Jealousy is definitely jealous, but she was even more overjoyed, and almost smiled on her face, only to stop when she met Shao Yunyun's icy and suffocating expression.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Don't you know?" Shao Yunyun stepped forward slowly, without any scruples. Qiao Wei was a woman much weaker than men. She raised her foot and stepped on the back of her hand. Qiao Wei was shocked and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Shao Yunyun immediately added Great effort.

When the pain came, Qiao Wei was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she dared not move: "You, what do you want to do..."

Shao Yun said coldly, "Answer my question."

"to be frank!"

"I don't care how you communicate with outsiders. You'd better figure out one thing. You are still in my hands. Even if I can't kill you, it's easy to destroy you."

"Do you want to try it?"

Qiao Wei's pupils widened, her eyes widened in fear, and a chill went straight to her skull from the soles of her feet. She was afraid of Shao Yunyun. She didn't know when it started, but she was extremely afraid of this man.

She knew that what he said was definitely not a threat.

"I really don't know! I don't know anything!" Qiao Wei cried out of control: "I, I am under the surveillance of these two people every day, what can I do? Besides, you also know that I am under the supervision of them. It's just a chess piece in their eyes, Qiu He is already dead, they naturally know that the picture has been exposed, how could they come to me!"

Shao Yunyun's icy face is still expressionless: "You'd better really not know anything, otherwise, I will never let you go. From now on, keep your mouth shut, what you shouldn't say, shouldn't Exposed, as long as there is a trace of it exposed, I will not let you go!"

How dare Qiao Wei not agree, she couldn't help but tremble again: "Is it, is it Qiao Xuan, something has happened to her?"

Shao Yunyun's cold and sharp eyes stared at her, her heart trembled, and she dared not ask any more.

"She's ill."

Mian Mian was immediately anxious: "Sir, madam, she, she doesn't matter, right?"

"It's okay," Shao Yunyun said, "It's good to rest."

"That's good, that's good! Then I won't bother Madam for now, and I'll go to greet Madam tomorrow."

Shao Yunyun nodded, glanced at Qiao Wei and said, "Be optimistic about her."

"Don't worry, adults!"

Shao Yunyun turned and left.

Qiao Wei breathed a sigh of relief, the whole person slumped to the ground, and after a while, she got up tremblingly.

Shao Yunyun called Sun Bai, Sun Qian, and A Mrs. is missing. "

All three were startled!

"how can that be!"

"Our people in this inn are armed as soon as they arrive, and they are on patrol at night, and they don't dare to be negligent. How could it be..."

Shao Yunyun said solemnly: "There is a sparseness in Baimi. Besides, we are not the host here. No matter what happens, this official will not feel too strange. Fortunately, it is just missing. Although this official does not know what they want to do, But Madam should be fine right now."

"This matter must not be leaked. We only say that the wife is ill, and we have to stay in Yanzhou City for two more days. You continue to keep an eye on Qiao Wei, Sun Bai and Sun Qian, and arrange for your confidants to search for the wife secretly. The wife is not that kind of encounter. An ordinary woman who can only cry and cry, as long as there is a chance, she will definitely leave some clues, you should pay more attention."

"The local officials, also pay more attention."

Sun Bai and Sun Qian answered in a deep voice.

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