Chapter 0152: Karp: This kid tells the truth!!!


“Sengoku, how is my look? Is it okay? ”

Standing at the highest place, Steel Bone Kong saw that the camera of the little brother suddenly focused on him, and then saw that ‘Love General’ was holding the microphone and constantly spitting, and he knew that ‘Love General’ was blowing him in front of the audience,

Lian straightened his waist, spat two bubbles of saliva in the palm of his hand, poked his hand, and then wiped the mohican hairstyle on his head.

Then asked the Warring States not far away in a low voice, mentally regretting that I was too anxious to go out in the morning and forgot to get the wax…

“Ahem… Not bad. ”

“Mickey, my hairstyle is not messy, is it?”

Sengoku carefully looked up and down, then nodded without a trace, whispered and quickly sorted out his clothes on his hands, and then asked Mickey standing behind him in a low voice.

He knew that he was going to be on TV today, and after Little Curry blew the Air Marshal, he naturally had to blow him, the only current reigning general, for a wave, so he got up early in the morning at four o’clock and burned his head…

“Didn’t… The Sengoku General is very handsome today! ”

Mitch shook his head and quietly gave a thumbs up against his will.

“Cut… Click, 15 click…”

Looking at the appearance of Big Brother and Good Jiyou, Karp stuffed the limited edition senbei stolen from Hao Jiyou into his mouth, while turning his head to the side with a disdainful deflated mouth,

Picked his nose from time to time, no wonder he has been a single dog for so many years, I don’t know if girls pay attention to connotation…

“Now this person in the lens is also familiar to everyone, definitely a famous general who can rank in the top three in naval history, one of the highest combat power of the navy,

The famous general Sengoku, fighting… Country!! As one of the nucleus of our Navy, over the past few decades of his career,

Leading our navy in hundreds of battles, large and small, known as a general of a hundred battles…”

After licking a brother for more than ten minutes, he really couldn’t lick it, and then gave the naval brother carrying the machine a look, and the navy brother understood and turned the camera to the Warring States who had finished finishing the modeling,

Immediately licked a wave at the Warring States, and in the next twenty years, it will depend on people to eat mixed food.

Warring States saw the camera turn to him, and Xiao Curry’s mouth began to force again, and he saw that the color opened,

Listen to Xiao Curry blowing his words into his ears, and nodded secretly, although this child’s culture is a little lower,

The speech is also more explicit, but it is quite honest and does not exaggerate too much…

Top three in naval history, a hundred battle generals!

Listen, these words have reached his heart.

“Whew… Little Curry is really powerful, I have a hunch, if I can be promoted to general,

He was definitely the first among us to ascend. ”

Listening to Leonardo licking at the air marshal and his boss there, the yellow ape almost couldn’t hold the thermos cup in his hand when he heard it, how did this come from hemp,

Although he is also proficient in the way of being an official, he will never be able to say such a fleshy word

After all, he also wants to face…


This time, the old classmate and old rival Akainu also agreed with his words very rarely

This guy can really lick, how to come from hemp, the key above the two bosses seem to be quite cool to hear…

“Ahem! The following person to introduce is amazing, the Navy has only appeared in hundreds of years, a naval hero,

Iron fist…… Karp! A pair of iron fists has traversed the sea for many years to make countless pirates fearful, and Roger the Pirate King is awesome, right? For decades, he was chased by our Lieutenant General Karp and ran all over the world, and he abruptly destroyed the supreme fast knife twelve work ‘Ace’ in Roger’s hands by a third,

The man who claims to have a real wound in his fist, the data shows that there are as many as twenty-three famous knives in the hands of Lieutenant General Karp, of which the matchless fast knife is as big as three when counting the one in Roger’s hand…”


“Hahaha! This kid tells the truth…”

Karp, who was nibbling on the limited edition senbei, originally saw the camera aimed at him and did not react, after all, he even has a son, if the son gives some strength outside,

Maybe in two years he will be a grandfather, and he still cares about the image of a fart.

However, when he heard Xiao Curry blowing his wave, the fairy shell that filled his mouth instantly spewed out, and he laughed without any image.

Not to mention, it’s quite comfortable to be blown by this kid!

“Shhh! Si Guoyi!! ”

“How fierce! Even the supreme fast knife can be broken…? ”

Hearing Leonardo’s introduction to Karp, everyone in front of the big screen instantly sucked the surrounding cold air out of stock, and their eyes completely glared out.

If the introduction of the first brother of the Navy and the admiral before is not much reference, this naval beauty will have an element of artistic processing, then the introduction of this naval hero has One Piece Roger as a reference body,

That’s the real thing, Roger Pirates have not yet claimed the throne, and before they were chased around the world by naval hero Karp, it is a well-known thing.

Before they were all wondering, Roger is also one of the top four, although the naval hero Karp is strong,

But it won’t be enough to make Roger run away from the map, right?

Now they finally know the reason, the feelings are special, Karp’s pair of iron fists are too hard to beat!

No wonder it is said that Roger is poor, and his daily life has to be black and black, the reason is this!

Even the supreme fast knife can be broken… And not just one, but three!

What a fast knife! There are only twelve in the world, whether it is the process, the hardness of 683 is absolutely nothing,

It’s all historically authenticated.

Now it has actually been destroyed three times by Lieutenant General Karp.

How hard does this fist have to be…

Far away in the North Sea, a giant ship that is heading to the great voyage, the people on board are either rich or noble, and everyone stares at Karp who laughs without image on the big screen in shock,

Only one person mixed in the crowd, silently looking at the love sword in his hand, which was already one-third shorter, and shed two lines of tears.

After how many years, finally someone has experienced his sadness, and the price of repairing the supreme fast knife is really expensive!!

“…… Daddy, don’t use weapons when the war starts. ”

On the Moby Dick, the Whitebeard Pirates who were about to reach the headquarters of the Navy on the Great Voyage, Whitebeard and a group of sons looked at Kapu’s funny appearance for a while

Finally, Whitebeard’s fifth-ranked own son, the captain of the Goban team, “Foil.” ”

Bista tightly held the two trembling two great swords at his waist, hoping to give them the strength to resist evil with his big warm hands, and after calming his big swords,

Seeing that his father was also appeasing his supreme fast knife twelve workers ‘Cong Yun Che’ like him, thinking of Roger’s poverty over the years… The first one couldn’t help but break this silence and whispered advice…

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