometers from here is the industrial zone of Mark Company.

On the surface, it is still the industrial area under the charge of the Stark Group, but in fact it was already Mark’s industrial area. Originally, this was part of Stark. Later, after the transformation of Stark, it was directly assigned to Mark.

Cold fusion reactor, the name may be unfamiliar to many people, but if you change the name, many people may understand it.

The reactor on Tony Stark's chest, yes, that thing.

Of course, in the world of StarCraft, there is another name, Battlecruiser Drive, the core of Yamato, the source of power.

Mark has installed more than 1,000 reactors here to provide enough energy for the entire city, Mark Company and school area.

Of course, this project of Mark's company and school has also installed reactors. Even if the connection with the industrial area is cut off in a short time, it can still operate normally.

Mark did set up New York as his base camp at the beginning, so so many reactors were installed here, but time passed and Mark had to move his base camp out of the United States.

All the reactors were left and operated normally as part of the source of funds for the Mark Company.

However, I don't know what's going on. Some reactors have problems.

At first, I thought it was a normal fault, and sent an engineer to repair it. But when the engineer arrived at the site, he was preparing for repairs, but found that there was no problem at all in the repair area.

I began to wonder if there was a problem with the detection system, and they hadn't waited for them to check, and the explosion had already occurred.

It is reasonable to say that reactors like this will not have chain explosions, but I don't know what happened, a series of ghostly explosions appeared.

The explosion occurred in several surrounding areas and streets, and even Stark's industrial area was not spared.

The flames of the explosion skyrocketed into the sky, and it can be clearly seen in the New York City area that the shock wave of the explosion caused an impact within a hundred kilometers of the other party and caused a considerable earthquake.

The white-collar workers who usually sit on the upper floors of the office buildings can clearly see the exploding mushrooms with the floor-to-ceiling windows, and they have a deep understanding of the damage caused by glass splashes. Many unlucky people were hit by the splashing glass Location.

Scenes of tragedies continue to unfold.

The big screen in Times Square went black when it was hit.

But it didn't take long for the screen to light up again.

The large screen on Times Square was originally normal, but under the impact of the explosion, it became fragmented. A large area has become a flower screen, and it is hard to see what is there.

The only remaining area shows the ugly appearance of aliens.

Although the Skrulls did not expose your original appearance to the public, they used the appearance of other races to complete the frame of blame.

"Stupid people on earth listen to me, you are greedy and ignorant, but you occupy this beautiful planet. We are now in the world to punish you. First of all, from this sinfulness, sin is the beginning, I will You destroy it bit by bit, until the human race is driven to extinction."

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