Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 909: Framing

Chapter 928

Mark gritted his teeth while watching the content of the news.

Unexpectedly, this group of guys actually did this set. The entire orbit has been completely blocked by Mark, and a large number of detectors are deployed. It is impossible for even a fly to enter the earth.


Do not make jokes.

Since the inheritance of the mage was handed over to Stephen Strange, the earth's defense system has now been strengthened to a perverted step.

Unless it is approved and allowed to teleport, it is impossible to open the portal to the earth at all.

The white magic portal used by Mark is a recognized transmission method, and once the portal is opened, it will quickly attract the attention of the wizards.

Mark and Stephen have made an agreement that once any abnormal portal appears, the message will be transmitted to Mark from the network immediately.

But Mark did not receive any news about the opening of the portal.

So this is definitely not the damage done by people outside the earth. The aliens who have been lurking on the earth before, Mark knows more or less, and most of them have been targeted by Mark.

Mark organized an organization similar to those in black to be responsible for these aliens on the earth, who usually abide by the rules and do not follow the rules, and were immediately shot.

Mark doesn't waste time talking to them. In other people's territory, if he can't keep himself safe, he can only choose to die.

Don't talk about anything, alien life is also life.

Since he chose to leave his hometown and come here to become a hukou, he must be able to die at any time.

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that there are other lurking aliens, so Mark also intends to investigate who this alien is.

"Help me contact Xingjue and them." Professional matters can only be done by professional people, and Mark is going to throw this question to Xingjue.

The video information was recorded and passed to the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Xingjue was still listening to his old radio, dancing awkwardly. At this moment, the communicator suddenly lit up, and it was the kind that couldn't be denied.

Xingjue immediately grabbed the radio, then turned it off, in a frantic manner, and said to the projection that had already appeared: "What's the matter? Boss."

"There have been some vicious attacks on Earth related to aliens. Help me investigate who this alien is. I always feel that things are not that simple." Mark said, pointing to the photo.

Xingjue glanced at the video and photos he took, and immediately recognized the alien in the photo.

"Metz star?"

PS: Don't pay attention to this kind of details, but I did add Jack and Mambius recently.

Xingjue recognized this alien race in a moment.

"Tell me more specifically?" Mark asked.

"Ah, these guys are called cosmic investigators. Their main job is to investigate the water, soil and climate of various planets in the universe. They belong to the kind of scientific observers. They have always maintained a peaceful attitude towards other operations. You can understand that they are Scholars. I can guarantee that they are definitely not the kind of people who can cause damage. I have just looked at the information in the video. Although it is indeed related to their original intention of loving the environment, they are definitely not radicalized to this degree. One thing, even if it is destruction, it will not destroy your cold fusion reactor. The destruction of the reactor will cause more damage to the environment than others. So from this point it is impossible."

"That's it! Is it possible that other aliens are causing damage?"

"This is very likely, especially your old rival, the Skrull. This guy still has a lot of survivors on Earth, and it is very likely that he will pretend to be other aliens and take revenge on you. "Xing Jue said his own point of view, of course, he is just guessing.

"I just guessed by the way, and I'm not sure if this is true."

He does not mean that.

Mark also thinks it is very possible, and is ready to investigate this aspect.

Mark nodded and said to Xingjue: "I know, I will investigate this. If you have any news, I will contact you immediately. If you have time, return to Earth as soon as possible. There are still many things that need your help."

"Yeah!" Xingjue agreed.


It is already determined that this is a guy in disguise, then Mark can start investigating in other directions.

However, when Mark was investigating, public opinion from the outside was constantly fermenting.

The Stark Industrial Zone first appeared, which caused irreversible pollution and impact on the environment.

Then it broke the news that the earliest explosion area was not the Stark Industrial Zone, but Mark's Industrial Zone.

It is also said that Stark Industrial Zone has already been transferred a part of it long ago, and this news is only known to some people in the industry.

The rhythm is also brought up at this time.

Everyone likes to think about problems from the highest point of view of morality, but never considers the reasons for the benefits they enjoy in the present.

Some people may say that I can give up those benefits, just hope that the earth will return to that beautiful era, but can you give up if you give up others?

Can you represent all mankind?

Human beings are constantly improving, and standing still will only make mankind finally die on this planet. Just like primitive people, they can't develop rocket development in their entire lives. Can they live on this earth forever without a spacecraft?

The answer is obvious!

Does not.

Let alone the earth itself, there will be various disasters. Until now, human beings can only bear on these disasters and then remedy them.

There is no way to solve this disaster.

Floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, these are still problems within the earth.

What about problems outside the earth?

The impact of asteroids that may cause genocide at any time... The power of black hole bombs for humans is indeed possible, but for some asteroid impacts that can destroy the earth and destroy all living things on the earth, there is almost no means.

This is the biggest problem facing mankind.

However, the keyboard man on the Internet will not reason with you, anyway, they only need to occupy the moral high ground. In class, I didn't intend to have any intersection with these stupid keyboards. It was the old rule of the past. All personal attacks were caught and sent to the police station.

As for those slanderers, Mark will write them down and always be included in the company's blacklist.

Anyway, the most indispensable thing on earth is people, and Mark does not need to rely on one or two people to do business.

The Skrulls didn't seem to intend to hide, they directly threw the ready substitute, the Metz star.

They caught it by accident, but they didn't expect it would come in handy now.

The dying Metz star was lying in the warehouse by the sea, and Mark's action team was dead when they arrived.

After confirming that it was indeed the Metz star, Mark felt more and more difficult for this matter.

Xingjue jumped several points in a row, and in one day, he finally returned to the earth.

Originally planned to bring some special products from alien planets, but in the end there was no time to purchase.

Mark sent the corpse back to the headquarters, Xing Juebei inspected the corpse at the headquarters.

The half-hearted Xing Jue didn't see anything, but Camora, who had been following Xing Jue, saw some clues.

Mark asked Camora, "What's the problem?"

Camora pointed to the wound and said: "This kind of wound is definitely not caused in a day or two. It must be the result of a long time. And some are about to heal, but the scars are still there. Look at the wrist again, there is obvious The traces of being trapped, and judging by his size that has been imprisoned for a long time, bad problems have been exposed. It can be said that this is a premeditated incident, and the matter will never end here."

Mark was still having a headache here, and as expected, things were just as Kamora had guessed, and new news came over there.

The large screen that had just been repaired in Times Square was again controlled by aliens.

The team that Mark placed there began to investigate the source of the signal in reverse.

"Earth people, my compatriots have been killed by you, but this can't stop us. Our revenge will be like a violent storm, wait, you ugly race that destroys the earth." The guy with the appearance of the Metz star, A statement was issued again.

The time was too short to investigate the signal backwards, and the team was interrupted only halfway through the investigation.

Although there is no equipment in this world that the Spear of Arden cannot enter, this does not mean that the reverse investigation signal can be completed in such a short time.

The clue is broken again here, but it is certain that the other party will have new actions.

Mark watched out and watched out again, fearing that his backyard would catch fire, and he really caught fire again.

In desperation, Mark intends to send the expeditionary army back.

Alfheim’s expeditionary force is now coming back. The situation there has stabilized and there is no need for the expeditionary force to be there.

And there are Asgardians and Protoss over there, but they can guarantee stability.

As long as the expeditionary army returns, Mark will be able to free up two fronts.

Mark promised to let him find the **** guy, and not leave his ashes in this world, and throw them all into the twisting void.

All buildings under Mark and Tony are strictly guarded to prevent similar things from happening again.

However, even with strict precautions like this, there are still problems.

I have to admit that the disguise of the Skrulls is too strong, even the ability of the opponent can be copied.

This explains why the superheroes were caught off guard during the Secret War.

The two training bases were destroyed, the Avengers headquarters system was destroyed, Jarvis's hardware malfunctioned, and he had to let Christmas temporarily replace Jarvis.

And all this is just the beginning.

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