Chapter 0151: Not Seen in Two Years Still Such a Beautiful Boy!!

“Gaffers, sound engineers, departments are ready…”


“Navy headquarters TV, navy headquarters TV, audience friends in front of the big screen,

Good morning everyone! ”

“I’m a Navy News host, your good pot friend, Curry. Lieutenant General Leonardo…”

Just when everyone was holding the super cruise ship with Whitebeard on the big screen, the picture on the screen suddenly turned, and the scene jumped to the naval headquarters of Marin Fandor,

After two years, the second generation of the rich country who sprayed the golden lion and Hades into dogs and stood in peace,

The powerful naval ‘undead rear admiral’ appeared in the picture with a microphone, and in two years, the rear admiral of that year became a vice admiral,

A lot more mature seems to be a little more beautiful than two years ago, two years ago was still a big boy, two years ago although still so beautiful,

However, the eyebrows have matured a little by then.

“How come this damn navy is not dead yet…”

“Hiss… It hurts…! ”

At the same time, the audience in front of the big screen looked at this naval beauty they were quite familiar with and had mixed reactions, the most obvious of which was the golden retriever chicken preparing to make a comeback over a certain sea area,

Golden lion, Shiki, looked at the big screen that Navy imp who sprayed him and could get a promotion and a raise,

The golden lion’s anger instantly went up, gritting his teeth and wanting to tear this bastard imp to pieces, but because the fire surged straight up the heavenly spirit cover and stimulated the helmsman inserted in his head, he hissed hoarsely,

Tears don’t want money to flow out.

The reason why he has not appeared since two years ago is this chopping hand on his head, although this chopping hand did not kill him, but it could not be pulled out,

According to his little brother’s meaning, this chopping hand is too deep has been linked to his brain central nervous system, once pulled out,

Even if he doesn’t die, he will become an idiot, and although this chopping hand is not fatal, it affects his overlord-colored domineering,

It also gave him an Achilles’ heel.

Back then, he was too arrogant in the new world, except for Whitebeard, who was not offended by him,

Now he not only can’t use the overlord-colored domineering, but also leaves an obvious Achilles heel on his head, if he lets those people know his current situation,

He must not be blocked by those people, especially Kaido’s vengeful Tie Hanhan, except for Whitebeard,

It’s that he K Kaido K has the most, whoever let this bastard snatch the horse with him without growing hair, now if you let Kaido that bastard know his situation,

That’s not good.

That’s why in the past two years, he will get up and develop low-key, and after he heals the injury on his head, he will come back and amaze everyone!

“Lord Governor, have you noticed a strange thing…”

At this time, the younger brother Dr. Intigo, who originally fished the golden lion out of the sea, looked at the navy beauty boy on the big screen with a heavy face.

“What… What problem?? ”

Seeing the little brother’s solemn look and the dead boss, the golden lion forgot the pain in his head and asked with a confused look.

“Lord Governor, after two years of repeated research on the other side, I found that we seem to have been unlucky since we met this naval imp.”

Dr. Indigo touched his chin seriously and said.

“Also… And this? ”

“Hiss… It hurts me!! ”

When the golden lion heard the little brother’s words, his eyes suddenly widened, and his excited head hurt again.

“That’s right, Lord Governor, think about it, since we first met this little ghost,

As soon as things didn’t go well, first Victor was caught, and then it was a good advantage in the battle with Roger’s pirates,

I actually encountered a super tsunami that was rare in a century, and in the end, even the Roger Pirate Group was able to take it out, and our flying pirate group was completely destroyed. ”

“Lord Golden Lion, this naval imp is a scourge!”

Dr. Indigo said in amazement at the end.

“Hiss… No wonder I said how I always look at this naval imp unhappy, I obviously cut at Rayleigh, but I never saw this little ghost. ”

When the golden lion heard the analysis of the little brother, he also began to recall all the things after meeting this little ghost, as the same / Dr. Intigo said,

Since he met this little ghost, he has begun to decline in various ways, from the top four in the New World back then to now even worrying about Kaido coming to block him…

“Therefore, Lord Governor, if you can’t bear it, you will make a big plan,

It’s just a vice admiral, there are not a hundred or ninety vice admirals who have died at your hands over the years, and a small vice admiral will not change anything,

By the time you’re ready to make a comeback, Lord Governor, it’s not too late to find a chance to kill this little ghost…”

Seeing the boss’s grinning in pain, Dr. Indigo immediately turned the boss’s attention elsewhere.

“…… Hiss, good. The old man let this damned little devil live a little longer, and the next day they met was when he was certain to die. ”

The golden lion’s eyes were firm and deep, and he nodded in agreement with the little brother’s approach.


Seeing that the boss was fooled by himself, Dr. Intigo also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the boss’s brain was assimilated by the helmsman and it was easy to fool,

He was really worried that the boss would not want to go to this naval imp to settle the score.

Just kidding, that little devil can’t even cut Renly to death, let alone the boss who can’t fully exert his combat power now.

He really didn’t want to see the boss stupidly send people’s heads.

Others may be able to get over the gear after the boss dies, but he has been messing around with the boss for decades, and who on the road does not know that he is the head horse of the golden lion,

Other people can pass the gear after the death of the boss, but he has already engraved the imprint of a golden lion, even if he goes to Whitebeard as a son…

“Thank you for watching this match between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, just now you have seen from the picture that the Whitebeard Pirates have reached the first half of the Great Voyage and have crossed the Island of Justice and are about to reach Marin Fandor,

I believe that Bi Sao is about to start, and while the game has not yet begun, we will now introduce the balls of both sides participating in this game… cough

Member. ”

“First of all, the members of our Navy who are about to come on, okay, let’s look at the camera,

Now the video gives it, the core air marshal of our Navy, the air marshal can be said to be a famous admiral who has experienced hundreds of battles,

For decades, he has been on the front line of fighting pirates, commanded no less than 100 large-scale battles of our navy against pirates, and is the absolute leader of our navy in fighting pirates over the years.

I believe everyone is familiar with it…”

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