[Star-Lord drove the car and took Nebula and the others to the bottom of the pyramid. 】

[Surprisingly, there are two "robot orcs" guarding under the pyramid, but they don't stop them, but scan Star-Lord to make sure that he is not carrying weapons, and then bring him and Groot into the pyramid.] 】

[Although Nebula didn't carry a weapon, she was made up of machines, and her whole body was full of weapons, so she couldn't enter. 】

[Entering the top level of the pyramid, Star-Lord soon sees the Supreme Evolution sitting alone on a throne. 】

[And looking at these strangers in front of him, the Supreme Evolutionary Brain couldn't help but recall that scene many years ago. 】

[On the morning of the 2nd day of learning...... After he and all his friends are executed, Rocket Raccoon immediately decides to escape from prison. 】

[Back in his cell, Rocket uses his mechanical talent to assemble an access card.] 】


[I saw that under the brush of the rocket raccoon, the prison door that bound him for countless days and moons was instantly opened. 】

["You did it!"]

[Seeing this scene, the laboratory animals who were locked up in other cells also cheered.] 】

[Next, Rocket Raccoon used the access card he made to open the cage of his companions.] 】

[But just as he was passionately embracing his free companions, a gunshot suddenly rang out in his ears.] 】


[As the gunshots rang out, one of Rocket's animal companions fell to the ground and soon stopped breathing.] 】

[The one who shoots is the Supreme Evolution!]

"Heh, I guessed you'd do it. "】

[Looking at the grief-stricken rocket raccoon in front of him, Supreme Evolution said to the communicator nonchalantly:]

["There are experimental animals that have escaped from the cage, and I have neutralized one of them, but there is another one on the run, so I need help ...... now"]


[And in the process of announcing his subordinates, the wail of the rocket raccoon also reached the ears of the Supreme Evolution. 】

["Okay, are you still finished?"]

[Didn't take this defenseless raccoon in his eyes at all, Supreme Evolution just held the gun and walked up: "Listen, you won the Crying Contest, now give me ...... go back to the cage obediently"]


[Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, the rocket raccoon clenched its teeth violently, and its small body rushed out like a sharp arrow, just rushing to the face of the Supreme Evolution!]


[I saw the rocket raccoon frantically swing its sharp claws, and in just a few seconds, the flesh and blood of the supreme evolutionary face were blurred.] 】

["Wow, ......"]


[At this moment, two armed guards rushed through the door. 】

[It turns out that they are the subordinates who were called over to help by the Supreme Evolution before.] 】

["Not good!"]

[I saw the enemy appear.] The rocket raccoon, which was originally in a rage, finally calmed down, and quickly gave up the supreme purification, reaching out and grabbing the other party's pistol that fell to the ground. 】



[Faced with the rocket raccoon with a godlike marksmanship, the two guards were quickly shot and fell to the ground.] 】

[Having eliminated the enemy, Rocket turned around and prepared to use the electronic access card to release the other partners. 】

But his movements soon stiffened. 】

[It turned out that the two new guards who appeared just now were like ghosts, firing more than a dozen shots in a row, and none of them hit the rocket raccoon, but instead killed all of his fellow laboratory animals. 】

[Originally, Rocket Raccoon wanted to flee with his companions, but now...... Everyone is dead, and he is the only one left alive. 】

【“............ (o)"] (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

[The dejected Rocket Raccoon stands in place, seemingly losing even the ability to think.] 】

[And right behind him, the seriously injured Supreme Evolution, his body was still twitching slightly, obviously not dead. 】

[And after coming back to his senses, Rocket relied on his dexterous body. Rushed out of the cell, found a spaceship in the spaceport, and manipulated "it" out of the Supreme Evolution's biochemical base. 】

0 begging for flowers

[This is the origin story of the Rocket Raccoon.] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! How can this supreme evolution be so stupid? It was beaten like this by a raccoon.

Tony Stark: He's too confident, as a scientist, it's a fatal wound.

Wolverine: Really, that raccoon before he ran away. Why didn't you take out the Supreme Evolution with one shot?

Wolverine: In that case, it wouldn't have been as much as it was later.

Bruce Wayne: He must have panicked, after all, he would have been scared silly to see his companions all die in front of him, and he would have been scared stupid if he were an ordinary human.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the light screen.

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the light screen.] 】

[In the face of the appearance of Star-Lord, the supreme evolution performance is easy, and he said calmly:]

["That little friend of yours once asked me to fight. "】

"However, after that, I also learned my lesson. "】

[The voice of the Supreme Evolution is full of confidence:]

["I just used some of my ingenuity to strengthen myself, and I gained the ability to control gravity. "】

[But Supreme Evolution quickly changed his mind and looked out the window at the same time:]

["You must be familiar with this anti-earth, after all, the earth is your hometown. "】

"Many years ago, I went to Earth. "】

["Your compatriots are highly literate, and the arts, music, and literature of the earth are among the best in the universe. "】


[Looking at the supreme evolution full of admiration in front of him, Star-Lord was also a little confused. 】

[This guy, why does he have such a high evaluation of the earth?]

At the same time, Star-Lord noticed a strange thing. 】

[I saw the skin on the face of the Supreme Evolution, and it seemed to be a little strange. 】

[It's as if his face was forcibly glued with external force].

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